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'''XO ImageQuiz''' is an open-source game for kids aged 6-14 with a simple concept: one question, one image, one click; becoming one of the greatest learning experiences of the future :-)
= The Idea =

* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Learning Tool</font> ([http://www.linuxuser.at/xoquiz/game.php Demo])
* Design and implementation of an easy and fun, educational image-quiz for kids.
** Kids can explore, create, share and translate questions
* The goal is to connect a high fun-factor with as many educational aspects and features of the xo as possible.
** Mess around with the database: create, delete, download and share bundles
* Internet user can generate content by submitting new questions, images and imagemaps online. All in one page.
** Play single-player games with flashcard-system or just a plain quick quiz-game
* Some first ideas can be found here http://www.linuxuser.at/xoquiz
** Multi-player games over the mesh - either vs or in coop mode
** Extend the game by plugins they create (and share) or download via web / mesh / schoolserver
** Get introductive reading and further links for each question

* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Teaching Tool</font>
** Teachers can easily build individual question-packages accompanying their lessions (and share / download them)
** Resarching a topic and creating questions for subtopics, as well as engaging in those of other groups, can be part of classes and homeworks

* Current status: In development (~ 30% done)
* [http://www.olpcaustria.org/mediawiki/index.php/XO_ImageQuiz/Screenshots Screenshots], [http://www.olpcaustria.org/mediawiki/index.php/XO_ImageQuiz/Plugins Plugin How-To], [http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/xo-quiz Source]
git clone git://dev.laptop.org/projects/xo-quiz

= Summary =
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Usability</font>: Easy to use tool for learning and teaching
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Interactivity</font>: Messing around with all parts of the activity is encouraged and simplified
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Collaboration</font>: Create, download and share questions, and have multi-player games
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Localization</font>: Supporting all languages (unicode) and providing ways to translate questions (in-game & gettext)
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Extensiblity</font>: Categories and their images can be shared over internet, schoolserver and mesh
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Balance</font>: Easy, medium and hard questions, each for different ages
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Modular Layout</font>: Written as a plugin framework; even the game-modes are plugins
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Constructive</font>: Building up knowledge with fun and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashcard system]
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>XO Featured</font>: Integrating the xo-cam, mesh and the users friends
* <font style='color:green;font-weight:bold;'>Categorized</font>: like arts, astronomy, food, geography, health, technics, wildlife, ...

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= Description =
= Development =
== Summary ==
It's all about the educational factors in the quiz project:
* Easy to pick up knowledge while playing (or submitting questions)
* Explanatory images, perhaps informative answers (text, introductive reading, maybe a second image)
* Flashcard System (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashcard)

== Overview ==
The activity for the xo will be written in Python using:

* [[Pygame]] / the [[Pygame_wrapper|olpc pygames wrapper]] for display and xo interaction (cam, net, mesh)
* Easy possibility to create and share quizzes by kids (image upload or xo-cam)
* [[Pysqlite]] as data-storage system
* Ability to use an existing image to create new questions
* [[Unicode]]
* Rating of other contributions
* At least 3 difficulty levels (maybe for different ages, ...)

== Source ==
* Categories like Arts, Astronomy, Food, Geography, Health, Technics, ...
The current source-code is available via git from [http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/xo-quiz dev.laptop.org]:
* Single-Player as well as Multiplayer
git clone git://dev.laptop.org/projects/xo-quiz

== Roadmap ==
* Including limited hd in the concept
* Modular structure of the application
* November 07: - Finishing the web-application
- Start of Python Activity
** Exchangeable categories via Mesh or Schoolserver
* December 07: - Building basic high-quality database
- Start of Single Player
* January 08: - Single Player Mode
* February 08: - Tests and Multiplayer
* March 08: - Final Design and Testing
* April 08: - Release of version 1.0

== Game Modes ==
== Involved ==
* Chris Hager (Austria) (chris(at)linuxuser.at)
* Single Player
* Georg Witwer (Austria)
** Quiz Mode: Choose any category or even all
* [http://www.olpcaustria.org OLPC Austria]
** 'Educational' Mode: Get more background information

== Help ==
* Multiplayer
We are looking for people with:
** Coop Mode (Teamplay)
* Python knowledge
*** How many clicked on the right spot
* Design / Layout experience
*** See the others cursor and all have to move to one
* Time to create a few questions
** VS Mode
* Ideas for the concept
*** Challenge one or more player in any category and difficulty level over the Mesh

If you have any of those, and are willing to contribute a few hours, please drop me a line: chris (at) linuxuser.at

