Contributors program/December 3, 2010: Difference between revisions

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join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:
join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

#1 Zuva Rabuda / Sunrise - Zimbabwe
#2 Escolar Carlos Bravo - Granada, Nicaragua
#3 VoIP-on-Mesh - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
#4 Fedora Asia Pacific Ambassadors Event Box - Quezon City, Philippines
#5 RAP Ceibal San Jose - XO Una Amiga En Casa - Uruguay
#6 Zambia School Expansion and Skill Development (Mothers Without Borders) - Utah
#7 Creating alternatives for life with children living on the streets - Bolivia
#8 XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills - Kenya; Webster, Massachusetts
#9 Generación Digital - Managua, Nicaragua


<kevin-nic> saludos
* sandrat has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> Jane are you in the meeting channel "/join #olpc-meeting"
<sandrat> I just wait until there is some activity in the meeting channel
<sandrat> Yes... we are waiting
<sandrat> Wanja... did you talk to Adam ? and did he confirm the meeting today?
<kevin-nic> hello my name is Kevin and I have sent an application for a project with the XO
<kevin-nic> anyone here speak Spanish, my English is a little bad
<kevin-nic> send a request to do a project in a school in which I requested XO in order to improve the quality of teaching in school
<sandrat> review should beging shortly
* sj| (~sj@wikipedia/sj) has joined #olpc-meeting
* mahlness2 has joined #olpc-meeting
<mahlness2> mark here in seattle
* lluigil has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> cp info
* mahlness has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> no I think you are fine now
<sandrat> just wait
<sandrat> Yes you are
<kevin-nic> how long?
<sandrat> not sure sj? any ideas
<kevin-nic> I'm new here and I'm learning to use this channel and I have made an application for community project
<sandrat> welcome kevin-nic... we can chat
<CanoeBerry> Yikes!
<sandrat> yup we're here
<CanoeBerry> Sorry for the delay, I blame Mike Lee's urgent phone call!
<CanoeBerry> Hi Mark!
<CanoeBerry> Can you review your project quick, even prior to the full list of 5+ projects I was about to email out to all?
<mahlness2> i!
<mahlness2> oops hi
<kevin-nic> now my laptop battery is being discharged, I will seek where to connect quickly, but we can chat
<CanoeBerry> mahlness2: how does that sounds, introducing your work here right now? for sandrat & all!
* culseg_ has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: starting slow, until my 5+ project announcement emails out shortly..
<mahlness2> sure, i'm hoping to get to 1:1 XO's in my 3rd grade class
<CanoeBerry> Seattle group introducing their work now live (hopefully!)
<sandrat> great
<mahlness2> ... I have 14 right now, all donated over the years as word got out my kids were using them
<CanoeBerry> Thanks all. Plz support/critique/mentor this Seattle+Michigan project's great work as best you can.
<mahlness2> this is a seattle pub. school clasroom...
<CanoeBerry> I'm in partial-attention-span theater for the next few min, but you've got my vote!
<mahlness2> ... and I've got to takae my kids to the library in 5 min. any questions? :)
<mahlness2> the kids blog at I'm at
<sandrat> you are in the meeting. just watch the conversation develop
<sandrat> mahlness2 : what is the XO part
<CanoeBerry> mahlness2: please can you elaborate quick?
<CanoeBerry> on your kids work to date?
<mahlness2> I did blog about the proposal from seattle last night:
<CanoeBerry> and hope repair will work with your Michigan accomplice ;)
<culseg_> mahiness: you've got my vote as well for your interesting published work with kids
<kevin-nic> kevin of Nicaragua'm good now this year we helped a school which did not have this condition, so that during this year could optener 80 XO by the American Chamber of Commerce in Nicaragua, so we Through his requested half a project for the use demotrar XO has the poorest schools in Nicaragua Escuchar Leer fonéticamente
<mahlness2> The kids are using the xo's for all kinds of things, including writing on their blogs
<mahlness2> gotta run, sorry - thanks all!
<sandrat> This looks great.. I'd like to reach some of the work
<CanoeBerry> Indeed. Who is the next applicant?
<CanoeBerry> culseg & sandrat: can you keep things moving?
<kevin-nic> if the blog's of children is
<sandrat> we are talking seattle right now; nicaragua just wait a minut
<CanoeBerry> great
<sandrat> Mahlness2: what is the request you are making today!
<sandrat> kevin-nic: we'll get to you in a few minutes
<kevin-nic> ok
<sandrat> mahlness2: just some details on today's request.. your experience is valuable to all of us here
<culseg_> sandrat: mahiness has a CP proposal in
<sandrat> hello gakinya welcome; watch the conversation
<sandrat> mahlness2: I haven't read your proposal for today. Can you give us a link to it
<sandrat> the website : is great info
<culseg_> mahiness has gone back to his class....adam will post project when meeting resumes. if it does
<sandrat> We'll review the seattle project later. Let goes on to Nicaragua! r you there
<sandrat> kevin-nic: Can you tell us about your project
<CanoeBerry> Yep, is Nicaragua's applicant still here hopefully?!
<kevin-nic> si
<kevin-nic> We talk about the project now?? Escuchar Leer fonéticamente
<sandrat> In Spanish if you prefer: tell us about your project
<sandrat> Just go ahead an type: links to your site or info is helpful!!!
<sandrat> Kevin-nic: It's your time!! Now
<lluigil> just in case, i'm Luis from a Bolivia project
<sandrat> Si Escuchar aqui
<sandrat> lluigil: ask him in spanish to type in information on his project
<lluigil> Kevin-nic: Puedes escribir sobre tu proyecto en español, te estan esperando
* kevin-nic Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<sandrat> Let's go on to another request as Kevin-Nic is no longer on -line lluigil? how about your project
<lluigil> Our project is in Bolivia, in Santa Cruz, with childs that live on the streets, but now they are in a home for these kids
<lluigil> we just create a blog:
<lluigil> we will work with a University here, a home for street children, and a group of young people that work with art and technologie
<sandrat> What is your hope for the Contributor program request
<sandrat> lluigil: what is your request from Contributor Program and hope
<lluigil> we want to work with groups of 7 childs, we work inside and outside of the home, so because that we want to see if its possible to have 7 Xo's to do this project
* kevin-nic has joined #olpc-meeting
<lluigil> and contribute with the materiales that we will create with the childs and the university
<kevin-nic> hola
<kevin-nic> se me cayo el internet
<lluigil> we focus a lot in videogames
<kevin-nic> estoy devuelta
<sandrat> kevin-nic: we'll get to your projec tin a minute
<lluigil> because is very difficult to work with this kind of childs
<lluigil> here is more info
<sandrat> program
<sandrat> wanja : mozilla is the better host.. you should type "Say" entry box
<lluigil> and we will work with nur university: and this group of young people focusing the work on creativity:, the website will be ready the next week in 4 languages
<sandrat> how many XOs do you want lluigil? and how will you use them?
<lluigil> 7 xo's if it's possible, if not we will see how to work with less, we want xo's because the atractive for this kind of childs, the mobility, because we work in places like the street, so for us the best tool in this kind of work is the xo
<lluigil> plus, we will work with future teachers, that will be teachers the next year, and there is a ICT program, so we want to teach this teachers with a new tool: the xo
<sandrat> lluigil: have you used an XO?
<sandrat> lluigil: have you used an XO?
<culseg_> interesting project, perhaps you need more than 4 months?
<lluigil> yes, a friend of mine has one xo
<lluigil> 4 months we need
<lluigil> and we want to create a way to find more
<lluigil> in the future
<lluigil> may be an auto finantiation
