Actividades: Difference between revisions

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{{ Translation | lang = es | source = Activities | version = 74571 }}{{ Ongoing Translation }}
{{ Translation | lang = es | source = Activities | version = 74571 }}
<div style="float:right; font-size:80%">
Las aplicaciones nativas para la laptop XO son llamadas '''[[OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/Activities/lang-es|Actividades]]'''. haga clic en el nombre de las actividades para mayor información sobre su diseño y estado de desarrollo. Para contenido estático, vea también '''[[library grid|Grilla de la biblioteca]]'''.

'''<font color=red>Esta página es obsoleta.</font>'''
Existe más información sobre cómo [[Creating an Activity/lang-es|crear actividades]], los [[OLPC Human Interface Guidelines/lang-es|Lineamientos de Interfaz Humana de la OLPC]] y la [[#Installation|instalación de actividades]] en otras páginas.

Para buscar y descargar actividades de Sugar, por favor visite la página, la nueva biblioteca de actividades.
Dos colecciones grandes provienen de '''[[GCompris]]''' (la mayoría corre sin inconvenientes en la XO, aunque no estén del todo ''azucaradas'' (''sugarized'')) y '''[[WorldWideWorkshop]]'''.
{{ Translated text |
Applications native to the XO laptop are called '''[[OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/Activities|Activities]]'''. Click on an activity name below for information about design and development status. For static content, see also '''[[library grid]]'''.

There is more information about [[Creating an Activity|activity development]], [[OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines|OLPC Human Interface Guidelines]], and [[#Installation|installing an activity]] on other pages.

Two large collections of activities are from '''[[GCompris]]''' (most run well on an XO, though not completely sugarized yet) and '''[[WorldWideWorkshop]]'''.
| display = block }}

<br clear="all"/>

{{anchor|Activities for download}}
== Actividades para descargar ==
{|border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style="border: 1px #666666 solid; background: #f9f9f9; border-collapse: collapse;"
|+ <b> Sugar Activity List </b>
! width="5%" | Icono
! width="10%" | Nombre de la Actividad
! width="30%" | Descripciónn
! width="5%" | Último Build
! width="40%" | [[Activity_Translations|L10n]] & estado
| width="10%" | [[Mime types]]
| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " | {{anchor|General Search and Discovery}}
=== Exploración y Búsqueda General ===
| [[Image:Journal-icon.png|40px]]
| [[Journal]]<br/>[[Image:Journal-58.xo|download-v.58]]
| Navegador de objetos, actividades e historial{{ Translated text | Object and activity browser and history | display = block }}
| 542 '''C'''
| {{ Translated text | [[Journal|l10n resources]] - integration in process, always on | display = block }}

| [[Image:web.png|40px]]
| [[Browse]]<br/>[[Image:Browse.xo|v??]]
| Navegador de red {{ Translated text | Web browser | display = block }}
| 542 '''C'''
| {{ Translated text | [[Browse|l10n resources]] - Web version 19 - depend on new hulahop package, embedded ogg playback added | display = block }}
| .ogg, .html

| -
| [[Library]]
| Resumen de actividades de contenido {{ Translated text | Overview of content activities | display = block }}
| 519 '''C'''
| Actualmente empaquetado en forma separada con /home/olpc; Versión 519 ~200MB, versión actual ~9MB, corre via [[Browse|Navegador]] {{ Translated text | [[Localization/Library|l10n resources]] - Being packaged separately with /home/olpc ; 519 version ~200M, current version is ~9M, runs via Browse | display = block }}
| ''.xol''

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Documents (Read, Write & Share)}}
=== Documentos (Leer, Escribir & Compartir) ===
| [[Image:Activity-xbook.svg|40px]]
| [[Read]]<br/>[[Image:Read-32.xo|v32]]
| Lector de pdf/libros {{ Translated text | Book/pdf reader | display = block }}
| 4xx '''C'''
| Puede que no sea un ícono de sugar a la larga; Puede obetenerse utilizando en navegador; la funcionalidad PDF es ok pero consume memoria {{ Translated text | [[Read|l10n resources]] - May not be a sugar icon in the long run; Can get to it from the browser; PDF functionality ok but mem-hungry. | display = block }}
| .pdf

| [[Image:Write.png|40px]]
| [[Write]]<br/>[[Image:Write-32.xo|v??]]
| Procesador de textos {{ Translated text | Word processor | display = block }}
| 5xx '''C'''
| versión 20+; incluye colaboración; integración con el diario {{ Translated text | [[Write|l10n resources]] - version 20+; added collaboration; journal integration added | display = block }}
| .doc, .abw, .txt, .rtf, .xhtml, .html, odt

|- style="font-face:italic"
| -
| [[Collage]]
| Herramienta para crear libros y collages {{ Translated text | Collage and book maker | display = block }}
| ???
| Siendo trabajado por el equipo de Sophie {{ Translated text | 1={{Pending|No POT found}} {{Pending|No SOURCE found}} - Being worked on by Sophie | display = block }}
| ?