== Ideas ==
= Related Links =
* General
=== Game Content ===
** [[Game_development]]
A basic, high-quality database is crucial for the game as well as open-source images. An idea would be to apply web2 thoughts and let users contribute and rate the content - should be fun and easy too ;-). I can imagine three ways to generate a good database:
** [[Game_development_HOWTO]]
# It could be possible to get a digg or such and have lots of people visiting the project and perhaps submitting questions
** [[Development_issues]]
# Some kind of content-jam
** [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashcard Flashcard Learning System]
# Contributions of a core team

* [http://python.org/ Python]
= Development =
** [http://www.brunningonline.net/simon/python/quick-ref2_0.html Python Quick Reference]
== Overview ==
** [http://www.jorendorff.com/articles/unicode/python.html Unicode in Python]
This project will be written in Python using pygame for display and pysqlite as data-storage system.

* [http://pygame.org Pygame]
== Status ==
** [http://pygame.org/docs/ref/index.html PyGame Reference]
* The page for submitting and rating new questions, and for playing the contributions is online at http://www.linuxuser.at/xoquiz
** [http://rene.f0o.com/mywiki/PythonGameProgramming PythonGameProgramming] (Excellent, quick diy-introduction on images, sound, display, event handling, ...)
* The python application is currently being started
** [http://www.pygame.org/wiki/tutorials PyGame Tutorials Overview]
** It's already possible to use the web db
** Image display works
** Polygon creation works
** Check if click is inside polygon works

* [http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/PySqlite PySqlite]
The project is open for contributers! Leave note in this pages [http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php?title=Talk:XO_Quiz&action=edit Talk], or drop me a line (chris at linuxuser.at) if you are interested!
** [http://initd.org/pub/software/pysqlite/doc/usage-guide.html Usage Guide]
** [http://lists.initd.org/pipermail/pysqlite/2005-November/000218.html Unicode and PySqlite]

== Roadmap ==
[http://blogs.rediff.com/chingsquines/2010/08/17/proextender-reviews-is-proextender-a-scam/ proextender]
* November 07: Finishing the web-application
[http://blogs.rediff.com/chingsquines/2010/08/17/provestra-reviews-is-provestra-a-scam/ provestra]
* December 07: Building basic high-quality database
* January 08: Single Player Mode
* February 08: Tests and Multiplayer
* March 08: Final Design and Testing
* April 08: Release of version 1.0

Latest revision as of 22:38, 29 August 2010

XO ImageQuiz is an open-source game for kids aged 6-14 with a simple concept: one question, one image, one click; becoming one of the greatest learning experiences of the future :-)

  • Learning Tool (Demo)
    • Kids can explore, create, share and translate questions
    • Mess around with the database: create, delete, download and share bundles
    • Play single-player games with flashcard-system or just a plain quick quiz-game
    • Multi-player games over the mesh - either vs or in coop mode
    • Extend the game by plugins they create (and share) or download via web / mesh / schoolserver
    • Get introductive reading and further links for each question
  • Teaching Tool
    • Teachers can easily build individual question-packages accompanying their lessions (and share / download them)
    • Resarching a topic and creating questions for subtopics, as well as engaging in those of other groups, can be part of classes and homeworks

git clone git://dev.laptop.org/projects/xo-quiz


  • Usability: Easy to use tool for learning and teaching
  • Interactivity: Messing around with all parts of the activity is encouraged and simplified
  • Collaboration: Create, download and share questions, and have multi-player games
  • Localization: Supporting all languages (unicode) and providing ways to translate questions (in-game & gettext)
  • Extensiblity: Categories and their images can be shared over internet, schoolserver and mesh
  • Balance: Easy, medium and hard questions, each for different ages
  • Modular Layout: Written as a plugin framework; even the game-modes are plugins
  • Constructive: Building up knowledge with fun and system
  • XO Featured: Integrating the xo-cam, mesh and the users friends
  • Categorized: like arts, astronomy, food, geography, health, technics, wildlife, ...

Xoquiz astro.gif



The activity for the xo will be written in Python using:


The current source-code is available via git from dev.laptop.org:

git clone git://dev.laptop.org/projects/xo-quiz


* November 07: - Finishing the web-application
               - Start of Python Activity

* December 07: - Building basic high-quality database
               - Start of Single Player

* January 08:  - Single Player Mode

* February 08: - Tests and Multiplayer

* March 08:    - Final Design and Testing

* April 08:    - Release of version 1.0


  • Chris Hager (Austria) (chris(at)linuxuser.at)
  • Georg Witwer (Austria)
  • OLPC Austria


We are looking for people with:

  • Python knowledge
  • Design / Layout experience
  • Time to create a few questions
  • Ideas for the concept

If you have any of those, and are willing to contribute a few hours, please drop me a line: chris (at) linuxuser.at

Related Links

proextender provestra