PO-laptop.org-foundation-zh-CN: Difference between revisions

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m (added Translated Page template (please verify version ID#))
(update translated content)
Line 16: Line 16:
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-22 23:21+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-03 16:36+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Scott Zhu <scott_zhu@web.de>\n"
"Last-Translator: Scott Zhu <scott_zhu@web.de>\n"
"Language-Team: 中文 zh-CN <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language-Team: 中文 zh-CN <LL@li.org>\n"
Line 30: Line 30:

msgid "purposetitle"
msgid "purposetitle"
msgstr "Purpose: The OLPC Foundation is a tax-exempt, social-benefit organization"
msgstr "目的: OLPC基金会是一个免税, 社会公益性机构"

msgid "purposedescription"
msgid "purposedescription"
msgstr "OLPC基金会的使命是促进创建基层机构, 以保持和增强XO笔记本电脑在不发达国家儿童教学方面的应用效能"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation mission is to stimulate grassroots initiatives designed to enhance and sustain the effectiveness of XO laptops as learning tools for children living in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "purposeh1"
msgid "purposeh1"
msgstr "purpose"
msgstr "目的"

msgid "purposeh2"
msgid "purposeh2"
msgstr "Mission"
msgstr "使命"

msgid "purposep1"
msgid "purposep1"
msgstr "OLPC基金会的使命是促进创建当地基层机构, 以长期保持和增强XO笔记本电脑在不发达国家儿童教学方面的应用效能."
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation's mission is to stimulate local grassroots initiatives designed to enhance and sustain over time the effectiveness of XO laptops as learning tools for children living in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "purposeh3"
msgid "purposeh3"
msgstr "Organization"
msgstr "机构"

msgid "purposep2"
msgid "purposep2"
msgstr "OLPC基金会是一个特拉华州许可的免税的(501C3), 社会公益性机构. 其总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥02142号的剑桥中心."
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation is a tax-exempt (501c3) social-benefit organization chartered in the State of Delaware and headquartered at One Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, 02142."

msgid "purposeh4"
msgid "purposeh4"
msgstr "Board"
msgstr "董事会"

msgid "purposebullet1"
msgid "purposebullet1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte, Chairman"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte, 董事会主席"

msgid "purposebullet2"
msgid "purposebullet2"
msgstr "Richard Rowe, President"
msgstr "Richard Rowe, 董事会会长"

msgid "purposebullet3"
msgid "purposebullet3"
msgstr "Ashton Hawkins, Secretary"
msgstr "Ashton Hawkins, 董事会秘书"

msgid "purposebullet4"
msgid "purposebullet4"
Line 71: Line 71:

msgid "programtitle"
msgid "programtitle"
msgstr "基金会计划: 改善不发达国家儿童的学习环境 — OLPC基金会"
msgstr "Program: Enhance learning among children in lesser-developed countries — OLPC Foundation"

msgid "programdescription"
msgid "programdescription"
msgstr "OLPC基金会的任务就是确保各个计划和活动符合基金会的使命, 以改善不发达国家儿童的学习环境."
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation identifies programs and initiatives consistent with its mission to enhance learning among children in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "programh1"
msgid "programh1"
msgstr "The Foundation's Programfocus on grassroots innovations"
msgstr "基金会计划专注于基层创新"

msgid "programp1"
msgid "programp1"
msgstr "每个儿童一台笔记本电脑(OLPC)运动的使命就是确保发展中国家的学龄儿童能够有效地使用他们自己的笔记本电脑, 让他们能通过网络联和世界联系在一起. 以此来让他们, 他们的家庭和社区可以开放地进行学习及认识学习."
msgstr "The mission of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) movement is to ensure that all school-aged children in the developing world are able to engage effectively with their own personal laptop, networked to the world, so that they, their families and their communities can openly learn and learn about learning."

