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6. 지난 주에 Mary Lou와 Robert가 여러 환경 단체들과 만났습니다. XO가 지구 상에서 가장 친환경적 노트북입니다.
6. 지난 주에 Mary Lou와 Robert가 여러 환경 단체들과 만났습니다. XO가 지구 상에서 가장 친환경적 노트북입니다.
</blockquote></font>Is XO the “greenest” laptop on the planet? This seems not to be just literal but also appears figurative: Mary Lou and Robert spent some time talking to various environmental agencies last week. Our low-power design, RoHS compliance, LED backlight (rather than mercury-containing CCFL), battery with 4× the standard battery lifetime, elimination of PVCs and Brominated flame retardants, etc., may actually spur environmentalists to create a new category for our laptop. More on this in the coming weeks. </blockquote></font>
<font size="1"><blockquote>Is XO the “greenest” laptop on the planet? This seems not to be just literal but also appears figurative: Mary Lou and Robert spent some time talking to various environmental agencies last week. Our low-power design, RoHS compliance, LED backlight (rather than mercury-containing CCFL), battery with 4× the standard battery lifetime, elimination of PVCs and Brominated flame retardants, etc., may actually spur environmentalists to create a new category for our laptop. More on this in the coming weeks. </blockquote></font>

7. Pre-B3 마더보더가 오늘 (토요일) 콴타에서 만들어 집니다.
7. Pre-B3 마더보더가 오늘 (토요일) 콴타에서 만들어 집니다.
</blockquote></font>B3: Pre-B3 motherboards will be made today (Saturday) at Quanta. The pre-B3 bring up in Taipei will commence on April 18 in Taipei with Richard Smith, John Watlington, Mitch Bradley, and David Woodhouse present. </blockquote></font>
<font size="1"><blockquote>B3: Pre-B3 motherboards will be made today (Saturday) at Quanta. The pre-B3 bring up in Taipei will commence on April 18 in Taipei with Richard Smith, John Watlington, Mitch Bradley, and David Woodhouse present. </blockquote></font>

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9. Firmware/kernel: Mitch과 Andres Salomon이 SD 카드에서의 완전한 부팅에 성공했습니다.
9. Firmware/kernel: Mitch과 Andres Salomon이 SD 카드에서의 완전한 부팅에 성공했습니다.
</blockquote></font>Firmware/kernel: Mitch and Andres Salomon have succeeded in a complete boot off an SD card using a custom kernel and a few tweaks to OS Build 385. They are working on making it require fewer custom changes, so that booting off SD can be done routinely. Mitch and Richard worked on preparations for the LX processor (B3) board bring up next week. Mitch provided a version of the firmware to Quanta for initial debug.</blockquote></font>
<font size="1"><blockquote>Firmware/kernel: Mitch and Andres Salomon have succeeded in a complete boot off an SD card using a custom kernel and a few tweaks to OS Build 385. They are working on making it require fewer custom changes, so that booting off SD can be done routinely. Mitch and Richard worked on preparations for the LX processor (B3) board bring up next week. Mitch provided a version of the firmware to Quanta for initial debug.</blockquote></font>

10. 사용자 인터페이스: Eben Eliason이 그의 위키에서와 같이 새로운 탭이 달린 툴바를 개발했습니다. 그는 또한 UI 컨트롤에서 중요한 진전을 보았으며, 그것들을 위한 API를 얻기 위해, Marco Gritti과 Tomeu Vizoso를 만날 것입니다. Abiword 팀이 새로운 기능들을 시험하고 있습니다.
10. 사용자 인터페이스: Eben Eliason이 그의 위키에서와 같이 새로운 탭이 달린 툴바를 개발했습니다. 그는 또한 UI 컨트롤에서 중요한 진전을 보았으며, 그것들을 위한 API를 얻기 위해, Marco Gritti과 Tomeu Vizoso를 만날 것입니다. Abiword 팀이 새로운 기능들을 시험하고 있습니다.
</blockquote></font> User interface: Eben Eliason has developed a new tabbed toolbar system for Sugar that he has documented in the wiki. He also made yet another significant pass over the UI controls and will be meeting Marco Gritti and Tomeu Vizoso to get an API implemented for them. He has sketched mock-ups for our core activities (Write, Browser, etc.) using the new system and the team at Abiword has already begun implementing many of the new features.
<font size="1"><blockquote> User interface: Eben Eliason has developed a new tabbed toolbar system for Sugar that he has documented in the wiki. He also made yet another significant pass over the UI controls and will be meeting Marco Gritti and Tomeu Vizoso to get an API implemented for them. He has sketched mock-ups for our core activities (Write, Browser, etc.) using the new system and the team at Abiword has already begun implementing many of the new features.

