XS Content Delivery/feature/learning

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This feature installs the Learning feature which is the courseware delivery component of XSCD.


Current status

  • Targeted release: XSCD_4
  • Last updated: 10/21/2013
  • Percentage of completion: 60%

Detailed Description

The Learning feature gives access to the educational courseware in Learn, Resources, and Explore. Learn provides the courseware for the courses in the current school year. Resources has courses in the same format from previous years or from the community. These resources can be used in active courses in Learn. Teachers and community developers can build custom courses by copying a course from Resources to Learn, by adding a new unit (milestone), or lesson (activity). Teachers can also edit lessons (activities) using the content editor capability. Explore are courses intended for students to follow in independent study as electives. The initial courses focus on ICT topics such as Python, Linux, Web technology, and Libre Office.

Benefit to XSCD

This feature enables use of the laptops in the classroom to help students to pursue courses in required and elective subjects.


Resources gives sample courses in English, Mathematics, and Science for grades 1-6. Explore provides courses in Linux, Python, Web techniques, and Libre Office.

UI Design

The UI design is that of a digital text book organized in chapters or units, with chapters divided into lessons. The student goes to a lesson and carries out the specified task (read, practice, take a quiz, undertake a project, or complete a Sugar Activity such as WordSearch or Memorize).

How To Test

Carry out the steps specified in the Learning step by step to ensure that the feature works as described.

User Experience

The user experience will vary depending on role. Staff will have access to all of the content and will be able to modify the content as needed. Students will be able to complete specified lessons or work through a unit (milestone) independently. Students will check activities as completed. This data will be stored on the school server for access by teachers to verify student progress.


The static feature is required.

Contingency Plan

This feature will not be included in XSCD.



Release Notes

Any open issues will be described.

Comments and Discussion

discussion tab for this feature