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(needs an intro)
Line 294: Line 294:
print "Hello " + name + "!"
print "Hello " + name + "!"

=== Thanks ===
Author: Walter Bender
Comment: 1st pass--please add names as apprppriate
print "OLPC would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the community of people and projects that have made the XO laptop possible."

print "Hardware: John Watlington, Mark Foster, Mary Lou Jepsen, Yves Behar, Bret Recor, Nicholas Negroponte, Scott Soong, Vance Ke, QUANTA team, Marvel Team, AMD team, ..."

print "Firmware: Ron Minnich, Richard Smith, Mitch Bradley, Tom Sylla, Lilian Walter, Bruce Wang, ..."

print "Kernel/Drivers: Jaya Kumar, Jon Corbet, Reynaldo Verdejo, Pierre Ossman, Dave Woodhouse, Matthew Garret, Chris Ball, Andy Tannenbaum, Linus Torvalds, Dave Jones, Andres Salomon, Marcelo Tosatti, ..."

print "Graphics systems: Jordan Crouse, Daniel Stone, Zephaniah Hull, Bernardo Innocenti, Behdad Esfahbod, Jim Gettys, Adam Jackson, ..."

print "Programming environments: Guido Van Rossum, Johan Dahlin, Brian Silverman, Alan Kay, Kim Rose, Bert Freudenberg, ..."

print "Sugar: Marco Presenti Gritti, Dan Williams, Chris Blizzard, John Palmieri, Lisa Strausfeld, Christian Marc Schmidt, Takaaki Okada, Eben Eliason, Walter Bender, Tomeu Vizoso, Simon Schampijer, ..."

print "Activities: Erik Blankinship, Bakhtiar Mikhak, Manusheel Gupta, the Abiword team, the Mozilla team, Jean Piché, Barry Vercoe, Richard Boulanger, Greg Thompson, Arjun Sarwal, the MaMaMedia team, ..."

print "Network: Michael Bletsas, James Cameron, Javier Cardona, Ronak Chokshi, ..."

print "Security: Ivan Krstić, Michael Stone, Scott Ananian, Herbert Poetzl, ..."

print "Content: Sj Klein, Mako Hill, ..."

print "Testing, production: Kim Quirk, Alex Latham, Giannis Galanis, Ricardo Carrano, ..."

print "Support behind the scenes: Carla Gomez Monroy, David Cavallo, Robert Fadel, Grasshopper, Nia Lewis, Felice Gardner, Lindsay Petrillose, Jill, Julia, David Roberson, Danny Clark, Rebecca Allen, Howard Anderson, José María Aznar, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Benjamin Mako Hill, William Kolb, Ayo Kusamotu, Rodrigo Mesquita, Eben Moglen, Seymour Papert, Bruce Parker, Mitchel Resnick, Ted Selker, Larry Weber, Jackie Lustig, Jodi Petrie, George Snell, Kyle Austin, Hilary Meserole, Erick A. Betancourt, Michael Borosky, Sylvain Lefebvre, Martin Le Sauteur, Ethan Beard (Google); John Roese (Nortel); Dandy Hsu (Quanta); Marcelo Claure (Brightstar); Gary Dillabough (eBay); Gustavo Arenas (AMD); Mike Evans (Red Hat); Ed Horowitz (SES Astra); Jeremy Philips (NewsCorp); Scott Soong (Chi Lin); Sehat Sutardja (Marvell); Joe Jacobson (MIT Media Lab); Seymour Papert (MIT Media Lab); Steve Kaufman (Riverside); Will Swope (Intel); and Tom Meredith (MFI)"

== Graphics ==
== Graphics ==

Revision as of 19:40, 31 October 2007

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TST Pippy
Trac print.png Tickets all - active - new
OlpcProject.png Chris Ball

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The Pippy interface

Description & Goals


Teaches Python programming by providing access to a fully interactive Python interpreter.?