<sandrat> lluigil: so how do you see the XO helping your kids
<lluigil> but we want to satrt with this
<sandrat> we like this program and I suggest we send 2? XOs what do others think?
<sandrat> your plans to work with teachers is very good. They will help developing your use of XO I think
<lluigil> the first thing, is the atraction of the xo (speacially for these kids, because they are in a big danger to go to the streets again), but speacially, because the kids appropiate the xo
<lluigil> they can play with etoys and the other programs
<lluigil> so we want to focus the work on the creation of videogames
<culseg_> project details at RT70998 I suggest at least 6 XOs for 6 months
<lluigil> yes, so we will work with street kids, and future teachers, and create materials focused in video games
<lluigil> 6 its good, and 6 months, we have to re-plan with this time
<sandrat> lluigil: we can review your proposal and we might have a few more questions, your request is under consideration.
<sandrat> Let's ask Nicargua to tell us about that project, as we need to move on
<lluigil> perfect, thank you very much
<culseg_> lluigil: the major problem is there are no X0 1.5s that can be shipped at this time
* yama Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<kevin-nic> ya puedo exponer
<sandrat> si
<sandrat> cuseg_: so can we ship some XO 1.0s
<lluigil> okay, and a few xo's? to start?, or there is no Xo's at this moment?
<lluigil> yes
<lluigil> i work
<lluigil> with 1.0
<sandrat> we'll get back to you soon
<lluigil> okay
<culseg_> I understand fixed up X0 1s can be shipped
<kevin-nic> bueno mi nombre es kevin tecnico del proyecto de unos de los colegios que estamos ayudando para la implementacion de las XO �n
<culseg_> bueno
<sandrat> continuar
<kevin-nic> ha este colegio lo hemos decidido ayudar atravez de un programa de seguimiento educativo con el ministerio de educacion
<kevin-nic> este año recibimos una donacion por parte de la camara de comercio de nicaragua de 80 laptops XO
<kevin-nic> para este colegio
<kevin-nic> de las cual
<kevin-nic> este no tiene condiciones fisican asi como pizarras
<kevin-nic> este colegio esta ubicado en una zona rural del pais
<kevin-nic> y asientos para los niños
<kevin-nic> estos reciben clases debajo de los arboles
<kevin-nic> y han dado grandes resultados
<kevin-nic> ahora este año se hizo un piloto con las XO que obtuvimos
<kevin-nic> los niños tiene un blog´s la cual la direccion es
* yama has joined #olpc-meeting
* yama Quit (Changing host)
* yama has joined #olpc-meeting
<kevin-nic> ahi en este sitio se suben los avances del proyecto y de las capacitaciones que le hemos dado a los niños y maestro
<sandrat> Yama; we can use your help today
<kevin-nic> ahora con los pocos recursos que tenemos del grupo que estamos ayudando al colegio hemos podido hacer algunas construcciones
<sandrat> bueno continuar
<kevin-nic> y mejoras al colegio
<culseg_> yama: go to RT70998 for CP proposal
<kevin-nic> por lo que ahora nos toca buscar alguna manera de que cada niño tenga su laptop xo
<kevin-nic> para el año que viene
<kevin-nic> pero hemos buscado la forma de obtener mas equipo pero no lo hemos podido hacer a travez de alguna donacion
<kevin-nic> por eso observamos que el wiki de olp c
<kevin-nic> habia un programa
<kevin-nic> para poder obtener equipos atravez
<kevin-nic> de un plan bien elaborado de la cual todo el grupo de generacion atlas (asi se llama nuestro grupo) va a estar comprometido con el programa
<sandrat> quantos XOs nessescita por esta project
<kevin-nic> por que estos niños no han podido tener la oportunidad de trabajar, estos niños son niños de las calles y algunos trabajan y como grupo creo que el objetivo es darle una herramienta de desarrollo personal y profesional
<kevin-nic> 20 XO
<kevin-nic> por que este año no todos pudieron tener
<kevin-nic> para es se pueda cada niño tener una laptops
<kevin-nic> y muchos de los que no tubieron optaron por retirarse del colegio
<kevin-nic> educativo
<kevin-nic> y lo que buscamos es integrar a todos los niños de esa comunidad al marco
<kevin-nic> ademas dentro del plan, esta en trabajar en conjunto el ministerio de educacion para hacer capacitaciones
<culseg_> there is enough info to review but some technical problem with today's meeting, so we should pause
<kevin-nic> la idea con estas XO es poder crear una biblioteca de consulta utilizando un servidor donde los niños puedan tener acceso a la misma con documentacion de ellos mismo de sus clases
<kevin-nic> ya que en la zona en que se encuentran ellos no hay conexion a internet
<sandrat> Kevin-nic: muchos gratias per todos informacion
<kevin-nic> ni de señal de telefono
<sandrat> we'll get back to go
<culseg_> tentative +1 for your project ...6 Xos for 6 months
<sandrat> si commucation will come to you kevin-nic gratias
<sandrat> wanja? are you still on this conversation?
<kevin-nic> entonces se podran tener los las laptops?
<sandrat> +1 for kevin-nic
<sandrat> kevin-nic: muchos gratias
<sandrat> wanja was connected, don't know if she is still. I have read her project and can represent it.
<sandrat> She is request ing 10 laptops for a literacy project in Kenya - will accept rebuilt xo 1.0s
<sandrat> TITLE: Using the XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills
<culseg_> RT is down, not usable at this time, so CP projects cannot be viewed
* sandrat Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Error))
* sandrat has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> Use XO laptops to promote ‘Verbal-Linguistic’ skills. The learners will enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening, researching with the XO. The XO will give students an opportunity to express themselves creatively with words, capture student voices with audio
<sandrat> text, pictures, students will create stories, interactive activities related to reading, writing, and speaking, students will read stories online, record their own stories and play literacy games. Our goal is to set a syllabus that reinforces and harmonizes well with the Ministry of education English
<CanoeBerry> O dear, 9 projects just finally email out -- let's review them wicked fast now!
<CanoeBerry> O dear, 9 project proposal summaries just finally emailed out -- let's review them wicked fast now!
<sandrat> I have to leave momentariy. I don't know if Jane is still on line, but will get her back on
<CanoeBerry> AGENDA:
<CanoeBerry> Which is Jane's?
<CanoeBerry> Which exact number within the above Agenda?
<culseg_> is it 8?
<culseg_> rt is crawling...very slow
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: Shall we begin from the top?
<lluigil> i'm number 7
<CanoeBerry> Let me now. We need to race through.
* kevin-nic Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<CanoeBerry> Thankfully I've pre-approved about a half-dozen individual shipments, so we can focus on the 9 larger/harder ones here.
<CanoeBerry> Ready all?
* sandrat Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<CanoeBerry> lluigil: are you Jane?
<lluigil> no, i'm Luis from Bolivia
<lluigil> is the project number 7 in the agenda
<CanoeBerry> Hi!
<lluigil> hello!
<culseg_> CB , people had to leave, Luis presented his project already
<lluigil> yes i already presented the project
<CanoeBerry> Cool, conclusions?
<culseg_> in meeting notes, but some plus voy
* tonyforster has joined #olpc-meeting
<culseg_> votes....
<culseg_> forge ahead as you see fit
<CanoeBerry> OK, great! Luigi/Bolivia review now pasted into:
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: any other projects we should prioritize fast before storming thru the whole agenda/list?
<lluigil> i don't have access to the Ticket right?
<CanoeBerry> Agenda Recap - 9 projects applications summarized here:
<CanoeBerry> lluigil: sorry about that, you're all set Luigi, thanks for attending and helping explain! Conclusion will be emailed to you in coming days.
<culseg_> none for people on line currenty, as far as I know,
<lluigil> perfect! thank you very much!
<CanoeBerry> lluigil: Thank You!
<culseg_> +1 for Bolivia for 6 xos for 6 months
* kevin-nic has joined #olpc-meeting