| -
| [[MikMik]]
| Editor wiki distribuido {{ Translated text | Distributed wiki editor | display = block }}
| ???
| No se encuentra en los builds actuales; parte de la tesis de Mako; está siendo sometido a pruebas, la base funciona, para T3. [ sources][ .xo] {{ Translated text | 1={{Pending|No POT found}} - [[MikMik|l10n resources]] - Not in current build; part of Mako's thesis. Being tested this month. Basics work, for T3.[ sources][ .xo] | display = block }}
| ?

| [[Image:Activity-storybuilder.svg|40px]]
| [[Story Builder]]<br/>[[Image:StoryBuilder-8.xo|StoryBuilder-8.xo]]
| Armador de historietas gráficas con una variedad de personajes, fondos y una capacidad de procesamiento de texto simple para escribir y compartir en la malla. {{ Translated text | Graphical story constructor with a variety of characters and backgrounds and simple word-processing capabilities for writing and sharing via mesh. | display = block }}
| 542
| Parte del [ MaMaMedia Creative Center]. {{ Translated text | 1={{Pending|No POT found}} -- Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center]. | display = block }}

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Feeds : News and more, (Read, Write & Share)}}
=== Fuentes de noticias y otros (Leer, Escribir & Compartir) ===
| [[Image:newsfeed.png|40px]]
| [[News Reader]]<br/>[[Image:NewsReader-21.xo|v21]]
| Lector de noticias {{ Translated text | News reader | display = block }}
| 4xx '''C'''
| Puede que no sea un ícono en sugar a la larga; se accede desde el navegador {{ Translated text | [[News Reade|l10n resources]] - May not be a sugar icon in the long run; Get from the browser | display = block }}
| ?

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Chat and talk}}
=== Chat & comunicación ===
| [[Image:chat.png|40px]]
| [[Chat]]<br/>[[Image:Chat-24.xo|v24]]
| Chat (charla) textual {{ Translated text | Text chat | display = block }}
| 594 '''C'''
| Funciona por medio del [[School server/lang-es|servidor escolar]] o en la malla. {{ Translated text | [[Chat|l10n resources]] - Works though the School Server or on the mesh. | display = block }}

| .
| [[Video Chat]]
| Videoconferencia [[Media:Call-1.xo|v1]] {{ Translated text | Video/Voice chat (Call)<br/>[[Image:Call-1.xo|v1]] | display = block }}
| 437
| Probablemente no sea un ícono de sugar. Se puede hablar con otra persona en Internet; se está trabajando sobre ''peer2peer''{{ Translated text | 1={{Pending|No SOURCE found}} - Probably not a Sugar Icon. Can talk to another person over internet; peer to peer still being worked out. | display = block }}

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Drawing & Media creation/editing}}
=== Dibujo & creación/edición de medias ===
| [[Image:paint.png|40px]]
| [[Draw]]
| Pintar (básic) {{ Translated text | Basic Paint | display = block }}
| 5xx '''C'''
| Necesita más efectos y colaboración {{ Translated text | 1={{pending|UNIFY [[Draw]] & [[Drawing Activity]]}} [[Drawing Activity|l10n resources]] - Localized to 10 languages. Needs more effects and collaboration. | display = block }}
| Many mime types are supported; all available in GTK.