Eben also specified a more detailed interaction for the clipboard, which will be consistent with current UI expectations while providing the additional features we want. The basic interaction is a clipboard stack, with the most recently copied item on top, which also acts as a push through queue when it fills up, dropping the bottom element from the stack when new items come in. And he prepared a refined “introductory sequence” for entering name, choosing colors, and taking a photo on first boot. Marco has this design and is working on implementation.</blockquote></font>
Eben also specified a more detailed interaction for the clipboard, which will be consistent with current UI expectations while providing the additional features we want. The basic interaction is a clipboard stack, with the most recently copied item on top, which also acts as a push through queue when it fills up, dropping the bottom element from the stack when new items come in. And he prepared a refined “introductory sequence” for entering name, choosing colors, and taking a photo on first boot. Marco has this design and is working on implementation.</blockquote></font>

11. 스쿨 서버: 웹 캐싱이 스쿨 서버 상에서 구성 및 운영되고 있습니다. 해당 지역에서 현재 빌드를 구동 중인 모든 XO 들이 네트워크 엑세스를 통해 그것을 이용할 수 있ㅅ브니다.
11. 스쿨 서버: 웹 캐싱이 스쿨 서버 상에서 구성 및 운영되고 있습니다. 해당 지역에서 현재 빌드를 구동 중인 모든 XO 들이 네트워크 엑세스를 통해 그것을 이용할 수 있ㅅ브니다.
</blockquote></font> School server: Web caching is configured and running on the school server in the OLPC office in Cambridge. All XOs in the area running a current build are using it for network access. </blockquote></font>
<font size="1"><blockquote> School server: Web caching is configured and running on the school server in the OLPC office in Cambridge. All XOs in the area running a current build are using it for network access. </blockquote></font>

12. 커뮤니티로부터: Marc Maurer는 개발 활동을 위해 AbiWord에 구문 컬러를 추가하는 그의 작업을 시작했다고 밝혔습니다. John Resig 는 e-북 리더에서 진전을 보고 있습니다. Bruno Coudoin는 GCompris (40개국 이상 언어로 번역된 어린이용 교육 프로그램)가 XO 상에서 구동됨을 보고합니다. Ignatz Heinz at Avallain Learning는 오프소스 버전으로 언어 학습 툴을 만들고 있습니다. Google 이 새로운 베타 번역 엔진을 선보였습니다. 지도적 연구자들 중의 한 명인 Franz Och는 IM 번역에 사용될 수 있다고 말합니다.
12. 커뮤니티로부터: Marc Maurer는 개발 활동을 위해 AbiWord에 구문 컬러를 추가하는 그의 작업을 시작했다고 밝혔습니다. John Resig 는 e-북 리더에서 진전을 보고 있습니다. Bruno Coudoin는 GCompris (40개국 이상 언어로 번역된 어린이용 교육 프로그램)가 XO 상에서 구동됨을 보고합니다. Ignatz Heinz at Avallain Learning는 오프소스 버전으로 언어 학습 툴을 만들고 있습니다. Google 이 새로운 베타 번역 엔진을 선보였습니다. 지도적 연구자들 중의 한 명인 Franz Och는 IM 번역에 사용될 수 있다고 말합니다.
</blockquote></font>From the community: Marc Maurer reports that his work on adding syntax coloring to AbiWord for the purposes of the develop activity is beginning to work. John Resig has been making progress on an eBook reader (See http://ejohn.org/apps/ebook/ for a live demo). Bruno Coudoin reports that GCompris is running on the XO. (GCompris is education software targeting young children that has been translated in more than 40 languages.) While it doesn't yet follow all of the design rules of Sugar, it is fun to see working. Ignatz Heinz at Avallain Learning is working on making an open-source version of their language-learning and literacy tools available for the XO. Google has just come out with a beta API to their new translation engine. Franz Och, one of their lead researchers, thinks it can be used for IM translation for the XO and would like to see this tested.</blockquote></font>
<font size="1"><blockquote>From the community: Marc Maurer reports that his work on adding syntax coloring to AbiWord for the purposes of the develop activity is beginning to work. John Resig has been making progress on an eBook reader (See http://ejohn.org/apps/ebook/ for a live demo). Bruno Coudoin reports that GCompris is running on the XO. (GCompris is education software targeting young children that has been translated in more than 40 languages.) While it doesn't yet follow all of the design rules of Sugar, it is fun to see working. Ignatz Heinz at Avallain Learning is working on making an open-source version of their language-learning and literacy tools available for the XO. Google has just come out with a beta API to their new translation engine. Franz Och, one of their lead researchers, thinks it can be used for IM translation for the XO and would like to see this tested.</blockquote></font>