[ PROJECT #1 - ]
[ PROJECT #1 - Zuva Rabuda / Sunrise - Zimbabwe ]

<CanoeBerry> culseg_: cool, let's cruise thru quickly then, thanks -- starting with Project #1 here -- please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Zuva Rabuda / Sunrise - Zimbabwe
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 20 XO over 12 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Background/Objectives:
<CanoeBerry> 1. To improve the computer literacy rate of children from
<CanoeBerry> Maware rural community
<CanoeBerry> 2. To work towards improving the general education system within the
<CanoeBerry> community
<CanoeBerry> 3. To work towards accommodating the marginalized rural children
<CanoeBerry> into the global
<CanoeBerry> village
<CanoeBerry> 4. To orient and accommodate the marginalzed rural community
<CanoeBerry> children into the
<CanoeBerry> contemporary world with lots of technological developments
<CanoeBerry> 5. To use technology as a tool for information dissermination to the
<CanoeBerry> rural youth
<CanoeBerry> especially on issues of HIV and AIDS
<CanoeBerry> 6. To use the centre as a tool to expose the hidden possibilities
<CanoeBerry> from the
<CanoeBerry> marginalized society
<CanoeBerry> I vote for 2 XO-1s if sandrat confirms they are solid. Until let's put this on hold -- it needs a more firm connection to the OLPC/Sugar experience first.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD, waiting for email replies to/from sandrat.

[ PROJECT #2 - Escolar Carlos Bravo - Granada, Nicaragua ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #2 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
[ PROJECT #2 - ]
<CanoeBerry> Escolar Carlos Bravo - Granada, Nicaragua
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 30 XOs over undetermined months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry> In December 2009 a small group of family and friends started
<CanoeBerry> to collect and transport school supplies and books to the largest public
<CanoeBerry> school in Granada, Nicaragua. While this has been a grassroots effort,
<CanoeBerry> we have already been able to provide more than 1,200 lbs. of paper,
<CanoeBerry> books, pencils and notebooks to the school and in April 2010 contributed
<CanoeBerry> $1,200 to fund the expansion of a small storage room to a large,
<CanoeBerry> air-conditioned library complete with a broadband internet connection.
<CanoeBerry> Mission of pilot: In conjunction with the director, teachers, students
<CanoeBerry> and parents of Carlos Bravo, the pilot will establish the frameworks for
<CanoeBerry> a successful rollout of One LapTop per Child to the entire school
<CanoeBerry> population on an ongoing basis.
<CanoeBerry> Likewise, I need to see more direct connection & demonstrated work around OLPC/Sugar principles.
* mahlness Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<CanoeBerry> In general, I vote for a starter to kit of 2 XO-1s for similar such projects, if they find & work with a mentor on etc.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Other thoughts?
<CanoeBerry> Mentors willing to get this NYC/Nicaragua project up to speed in any way?
<CanoeBerry> Until then let's put this one hold.
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD
<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #3 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<culseg_> i was okay for 2-4 xos for cp 2
<CanoeBerry> culseg: can you mentor a bit, Project #2 above, taking the ticket?
<culseg_> no, but I will take others
<CanoeBerry> ok, project #2 needs a bit of TLC for any others that can provide that -- their work may be great, but so far they still have not even completed a proper application at:

[ PROJECT #3 - VoIP-on-Mesh - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #3 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> VoIP-on-Mesh - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
<CanoeBerry> "If project is approved, i create a blog in blogspot."
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 1-2 XOs over 6 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry> - Port a VoIP application to XO system
<CanoeBerry> - Integrate VoIP with Mesh network (to detect and talk with other users)
<culseg_> Sandra is a better choice
<CanoeBerry> Ask her to help there.
<CanoeBerry> Sameer would love to talk to any VoIP-on-XO researchers..
<CanoeBerry> Let me put then in touch and see what happens here.
<culseg_> +1 for Brasil, I'll take
<CanoeBerry> Even better.
<CanoeBerry> Thanks.
<CanoeBerry> Plz put sverma (Sameer) on AdminCC
<culseg_> yes, will connect with SF
<CanoeBerry> PRELIMINARY APPROVAL on Project #3, if culseg & sverma confirm.

[ PROJECT #3 - ]

[ PROJECT #4 - Fedora Asia Pacific Ambassadors Event Box - Quezon City, Philippines ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #4 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
* smallstuff ( has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Fedora Asia Pacific Ambassadors Event Box
<CanoeBerry> - Philippines
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 6 XOs over undetermined months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry> To promote OLPCs cause and Fedora's use, by present the olpc as part
<CanoeBerry> of the 'APACK box' (see plan of action) Encouraging participation in
<CanoeBerry> fedora
<CanoeBerry> and the OLPC project, while people who are interested in fedora but
<CanoeBerry> want to
<CanoeBerry> help olpc, can help take up one of the fedora maintained olpc packages.
<CanoeBerry> Also to help create a presence for Fedora and OLPC at Events.
* KGMac has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> I'd suggest perhaps 2-4 XOs for this Filipino project?
<CanoeBerry> Others?
<culseg_> +1 for 2-4 XOs
<smallstuff> +1 2-4 xos
<CanoeBerry> KGMac: got a vote?
<KGMac> too late to the party, didnt see any of teh info, sorry
<CanoeBerry> OK, all info is in the 2 links right above..
<tonyforster> what is the purpose of the apac box?
<CanoeBerry> Ouotreach, primarily.
<CanoeBerry> Outreach, primarily.
<tonyforster> yes but who gets them an what guarantee they get used well?
<CanoeBerry> Not clear, but the Fedora community has served us well in the past..
<CanoeBerry> Most times :)
<tonyforster> thx
<CanoeBerry> Mafe should decide here.
<CanoeBerry> As a Filipino, what she thinks..
<CanoeBerry> I'm happy to give her the tie-breaking vote, deciding how competent she and find this group to be.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Default is to ship them 2-4 XO-1s if Mafe finds their work impressively solid.
<tonyforster> no objections from me
<CanoeBerry> great.
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<smallstuff> if mafe agrees ok
<CanoeBerry> Preliminary approval, as above.

[ PROJECT #4 - ]
[ PROJECT #5 - RAP Ceibal San Jose - XO Una Amiga En Casa - Uruguay ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #5 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> RAP Ceibal San Jose - XO Una Amiga En Casa - Uruguay
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 5 XO-1.5s over 36 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry> In URUGUAY the government decided in 2007 to follow the OLPC project,
<CanoeBerry> becoming the first country in the world to deliver literally one
<CanoeBerry> laptop per
<CanoeBerry> child in the two following years.
<CanoeBerry> As a result of the PLAN CEIBAL it was clear that the support of the
<CanoeBerry> delivery and people's contact with the laptops, had to be held on
<CanoeBerry> the basis
<CanoeBerry> of a horizontal net, which was called Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
<CanoeBerry> ADVANTAGE
<CanoeBerry> STUDENTS,
<CanoeBerry> LAPTOP OF
<CanoeBerry> OUR CITY,
<CanoeBerry> THEM
<CanoeBerry> Christoph supports this project I'm told, so I would tend to look positively on their approach.
<CanoeBerry> Default vote: +1 if we had XO-1.5s to offer!
* mahlness2 ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<smallstuff> Sounds like an important piece of the picture
<culseg_> teachers need XOs as well, so this project should not get a bad rap even tho Uruguay has so many XOs
<CanoeBerry> Perhaps we can vote our support, awaiting XO-1.5 inventory later in January hopefully.
<CanoeBerry> Other thoughts?
<culseg_> +1 for 4-6 XO 1.5s when ready
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> PRELIMINARY APPROVAL for 4-6 XO-1.5s when inventory is restored.