| [[Image:Activity-tuxpaint-webpage.png]]
| [[Tux Paint]]
| Un programa excelente para pintar para niños pequeños {{ Translated text | Excellent paint program for young kids | display = block }}
| ?
| Traducido a 70 idiomas. Problemas para ''azucararlo'' por falta de documentación de las API de Sugar. {{ Translated text | 1={{Pending|No SOURCE found}} - Localized to 70 languages. Native code; Sugar API documentation is a roadblock. | display = block }}
| .png (currently captive)

| [[Image:record.png|40px]]
| [[Record]] (Capture)
| Fotos y video {{ Translated text | Still and video '''C''' | display = block }}
| 542
| {{ Translated text | 1=With video. {{pending|Needs L10n}} | display = block }}
| .jpg, .ogg

| [[Image:Activity8.png|40px]]
| [[TamTam]]
| Composición musical {{ Translated text | Music composition | display = block }}
| 5xx '''C'''
| {{ Translated text | [[TamTam|l10n resources]] - partially complete. | display = block }}
| .ogg, .midi

| [[Image:Ourstories.svg|40px]]
| [[Interview]] ([[Our_Stories]]) [[Media:OurStories-1.xo|download-v.1]] (beta)
| Actividad para entrevistar / NuestrasHistorias {{ Translated text | Interviewing/OurStories activity | display = block }}
| 5xx
| bajo desarrollo; John Huang & su equipo en Google {{ Translated text | 1={{Pending|No POT found}} - under development; John Huang & team @ Google [;a=summary sources] | display = block }}
| produces .ogg, .mp3, .jpg

| [[Image:Activity-flipsticks.svg|40px]]
| [[Flipsticks]]<br/>[[Media:FlipSticks-RC-1.4.xo|FlipSticks-RC-1.4.xo]]
| Usando cuadros, cómo programar una figura de alambre/palitos para que se mueva, tuerza, gire, ruede y baile {{ Translated text | Using keyframes, program a stick figure to twist, turn, tumble and dance | display = block }}
| 622
| Por favor probar! Parte de [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4] {{ Translated text | 1=Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4]. | display = block }}

| [[Image:Activity-cartoonbuilder.svg|40px]]
| [[Cartoon Builder]]<br/>[[Media:CartoonBuilder-RC-1.7.xo|CartoonBuilder-RC-1.7]]
| Anime un dibujo animado al crear una secuencia de poses en una cinta de película {{ Translated text | Animate a cartoon character by creating a sequence of poses inside a filmstrip | display = block }}
| 622
| Por favor probar! Parte de [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4]. {{ Translated text | 1=Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4]. | display = block }}

| [[Image:Activity-Jokemachine.svg|40px]]
| [[Joke Machine]] <br/>[[Media:JokeMachine-5.xo|JokeMachine-5]]
| Arma un libro de chistes multimedios e invita a tus amigos en la malla para que agreguen los suyos {{ Translated text | Start a multimedia jokebook and invite your friends to add jokes to it via the mesh | display = block }}
| 622
| No se encuentra en el build actual {{ Translated text | Not in current build | display = block }}

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Programming}}
=== Programación ===
| -
| [[Developer Console]]
| Consola del desarrollador {{ Translated text | Developer's console | display = block }}
| Todos {{ Translated text | All | display = block }}
| No es un ícono de Sugar. Se accede por medio de <tt>Alt + =</tt> desde Sugar, incluye diagnóstico y una terminal. {{ Translated text | 1=Not a Sugar icon. Accessed with Alt+= from sugar, includes diagnostics and terminal. | display = block }}

| -
| [[Develop]]
| Herramienta de desarrollo / IDE {{ Translated text | Development IDE/tool | display = block }}
| No
| La versión más reciente no funciona en los builds actuales {{ Translated text | Most recent version not working in current builds. | display = block }}

| [[Image:Pippy-icon.png|40px]]
| [[Pippy]]
| Ambiente de programación [[Python/lang-es|Python]] {{ Translated text | Python Programming language/environment | display = block }}
| ''56''x
| En ''builds'' recientes {{ Translated text | In recent builds | display = block }}

| [[Image:Activity1.png|40px]]
| [[Etoys]]
| Ambiente de aprendizaje / programación / autoría {{ Translated text | Learning / programming / authoring environment | display = block }}
| 542 '''C'''
| En el ''build'', integración de presencia en curso {{ Translated text | In the build; presence integration underway. | display = block }}

| -
| [[DrGeo]]
| Geometría interactiva {{ Translated text | interactive geometry | display = block }}
| No
| Corre dentro de [[Etoys/lang-es|Etoys]] (archivo SAR está [ disponible acá]) {{ Translated text | 1=Runs inside of [[Etoys]] (SAR file available here [] | display = block }}

| -
| [[Logo]]
| Lenguaje de programación Logo {{ Translated text | Logo programming language | display = block }}
| ?
| No se encuentra en el ''build'' actual {{ Translated text | Not in current build | display = block }}