</blockquote></font>Laptop News is archived at [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news Laptop News].
<font size="1"><blockquote>Laptop News is archived at [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news Laptop News].

You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the [http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news laptop.org mailman site].
You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the [http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news laptop.org mailman site].

Revision as of 01:43, 15 April 2007

  번역근원 News 원문  
  • 참고: 기술적인 자료의 번역을 위해 여러분의 도움을 기대합니다. www.laptop.org 사이트와 이 사이트의 메인 페이지들은 대부분 번역되었으나, 나머지는 한글 요약만을 제공하고 있습니다. 어느 페이지든 추가 번역이 필요하면, XO Korea의 번역 섹션에 메시지를 남겨 주시기 바라며, 모자라는 번역 부분을 채워주실 손길을 기다리고 있습니다.
  • Note: Some core pages have been fully translated, and others are provided with summaries. If you need more translation, please leave a message onto the discussion page of this, or that of XO Korea.


1. São Paulo: Roseli de Deus Lopes와 그녀의 팀이 학교 교사들과 더불어 XO 도입과 운용을 이번 주에 시작합니다. 100대의 노트북만 투입되지만, 모든 아이들과 교사들이 기대 만땅입니다. David Cavallo가 며칠 동안 교사들과 함께 했으며, 학생들과 교사들이 교과 과정 프로젝트에 그룹으로 참여하는데, 그 중에는 모든 노트북 학교들과 더불어 성장할 지역 역사 프로젝트도 있습니다.

Roseli de Deus Lopes and her team have been working with the teachers for a smooth introduction and work began with XOs in the school in this week. Naturally, even though there are only 100 laptops initially, word spread throughout the school and all the children and teachers are anxious to participate. David Cavallo met with the teachers for several days: the teachers and children will work in groups in inter-disciplinary projects, including a local-history project to grow and combine with all laptop schools.

2. Porto Alegre: Lea Fagundes과 그녀의 팀은 3주간 Luciana de Abreu 초등학교에서 XO와 더불어 일하고 있으며, 이미 엄청난 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 아이들은 경탄스런 작업을 하고 있으며, 학교 주변에서 사진을 찍고, 프로젝트를 진행하는 등 배움에 진정으로 몰입하고 있습니다. 어제 두 교사가 가족 문제로 출근하지 못하자 수업을 일찍 마쳤는데, 아무도 집에 안 가고 모여서 노트북과 함께 했습니다. 평상 시보다 10배 이상의 학부모들이 모임에 출석했으며, 아이들과 교사, 노트북 그리고 배움이 회의론자들의 마음을 바꾸는 구체적 예입니다.

Lea Fagundes and her team have been working with the XO in the Luciana de Abreu Elementary School for three weeks and already is having tremendous impact. The children of course are doing fantastic work and you see them moving around the school, taking pictures, working on projects, and truly engaged in their learning. Yesterday two teachers were unable to come to school due to family emergencies and the principal could not get substitutes; they dismissed the children of those classes early. For the first time in anyone's recollection, no one left when dismissed, preferring to stay and work with the laptops. The school had record attendance by parents for a meeting, with more than 10× the usual number attending. The teachers and children are ecstatic. The concrete example of chidlren, teachers, laptops and learning is changing the minds of doubters.