[ PROJECT #6 - Zambia School Expansion and Skill Development (Mothers Without Borders) - Utah ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #6 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
[ PROJECT #5 - ]
<CanoeBerry> Zambia School Expansion and Skill Development (Mothers Without Borders)
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 100 XOs over 24 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry> Zambia has population of 12 million with 1 million being orphans.
<CanoeBerry> The project's goal is the following:
<CanoeBerry> 1) Many of the orphan population live on the streets and beg, steal,
<CanoeBerry> and/or
<CanoeBerry> prostitute for a living. This project will provide them and other
<CanoeBerry> children
<CanoeBerry> of poverty an opportunity to learn/incorporate computer skills
<CanoeBerry> into their
<CanoeBerry> lives to open up new life/job opportunities for them.
<CanoeBerry> 2) The school being run by Mothers Without borders will also entice more
<CanoeBerry> children to come to the school to be able to have this opportunity.
<CanoeBerry> This will enhance the attendance of the school. The end result
<CanoeBerry> will be
<CanoeBerry> more jobs for adults (teachers, headmaster, etc.) and more
<CanoeBerry> opportunities
<CanoeBerry> for the children with the options that this education will open
<CanoeBerry> up for them.
<CanoeBerry> Hmm, hard to be against motherhood & apple pie, nevermind Zambia, but I fear this project needs organization first :)
<CanoeBerry> Around OLPC/Sugar Principles if they want our participation?
<CanoeBerry> Applicant appears to be from Utah/Oregon.
<CanoeBerry> Lacking any mentors (please feel free to help them!) I motion to put this application on hold.
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD

[ PROJECT #7 - Creating alternatives for life with children living on the streets - Bolivia ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #7 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Creating alternatives for life with children living on the streets -
<CanoeBerry> Bolivia
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 7 XOs over 4 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry> - Generate alternatives for life, funds and resources from and for kids
<CanoeBerry> living on the streets in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
<CanoeBerry> Promoting and showing to the whole world a new form of education
<CanoeBerry> appropriate to our times, creative, innovative and open.
<CanoeBerry> - Create and adapt activities for the Xo, working with children's that
<CanoeBerry> usually live on the streets and now are in a "foster home", making
<CanoeBerry> them accessible to the world community.
<CanoeBerry> - Make possible life alternatives and create future companies with the
<CanoeBerry> help of Xo's as a learning tool aimed for children between 8 and
<CanoeBerry> 12 years old, moving into a new form of education.
<CanoeBerry> - Connect the world via new “creative worlds.
<CanoeBerry> - Build a self-funded creative center connected to the world.
<CanoeBerry> - Produce a book and a documentary film about the experience.
<CanoeBerry> TENTATIVE PRE-APPROVAL by culseg & all -- final verdict to follow by email -- thanks all who helped work with Luigi an hour ago. [SEE ABOVE!]

[ PROJECT #6 - ]

[ PROJECT #8 - XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills - Kenya; Webster, Massachusetts ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #8 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills - Kenya;
<CanoeBerry> Webster, Massachusetts
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry> Requests 2-10 XOs over 2-8 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: (excerpt)
<CanoeBerry> Use XO laptops to promote ‘Verbal-Linguistic’ skills. The learners
<CanoeBerry> will enjoy
<CanoeBerry> learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening,
<CanoeBerry> researching with
<CanoeBerry> the XO. The XO will give students an opportunity to
<CanoeBerry> express themselves creatively with words, capture student voices
<CanoeBerry> with audio,
<CanoeBerry> text, pictures, students will create stories, interactive activities
<CanoeBerry> related to
<CanoeBerry> reading, writing, and speaking, students will read stories online,
<CanoeBerry> record their
<CanoeBerry> own stories and play literacy games. Our goal is to set a syllabus that
<CanoeBerry> reinforces and harmonizes well with the Ministry of education
<CanoeBerry> English curriculum.
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: what was the gist/verdict above, an hour ago?
<smallstuff> we didn't get to review this. Author is no longer on -line , but I can say something about this project
<culseg_> defer to Sandra..I amm ok with 2-4 stater pack
<smallstuff> ok.. I will mentor. She is a Kenyan ntl grad student in education. smart motived person, I think it i will be good
<smallstuff> on to next?
<culseg_> ok + to your plan
<CanoeBerry> smallstuff: is that you sandrat?
<smallstuff> yes
<CanoeBerry> great, can you take the ticket right now?
<CanoeBerry> thanks!
<smallstuff> yes

[ PROJECT #7 - ]
[ PROJECT #9 - Generación Digital - Managua, Nicaragua ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto our final project - please all critique/mentor/vote for #9 here:

<CanoeBerry> Generación Digital - Managua, Nicaragua


[ PROJECT #8 - ]

<CanoeBerry> ]

<CanoeBerry> Requests 25 XOs over 24 months

<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:

<CanoeBerry> Generación Digital was implemented in Colegio Las Enramadas two
[ PROJECT #9 - ]
<CanoeBerry> years ago
<CanoeBerry> and this program has motivated more children to enroll in Las Enramadas.
<CanoeBerry> With an estimated increase of 25% in student enrollment for next
<CanoeBerry> year, we
<CanoeBerry> will need a proportional increase in XO laptops for 2011 to meet these
<CanoeBerry> needs.
<CanoeBerry> Caryl has voted -1 on ticket. Short Summary:
<CanoeBerry> What specific things have they done with the XOs in the past 2 years
<CanoeBerry> that they have shared with the greater OLPC community? (a requirement
<CanoeBerry> for the CP). How do we know they would follow-through with this?
<CanoeBerry> What software are they currently using and what subjects are they using
<CanoeBerry> it for? What changes would they anticipate for the future?
<CanoeBerry> How will they work in the 2 different models of XO?
<CanoeBerry> How would this CP help the greater OLPC community?
<CanoeBerry> Other voices?
<smallstuff> This is a good project. Let's do something to get it started
<culseg_> defer to Caryl
<smallstuff> +1
<CanoeBerry> smallstuff: are you voted in support of the project, or in support of Caryl?
<CanoeBerry> smallstuff: are you (voting) in support of the project, or in support of Caryl?
<CanoeBerry> presumably the project..
<smallstuff> both
<smallstuff> gotta go sorry
<CanoeBerry> OK.
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer Martino has voiced tentative support.
<culseg_> put on HOLD
* smallstuff Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<CanoeBerry> Let's see how this one plays out, if an active mentor appears to keep communications & ideas flowing.
<CanoeBerry> Until I agree with culseg_
<CanoeBerry> Motion to put ON HOLD
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD, until proposal strengthened, and reponses to Caryl's concerns demonstrated.
<kevin-nic> +1
<CanoeBerry> MEETING ADJOURNED, thanks all, have a great weekend and see you soon in Boston for the olpcMAP making fest if you're into strengthening deployment/volunteering!!!
<meeting> CanoeBerry: Error: "ADJOURNED," is not a valid command.
<CanoeBerry> Dec 27-31 in Boston, at OLPC.
* lluigil Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
* tonyforster Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<KGMac> buh bye folks. talk soon :-)

Latest revision as of 21:48, 3 December 2010


* XO-1.5 early production machines available but shipping temporarily delayed this month:

* New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:

* Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!