msgid "programp2"
msgid "programp2"
msgstr "OLPC协会致力于设计, 生产和把XO笔记本电脑发放给不发达国家的儿童们. 目前, 已经有一些国家为保证他们所有的儿童都拥有和有效使用笔记本电脑做出了资金承诺, 并设立支持性计划. 协会初期的任务就是集中和这些国家的政府保持合作."
msgstr "The OLPC Association focuses on designing, manufacturing and distributing XO laptops to children in lesser developed countries, initially concentrating on those governments that have made commitments for the funding and program support required to ensure that all of their children own and can effectively use a laptop."

msgid "programp3"
msgid "programp3"
msgstr "基于OLPC的使命, 基金会最初的工作重点着眼于基层机构的建设. 它为使用公共教育资源和开发基层教学创新技术提供必要的资金支持, 并促使所得的成果用于提高不发达国家儿童, 他们的家庭和社区使用XO笔记本电脑的效能."
msgstr "Initially the OLPC Foundation is focusing on the grassroots, “bottoms-up” aspects of the OLPC mission. It provides grants and loans for the development and use of open educational resources and grassroots learning innovations that enhance the effectiveness of the XO in lesser developed communities around the world for children, their families and communities."

msgid "programp4"
msgid "programp4"
msgstr "This can include proposals such as:"
msgstr "相应的提案可以涵盖如下:"

msgid "programindenta"
msgid "programindenta"
msgstr "(a) 制作开源的, Wiki课本为形式的网上数学及科学项目, 各类词典, 以及有关地理, 历史, 社会研究, 健康和卫生等方面的课程, 并且包括相关的本地语言翻译. 这些方面的资料可以为某个地区, 或组群的儿童特别编制, 也可以为整个XO世界群落所通用;"
msgstr "(a) Online, open-source, wiki-textbooks, math and science projects, dictionaries, geographies, histories, social studies, health and nutrition courses, and translations into indigenous languages. These materials can be customized for a particular region or group of children or for more general use throughout the XO world;"

msgid "programindentb"
msgid "programindentb"
msgstr "(b) 为XO笔记本电脑特制的应用软件可以增强笔记本电脑在任何地方使用的通用效能. 那可以是教育游戏; 协作和归档工具; 或是艺术, 影像和绘图工具;"
msgstr "(b) Software applications not otherwise available on XO that will enhance the general usefulness of XO's in every location. This could be, for example, educational games; collaborative and archiving tools; or artistic, video and graphic tools;"

msgid "programindentc"
msgid "programindentc"
msgstr "(c) 提高XO笔记本电脑使用效能的外围设备. 这包括了各类人工充电装置和允许儿童们, 他们的家庭和社区扩展XO笔记本电脑应用范围的低成本USB外设; 以及"
msgstr "(c) Peripherals that will increase the effectiveness of the XO. These may include a variety of manual battery chargers and low-cost USB peripherals that extend the ways the XO can be used to benefit children, their families and their communities; and"

msgid "programindentd"
msgid "programindentd"
msgstr "(d) 组织性地提升创新能力, 以便通过给儿童提供更广泛的学习环境, 和/或让他们与来自不同国家和文化的其他儿童进行接触交流等方式, 来提高儿童们的学习水平."
msgstr "(d) Organizational capacity building innovations that will enhance children's learning by improving their broader learning environment and/or by enabling them to become acquainted with, and interact with, children from different countries and cultures."

msgid "programp5"
msgid "programp5"
msgstr "全部由OLPC基金会支持而开发的资源和外部设备必须符合开放源码格式和标准, 而且可以供任何使用XO笔记本电脑的儿童免费使用."
msgstr "All materials and peripherals developed with OLPC Foundation support must follow open source formats and standards and be available without fee for use by any child with an XO laptop."

msgid "programp6"
msgid "programp6"
msgstr "第一轮基层创新计划的申请截止日期是2007年5月31日. 申请人将在6月30日之前获知所提出建议的相关情况. 请你谅解, OLPC协会及OLPC基金会在支持这类计划数量上有限的能力. 如果你想申请这种基层学习创新计划, 请到下面连接处填写申请."
msgstr "The deadline for applications for the first round of Grassroots Innovations is 31 May 2007. Applicants will be informed no later than 30 June concerning the status of their proposal. Applicants need to understand that at this point OLPC and the OPLC Foundation are severely limited in the number of such programs they can support. Those who wish to apply for such a Grassroots Learning Innovations, need to go to the link below and fill out the application."