3. Rio de Janeiro: Michail Bletsas는 브라질의 학술 네트워크를 운영하는 Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP)이 조직한 이틀간의 모임에 참석했습니다. 이 미팅의 주요한 주제는 디지털 참여였으며, USP과 Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)에서 온 사람들이 XO 노트북 상의 무선 연결성 시험 결과를 제출했습니다. 결론은: 작동합니다.

Michail Bletsas attended a two-day meeting organized by Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP), the organization that runs Brazil's academic network. The main theme of the meeting was digital inclusion and a people from the USP and Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) presented their first results from testing wireless connectivity on the XO laptop. Their conclusion: it works.

4. FISL8.0: Michail and Javier Cardona은 OLPC 메쉬의 다양한 측면에 대한 back-to-back 프리젠테이션을 제공했습니다. 결론은 메쉬를 통한 멋진 오디오 스트리밍 데모입니다. 두 대의 XO가 오디오 스트리밍을 시연했으며, 전송 전력은 1mW (from 60)로 토끼 귀를 세운 상태에서 전송거리는 대략 40m로 제한되었습니다. 한명이 강의실 구석으로 옮겨가자 메쉬는 중단; 제 3 의 노트북이 강의실 중앙에 위치하자, 오디오 흐름이 재개됨.

Michail and Javier Cardona delivered back-to-back presentations on the various aspects of the OLPC mesh. Javier concluded with a nice audio-streaming demo via the mesh. Two XOs were streaming audio between them, their transmission power was limited to 1mW (from 60), so that the range between them was limited—about 40m with the rabbit ears down. One person went to the end of the lecture hall with one of the XOs and the audio stopped; another person went to the middle of the room with a third XO, which restored the audio flow. John Palmieri, Tomeu Vizoso, Marcelo Tosatti, David Cavallo, and Jim Gettys also attended the conference, which is the largest free software conference in the developing world (~5000 people pre-registered for the conference). Attendance at the OLPC booth was at times a crush and was always very busy.

5. MIT 미디어랩에서 Walter의 제자 중 한명이었던 Carla Gomez-Monroy 학교 테스트를 돕습니다.

Carla Gomez-Monroy, a former student of Walter's from the MIT Media Lab, will be helping us with the test school deployments. Carla spent several years working with the Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development (SEED) Foundation, doing constructionist projects in schools in the developing world, including Nigeria.

6. 지난 주에 Mary Lou와 Robert가 여러 환경 단체들과 만났습니다. XO가 지구 상에서 가장 친환경적 노트북입니다.

Is XO the “greenest” laptop on the planet? This seems not to be just literal but also appears figurative: Mary Lou and Robert spent some time talking to various environmental agencies last week. Our low-power design, RoHS compliance, LED backlight (rather than mercury-containing CCFL), battery with 4× the standard battery lifetime, elimination of PVCs and Brominated flame retardants, etc., may actually spur environmentalists to create a new category for our laptop. More on this in the coming weeks.

7. Pre-B3 마더보더가 오늘 (토요일) 콴타에서 만들어 집니다.

B3: Pre-B3 motherboards will be made today (Saturday) at Quanta. The pre-B3 bring up in Taipei will commence on April 18 in Taipei with Richard Smith, John Watlington, Mitch Bradley, and David Woodhouse present.


New rubber ears: 30 sets of rubber bunny ears arrived Friday at OLPC; we will use them for drop testing to new heights early next week. Current testing shows our laptops survive a five-foot drop tests on the “open” ears.

9. Firmware/kernel: Mitch과 Andres Salomon이 SD 카드에서의 완전한 부팅에 성공했습니다.

Firmware/kernel: Mitch and Andres Salomon have succeeded in a complete boot off an SD card using a custom kernel and a few tweaks to OS Build 385. They are working on making it require fewer custom changes, so that booting off SD can be done routinely. Mitch and Richard worked on preparations for the LX processor (B3) board bring up next week. Mitch provided a version of the firmware to Quanta for initial debug.