* Fast Review of the 9 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
  join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

 #1 Zuva Rabuda / Sunrise - Zimbabwe
 #2 Escolar Carlos Bravo - Granada, Nicaragua
 #3 VoIP-on-Mesh - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
 #4 Fedora Asia Pacific Ambassadors Event Box - Quezon City, Philippines
 #5 RAP Ceibal San Jose - XO Una Amiga En Casa - Uruguay
 #6 Zambia School Expansion and Skill Development (Mothers Without Borders) - Utah
 #7 Creating alternatives for life with children living on the streets - Bolivia
 #8 XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills - Kenya; Webster, Massachusetts
 #9 Generación Digital - Managua, Nicaragua


<kevin-nic> saludos
* sandrat  has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> Jane are you in the meeting channel "/join #olpc-meeting"
<sandrat> I just wait until there is some activity  in the meeting channel
<sandrat> Yes... we are waiting
<sandrat> Wanja... did you talk to Adam ?   and did he confirm the meeting today?
<kevin-nic> hello my name is Kevin and I have sent an application for a project with the XO
<kevin-nic> anyone here speak Spanish, my English is a little bad
<kevin-nic> send a request to do a project in a school in which I requested XO in order to improve the quality of teaching in school
<sandrat> review should beging shortly
* sj| (~sj@wikipedia/sj) has joined #olpc-meeting
* mahlness2  has joined #olpc-meeting
<mahlness2> mark here in seattle
* lluigil  has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> cp info
* mahlness  has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> no I think you are fine now
<sandrat> just wait
<sandrat> Yes you are
<kevin-nic> how long?
<sandrat> not sure sj? any ideas
<kevin-nic> I'm new here and I'm learning to use this channel and I have made an application for community project
<sandrat> welcome kevin-nic... we can chat
<CanoeBerry> Yikes!
<sandrat> yup we're here
<CanoeBerry> Sorry for the delay, I blame Mike Lee's urgent phone call!
<CanoeBerry> Hi Mark!
<CanoeBerry> Can you review your project quick, even prior to the full list of 5+ projects I was about to email out to all?
<mahlness2> i!
<mahlness2> oops hi
<kevin-nic> now my laptop battery is being discharged, I will seek where to connect quickly, but we can chat
<CanoeBerry> mahlness2: how does that sounds, introducing your work here right now? for sandrat & all!
* culseg_  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: starting slow, until my 5+ project announcement emails out shortly..
<mahlness2> sure, i'm hoping to get to 1:1 XO's in my 3rd grade class
<CanoeBerry> Seattle group introducing their work now live (hopefully!)
<sandrat> great
<mahlness2> ... I have 14 right now, all donated over the years as word got out my kids were using them
<CanoeBerry> Thanks all.  Plz support/critique/mentor this Seattle+Michigan project's great work as best you can.
<mahlness2> this is a seattle pub. school clasroom...
<CanoeBerry> I'm in partial-attention-span theater for the next few min, but you've got my vote!
<mahlness2> ... and I've got to takae my kids to the library in 5 min. any questions? :)
<mahlness2> the kids blog at I'm at
<sandrat> you are in the meeting.  just watch the conversation develop
<sandrat> mahlness2 :  what is the XO part
<CanoeBerry> mahlness2: please can you elaborate quick?
<CanoeBerry> on your kids work to date?
<mahlness2> I did blog about the proposal from seattle last night:
<CanoeBerry> and hope repair will work with your Michigan accomplice ;)
<culseg_> mahiness: you've got my vote as well for your interesting published work with kids
<kevin-nic> kevin of Nicaragua'm good now this year we helped a school which did not have this condition, so that during this year could optener 80 XO by the American Chamber of Commerce in Nicaragua, so we Through his requested half a project for the use demotrar XO has the poorest schools in Nicaragua Escuchar Leer fonéticamente
<mahlness2> The kids are using the xo's for all kinds of things, including writing on their blogs
<mahlness2> gotta run, sorry - thanks all!
<sandrat> This looks great.. I'd like to reach some of the work
<CanoeBerry> Indeed. Who is the next applicant?
<CanoeBerry> culseg & sandrat: can you keep things moving?
<kevin-nic> if the blog's of children is
<sandrat> we are talking seattle right now;  nicaragua just wait a minut
<CanoeBerry> great
<sandrat> Mahlness2: what is the request you are making today!
<sandrat> kevin-nic:  we'll get to you in a few minutes
<kevin-nic> ok
<sandrat> mahlness2:   just some details on today's request.. your experience is valuable to all of us here
<culseg_> sandrat: mahiness has a CP proposal in
<sandrat> hello gakinya welcome;  watch the conversation
<sandrat> mahlness2:  I haven't read your proposal for today.  Can you give us a link to it
<sandrat> the website : is great info
<culseg_> mahiness has gone back to  his class....adam will post project when meeting resumes. if it does
<sandrat> We'll review the seattle project later.  Let goes on to Nicaragua!  r you there
<sandrat> kevin-nic:  Can you tell us about your project
<CanoeBerry> Yep, is Nicaragua's applicant still here hopefully?!
<kevin-nic> si
<kevin-nic> We talk about the project now?? Escuchar Leer fonéticamente
<sandrat> In Spanish if you prefer: tell us about your project
<sandrat> Just go ahead an type:  links to your site or info is helpful!!!
<sandrat> Kevin-nic:  It's your time!!  Now
<lluigil> just in case, i'm Luis from a Bolivia project
<sandrat> Si Escuchar aqui
<sandrat> lluigil:  ask him in spanish to type in information on his project
<lluigil> Kevin-nic: Puedes escribir sobre tu proyecto en español, te estan esperando
* kevin-nic  Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<sandrat> Let's go on to another request as Kevin-Nic is no longer on -line lluigil?  how about your project
<lluigil> Our project is in Bolivia, in Santa Cruz, with childs that live on the streets, but now they are in a home for these kids
<lluigil> we just create a blog:
<lluigil> we will work with a University here, a home for street children, and a group of young people that work with art and technologie
<sandrat> What is your hope for the Contributor program request
<sandrat> lluigil:   what is your request from Contributor Program and hope
<lluigil> we want to work with groups of 7 childs, we work inside and outside of the home, so because that we want to see if its possible to have 7 Xo's to do this project
* kevin-nic  has joined #olpc-meeting
<lluigil> and contribute with the materiales that we will create with the childs and the university
<kevin-nic> hola
<kevin-nic> se me cayo el internet
<lluigil> we focus a lot in videogames
<kevin-nic> estoy devuelta
<sandrat> kevin-nic: we'll get to your projec tin a minute
<lluigil> because is very difficult to work with this kind of childs
<lluigil> here is more info
<sandrat>  program
<sandrat> wanja : mozilla is the better host.. you should type "Say" entry box
<lluigil> and we will work with nur university: and this group of young people focusing the work on creativity:, the website will be ready the next week in 4 languages
<sandrat> how many XOs do you want lluigil?  and how will you use them?
<lluigil> 7 xo's if it's possible, if not we will see how to work with less, we want xo's because the atractive for this kind of childs, the mobility, because we work in places like the street, so for us the best tool in this kind of work is the xo
<lluigil> plus, we will work with future teachers, that will be teachers the next year, and there is a ICT program, so we want to teach this teachers with a new tool: the xo
<sandrat> lluigil:  have you used an XO?
<sandrat> lluigil:  have you used an XO?
<culseg_> interesting project, perhaps you need more than 4 months?
<lluigil> yes, a friend of mine has one xo
<lluigil> 4 months we need
<lluigil> and we want to create a way to find more
<lluigil> in the future
<lluigil> may be an auto finantiation
<sandrat> lluigil:  so how do you see the XO helping your kids
