User:The hope network

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The Hope Network, THN, is a non-profit service organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions:

1) Those considered least, deserve our greatest attention,

2) such attention requires voluntary service,

3) prudent planning &

4) generous giving.

Propositions guided by moral principle. Resolutely declaring, no one is hopeless. Moreover, all life has value & therefore, every single one is indispensable. So lovingly we give life to those who need it most, doing no harm; remaining at honour with the spirit of good charity.


First off, I have watched the progress of this technology over the years. Have been at times very impressed with what I would see. However whenever I try to get my hands on a unit to use in the field, my efforts are unsuccessful. This year we are making a concerted effort to acquire units for these children I have grown to respect and care for a great deal. My every thought is for their future in a technology driven world, without the requisite skills to be successful participants. Haitian children are very bright. Many can speak three languages by high school. Yet, being poor, the large majority of children can not afford to complete high school. Moreover, those who do have little or no access to anything more dynamic than a base model, monochromatic, cell phone.

We have a network of schools who we support by offering needy students much needed scholarships. Partial and full scholarships are available depending on need. Also We offer grants to those who qualify. We offer schools opportunity to improve educational facilities and technologies, as well as offering students, much needed school supplies. All of this work, occurs in Haiti. Where most of our schools have no electricity, and most of the teachers do not have a single laptop in the entire school.

This year we will be sending 100+ elementary and secondary children to school in Haiti. If we can put a laptop in each of our children's hands, we can start a computer education program this year. This would be a landmark achievement in all of these schools. So please consider us;

GOAL: Acquire 100 units by April 2013.

Best regards,

Director of Missions The Hope Network Email: Website: