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apparently the OLPC team has their hands full, will be back up next week with related wikis
so WiXi for [[Summer_of_Code|SOC 2007]] doesn't seem likely..
for language learners.. next will be to include a
maybe the team would change their mind if an outstanding
student application arrived.. a hiqhly qualified
professor [ Alexander Gelbukh] is eager
to mentor.. little team risk, maybe great reward..

''at little risk [[WiXi]] offers an good chance to affirm [[learning Vision|"learning learning"]] by enabling kids to [[constructionist|construct]] learning.. ''

wixi may also prove to be of service to both the [[Summer_of_Code#Distributed_translation|distributed translation]] and [[Summer_of_Code#One_dictionary_per_child|one dictionary per child]] projects.. soc 2008? 8P

=any support out there?=
please [[User_talk:Duke|contact me]] if you have any interest
in helping, even with one word of encouragement, to deliver a
simple wixi interface that 10m kids in Thailand, Brazil, Lybia
and Nigeria can try this year.. =) the current plan is:
* a. solicit bid to deliver olpc wixi
* b. find out how much developer needs, then find the money
* c. rebid, award, produce simple prototype ($3 - 5K?)
* d. assume olpc will make it available for kids to try, at least
* e. test "learning language learning" using the olpc

note: (d. assume) is one awfully weak link.. any encouragement from
olpc team will greatly chance of (b. money).. with (a. bid), i will formally
propose the project at

a little help from anyone actually involved with developing
[[|real olpc software]] will go a long way.. i've tried emailing john resig, apparently [ developing a javascript wiki] for kids to use w/ olpc.. no reply.. anyone else i should try?

=yaddayadda= will be back up soon with related wikis
for language learners.. on distant roadmap is a
[ code_wiki]
[ code_wiki]

muchas gracias por su interEs..

Revision as of 19:04, 23 March 2007

some previous talk at Talk:Twext.. also, someone added a similar system:

similar systems

This is similar to ruby annotation.

ruby annotation <- any better link?


A multi-language dictionary is being developed by wikimedia as a future replacement for the current single language wiktionaries. A beta of the software is online at [[1]]. Would this help?

yes much thanks! including all languages in one database will help wixi a lot.. omegawiki also discusses annotation.. omegawiki (formerly wiktionaryz) link now updated at thanks

aligned parallel corpora

ALIGNED PARALLEL CORPORA: Multilingual corpora that have been specially formatted for side-by-side comparison are called aligned parallel corpora. annotating a corpus is part-of-speech tagging, or POS-tagging.. When the language of the corpus is not a working language of the researchers who use it, interlinear glossing is used to make the annotation bilingual.


GLOSS: A gloss (from Koine Greek glossa, meaning 'tongue') is a note made in the margins or between the lines of a book, in which the meaning of the text in its original language is explained, sometimes in another language. As such, glosses can vary in thoroughness and complexity, from simple marginal notations of words one reader found difficult or obscure, to entire interlinear translations of the original text and cross references to similar passages.. A collection of glosses is a glossary.. In linguistics, an interlinear gloss is often placed between a text and its translation when it is important to understand the structure of the language being glossed..


POST: Part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging or POST), also called grammatical tagging, is the process of marking up the words in a text as corresponding to a particular part of speech, based on both its definition, as well as its context —ie. relationship with adjacent and related words in a phrase, sentence, or paragraph. A simplified form of this is commonly taught school-age children, in the identification of words as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. Once performed by hand, POS tagging is now done in the context of computational linguistics, using algorithms which associate discrete terms, as well as hidden parts of speech, in accordance with a set of descriptive tags.


LEMMA: In linguistics, and particularly in morphology, a lemma or citation form is the canonical form of a lexeme. Lexeme refers to the set of all the forms that have the same meaning, and lemma refers to the particular form that is chosen by convention to represent the lexeme.

This needs review by a doctor!!!

This page needs to be reveiewed by a pediatric doctor and also by an eye specialist. The process of refocusing used by this system, will put strain on the readers' eyes. Since children are still in thr process of physical development this may be especially DANGEROUS for them. These pages should be removed from the wiki unless and until this is proven to be not harmful to the children.

please refer to mock-up text seen at WiXi page.. note the 3rd paragraph:
wixi does not intend to make kids go blind, but rather to enable kids (and adults) to adjust the visibility of the interlinear annotation where needed to facilitate language learning.. as the program evolves, it will be able to reduce the visibility (and distraction) of words and phrases that are more likely to be known:

computer vision syndrome

re: review by a doctor!!! it may also be prudent to remove this entire wiki and while at it, this entire laptop project: The American Optometric Association here says children are especially vulnerable to "Computer Vision Syndrome" because:

  1. kids use electronic display gadgets for long hours
  2. kids have adaptive idea of what's normal (they don't notice if their vision blurs)

so it may be that a fraction of olpc users (with or without wixi) will suffer from eye damage.. note: above link recommends minimizing Computer Vision Syndrome, in part, with REGULAR REFOCUS (on objects more distant than the screen).. meanwhile, "refocusing" is consistently cited, not as a "strain" but rather as an exercise to strengthen eye muscles..

informal test show that it's not kids who complain about "strain".. those who complain tend to be adults over forty.. "As our eyes age, focusing on small print becomes difficult. Most people over the age of forty start to develop presbyopia. Letters look fuzzy..' please cite links to validate your opinion that it may be "especially DANGEROUS!!!" for kids to refocus to learn a little.. thanks :) Duke 13:05, 2 February 2007 (EST) update: study show video games improve vision

twexter software specs

twext line break


line break method for a chunk of bitext
twext line breaks enable twext translations 
to fit within variable page or column widths.
if chunk of bitext doesn't fit on line, then
it must be broken and continued on next line

1. find where chunk of bitext must break
2. break both text and twext proportionally
   a. pre-break twext part flushes to the right >
   b. post-break twext part flushes left <


if page width is quite
narrow, like twenty-two 
characters, then many
twext line breaks are

 I F   P A G E   W I D T H   I S   Q U I T E
 si  .    ancho de pagina  .       esta muy e-           

 N A R R O W ,   L I K E   T W E N T Y - T W O
-strecho      .    como  .         veinte y dos

 C H A R A C T E R S ,   T H E N   M A N Y
 caracteres           . entonces .        -

 T W E X T   L I N E   B R E A K S   A R E
-muchas quebraditas twextos        .    se -     

 N E E D E D

so when a bitext chunk is broken, 
twext part of first half flushes right, while
twext part of second half flushes left
thus, reader understands chunk is broken
twext line breaks are less necessary when 
formatting lyrics or poems, so it may be
useful to first focus on lyric formats



some c code able to do twext line breaks:


apparently the OLPC team has their hands full, so WiXi for SOC 2007 doesn't seem likely.. maybe the team would change their mind if an outstanding student application arrived.. a hiqhly qualified professor Alexander Gelbukh is eager to mentor.. little team risk, maybe great reward..

at little risk WiXi offers an good chance to affirm "learning learning" by enabling kids to construct learning..

wixi may also prove to be of service to both the distributed translation and one dictionary per child projects.. soc 2008? 8P

any support out there?

please contact me if you have any interest in helping, even with one word of encouragement, to deliver a simple wixi interface that 10m kids in Thailand, Brazil, Lybia and Nigeria can try this year.. =) the current plan is:

  • a. solicit bid to deliver olpc wixi
  • b. find out how much developer needs, then find the money
  • c. rebid, award, produce simple prototype ($3 - 5K?)
  • d. assume olpc will make it available for kids to try, at least
  • e. test "learning language learning" using the olpc

note: (d. assume) is one awfully weak link.. any encouragement from olpc team will greatly chance of (b. money).. with (a. bid), i will formally propose the project at

a little help from anyone actually involved with developing [olpc software] will go a long way.. i've tried emailing john resig, apparently developing a javascript wiki for kids to use w/ olpc.. no reply.. anyone else i should try?

yaddayadda will be back up soon with related wikis for language learners.. on distant roadmap is a code_wiki


muchas gracias por su interEs..