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==== Requests from Nepal via Bryan ====

Requests from Nepal via Bryan

1. Need to be able to launch activities such as Scratch, EToys, Pippy,
1. Need to be able to launch activities such as Scratch, EToys, Pippy,
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Revision as of 00:07, 26 July 2008

Draft Release Notes

New Features listed in the 8.2.0 Release Notes. The Release Notes are under construction and subject to change
See Release_Notes/8.2.0


The primary objective of this release is to include all the available features which are ready in time. The target date for release is August, 2008. The schedule should be built to deliver in early August. The goal is to deliver before the end of August.

The definition of when its release is that the final item on the Release Checklist is entered.

Migration to Fedora 9 and an updated Sugar Feature set are the two major aspects of the release.

Development stream

We have a pilgrim stream named "8.2" which is where release candidates will be developed.

Builds are manually triggered by Dennis Gilmore.

If developers wish to get packages/updates included in the stream, they must first be committed to joyride. After successful testing in joyride, file an inclusion request on the corresponding trac ticket. Approval will come from release engineering before the package is included in the stream.

Useful links:
Currently useful links

- Bert, could you please make a version of your status pages which shows package changelog entries? Thanks in advance!

Fixed-timespan report on changes to 8.2.0 bugs.

Adjustable-timespan report on changes to 8.2.0 bugs.

8.2.0 build stream

Joyride build stream

From http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-July/016457.html

Feature Set

XO Base Features - Base features of the XO up to release 8.1.1.

New Features listed in the 8.2.0 Release Notes. The Release Notes are under construction and subject to change
See Release_Notes/8.2.0

Release Contracts (definitions) Use Keyword definitions below to interpret status of Release Contracts

Current List of Must Fix Bugs These are marked by blocks:8.2.0 in the keyword field. They may be triaged down later as needed but for now they are flagged as must fix.

This Trac query list major feature sets. Each item should contain all the relevant tickets for that feature set.

Keyword definitions

  1. 8.2.0- means not likely to make the release based on current status
  2. 8.2.0? means may make the release based on current status
  3. 8.2.0+ means likely to make the release based on current status

Definition of 'Builds' to deliver in 8.2:

  1. Base OS
  2. Image with Base OS + G1G1 Activities
  3. Image with Base OS + Peru Activities


  1. Release Notes
  2. Better "Getting Started" doc
  3. Any changes needed for the Deployment Guide

Requirements for Support in 8.2 (need testing, may not need development):

  1. Upgrade to new release
  2. Cleaninstall
  3. Backward compatibility
    • Users' data will continue to load and be modifiable after upgrade (no change in activities)
    • Users' data will continue to load and be modifiable after upgrade of both OS and Activities

Put Your Name Here to Confirm You Will Try the Release Candidate

  1. Greg Smith OLPC Product Manager Gregorio 15:44, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
  2. DanielDrake (OLPC developer intern, working on OS-level regressions)
  3. Eben Eliason, UI designer, OLPC
  4. Michael Stone
  5. GaryCMartin, external developer/tester
  6. MartinDengler, external developer/tester

Notes and Early Comments Kept for Historical Purposes Only


Previous discussion of priorities:

Older priority discussion:

Update on feature status:

Laundry list of everything supported on XO. Not a list of new things only.
OLPC 8.2.0 Features

Possible target stream?

Requests from Nepal via Bryan

1. Need to be able to launch activities such as Scratch, EToys, Pippy, etc. by clicking on a hyperlink in browse. The activity wouldn't run in the browser. We need this functionality in order to effectively use Moodle in our schools.

Here's the ticket I opened on the http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6958

2. Need to be able to remove activities via the GUI, including installed activities, to make room for new ones. We are working on Offline Moodle activity bundles for courses. Each course will be subdivided into weekly modules. these modules will quickly fill up the ssd. kids will need a way to remove activities themselves to make room for new ones.