msgid "programp7"
msgid "programp7"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.vikingdev.com/grassroots/index.php?a=1">Go to Application for Grassroots Innovation Proposal</a>"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.vikingdev.com/grassroots/index.php?a=1">申请基层创新提案</a>"

msgid "programh2"
msgid "programh2"
msgstr "Special Laptop Program"
msgstr "笔记本电脑特别计划"

msgid "programp8"
msgid "programp8"
msgstr "基金会目前正在筹集资金, 以便今后能够为那些, 由于特殊自然条件限制而不能从政府方面得到XO笔记本电脑支持的儿童群体, 提供相应XO笔记本电脑支援时, 给于充足的资金保障."
msgstr "The Foundation is in the process of raising funds that will enable it, in the future, to subsidize the cost of XO laptops to groups of children who will not be provided XO's by governments because of the special nature of their circumstances."

msgid "programp9"
msgid "programp9"
msgstr "这些特殊情况包括支援难民儿童的计划, 支援居住在未列入政府规划范围而属被隔离地区儿童的计划, 和支援那些生活在异常穷困国家内的儿童们的计划. 对这类笔记本电脑特殊计划的支持将依据可用于本目的外部资金来源的具体情况而定."
msgstr "Examples of these exceptional cases include programs for refugee children, for children in isolated parts of a country who are not included in a government program and for children living in exceptionally poor countries. Support for such Special Laptop Programs will be dependent upon funding from outside sources that can be used for this purpose."

msgid "programp10"
msgid "programp10"
msgstr "由于基金会目前的资金限制, 以及保证相关计划高效实施的重要性和出于对本计划尚处启动阶段的支持, 基金会目前还不能接受不接受笔记本电脑支援特别计划的经费申请. 我们希望这类特别计划能够在2007年底前正式启动."
msgstr "Because of the limitations of the Foundation's current funding and because of the importance of ensuring highly effective content and support for the initial phases of this program, the Foundation is not accepting applications for the funding of Special Laptop Programs at this point. It is hoped that this program can be activated before the end of 2007."

#: participate.html
#: participate.html

msgid "participatetitle"
msgid "participatetitle"
msgstr "参与: 请为OLPC项目投入你的资金和时间"
msgstr "Participate: Invest your money and your time in OLPC project"

msgid "participatedescription"
msgid "participatedescription"
msgstr "OLPC基金会致力于为推动帮助儿童们购买和向他们分发用于学习目的笔记本电脑的这类公益性举措而凑集充足的资金."
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation works to advance their initiative by raising money to purchase and distribute learning-driven laptops to children."

msgid "participateh1"
msgid "participateh1"
msgstr "Contribute"
msgstr "捐助"

msgid "participatep1"
msgid "participatep1"
msgstr "每个儿童一台笔记本电脑基金会由不同的私人, 商业机构和基金组织共同构成. 我们对大大小小的各类捐助表示由衷的感谢, 并将把这些捐助用于支持不发达国家的基层教学创新计划. 捐助者可以把捐助意向发送至: "
msgstr "The One Laptop per Child Foundation is supported by individuals, businesses and foundations. Contributions large and small are greatly appreciated and will be used to support grassroots learning innovations throughout the lesser-developed world. Contributions may be sent to: "

msgid "participatep2"
msgid "participatep2"
msgstr "or for credit card contributions"
msgstr "或通过信用卡提供捐助"

msgid "participateh2"
msgid "participateh2"
msgstr "OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service"
msgstr "OLPC基金会义工服务"

msgid "participatep3"
msgid "participatep3"
msgstr "OLPC运动的主要使命是确保世界不发达地区的每个学龄儿童能够拥有自己的个人笔记本电脑, 以用于学习知识和掌握学习技能."
msgstr "The primary mission of the OLPC movement is to ensure that every school-aged child in the lesser-developed parts of the world owns their own personal laptop that they can use to learn and to learn about learning."

