XS Content Delivery/feature/itembank

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This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.


This feature will provide teachers with a database of questions pertaining to the curriculum.


Current status

  • Targeted release: XSCD_4
  • Last updated: 10/21/2013
  • Percentage of completion: 0%

Detailed Description

This feature allows teachers to create and maintain a database of questions pertaining to the school's curriculum using the Moodle 'gift' format. Questions will be organized by tags which link to specific learning objectives. The teacher will be able to request automatic generation of a quiz activity with questions with a specific tag corresponding to a learning objective. The results of the quiz activity will be available to the teacher.

Benefit to XSCD

This feature enables teachers to gain objective information on the learning outcome for individual students. In formative evaluation, this information can be used to plan additional learning tasks appropriate to the needs of a specific student.


The scope depends on the degree that questions are added to the database and to which these questions match the deployment's curriculum.

UI Design

A staff member can access Django views which enable CRUD maintenance of the item bank. Teachers can create, read, modify, or delete questions. A staff member may also access a view to specify creation of a learn quiz activity. This activity can be added as a lesson to the appropriate unit (milestone) in course.

How To Test

Verify that this feature works as described in the Learn step-by-step.

User Experience

Students will experience this feature in quizzes delivered in courses. Teachers will be able to access a database of questions to add or edit questions or to make a quiz activity.


This is a Django app.

Contingency Plan

This feature will not be included in XSCD.



Release Notes

Any open issues will be described.

Comments and Discussion

discussion tab for this feature