10. 사용자 인터페이스: Eben Eliason이 그의 위키에서와 같이 새로운 탭이 달린 툴바를 개발했습니다. 그는 또한 UI 컨트롤에서 중요한 진전을 보았으며, 그것들을 위한 API를 얻기 위해, Marco Gritti과 Tomeu Vizoso를 만날 것입니다. Abiword 팀이 새로운 기능들을 시험하고 있습니다.

User interface: Eben Eliason has developed a new tabbed toolbar system for Sugar that he has documented in the wiki. He also made yet another significant pass over the UI controls and will be meeting Marco Gritti and Tomeu Vizoso to get an API implemented for them. He has sketched mock-ups for our core activities (Write, Browser, etc.) using the new system and the team at Abiword has already begun implementing many of the new features. Eben also specified a more detailed interaction for the clipboard, which will be consistent with current UI expectations while providing the additional features we want. The basic interaction is a clipboard stack, with the most recently copied item on top, which also acts as a push through queue when it fills up, dropping the bottom element from the stack when new items come in. And he prepared a refined “introductory sequence” for entering name, choosing colors, and taking a photo on first boot. Marco has this design and is working on implementation.

11. 스쿨 서버: 웹 캐싱이 스쿨 서버 상에서 구성 및 운영되고 있습니다. 해당 지역에서 현재 빌드를 구동 중인 모든 XO 들이 네트워크 엑세스를 통해 그것을 이용할 수 있ㅅ브니다.

School server: Web caching is configured and running on the school server in the OLPC office in Cambridge. All XOs in the area running a current build are using it for network access.

12. 커뮤니티로부터: Marc Maurer는 개발 활동을 위해 AbiWord에 구문 컬러를 추가하는 그의 작업을 시작했다고 밝혔습니다. John Resig 는 e-북 리더에서 진전을 보고 있습니다. Bruno Coudoin는 GCompris (40개국 이상 언어로 번역된 어린이용 교육 프로그램)가 XO 상에서 구동됨을 보고합니다. Ignatz Heinz at Avallain Learning는 오프소스 버전으로 언어 학습 툴을 만들고 있습니다. Google 이 새로운 베타 번역 엔진을 선보였습니다. 지도적 연구자들 중의 한 명인 Franz Och는 IM 번역에 사용될 수 있다고 말합니다.

From the community: Marc Maurer reports that his work on adding syntax coloring to AbiWord for the purposes of the develop activity is beginning to work. John Resig has been making progress on an eBook reader (See http://ejohn.org/apps/ebook/ for a live demo). Bruno Coudoin reports that GCompris is running on the XO. (GCompris is education software targeting young children that has been translated in more than 40 languages.) While it doesn't yet follow all of the design rules of Sugar, it is fun to see working. Ignatz Heinz at Avallain Learning is working on making an open-source version of their language-learning and literacy tools available for the XO. Google has just come out with a beta API to their new translation engine. Franz Och, one of their lead researchers, thinks it can be used for IM translation for the XO and would like to see this tested.

Laptop News is archived at Laptop News.

You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the laptop.org mailman site.

Press requests: please send email to press@racepointgroup.com


Latest milestones:

Mar. 2007 First mesh network deployment.
Feb. 2007 B2-test machines become available and are shipped to developers and the launch countries.
Jan. 2007 Rwanda announced its participation in the project.
Dec. 2006 Uruguay announced its participation in the project.

All milestones can be found here.


Jan. 2007 OLPC has No Plans to Commercialize XO Computer.
Jan. 2007 OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer.
Jan. 2007 Rwanda Commits to One Laptop per Child Initiative.
Dec. 2006 Low Cost Laptop Could Tranform Learning.


More articles can be found here.

12 Apr. 2007 EYF Times| Meet the Scientist: Nicholas Negroponte
11 Apr. 2007 CNET News| Photos: Nigerian students power up their laptops
11 Apr. 2007 The News| Poor rural Thai students to get 100-dollar laptops
29 Mar. 2007 ComputerWorld| OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop


Miscellaneous videos of the laptop can be found here.