msgid "participatep4"
msgid "participatep4"
msgstr "作为其使命的一部分, OLPC基金会会维护一份以互联网为平台的, 记录那些准备在XO笔记本电脑计划中向全世界儿童提供捐助服务和捐助产品的个人和机构的名录."
msgstr "As a part of its mission, the OLPC Foundation maintains a Web-based listing of individuals and organizations who are prepared to contribute their services and/or products in support of children in XO laptop programs throughout the world."

msgid "participatep5"
msgid "participatep5"
msgstr "所有透过OLPC基金会义工服务计划而发生的活动必须严格地以志愿者的身份进行, 而且全部作为此项服务计划的一部分而产生的知识产权会被视作公共领域的成果, 因此不受制于任何版税或版权费用. 义工不得因在此项服务计划中付出的时间, 投入的成果, 或产生的创意而索取费用. 在特殊情况下, 义工可报销实付费用, 但必须以预先达成的书面协议和相关的程序为依据, 并且事先向OLPC基金会提供一份生效的电子副本."
msgstr "All activities undertaken as a result of contacts made through this OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service must be done on a strictly volunteer basis and all intellectual property generated as a part of this Service will be considered in the public domain and therefore not subject to any royalty or copyright fees. Volunteers may not charge a fee for the time, effort invested or ideas generated as a part of this service. In exceptional cases, volunteers may be reimbursed for direct out-of-pocket expenses, but only on the basis of prior written agreements with the related program(s). An executed, electronic copy the agreement must be provided in advance to the OLPC Foundation."

msgid "participatep6"
msgid "participatep6"
msgstr "我们会复核所有在申请过程中提供的信息, 并酌情公布于OLPC基金会的网页上. {我们会为此同你取得联系}"
msgstr "The information provided in all applications will be reviewed and, if appropriate, will be posted on the OLPC Foundation Website. {You may be contacted.}"

msgid "participatep7"
msgid "participatep7"
msgstr "我已阅读过OLPC基金会义工服务计划的上述条款及条件, 并且同意由我通过这个服务计划所提供的任何服务或产品项目都遵从于上述的这些条款和条件."
msgstr "I have read the above terms and conditions of the OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service and agree that any service or product that I provide through this Service will be subject to these terms and conditions."

msgid "participatep8"
msgid "participatep8"
msgstr "Go to Application for OLPC Volunteer Service"
msgstr "申请加入OLPC义工服务计划"

msgid "participatep9"
msgid "participatep9"
msgstr "你必须在提交申请前, 同意上述条款及条件."
msgstr "You must agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding."

#: propose.html
#: propose.html

msgid "proposetitle"
msgid "proposetitle"
msgstr "项目规划: OLPC特别计划和基层和组建基层教学社群"
msgstr "Propose: Special OLPC Programs and Grassroots Learning Intiatives"

msgid "proposedescription"
msgid "proposedescription"
msgstr "OLPC特别计划包括为不发达国家儿童购置和向他们递送XO笔记本电脑."
msgstr "Special OLPC Programs involve the purchase and delivery of XO laptops for use by children in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "proposerightsidebar1"
msgid "proposerightsidebar1"
msgstr "grassroots learning innovations"
msgstr "基层教学创新"


[[Category:PO files unfinished|Z]]

Revision as of 19:04, 3 April 2007

Template:Translated Page

#, fuzzy
# Source language: "en-US"
# Target language: "zh-CN" 
# Version: 2.0
# Date: 22 March 2007 
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-03 16:36+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Scott Zhu <scott_zhu@web.de>\n"
"Language-Team: 中文 zh-CN <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# these pages are for the Foundation Section