<lluigil> but we want to satrt with this
<sandrat> we like this program and I suggest we send 2?  XOs  what do others think?
<sandrat> your plans to work with teachers is very good. They will help developing your use of XO I think
<lluigil> the first thing, is the atraction of the xo (speacially for these kids, because they are in a big danger to go to the streets again), but speacially, because the kids appropiate the xo
<lluigil> they can play with etoys and the other programs
<lluigil> so we want to focus the work on the creation of videogames
<culseg_> project details at RT70998   I suggest at least 6 XOs for 6 months
<lluigil> yes, so we will work with street kids, and future teachers, and create materials focused in video games
<lluigil> 6 its good, and 6 months, we have to re-plan with this time
<sandrat> lluigil:   we can review your proposal and we might have a few more questions, your request is under consideration.
<sandrat> Let's ask Nicargua to tell us about that project, as we need to move on
<lluigil> perfect, thank you very much
<culseg_> lluigil: the major problem is there are no X0 1.5s that can be shipped at this time
* yama  Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<kevin-nic> ya puedo exponer
<sandrat> si
<sandrat> cuseg_:  so can we ship some XO 1.0s
<lluigil> okay, and a few xo's? to start?, or there is no Xo's at this moment?
<lluigil> yes
<lluigil> i work
<lluigil> with 1.0
<sandrat> we'll get back to you soon
<lluigil> okay
<culseg_> I understand fixed up X0 1s can be shipped
<kevin-nic> bueno mi nombre es kevin tecnico del proyecto de unos de los colegios que estamos ayudando para la implementacion de las XO �n
<culseg_> bueno
<sandrat> continuar
<kevin-nic> ha este colegio lo hemos decidido ayudar atravez de un programa de seguimiento educativo con el ministerio de educacion
<kevin-nic> este año recibimos una donacion por parte de la camara de comercio de nicaragua de 80 laptops XO
<kevin-nic> para este colegio
<kevin-nic> de las cual
<kevin-nic> este no tiene condiciones fisican asi como pizarras
<kevin-nic> este colegio esta ubicado en una zona rural del pais
<kevin-nic> y asientos para los niños
<kevin-nic> estos reciben clases debajo de los arboles
<kevin-nic> y han dado grandes resultados
<kevin-nic> ahora este año se hizo un piloto con las XO que obtuvimos
<kevin-nic> los niños tiene un blog´s la cual la direccion es
* yama  has joined #olpc-meeting
* yama  Quit (Changing host)
* yama  has joined #olpc-meeting
<kevin-nic> ahi en este sitio se suben los avances del proyecto y de las capacitaciones que le hemos dado a los niños y maestro
<sandrat> Yama;  we can use your help today
<kevin-nic> ahora con los pocos recursos que tenemos del grupo que estamos ayudando  al colegio hemos podido hacer algunas construcciones
<sandrat> bueno continuar
<kevin-nic> y mejoras al colegio
<culseg_> yama: go to RT70998 for CP proposal
<kevin-nic> por lo que ahora nos toca buscar alguna manera de que cada niño tenga su laptop xo
<kevin-nic> para el año que viene
<kevin-nic> pero hemos buscado la forma de obtener mas equipo pero no lo hemos podido hacer a travez de alguna donacion
<kevin-nic> por eso observamos que el wiki de olp c
<kevin-nic> habia un programa
<kevin-nic> para poder obtener equipos atravez
<kevin-nic> de un plan bien elaborado de la cual todo el grupo de generacion atlas (asi se llama nuestro grupo) va a estar comprometido con el programa
<sandrat> quantos XOs nessescita  por esta project
<kevin-nic> por que estos niños no han podido tener la oportunidad de trabajar, estos niños son  niños de las calles y algunos trabajan y como grupo creo que el objetivo es darle una herramienta de desarrollo personal y profesional
<kevin-nic> 20 XO
<kevin-nic> por que este año no todos pudieron tener
<kevin-nic> para es se pueda cada niño tener una laptops
<kevin-nic> y muchos de los que no tubieron optaron por retirarse del colegio
<kevin-nic> educativo
<kevin-nic> y lo que buscamos es integrar a todos los niños de esa comunidad al marco
<kevin-nic> ademas dentro del plan, esta en trabajar en conjunto el ministerio de educacion para hacer capacitaciones
<culseg_> there is enough info to review but some technical problem with today's meeting, so we should pause
<kevin-nic> la idea con estas XO es poder crear una biblioteca de consulta utilizando un servidor donde los niños puedan tener acceso a la misma con documentacion de ellos mismo de sus clases
<kevin-nic> ya que en la zona en que se encuentran ellos no hay conexion a internet
<sandrat> Kevin-nic:  muchos gratias per todos informacion
<kevin-nic> ni de señal de telefono
<sandrat> we'll get back to go
<culseg_> tentative +1 for your project ...6 Xos for 6 months
<sandrat> si commucation will come to you kevin-nic gratias
<sandrat> wanja?  are you still on this conversation?
<kevin-nic> entonces se podran tener los las laptops?
<sandrat> +1 for kevin-nic
<sandrat> kevin-nic: muchos gratias
<sandrat> wanja was connected, don't know if she is still.  I have read her project and can represent it.
<sandrat> She is request ing 10 laptops for a literacy project in Kenya  - will accept rebuilt xo 1.0s
<sandrat> TITLE: Using the XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills	
<culseg_> RT is down, not usable at this time, so CP projects cannot be viewed
* sandrat  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Error))
* sandrat  has joined #olpc-meeting
<sandrat> Use XO laptops to promote ‘Verbal-Linguistic’ skills. The learners will enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening, researching with the XO. The XO  will give students an opportunity to express themselves creatively with words, capture student voices with audio
<sandrat> text, pictures, students will create stories, interactive activities related to reading, writing, and speaking, students will read stories online, record their own stories and play literacy games. Our goal is to set a syllabus that reinforces and harmonizes well with the Ministry of education English
<CanoeBerry> O dear, 9 projects just finally email out -- let's review them wicked fast now!
<CanoeBerry> O dear, 9 project proposal summaries just finally emailed out -- let's review them wicked fast now!
<sandrat> I have to leave momentariy.  I don't know if Jane is still on line, but will get her back on
<CanoeBerry> AGENDA:
<CanoeBerry> Which is Jane's?
<CanoeBerry> Which exact number within the above Agenda?
<culseg_> is it 8?
<culseg_> rt is crawling...very slow
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: Shall we begin from the top?
<lluigil> i'm number 7
<CanoeBerry> Let me now.  We need to race through.
* kevin-nic  Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<CanoeBerry> Thankfully I've pre-approved about a half-dozen individual shipments, so we can focus on the 9 larger/harder ones here.
<CanoeBerry> Ready all?
* sandrat  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<CanoeBerry> lluigil: are you Jane?
<lluigil> no, i'm Luis from Bolivia
<lluigil> is the project number 7 in the agenda
<CanoeBerry> Hi!
<lluigil> hello!
<culseg_> CB , people had to leave, Luis presented his project already
<lluigil> yes i already presented the project
<CanoeBerry> Cool, conclusions?
<culseg_> in meeting notes, but some plus voy
* tonyforster  has joined #olpc-meeting
<culseg_> votes....
<culseg_> forge ahead as you see fit
<CanoeBerry> OK, great! Luigi/Bolivia review now pasted into:
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: any other projects we should prioritize fast before storming thru the whole agenda/list?
<lluigil> i don't have access to the Ticket right?
<CanoeBerry> Agenda Recap - 9 projects applications summarized here:
<CanoeBerry> lluigil: sorry about that, you're all set Luigi, thanks for attending and helping explain!  Conclusion will be emailed to you in coming days.
<culseg_> none for people on line currenty, as far as I know,
<lluigil> perfect! thank you very much!
<CanoeBerry> lluigil: Thank You!
<culseg_> +1 for Bolivia for 6 xos for 6 months
* kevin-nic  has joined #olpc-meeting