The user can type simple expressions with some mathematical functions and execute the expression. This means that there is some overlap between Pippy and Calculate.







Please add examples here, or modify the existing ones!



Author: Madeleine Ball

print "Let's do math!"

print "On Monday I picked 22 apples. On Tuesday I picked 12."

print "Now I have: ", 22 + 12

print "My brother says he picked twice as many apples last week."

print "This means he picked: ", (22 + 12) * 2

print "I have 3 friends I would like to give apples."

print "One third of my apples is about: ", (22 + 12) / 3

print "Or, more exactly: ", (22.0 + 12.0) / 3.0


Author: Madeleine Ball

# Pascal's triangle
lines = 8

vector = [1]

for i in range(1,lines+1):

for i in range(0,lines):
  newvector = vector[:]
  for j in range(0,len(vector)-1):
    if (newvector[j] == 0):
      print "  ",
      print "%2d" % newvector[j],
    newvector[j] = vector[j-1] + vector[j+1]
  vector = newvector[:]

Sierpinski triangle

Author: Madeleine Ball

Modification of the Pascal's triangle program to produce Sierpinski triangles.

size = 5
modulus = 2

lines = modulus**size

vector = [1]
for i in range(1,lines+1):

for i in range(0,lines):
  newvector = vector[:]
  for j in range(0,len(vector)-1):
    if (newvector[j] == 0):
      print " ",
      remainder = newvector[j] % modulus
      if (remainder == 0):
        print "O",
        print ".",
    newvector[j] = vector[j-1] + vector[j+1]
  vector = newvector[:]


Author: Chris Ball

for i in range(1,13):
    print i, "x 4 =", (i*4)


Author: Chris Ball

number = input("Which times table? ")
for i in range(1,13):
    print i, "x", number, "=", i*number

Fibonacci Series

Author : Rafael Ortiz

a, b = 0, 1
while b < 1001:
     print b,
     a, b = b, a+b


Author : Rafael Ortiz

import math
from math import sqrt

print "This is the Pythagoras Theorem"
a=float(raw_input("Type a ="))
b=float(raw_input("Type b ="))


print "c =",c


Author: Reinier Heeres

import math
import sys

orignum = input("Enter a number to factorize ")

factors = []
num = orignum
i = 2
while i <= math.sqrt(num):
    if num % i == 0:
        num /= i
        i = 2
    elif i == 2:
        i += 1
        i += 2


if len(factors) == 1:
    print "%d is prime" % orignum
    sys.stdout.write("%d is %d" % (orignum, factors[0]))
    for fac in factors[1:]:
        sys.stdout.write(" * %d" % fac)

Zeros of a second degree polynomial

Author: Pilar Saenz

import math
from math import sqrt

print "These are the zeros of a second grade polynomial"
a=float(raw_input("Type a ="))
b=float(raw_input("Type b ="))
c=float(raw_input("Type c ="))
if aux>0:
    print "x1= " , x1 ,", x2=" ,x2 
elif aux==0:
    print "x= " , -b/(2*a)
    print "x1= " , x1 , ", x2" , x2 

Factorial of a number

Author: Pilar Saenz

def factorial(a):
  for i in range(1,a):
  print  a,"!=",fac

a=int(raw_input("Type a="))

Greatest common divisor

Author: Pilar Saenz

n= input("Enter a number ")
m= input("Enter another number ")
if r!=0:
    while (r!=0):
print "The greatest common divisor is ", m



Author: Chris Ball

def square(x): 
    print x * x



Author: Chris Ball

number = input("Enter a number: ")

if number > 5:
    print "Greater than 5"
elif number < 5:
    print "Less than 5"
    print "Number is 5!"


Author: Mel Chua

# Note this assumes you understand functions and if-else.
def countbackwards(number):
    print "I have the number", number
    if number > 0:
        print "Calling countbackwards again!"
        print "I am done counting"

number = input("Enter a number: ")


Author Pilar Saenz

n=input("enter a number")
while n>0:
  print  n, " ",
print "Surprise!\n"



Author: Chris Ball

print "Hello everyone!"