#: purpose.html

msgid "purposetitle"
msgstr "目的: OLPC基金会是一个免税, 社会公益性机构"

msgid "purposedescription"
msgstr "OLPC基金会的使命是促进创建基层机构, 以保持和增强XO笔记本电脑在不发达国家儿童教学方面的应用效能"

msgid "purposeh1"
msgstr "目的"

msgid "purposeh2"
msgstr "使命"

msgid "purposep1"
msgstr "OLPC基金会的使命是促进创建当地基层机构, 以长期保持和增强XO笔记本电脑在不发达国家儿童教学方面的应用效能."

msgid "purposeh3"
msgstr "机构"

msgid "purposep2"
msgstr "OLPC基金会是一个特拉华州许可的免税的(501C3), 社会公益性机构. 其总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥02142号的剑桥中心."

msgid "purposeh4"
msgstr "董事会"

msgid "purposebullet1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte, 董事会主席"

msgid "purposebullet2"
msgstr "Richard Rowe, 董事会会长"

msgid "purposebullet3"
msgstr "Ashton Hawkins, 董事会秘书"

msgid "purposebullet4"
msgstr "Robert D. Fadel"

msgid "purposebullet5"
msgstr "Calestous Juma"

#: program.html

msgid "programtitle"
msgstr "基金会计划: 改善不发达国家儿童的学习环境 — OLPC基金会"

msgid "programdescription"
msgstr "OLPC基金会的任务就是确保各个计划和活动符合基金会的使命, 以改善不发达国家儿童的学习环境."

msgid "programh1"
msgstr "基金会计划 — 专注于基层创新"

msgid "programp1"
msgstr "每个儿童一台笔记本电脑(OLPC)运动的使命就是确保发展中国家的学龄儿童能够有效地使用他们自己的笔记本电脑, 让他们能通过网络联和世界联系在一起. 以此来让他们, 他们的家庭和社区可以开放地进行学习及认识学习."

msgid "programp2"
msgstr "OLPC协会致力于设计, 生产和把XO笔记本电脑发放给不发达国家的儿童们. 目前, 已经有一些国家为保证他们所有的儿童都拥有和有效使用笔记本电脑做出了资金承诺, 并设立支持性计划. 协会初期的任务就是集中和这些国家的政府保持合作."

msgid "programp3"
msgstr "基于OLPC的使命, 基金会最初的工作重点着眼于基层机构的建设. 它为使用公共教育资源和开发基层教学创新技术提供必要的资金支持, 并促使所得的成果用于提高不发达国家儿童, 他们的家庭和社区使用XO笔记本电脑的效能."

msgid "programp4"
msgstr "相应的提案可以涵盖如下:"

msgid "programindenta"
msgstr "(a) 制作开源的, Wiki课本为形式的网上数学及科学项目, 各类词典, 以及有关地理, 历史, 社会研究, 健康和卫生等方面的课程, 并且包括相关的本地语言翻译. 这些方面的资料可以为某个地区, 或组群的儿童特别编制, 也可以为整个XO世界群落所通用;"

msgid "programindentb"
msgstr "(b) 为XO笔记本电脑特制的应用软件可以增强笔记本电脑在任何地方使用的通用效能. 那可以是教育游戏; 协作和归档工具; 或是艺术, 影像和绘图工具;"

msgid "programindentc"
msgstr "(c) 提高XO笔记本电脑使用效能的外围设备. 这包括了各类人工充电装置和允许儿童们, 他们的家庭和社区扩展XO笔记本电脑应用范围的低成本USB外设; 以及"

msgid "programindentd"
msgstr "(d) 组织性地提升创新能力, 以便通过给儿童提供更广泛的学习环境, 和/或让他们与来自不同国家和文化的其他儿童进行接触交流等方式, 来提高儿童们的学习水平."

msgid "programp5"
msgstr "全部由OLPC基金会支持而开发的资源和外部设备必须符合开放源码格式和标准, 而且可以供任何使用XO笔记本电脑的儿童免费使用."

