Inside the OLPC XO: Software: Difference between revisions

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All activities share a common data store accessible through the Journal. Most activities, including reading, writing, recording, and browsing, allow for [[collaboration]] through the network, child-to-child and teacher-to-child.
All activities share a common data store accessible through the Journal. Most activities, including reading, writing, recording, and browsing, allow for [[collaboration]] through the network, child-to-child and teacher-to-child.

See [[Activity Sharing]], [[Shared Sugar Activities]] and [[Tubes Tutorial]].
See [[Activity sharing]] and [[Collaboration Tutorial]].

See also
See also

Revision as of 11:24, 13 June 2008

In Peter Norton manner


  • One Laptop Per Child, of course

Our goal: To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves.

Most of the nearly two–billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated, or receive no education at all. One in three does not complete the fifth grade.

The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis are profound. Children are consigned to poverty and isolation—just like their parents—never knowing what the light of learning could mean in their lives. At the same time, their governments struggle to compete in a rapidly evolving, global information economy, hobbled by a vast and increasingly urban underclass that cannot support itself, much less contribute to the commonweal, because it lacks the tools to do so.

It is time to rethink this equation.


Open Firmware

XO Linux

See also

Installed version


Computer languages

Human languages


See also Software_components#Applications.

In current build

In development

More to come.



  • Press Ctl-Alt-F1 to access bash command line.
  • Log in as root (no password).
  • Press Alt-F3 to return to Sugar.

See also Terminal.


Gnome on Live CD

Using the XO in education


All activities share a common data store accessible through the Journal. Most activities, including reading, writing, recording, and browsing, allow for collaboration through the network, child-to-child and teacher-to-child.

See Activity sharing and Collaboration Tutorial.

See also


Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout Cortez, when with eagle eyes
He stared at the Pacific—and all his men
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise—
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.
--Keats, On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer

External References

  • Muska Mosston, Teaching from Command to Discovery
  • Georg Polya, How to Solve It
  • John Holt, How Children Learn
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Mozart Assassiné"