| [[Image:turtleart.png|40px]]
| [[Turtle Art]]
| Lenguaje de programación gráfico simil-Logo {{ Translated text | Pseudo-Logo graphical programming language | display = block }}
| 542 '''C'''
| Necesita una barra de herramientas {{ Translated text | Needs a toolbar | display = block }}

| -
| [[Scratch]]
| Ambiente de aprendizaje / programación / autoría {{ Translated text | Learning / programming / authoring environment | display = block }}
| ?
| En desarrollo {{ Translated text | Under development | display = block }}

| -
| [[EduKT]]
| Creador de contenidos multimedios {{ Translated text | Multimedia Content Creator | display = block }}
| ?
| En desarrollo, lanzamiento inicial 0.29 hecho {{ Translated text | In Development, initial 0.29 release done. | display = block }}

| [[Image:Activity-gvr.png|40px]]
| [[Guido van Robot]]
| Lenguaje de programación educativo, IDE y lecciones {{ Translated text | Educational programming language, IDE and lessons | display = block }}
| ?
| Estable. Falta trabajar en la integración de las lecciones {{ Translated text | Stable. Work is done to integrate the lessons. | display = block }}

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Math & Science}}

=== Matemáticas y Ciencias ===
| [[Image:Calculate.svg|40px]]
| [[Calculate]]
| Calculadora básica {{ Translated text | Basic calculator | display = block }}
| 4xx '''C'''
| En el ''build''; usable tal cual. Podría agruparse con una planilla {{ Translated text | In the build; usable as is. Maybe grouped with spreadsheet. | display = block }}

| -
| ''Calculadora''
| Calculadora básica con visualización de cómputos {{ Translated text | Basic calculator with visualization of calculations | display = block }}
| 4xx
| Algunos problemas con la diagramación en la XO {{ Translated text | Some issues with render on XO | display = block }}

| -
| ''Spreadsheet''
| Planilla básica {{ Translated text | Basic spreadsheet | display = block }}
| ?
| Aún no está en los ''builds''. Integrar con ''calculate'' {{ Translated text | Not in the build yet. Group Sugar icon with calculate | display = block }}

| [[Image:IconRuler.svg|40px]]
| [[Ruler]]
| Sencilla regla de cm/mm {{ Translated text | Simple ruler and cm/mm grids | display = block }}
| 51x
| Funcionalidad Trial-2 finalizada. {{ Translated text | 1=TRIAL-2 feature complete. {{pending|Needs l10n}}, and testing on real hardware. [ source] | display = block }}

| [[Image:Icon_Hourglass.svg|40px]]
| [[Stopwatch]]
| Cronómetro básico {{ Translated text | Basic stopwatch | display = block }}
| 496
| Podría incluirse en Trial-2 aunque se planean más funcionalidades. {{ Translated text | 1=Could go TRIAL-2 with current features. But more planned. {{pending|Needs l10n}}, and testing on real hardware.[ source] | display = block }}

| [[Image:Activity-poll.svg|40px]]
| [[Poll Builder]]<br/>[[Image:Poll-11.xo|Poll-11.xo]]
| Para armar votaciones, encuestas, juntar votos y analizar la opinión comunitaria {{ Translated text | Create a poll, collect votes and analyze community opinions | display = block }}
| 622
| Por favor probar! Parte de [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4]. {{ Translated text | 1=Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4]. | display = block }}

| [[Image:Measure-icon.png|40px]]
| [[Measure / Oscilloscope]]
| Osciloscopio y registro de datos {{ Translated text | Oscilloscope and Data Logging | display = block }}
| 542
| Funcionalidad para Trial-3 finalizada. {{ Translated text | Trial 3 feature complete. Needs internationalization support before FRS. | display = block }}

| [[Image:Activity acousticmeasure.svg|40px]]
| [[Acoustic Tape Measure]]<br/>[ AcousticMeasure-2.xo]
| Medición de distancias {{ Translated text | Distance measurement | display = block }}
| 60x
| En desarrollo {{ Translated text | Under development. | display = block }}

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Media, Audio & Video Players}}