[ PROJECT #1 - Zuva Rabuda / Sunrise - Zimbabwe ]

<CanoeBerry> culseg_: cool, let's cruise thru quickly then, thanks -- starting with Project #1 here -- please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Zuva Rabuda / Sunrise - Zimbabwe
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 20 XO over 12 months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Background/Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     1. To improve the computer literacy rate of children from
<CanoeBerry>        Maware rural community
<CanoeBerry>     2. To work towards improving the general education system within the 
<CanoeBerry> community
<CanoeBerry>     3. To work towards accommodating the marginalized rural children 
<CanoeBerry> into the global
<CanoeBerry>        village
<CanoeBerry>     4. To orient and accommodate the marginalzed rural community 
<CanoeBerry> children into the
<CanoeBerry>        contemporary world with lots of technological developments
<CanoeBerry>     5. To use technology as a tool for information dissermination to the 
<CanoeBerry> rural youth
<CanoeBerry>        especially on issues of HIV and AIDS
<CanoeBerry>     6. To use the centre as a tool to expose the hidden possibilities 
<CanoeBerry> from the
<CanoeBerry>        marginalized society
<CanoeBerry> I vote for 2 XO-1s if sandrat confirms they are solid.  Until let's put this on hold -- it needs a more firm connection to the OLPC/Sugar experience first.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD, waiting for email replies to/from sandrat.

[ PROJECT #2 - Escolar Carlos Bravo - Granada, Nicaragua ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #2 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Escolar Carlos Bravo - Granada, Nicaragua
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 30 XOs over undetermined months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     In December 2009 a small group of family and friends started
<CanoeBerry>     to collect and transport school supplies and books to the largest public
<CanoeBerry>     school in Granada, Nicaragua. While this has been a grassroots effort,
<CanoeBerry>     we have already been able to provide more than 1,200 lbs. of paper,
<CanoeBerry>     books, pencils and notebooks to the school and in April 2010 contributed
<CanoeBerry>     $1,200 to fund the expansion of a small storage room to a large,
<CanoeBerry>     air-conditioned library complete with a broadband internet connection.
<CanoeBerry>     Mission of pilot: In conjunction with the director, teachers, students
<CanoeBerry>     and parents of Carlos Bravo, the pilot will establish the frameworks for
<CanoeBerry>     a successful rollout of One LapTop per Child to the entire school
<CanoeBerry>     population on an ongoing basis.
<CanoeBerry> Likewise, I need to see more direct connection & demonstrated work around OLPC/Sugar principles.
* mahlness  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<CanoeBerry> In general, I vote for a starter to kit of 2 XO-1s for similar such projects, if they find & work with a mentor on etc.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Other thoughts?
<CanoeBerry> Mentors willing to get this NYC/Nicaragua project up to speed in any way?
<CanoeBerry> Until then let's put this one hold.
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD
<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #3 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<culseg_> i was okay for 2-4 xos for cp 2
<CanoeBerry> culseg: can you mentor a bit, Project #2 above, taking the ticket?
<culseg_> no, but I will take others
<CanoeBerry> ok, project #2 needs a bit of TLC for any others that can provide that -- their work may be great, but so far they still have not even completed a proper application at:

[ PROJECT #3 - VoIP-on-Mesh - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #3 - please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> VoIP-on-Mesh - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
<CanoeBerry>     "If project is approved, i create a blog in blogspot."
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 1-2 XOs over 6 months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     - Port a VoIP application to XO system
<CanoeBerry>     - Integrate VoIP with Mesh network (to detect and talk with other users)
<culseg_> Sandra is a better choice
<CanoeBerry> Ask her to help there.
<CanoeBerry> Sameer would love to talk to any VoIP-on-XO researchers..
<CanoeBerry> Let me put then in touch and see what happens here.
<culseg_> +1 for Brasil, I'll take
<CanoeBerry> Even better.
<CanoeBerry> Thanks.
<CanoeBerry> Plz put sverma (Sameer) on AdminCC
<culseg_> yes, will connect with SF
<CanoeBerry> PRELIMINARY APPROVAL on Project #3, if culseg & sverma confirm.

[ PROJECT #4 - Fedora Asia Pacific Ambassadors Event Box - Quezon City, Philippines ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #4 -  please all critique/mentor/vote for:
* smallstuff ( has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Fedora Asia Pacific Ambassadors Event Box
<CanoeBerry> - Philippines
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 6 XOs over undetermined months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     To promote OLPCs cause and Fedora's use, by present the olpc as part
<CanoeBerry>     of the 'APACK box' (see plan of action) Encouraging participation in 
<CanoeBerry> fedora
<CanoeBerry>     and the OLPC project, while people who are interested in fedora but 
<CanoeBerry> want to
<CanoeBerry>     help olpc, can help take up one of the fedora maintained olpc packages.
<CanoeBerry>     Also to help create a presence for Fedora and OLPC at Events.
* KGMac  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> I'd suggest perhaps 2-4 XOs for this Filipino project?
<CanoeBerry> Others?
<culseg_> +1 for 2-4 XOs
<smallstuff> +1 2-4 xos
<CanoeBerry> KGMac: got a vote?
<KGMac> too late to the party, didnt see any of teh info, sorry
<CanoeBerry> OK, all info is in the 2 links right above..
<tonyforster> what is the purpose of the apac box?
<CanoeBerry> Ouotreach, primarily.
<CanoeBerry> Outreach, primarily.
<tonyforster> yes but who gets them an what guarantee they get used well?
<CanoeBerry> Not clear, but the Fedora community has served us well in the past..
<CanoeBerry> Most times :)
<tonyforster> thx
<CanoeBerry> Mafe should decide here.
<CanoeBerry> As a Filipino, what she thinks..
<CanoeBerry> I'm happy to give her the tie-breaking vote, deciding how competent she and find this group to be.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Default is to ship them 2-4 XO-1s if Mafe finds their work impressively solid.
<tonyforster> no objections from me
<CanoeBerry> great.
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<smallstuff> if mafe agrees ok
<CanoeBerry> Preliminary approval, as above.

[ PROJECT #5 - RAP Ceibal San Jose - XO Una Amiga En Casa - Uruguay ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #5 -  please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> RAP Ceibal San Jose - XO Una Amiga En Casa - Uruguay
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 5 XO-1.5s over 36 months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     In URUGUAY the government decided in 2007 to follow the OLPC project,
<CanoeBerry>     becoming the first country in the world to deliver literally one 
<CanoeBerry> laptop per
<CanoeBerry>     child in the two following years.
<CanoeBerry>     As a result of the PLAN CEIBAL it was clear that the support of the
<CanoeBerry>     delivery and people's contact with the laptops, had to be held on 
<CanoeBerry> the basis
<CanoeBerry>     of a horizontal net, which was called Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
<CanoeBerry>     **RAP CEIBAL** (PLAN CEIBAL Supporting Net). OUR MAIN OBJECTIVE IS 
<CanoeBerry> ADVANTAGE
<CanoeBerry> STUDENTS,
<CanoeBerry> LAPTOP OF
<CanoeBerry> OUR CITY,
<CanoeBerry> THEM
<CanoeBerry> Christoph supports this project I'm told, so I would tend to look positively on their approach.
<CanoeBerry> Default vote: +1 if we had XO-1.5s to offer!
* mahlness2 ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<smallstuff> Sounds like an important piece of the picture
<culseg_> teachers need XOs as well, so this project should not get a bad rap even tho Uruguay has so many XOs
<CanoeBerry> Perhaps we can vote our support, awaiting XO-1.5 inventory later in January hopefully.
<CanoeBerry> Other thoughts?
<culseg_> +1 for 4-6 XO 1.5s when ready
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> PRELIMINARY APPROVAL for 4-6 XO-1.5s when inventory is restored.

