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XpertUniverse, Inc. creates Internet-based, real-time expert location, collaboration and business intelligence solutions. The objective of the XpertUniverse involvement with OLPC is to facilitate a new distance learning and support initiative via its proprietary platform XpertSHARE™.

Introduction and Summary

XpertSHARE, initially developed as a corporate platform for collaborative knowledge exchange (originally named Homework911), has also been optimized for distance learning initiatives to provide on-demand support for students. The platform directs predefined inquiries (listed in a hierarchical drop-down arrangement for efficient selection), to the best currently available expert anywhere in the world. With its proprietary match and route algorithm, XpertSHARE ensures that each inquiry is connected to the right expert based on 5 distinguishable components; Seeker Profile, Criteria Selection, Expert Profile, Expert Availability, and Ranking of Experts. Once connected, XpertSHARE facilitates a feature rich collaboration session (if desired) with integrated VoIP, bidirectional video, whiteboard, text chat, version independent application sharing, and directed co-browsing to enable contextual problem solving.


  • Student in a remote location is studying math and encounters a problem with factoring.
  • Using XpertSHARE, student selects from the drop down menus
    6th Grade --> Math --> Factoring, and then selects language, or other independent criteria as defined in the system
  • XpertSHARE, within seconds, examines the available expert pool (teachers, peers, graduate students, etc.) and creates a match with the best available expert.
  • Collaboration begins, and the student now has the opportunity to present his challenge to the expert. Through the suite of tools, the expert can share problem sets, demonstrate the method, and monitor the students progress in real-time.
  • For security and quality assurance, each session is recorded and stored as a multimedia archive at the server level.
  • Business Intelligence will allow systems administrators to spot inefficiencies, poor quality, and consistent problems.
    • For example, if factoring is selected 200 times a day and is a prevalent issue, pre-recorded sessions can be used to train students and reduce unnecessary operating expenses.

The XpertUniverse Process

  • Integrate the database of volunteers, partners, and other individuals that would participate in the network of experts.
  • Identify, categorize, and input the required skill sets and selection criteria into the XpertSHARE XUCM (XpertManagement) platform. This will facilitate precise matching.
  • Create user accounts for experts and for students based on geographic location, skills, needs, age, etc.
  • Train the experts how to use the collaborative tools through online webinars.
  • Depending on the size of the network and the complexity of the taxonomy, XpertSHARE can be made available in just a few weeks.
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