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==Rwanda's National Education Background==
==Rwanda's National Education Background==

'''General Background''':

'''Ten Year Long Term Strategy and Financing Framework (LTSFF 2006-2015)''': In 2006, Rwanda created a Ten Year Long Term Strategy and Financing Framework (LTSFF 2006-2015) to coincide with the completion of the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. This was created with the a shorter-term, five-year [http://www.rwandagateway.org/IMG/pdf/Rwanda_Education_Sector_Strategic_Plan_2006_2007_preface_april_2006.pdf Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP 2006-2010)] that has since been updated with a new [http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:K-QSEnGGEY0J:www.mineduc.gov.rw/IMG/pdf_pdf_ESSP_2008-2012_July_2008_Final-3-3.pdf+Rwanda+LTSFF&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESg1NR225Eeu6R6sHzBVmbT0_2vB1sJVHBBJ2OxtbSF3444gAHPr6JejUveizqyhReuj5BOBij7Uv6JlnURg9bqdEUax50kDKKDF_sdGkoI1xctFRxeOHBEBTyaRqgDmI6QVOisK&sig=AHIEtbQ2RKmxtC4QSfa2F2ECbiDbtF9zDw Education Sector Strategic Plan (2008-2012)]. The LTSFF places [http://www.mineduc.gov.rw/spip.php?article20 priority] on a number of educational areas , including creating a fee-free education, incorporating science, technology, and information technologies into school curriculum, and expanding HIV/AIDS education, language education, and special needs education.
'''Ten Year Long Term Strategy and Financing Framework (LTSFF 2006-2015)''': In 2006, Rwanda created a Ten Year Long Term Strategy and Financing Framework (LTSFF 2006-2015) to coincide with the completion of the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. This was created with the a shorter-term, five-year [http://www.rwandagateway.org/IMG/pdf/Rwanda_Education_Sector_Strategic_Plan_2006_2007_preface_april_2006.pdf Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP 2006-2010)] that has since been updated with a new [http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:K-QSEnGGEY0J:www.mineduc.gov.rw/IMG/pdf_pdf_ESSP_2008-2012_July_2008_Final-3-3.pdf+Rwanda+LTSFF&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESg1NR225Eeu6R6sHzBVmbT0_2vB1sJVHBBJ2OxtbSF3444gAHPr6JejUveizqyhReuj5BOBij7Uv6JlnURg9bqdEUax50kDKKDF_sdGkoI1xctFRxeOHBEBTyaRqgDmI6QVOisK&sig=AHIEtbQ2RKmxtC4QSfa2F2ECbiDbtF9zDw Education Sector Strategic Plan (2008-2012)]. The LTSFF places [http://www.mineduc.gov.rw/spip.php?article20 priority] on a number of educational areas , including creating a fee-free education, incorporating science, technology, and information technologies into school curriculum, and expanding HIV/AIDS education, language education, and special needs education.
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'''Information and Communication Technology(ICT)''': Even before OLPC began its work in Rwanda, the Rwandan government had made a commitment to embrace information technology. It has chosen information technology as its main development strategy for [www.gesci.org/assets/files/Rwanda_Vision_2020.pdf Rwanda's Vision 2020], a movement to transform Rwanda's economy into a middle income country.
'''Information and Communication Technology(ICT)''': Even before OLPC began its work in Rwanda, the Rwandan government made a commitment to embrace information technology development in its economy and education system. It has chosen information technology as its main development strategy for [http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:QwcS3upMIAIJ:www.gesci.org/assets/files/Rwanda_Vision_2020.pdf+Rwanda%27s+vision+2020&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShocW12s1YQTsxUKJH6I0KkqFDudf-GUR4eV9q6LCnKWfxazRZsS3Gbonelz6WH6mFrvAyYy3SL5Q42yS-j9pNGDUR-yrsC-j-lMZBbsHz0Fg7fxpr9fVAy_wMprhilSbu2YXEA&sig=AHIEtbSJl4fVq5sOypX--FDwtKqPRfvhqA Rwanda's Vision 2020], a movement to transform Rwanda's economy into a middle income country. According to the Rwanda Vision 2020 proposal, in order to stimulate the country's private sector, "provision of high quality educational services in sciences and technology will be necessary for consolidating development gains made in the short and medium term. It is envisaged that with these reforms, Rwanda will transform from a subsistence agricultural economy to a knowledge-based society, with a vibrant class of entrepreneurs...By 2020, Rwanda projects to
have internet access at all administrative levels, for all secondary schools and for a large number of primary schools."

The country has begun embracing information technology as their main strategy for economic and social development as a part of Rwanda's Vision 2020 -- the long-term country development plan that aims to transform the country into a medium-level income country by 2020. Even before OLPC started their project in the country, bringing computer literacy to primary school students was a goal of their society in order to prepare their country for this new economy.
The country has begun embracing information technology as their main strategy for economic and social development as a part of Rwanda's Vision 2020 -- the long-term country development plan that aims to transform the country into a medium-level income country by 2020. Even before OLPC started their project in the country, bringing computer literacy to primary school students was a goal of their society in order to prepare their country for this new economy.

Revision as of 15:39, 9 August 2010

Rwanda's National Education Background

Ten Year Long Term Strategy and Financing Framework (LTSFF 2006-2015): In 2006, Rwanda created a Ten Year Long Term Strategy and Financing Framework (LTSFF 2006-2015) to coincide with the completion of the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. This was created with the a shorter-term, five-year Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP 2006-2010) that has since been updated with a new Education Sector Strategic Plan (2008-2012). The LTSFF places priority on a number of educational areas , including creating a fee-free education, incorporating science, technology, and information technologies into school curriculum, and expanding HIV/AIDS education, language education, and special needs education.