[ PROJECT #6 - Zambia School Expansion and Skill Development (Mothers Without Borders) - Utah ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #6 -  please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Zambia School Expansion and Skill Development (Mothers Without Borders)
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 100 XOs over 24 months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     Zambia has population of 12 million with 1 million being orphans. 
<CanoeBerry> The project's goal is the following:
<CanoeBerry>     1) Many of the orphan population live on the streets and beg, steal, 
<CanoeBerry> and/or
<CanoeBerry>        prostitute for a living. This project will provide them and other 
<CanoeBerry> children
<CanoeBerry>        of poverty an opportunity to learn/incorporate computer skills 
<CanoeBerry> into their
<CanoeBerry>        lives to open up new life/job opportunities for them.
<CanoeBerry>     2) The school being run by Mothers Without borders will also entice more
<CanoeBerry>        children to come to the school to be able to have this opportunity.
<CanoeBerry>        This will enhance the attendance of the school. The end result 
<CanoeBerry> will be
<CanoeBerry>        more jobs for adults (teachers, headmaster, etc.) and more 
<CanoeBerry> opportunities
<CanoeBerry>        for the children with the options that this education will open 
<CanoeBerry> up for them.
<CanoeBerry> Hmm, hard to be against motherhood & apple pie, nevermind Zambia, but I fear this project needs organization first :)
<CanoeBerry> Around OLPC/Sugar Principles if they want our participation?
<CanoeBerry> Applicant appears to be from Utah/Oregon.
<CanoeBerry> Lacking any mentors (please feel free to help them!) I motion to put this application on hold.
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD

[ PROJECT #7 - Creating alternatives for life with children living on the streets - Bolivia ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #7 -  please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> Creating alternatives for life with children living on the streets - 
<CanoeBerry> Bolivia
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 7 XOs over 4 months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     - Generate alternatives for life, funds and resources from and for kids
<CanoeBerry>       living on the streets in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
<CanoeBerry>       Promoting and showing to the whole world a new form of education
<CanoeBerry>       appropriate to our times, creative, innovative and open.
<CanoeBerry>     - Create and adapt activities for the Xo, working with children's that
<CanoeBerry>       usually live on the streets and now are in a "foster home", making
<CanoeBerry>       them accessible to the world community.
<CanoeBerry>     - Make possible life alternatives and create future companies with the
<CanoeBerry>       help of Xo's as a learning tool aimed for children between 8 and
<CanoeBerry>       12 years old, moving into a new form of education.
<CanoeBerry>     - Connect the world via new “creative worlds.
<CanoeBerry>     - Build a self-funded creative center connected to the world.
<CanoeBerry>     - Produce a book and a documentary film about the experience.
<CanoeBerry> TENTATIVE PRE-APPROVAL by culseg & all -- final verdict to follow by email -- thanks all who helped work with Luigi an hour ago. [SEE ABOVE!]

[ PROJECT #8 - XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills - Kenya; Webster, Massachusetts ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #8 -  please all critique/mentor/vote for:
<CanoeBerry> XO Laptop to Aid Teaching of English/Literacy Skills - Kenya; 
<CanoeBerry> Webster, Massachusetts
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 2-10 XOs over 2-8 months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives: (excerpt)
<CanoeBerry>     Use XO laptops to promote ‘Verbal-Linguistic’ skills. The learners 
<CanoeBerry> will enjoy
<CanoeBerry>     learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening, 
<CanoeBerry> researching with
<CanoeBerry>     the XO.  The XO  will give students an opportunity to
<CanoeBerry>     express themselves creatively with words, capture student voices 
<CanoeBerry> with audio,
<CanoeBerry>     text, pictures, students will create stories, interactive activities 
<CanoeBerry> related to
<CanoeBerry>     reading, writing, and speaking, students will read stories online, 
<CanoeBerry> record their
<CanoeBerry>     own stories and play literacy games. Our goal is to set a syllabus that
<CanoeBerry>     reinforces and harmonizes well with the Ministry of education 
<CanoeBerry> English curriculum.
<CanoeBerry> culseg_: what was the gist/verdict above, an hour ago?
<smallstuff> we didn't get to review this.  Author is no longer on -line , but I can say something about this project
<culseg_> defer to Sandra..I amm ok with 2-4 stater pack
<smallstuff> ok.. I will mentor.  She is a Kenyan ntl grad student in education. smart motived person, I think it i will be good
<smallstuff> on to next?
<culseg_> ok + to your plan
<CanoeBerry> smallstuff: is that you sandrat?
<smallstuff> yes
<CanoeBerry> great, can you take the ticket right now?
<CanoeBerry> thanks!
<smallstuff> yes

[ PROJECT #9 - Generación Digital - Managua, Nicaragua ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto our final project - please all critique/mentor/vote for #9 here:
<CanoeBerry> Generación Digital - Managua, Nicaragua
<CanoeBerry> ]
<CanoeBerry>     Requests 25 XOs over 24 months
<CanoeBerry>     Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     Generación Digital was implemented in Colegio Las Enramadas two 
<CanoeBerry> years ago
<CanoeBerry>     and this program has motivated more children to enroll in Las Enramadas.
<CanoeBerry>     With an estimated increase of 25% in student enrollment for next 
<CanoeBerry> year, we
<CanoeBerry>     will need a proportional increase in XO laptops for 2011 to meet these
<CanoeBerry>     needs.
<CanoeBerry> Caryl has voted -1 on ticket. Short Summary:
<CanoeBerry> What specific things have they done with the XOs in the past 2 years
<CanoeBerry> that they have shared with the greater OLPC community? (a requirement
<CanoeBerry> for the CP). How do we know they would follow-through with this?
<CanoeBerry> What software are they currently using and what subjects are they using
<CanoeBerry> it for? What changes would they anticipate for the future?
<CanoeBerry> How will they work in the 2 different models of XO?
<CanoeBerry> How would this CP help the greater OLPC community?
<CanoeBerry> Other voices?
<smallstuff> This is a good project. Let's do something to get it started
<culseg_> defer to Caryl
<smallstuff> +1
<CanoeBerry> smallstuff: are you voted in support of the project, or in support of Caryl?
<CanoeBerry> smallstuff: are you (voting) in support of the project, or in support of Caryl?
<CanoeBerry> presumably the project..
<smallstuff> both
<smallstuff> gotta go sorry
<CanoeBerry> OK.
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer Martino has voiced tentative support.
<culseg_> put on HOLD
* smallstuff  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<CanoeBerry> Let's see how this one plays out, if an active mentor appears to keep communications & ideas flowing.
<CanoeBerry> Until I agree with culseg_
<CanoeBerry> Motion to put ON HOLD
<CanoeBerry> Calling once..
<CanoeBerry> Calling twice..
<CanoeBerry> Calling thrice..
<CanoeBerry> ON HOLD, until proposal strengthened, and reponses to Caryl's concerns demonstrated.
<kevin-nic> +1
<CanoeBerry> MEETING ADJOURNED, thanks all, have a great weekend and see you soon in Boston for the olpcMAP making fest if you're into strengthening deployment/volunteering!!!
<meeting> CanoeBerry: Error: "ADJOURNED," is not a valid command.
<CanoeBerry> Dec 27-31 in Boston, at OLPC.
* lluigil  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
* tonyforster  Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<KGMac> buh bye folks. talk soon :-)