msgid "programp6"
msgstr "第一轮基层创新计划的申请截止日期是2007年5月31日. 申请人将在6月30日之前获知所提出建议的相关情况. 请你谅解, OLPC协会及OLPC基金会在支持这类计划数量上有限的能力. 如果你想申请这种基层学习创新计划, 请到下面连接处填写申请."

msgid "programp7"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.vikingdev.com/grassroots/index.php?a=1">申请基层创新提案</a>"

msgid "programh2"
msgstr "笔记本电脑特别计划"

msgid "programp8"
msgstr "基金会目前正在筹集资金, 以便今后能够为那些, 由于特殊自然条件限制而不能从政府方面得到XO笔记本电脑支持的儿童群体, 提供相应XO笔记本电脑支援时, 给于充足的资金保障."

msgid "programp9"
msgstr "这些特殊情况包括支援难民儿童的计划, 支援居住在未列入政府规划范围而属被隔离地区儿童的计划, 和支援那些生活在异常穷困国家内的儿童们的计划. 对这类笔记本电脑特殊计划的支持将依据可用于本目的外部资金来源的具体情况而定."

msgid "programp10"
msgstr "由于基金会目前的资金限制, 以及保证相关计划高效实施的重要性和出于对本计划尚处启动阶段的支持, 基金会目前还不能接受不接受笔记本电脑支援特别计划的经费申请. 我们希望这类特别计划能够在2007年底前正式启动."

#: participate.html

msgid "participatetitle"
msgstr "参与: 请为OLPC项目投入你的资金和时间"

msgid "participatedescription"
msgstr "OLPC基金会致力于为推动帮助儿童们购买和向他们分发用于学习目的笔记本电脑的这类公益性举措而凑集充足的资金."

msgid "participateh1"
msgstr "捐助"

msgid "participatep1"
msgstr "每个儿童一台笔记本电脑基金会由不同的私人, 商业机构和基金组织共同构成. 我们对大大小小的各类捐助表示由衷的感谢, 并将把这些捐助用于支持不发达国家的基层教学创新计划. 捐助者可以把捐助意向发送至: "

msgid "participatep2"
msgstr "或通过信用卡提供捐助"

msgid "participateh2"
msgstr "OLPC基金会义工服务"

msgid "participatep3"
msgstr "OLPC运动的主要使命是确保世界不发达地区的每个学龄儿童能够拥有自己的个人笔记本电脑, 以用于学习知识和掌握学习技能."

msgid "participatep4"
msgstr "作为其使命的一部分, OLPC基金会会维护一份以互联网为平台的, 记录那些准备在XO笔记本电脑计划中向全世界儿童提供捐助服务和捐助产品的个人和机构的名录."

msgid "participatep5"
msgstr "所有透过OLPC基金会义工服务计划而发生的活动必须严格地以志愿者的身份进行, 而且全部作为此项服务计划的一部分而产生的知识产权会被视作公共领域的成果, 因此不受制于任何版税或版权费用. 义工不得因在此项服务计划中付出的时间, 投入的成果, 或产生的创意而索取费用. 在特殊情况下, 义工可报销实付费用, 但必须以预先达成的书面协议和相关的程序为依据, 并且事先向OLPC基金会提供一份生效的电子副本."

msgid "participatep6"
msgstr "我们会复核所有在申请过程中提供的信息, 并酌情公布于OLPC基金会的网页上. {我们会为此同你取得联系}"

msgid "participatep7"
msgstr "我已阅读过OLPC基金会义工服务计划的上述条款及条件, 并且同意由我通过这个服务计划所提供的任何服务或产品项目都遵从于上述的这些条款和条件."

msgid "participatep8"
msgstr "申请加入OLPC义工服务计划"

msgid "participatep9"
msgstr "你必须在提交申请前, 同意上述条款及条件."

#: propose.html

msgid "proposetitle"
msgstr "项目规划: OLPC特别计划和基层和组建基层教学社群"

msgid "proposedescription"
msgstr "OLPC特别计划包括为不发达国家儿童购置和向他们递送XO笔记本电脑."

msgid "proposerightsidebar1"
msgstr "基层教学创新"