=== Reproductores de Medias, Audio & Video ===
| -
| [[DJ]]
| Cantidad desconocida {{ Translated text | unknown quantity | display = block }}
| ?
| No se encuentra en el ''build'' actual {{ Translated text | 1=Not in current build {{Pending|No SOURCE found}} | display = block }}

| -
| Multi-media
| Gnash para ''builds'' iniciales {{ Translated text | Gnash for early builds | display = block }}
| ?
| No se encuentra en los ''builds'' actuales {{ Translated text | 1=Not in current build {{Pending|No SOURCE found}} | display = block }}

| [[Image:watch&listen.png|40px]]
| [[Helix media activity]]
| Reproductor{{ Translated text | Media player | display = block }}
| 5xx
| En los últimos ''builds'' {{ Translated text | In latest build | display = block }}
| [[Media:Watch & Listen-8.xo]]

| -
| [[Sonata music player]]
| Soporte e interfaz de música {{ Translated text | Musicpd backend and frontend | display = block }}
| ?
| No se encuentra en el ''build'' actual {{ Translated text | Not in current build [ source] | display = block }}

| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Games}}

=== Juegos ===
| - || '''[[Block Party]]'''<br/>[[Image:BlockParty-7.xo|BlockParty-7.xo]] || Tetris game || ? '''C''' || Not in build 613, but in GIT and downloadable [[Image:BlockParty-7.xo|BP-7.xo]]; could use optimization and sound, but complete.
| - || [[Block Game]] || Tetris game || ? || [ svn] [[|.xo file (.xo not working in sugar)]], sugarized
| [[image:connect4.png|40px]] || [[Connect]] || Connect-4 game || 502 || [[Connect|l10n resources]] - UI Improved to tell you what is going on (waiting for player to join...); works with salut
| - || [[Deducto]] || Logic game || ? || Running well in Sugar. Development going on to make it compatible with the UI guidelines.
| [[Image:Activity-kuku.svg|40px]] || [[Kuku]] || Educational tutorial game || 5xx || [[Kuku/Localization|l10n resources]], [ sources] Not in the build
| [[Image:Activity-implode.svg|40px]] || [[Implode]] || Logic game || 5xx || Not in current build.
| [[Image:Activity7.png|40px]] || [[Memorize]] || Memory game (?) || 5xx || Not in current build
| [[Image:Logo-memoletters1.jpg|40px]] || [[Memoletters]] / [[Memonumbers]] || Memory game for learning letters and numbers and more || 5xx || Not in current build, flexible tile model
| - || [[Math game]] || math game for making a number as a function of 4 others || ? || Not in current build; has [ YouTube video] demo {{Pending|No SOURCE found}}
| [[Image:Logo-abflower.jpg|40px]] || [[ABC FLower]] || A more appropriate version of the hangman game || N || Not in current build
| - || [[Reversi]] || Reversi board game || 4xx || Not in current build; [ sources]
| [[Image:Activity-jigsawpuzzle.svg|40px]] || [[Jigsaw Puzzle]]<br/>[[Image:JigsawPuzzle-1_20071030.xo|JigsawPuzzle-1_20071030.xo]] || Classic picture-constructing game || 622 || Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4].
| [[Image:Activity-sliderpuzzle.svg|40px]] || [[Slider Puzzle]]<br/>[[Image:SliderPuzzle-3_20071030.xo|SliderPuzzle-3_20071030.xo]] || Slider Puzzle to improve on puzzle solving skills || 622 || Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4].
| - || [[Spray Play]] || two- or more? player shape-pushing physics game || ?? || Not in current build. [ sources].
| - || [[ThreeDPong|3D Pong]] || 3d pong game || 4xx || Not in current build; [ on the wiki] as uploaded file.
| [[Image:Typewriter.JPG|40px]] || [[Typewriter]] || Phonics, Vocabulary and Typing game || 406 || Not in current build; [ sources]
| - || [[SpaceWars]] || Classic space game || ? || Not in current build; Ported by the Silverman brothers.{{Pending|No SOURCE found}}
| - || [[DazzleDarts]] || Classic physics game || ? || Not in current build; Ported by the Silverman brothers and Vadim Gerasimov (network enabled, but not integrated into Sugar) {{Pending|No SOURCE found}}
| - || '''[[GCompris]]''' || Collection of games. See [[GCompris]] for a list of .xo bundles availble || ? || Not in current build; Ported by the GCompris team, now integrated into Sugar. Each of the 100 activities are packaged individually, you can [ download the English bundles]. Or, you can find out [ here how to build them].
| [[Image:Logo-Domino.jpg|40px]] || [[Domino]] || Math domino game || ? || Not in current build; Don't support mesh yet, you can play with your xo; [ sources].
| [[Image:Logo-Ecomundo.jpg|40px]] || [[Ecomundo]] || Life simulation game || ? || Not in current build; [ sources]
| [[Image:PegSolitaire.jpg|40px]] || [[Peg Solitaire]] || A Marble-Jumping Solitaire Game || ? || Not in current build; Works in Sugar; Created by a Team at Carnegie Mellon University; For Feedback please go to [[Image:PegSolitaire.xo]]
| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Teacher and New User Tools}}
=== Herramientas para Maestros y nuevos usarios ===
| [[Image:Activity-mamamedia.svg|40px]] || [[MaMaMedia Creative Center]]<br/>[[Image:MaMaMediaMenu-1_20071030.xo|MaMaMediaMenu-1_20071030.xo]] || Currently displays a static suite of MaMaMedia Creative activities, but will become a user-customizable "Make Your Own Favorites" activity.|| 622 || Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4].
| [[Image:Activity-learningcenter.svg|40px]] || [[MaMaMedia Learning Center]]<br/>[[Image:LearningCenter-2_20071030.xo|LearningCenter-2_20071030.xo]] || Resources for students/teachers exploring the XO and MaMaMedia Creative Center in-class and independently || 622 || Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center Beta 1.4].
| - || [[Wikiosity]] || Customized reading list generation from link structure of Wikipedia || ? || Not in current build {{pending|No SOURCE found}}
| colspan=6 style="background:lightgray; " |{{anchor|Other}}
=== Otros ===
| [[Image:Colingo-sugar.svg|40px]] || '''[[ColingoXO]]''' || [[Colingo]]-sponsored video editor allowing children to construct video dialogs with short video clips, for [[constructivist]] language-learning || - || Not in current build; needs interested developers to turn mock-up and description into code. {{pending|No SOURCE found}}
| [[Image:An_icon.svg|40px]] || Example demo how-to || Demo/example of Sugar API usage. || ? || Not in current build [[User:AlbertCahalan#example_app Hello-1.0.0.tar.gz sources]]
| - || [[Mesh Board]] || Peer-to-peer "Craigslist" || ? || Not in current build {{pending|No SOURCE found}}
| - || [[VisualAcuityDemo]] || Play with visual acuity measurements. || ? || Needs tube-based remote control.[ sources]
| - || [[Terminal]] || An activity version of the Sugar terminal || 49x || Not in current build; v.1, [ sources]. needs l10n.

