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== See also ==
== See also ==
Pages never created: Brainstorming, SWOT, Plan of Action, Prioritize, Feasibility Study, Business Plan, Frequently Asked Questions, Vocabulary Terminology Explained, The history of Money and its relation to the history of OLPC and.
Pages never created: Brainstorming, SWOT, Plan of Action, Prioritize, Feasibility Study, Business Plan, Frequently Asked Questions, Vocabulary Terminology Explained, The history of Money and its relation to the history of OLPC and.
: After a mangement meeting at the OLPCO2e team at the OLPC Europe HQ, it was decided to work out all these pages and in a dedicated site. After the project was killed, the pages were handed over in a hard copy and the site - virtual office deleted as per instructions. More: skype SvenAERTS--[[User:SvenAERTS|SvenAERTS]] 13:09, 31 January 2013 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 13:09, 31 January 2013

  This page is obsolete, or refers to an old proposal.

This talk page is about a project that was not adopted by OLPC. As of January 2010, OLPC has nothing to do with any CO2 certificate initiatives.

It was an interesting idea, but it isn't being pursued now by OLPC. --Sj talk
  1. Please complete with (suggestion): ... by OLPC's top management. --SvenAERTS 12:27, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
  2. We would also like to know how to recuperate all the pages we created. --SvenAERTS 12:27, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

Continuation on Separate sites

cf. using - OLPC.

  1. Why did we opt for Google Sites, Google Calendar, Google Discussion Groups, and the other Google tools, s.a. Google Docs? We are going to have to do a LOT of calculations and data-input for calculating the CO2e-reductions... (SvenAERTS 2009 - on the payroll and working at OLPC Europe)--SvenAERTS 12:34, 31 January 2013 (UTC)
  2. I've posted a Request For comments on this topic at Talk:Communication_channels...I didn't see any harm of going that road until there is a better option/comment. :) --SvenAERTS 21:58, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

other support

  • It sounds like an interesting program JamesK

Thank you.--SvenAERTS 12:27, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

  • how can people get involved with its development directly, other than by joining the mailing list?JamesK

Simply by contacting the groups involved or skype SvenAERTS directly :-)

  • Are there detailed pages that need more data or other input? JamesK

Yes of course. They were removed by Sj and his gang. I don't know how to put them back, nor how, to what extend, how much nor how long we can use the wiki here.--SvenAERTS 12:27, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

  • Are you already talking to environment grps for support? JamesK

If you are you referring to GPRS-General Radio Packet System-connectivity/wvdial (pppd)? We are indeed talking to some ICT/Mobile Phone operators that need to compensate their CO2e emissions and need CO2e-certificates for this and are very interested in collaborating. Google's data processing centers, combined with the move to cloud-computing and increased CO2e-engagements of the planet, indeed need CO2e-certificates from a certain moment on. OLPCO2e is desperately trying to get in contact with the Google Top Management to share our points of view on the topic. We were however shielded of contacting the OLPC-Board Members in which Google has a place by some people at the top of OLPC.--SvenAERTS 12:27, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

PS Greetings from Fedora: Frederic HORNAIN - cf. email att. Sven AERTS and Sj

Hi Sven, is the project being pursued by anyone at OLPC? Your suggestions for clarifying the page are welcome. Greetings from me back to M. HORNAIN !
I tried to merge all of the pages you hade made on the topic. Most of them had the same content repeated -- lists of links to other such pages, but most of the text was the same. I merged all of the novel bits into the current OLPCO2e page. There was a page about Agenda 21 which had a lot of text unrelated to OLPC and some unverifiable claims, which I did not merge. Redirected pages may be deleted the next time we clean up the wiki, if you want any of the non-OLPC texts you've posted you may want to keep copies of them elsewhere. Sj talk 12:56, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

unrelated links

I removed these two links from the page: has been mandated by to talk, develop, deploy, monetize and implement OLPCO2e's Plan of Action in Ruanda and Burundi. has been mandated by to talk, develop, deploy, monetize and implement OLPCO2e's Plan of Action in Gambia.
  1. What are these plans of action? The OLPCO2e Plan of Action page on this wiki was never created. Are the plans published anywhere?
  2. What does "mandated by OLPCO2e" mean?
  3. When you say "by OLPCO2e" who are you talking about? Who is part of that group?

--Sj talk 13:12, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

inappropriate remarks

"... killed by manager Walter De B. after instructions by the OLPC partner Google."

This wiki is no place for conspiracy theories. Please be civil. --Sj talk 13:12, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
This is no conspiracy nor is it incivic in my humble opinion. I was the project manager. I was on the payroll of OLPC Europe and killing a project is a term used for a project that is no longer continued and that is preferred to be burried. OLPC Europe manager WDB called me in his office and told me exactly this: google doesn't want any more resources spent on this and I could wrap up my office and leave. No hard feelings.--SvenAERTS 12:39, 31 January 2013 (UTC)

moved from the article page

I moved the bulk of this text from the article page, since this is no longer an active project and the rest was turning into discussion. --Sj talk