  • The main goals for the LTSFF include <ref>UNESCO "Rwanda Education Sector: Long-Term Strategy and Financing Framework, 2006-2015; http://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/upload/Rwanda/Rwanda%20LT%20Strategy%20and%20financing%20framework%20Sept%2006.pdf </ref>:
    • Achieve universal primary completion of quality primary education by 2015, and expand opportunities for all Rwandans to achieve nine years of basic education
    • The teaching of science and technology with a special focus on ICT for a more adaptable labour force. In particular the participation of girls in upper secondary and higher education is to be encouraged. Incentives are to be developed for science and technology teachers.
    • Provide increased opportunities for early childhood development, adult literacy, secondary and tertiary education, and children with special needs
    • Improve quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness at all levels
    • Integrate cross cutting issues such as respect for human rights, HIV/AIDS prevention, gender equality, environment, hygiene, health across the education system
    • Improve planning, management, administration capacities based on reliable data, governance and transparency
    • Promote research for national development in partnership with the private sector.
  • The LTSFF was also updated to include more ambitious targets for achieving universal primary education. Key targets include:
    • Primary completion from 51% to 112% by 20151 <ref> Completion rate exceeds 100% because of the large numbers of overage children in the schooling

system which also means that the gross enrollment rate has been above 100%.</ref>

    • Drop out rate from 14% to 5% by 2010 and 2% by 2015
    • Repetition rate from 19% to 8% by 2010 and 3% by 2015
    • Double shifting reduced from 31% in 2004 to 20% by 2010 and 6% by 2015.
    • A textbook ratio of 1:1 in core subjects by 2008
    • Transition rate from primary to lower secondary of 75% is achieved by 2015 as a major move towards nine year basic education
    • GER at secondary from 16% to 43% by 2015.

Information and Communication Technology(ICT): Even before OLPC began its work in Rwanda, the Rwandan government made a commitment to embrace information technology development in its economy and education system. It has chosen information technology as its main development strategy for Rwanda's Vision 2020, a movement to transform Rwanda's economy into a middle income country. According to the Rwanda Vision 2020 proposal, in order to stimulate the country's private sector, "provision of high quality educational services in sciences and technology will be necessary for consolidating development gains made in the short and medium term. It is envisaged that with these reforms, Rwanda will transform from a subsistence agricultural economy to a knowledge-based society, with a vibrant class of entrepreneurs...By 2020, Rwanda projects to have internet access at all administrative levels, for all secondary schools and for a large number of primary schools."

The country has begun embracing information technology as their main strategy for economic and social development as a part of Rwanda's Vision 2020 -- the long-term country development plan that aims to transform the country into a medium-level income country by 2020. Even before OLPC started their project in the country, bringing computer literacy to primary school students was a goal of their society in order to prepare their country for this new economy.

The Rwandan government has made it a priority to promote the use of ICT in its schools.

Language: Schools teach in English, French and Kinyarwanda

Education Statistics

1. UNICEF's State of the World's Children Report 2009 Statistics
Categories Numbers
Total adult literacy rate (%), 2000-2007 65
Primary school net enrollment/ attendance (%), 2000-2007 86
Youth (15–24 years)literacy rate 2000–2007 (male)<ref> Youth literacy rate – Number of literate persons aged 15–24, expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group.</ref> 79
Youth (15–24 years)literacy rate 2000–2007 (female) 77
Percentage of phone users 2006 3
Percentage of internet users 2006 1
Primary school gross enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (male)<ref> Primary school gross enrollment ratio – Number of children enrolled in primary school, regardless of age,expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of official primary school age. </ref> 138
Primary school gross enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (female) 142
Primary school net enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (male)<ref> Primary school net enrollment ratio – Number of children enrolled in primary school who are of official primary school age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of official primary school age. </ref> 76
Primary school net enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (female) 81
Primary school net attendance ratio 2000-2007 (male) <ref> Primary school net attendance ratio – Number of children attending primary or secondary school who are of official primary school age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of official primary school age. </ref> 84
Primary school net attendance ratio 2000-2007 (female) 87
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2000–2007 (administrative data) <ref> Survival rate to the last grade of primary school – Percentage of children entering the first grade of primary school who eventually reach the last grade of primary school. </ref> 31
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2000–2007 (survey data) 76
Secondary school gross enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (male)<ref> Secondary school gross enrollment ratio – Number of children enrolled in secondary school, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of official secondary school age. </ref> 14
Secondary school gross enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (female) 13
Secondary school net enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (male)<ref> Secondary school net enrollment ratio – Number of children enrolled in secondary school who are of official secondary school age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of official secondary school age.</ref> N/A
Secondary school net enrollment ratio 2000-2007 (female) N/A
Secondary school net attendance ratio 2000-2007 (male)<ref> Secondary school net attendance ratio – Number of children attending secondary or tertiary school who are of official secondary school age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of official secondary school age. </ref> 5
Secondary school net attendance ratio 2000-2007 (female) 5

OLPC's work in Rwanda

detailed article:OLPC Rwanda

Center for Laptops and Learning: Since 2009, the OLPC Learning Team has been developing the Kigali-based Center for Laptops & Learning in partnership with the Kigali Institute of Science & Technology (KIST). The OLPC Learning Team has helped with the development of the Center.

Other Educational Initiatives

Summary of Educational Development Initiatives in Haiti
Name of Organization Investment in Country People/Major Projects
The Catholic Church
World Vision:
Save the Children
SOS Children's Villages
World Bank

Other Resources

Rwanda Education Resources:

Education Reports

OLPC in Rwanda:

Education Initiatives' Resources



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