| -
| [[xoIRC]]
| An activity version of the ''urk'' IRC client
| 56x
| Not in current build; v.1. [ sources] needs l10n and embedding in the dev terminal.

== Localización ==

{{ Translated text |
Please note the l10n (aka [[Localization]]) elements of the activity (ie: the POT file/directory link &mdash; <nowiki>[http:link POT] or [[PO page]]</nowiki>. You should also link to the <tt>activity/l10n</tt> subpage with po files and status if it exists.
| display = block }}

== Instalación ==

Para instalar manualmente desde una llave USB, vaya a la consola del desarrollador y escriba:
sugar-install-bundle /media/<USB stick name>
: '''Nota del Trial-3''': cuando se hace clic en un archivo <tt>.xo</tt> en el navegador, será descargado; desde la barra lateral, agréguelo al diario; desde el diario, retome el archivo. Esto instalará la actividad en su XO.
{{ Translated text |
To manually install activities from a USB stick, go to the developer's console and type:<br> ''sugar-install-bundle /media/<USB stick name>''
: '''trial-3 update''': when you click on an xo file from a browser, it will donwload; from the sidebar, add it to the journal; from the journal, resume the file. This will install the activity on your XO.

Activities will eventually be launchable or installable from the mesh, taskbar, journal, clipbar, and browser.
| display = block }}

{{anchor|Other collections of activities}}
== Otras colecciones de actividades ==

* Ver también (en desuso) [ Página de Actividades] en el sitio de descargas olpc de
* Ver también [[Activity bundle/lang-es|Paquete de actividades]], [[Library grid/lang-es|Grilla de la biblioteca]], [[Software ideas/lang-es|Ideas de software]]
{{ Translated text |
* See the (deprecated) [ Activities page] on's olpc download site
* See also : [[Activity bundle]], [[Library grid]], [[Software ideas]]
| display = block }}


Latest revision as of 02:00, 22 November 2011

  Traducción de Activities original  
  english | español | italian | 日本語 | 한글   +/- cambios  

Esta página es obsoleta.

Para buscar y descargar actividades de Sugar, por favor visite la página, la nueva biblioteca de actividades.