other topics

It also mentioned topics not explored, including

  • an "Animated OLPCO2e Assistant"
    • The OLPCO2e team took up contact and they had an initiative to cooperate to develop a chatbot for the OLPC software and projects, e.g. a chatbot/virtual assistent that would help teach kids English/Reading/basic Math etc. The main idea was that a real world teacher needs x amount of CO2e-emissions to teach a kid to read/write/English/math etc. The virtual teacher needs near to none. The difference could be received in CO2e-certificates. Please take it up with them to see what the status is.--SvenAERTS 12:48, 31 January 2013 (UTC)
  • a 'Quality Control Panel'
    • Correct. As in any other organisation, we had a Quality Control Panel as per our Quality Control program which we had from the beginning used to develop our Business Plan/Plan of Action etc. A Quality Control Panel gives management a visual instant overview of the status of the project, who's doing what, where are things advancing as planned, what needs more attention. --SvenAERTS 12:48, 31 January 2013 (UTC)
  • 'the history of Money and its relation to the history of OLPC and OLPCO2e'
    • Correct. This was part of the presentation to the internal team. CO2e-certificates can be seen as the first global money as as the CO2e Emission Trading System set-forth by the Kyoto Protocol is a world wide system to generate and exchange CO2e certificates - the money of the Low Carbon Economy. The turnover in CO2e certificate trading topped 145 billion € in 2011. By 2020 it is expected to top 1 to 2 Trillion € in a World GDP of 65 Trillion $.--SvenAERTS 12:48, 31 January 2013 (UTC)

Sites and groups not controlled by OLPC

  • Separate sites have been set up to discuss this project. As of 2010, there is no connection between OLPC and any CO2-certificate project, nor is one planned. Some of these pages may use the term 'OLPCO2e', dating to early 2009 when the idea was first created, but none of those sites have anything to do with OLPC, nor do any OLPC staff have a way to update or contribute to pages other than this one [which is kept for historical purposes].

general sections

...[a] plan of action proposed by Sven Aerts
...plan of action Agenda 21-Chapter IV and MDG nr.2
...the Low Carbon Economy-potential and more in particular the CO2e-certificates'potential that could be monetized by investing in green, environmentally friendly laptops such as the XO, rather than traditional power-hungry machines. The proposed project got as far as registering a domain at (which redirects to this page) and setting up a few administrative pages. The project as a whole did not proceed after Sven left OLPC in mid-2009 after the initiative was not pursued by OLPC Europe.

OLPCO2e as discussed internally in OLPC was preferably to be an entity completely dissociated from OLPC. It has been developed as such and on all communication this is clearly stated. More:

So far all pages I have seen about the project have suggested that OLPC would be involved somehow, and that money would be channeled to OLPC projects, neither of which is now the case. If they are completely separate, you should not use 'OLPC' in the name of the CO2 project. --Sj talk
What pages in particular? OLPCO2e was the name brainstormed at the OLPCEurope Headquarters and under which our team was known. We were on the payroll of olpc europe. No project can fundraise money for olpc if not approoved by olpc and the olpc account number must be used. If money has to be channeled back to the fundraiser team, this must transferred back by olpc. Any other procedure is not correct. The name OLPCO2e is not used anymore other than refer back to this historic effort/pages on this topic. --SvenAERTS 13:05, 31 January 2013 (UTC)

other sites about the idea

  • an OLPCO2e Virtual/Wiki Office (on a different wiki, closed to editing), a Discussion Group, and a private "Staff & Kernel Team" wiki. The Kernel team is to initiatiate a plan of Action and safe environment for the initiative to foster.
    • no OLPC staff have access to those external sites, and no editors of this wiki other than Giulia and Sven. OLPC have no control over their content... even less than over any page on this wiki :-). --Sj talk
      Sven comments: Certain people of the OLPC - open and free initiative do have access to the restricted staff-only olpco2e-wiki. The restricted staff-only OLPCO2e-wiki in this is no different from the restricted spaces reserved to OLPC staff, &c --Sven
      OLPC doesn't have any restricted wikis where active projects are developed. As far as I know (please correct me if I am wrong), OLPC as an organization isn't involved with an OLPCO2e project, and no updates have been posted here about it since it was abandoned in April. Using that name for a project that isn't related to OLPC seems misleading. --Sj talk
    OLPC has restricited wikis and places where strategical information is kept. E.g. a "Leads and customer management follow-up database." --SvenAERTS 14:42, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
    Yes. But every OLPC project has a publicly editable or publicly-commentable page. You have created pages about this CO2 project that are neither. --Sj talk
    It must be 100% clear to contributors to both OLPC and that works 100% independently. --SvenAERTS 14:42, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
  • What you are doing is not clear to me, and I know both you and OLPC. I don't think the name "OLPCO2e" is appropriate - there is no financial connection between any CO2-related project and OLPC. (your use of that combined name suggests that donating to this sort of CO2-related project would somehow benefit OLPC, which it would not.) --Sj talk 16:17, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
    ...other than that there is NO link, certainly no legal link between OLPC and OLPCO2e or vise versa. There is NO legal link between OLPC and, just as Youtube and BestOfYoutube have NOTHING to do with one another.
    'Best of YouTube' doesn't raise money for their own projects and say it is going to benefit YouTube. --Sj talk
  • became clear it would be preferable to develop OLPCO2e as a separate entity from OLPC. --SvenAERTS 13:22, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
    This name is misleading. Please use a different one.
    OLPCO2e was the name brainstormed at the OLPCEurope Headquarters and under which our team was known. We were on the payroll of olpc europe. The name OLPCO2e is not used anymore other than refer back to this historic effort/pages on this topic. --SvenAERTS 13:06, 31 January 2013 (UTC)

See also

Pages never created: Brainstorming, SWOT, Plan of Action, Prioritize, Feasibility Study, Business Plan, Frequently Asked Questions, Vocabulary Terminology Explained, The history of Money and its relation to the history of OLPC and.

After a mangement meeting at the OLPCO2e team at the OLPC Europe HQ, it was decided to work out all these pages and in a dedicated site. After the project was killed, the pages were handed over in a hard copy and the site - virtual office deleted as per instructions. More: skype SvenAERTS--SvenAERTS 13:09, 31 January 2013 (UTC)