Author: Chris Ball

name = raw_input("Type your name here: ")
print "Hello " + name + "!"


Author: Walter Bender Comment: 1st pass--please add names as apprppriate

print "OLPC would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the community of people and projects that have made the XO laptop possible."

print "Hardware: John Watlington, Mark Foster, Mary Lou Jepsen, Yves Behar, Bret Recor, Nicholas Negroponte, Scott Soong, Vance Ke, QUANTA team, Marvel Team, AMD team, ..."

print "Firmware: Ron Minnich, Richard Smith, Mitch Bradley, Tom Sylla, Lilian Walter, Bruce Wang, ..."

print "Kernel/Drivers: Jaya Kumar, Jon Corbet, Reynaldo Verdejo, Pierre Ossman, Dave Woodhouse, Matthew Garret, Chris Ball, Andy Tannenbaum, Linus Torvalds, Dave Jones, Andres Salomon, Marcelo Tosatti, ..."

print "Graphics systems: Jordan Crouse, Daniel Stone, Zephaniah Hull, Bernardo Innocenti, Behdad Esfahbod, Jim Gettys, Adam Jackson, ..."

print "Programming environments: Guido Van Rossum, Johan Dahlin, Brian Silverman, Alan Kay, Kim Rose, Bert Freudenberg, ..."

print "Sugar: Marco Presenti Gritti, Dan Williams, Chris Blizzard, John Palmieri, Lisa Strausfeld, Christian Marc Schmidt, Takaaki Okada, Eben Eliason, Walter Bender, Tomeu Vizoso, Simon Schampijer, ..."

print "Activities: Erik Blankinship, Bakhtiar Mikhak, Manusheel Gupta, the Abiword team, the Mozilla team, Jean Piché, Barry Vercoe, Richard Boulanger, Greg Thompson, Arjun Sarwal, the MaMaMedia team, ..."

print "Network: Michael Bletsas, James Cameron, Javier Cardona, Ronak Chokshi, ..."

print "Security: Ivan Krstić, Michael Stone, Scott Ananian, Herbert Poetzl, ..."

print "Content: Sj Klein, Mako Hill, ..."

print "Testing, production: Kim Quirk, Alex Latham, Giannis Galanis, Ricardo Carrano, ..."

print "Support behind the scenes: Carla Gomez Monroy, David Cavallo, Robert Fadel, Grasshopper, Nia Lewis, Felice Gardner, Lindsay Petrillose, Jill, Julia, David Roberson, Danny Clark, Rebecca Allen, Howard Anderson, José María Aznar, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Benjamin Mako Hill, William Kolb, Ayo Kusamotu, Rodrigo Mesquita, Eben Moglen, Seymour Papert, Bruce Parker, Mitchel Resnick, Ted Selker, Larry Weber, Jackie Lustig, Jodi Petrie, George Snell, Kyle Austin, Hilary Meserole, Erick A. Betancourt, Michael Borosky, Sylvain Lefebvre, Martin Le Sauteur, Ethan Beard (Google); John Roese (Nortel); Dandy Hsu (Quanta); Marcelo Claure (Brightstar); Gary Dillabough (eBay); Gustavo Arenas (AMD); Mike Evans (Red Hat); Ed Horowitz (SES Astra); Jeremy Philips (NewsCorp); Scott Soong (Chi Lin); Sehat Sutardja (Marvell); Joe Jacobson (MIT Media Lab); Seymour Papert (MIT Media Lab); Steve Kaufman (Riverside); Will Swope (Intel); and Tom Meredith (MFI)"

== Graphics ==
=== Jump ===
Author: C. Scott Ananian
# both of these functions should be in the 'basic' package or some such
def clear_scr():
    print '\x1B[H\x1B[J' # clear screen, the hard way.
def wait():
    import time

# jumping man!
# was having to escape the backslash which was rather unfortunate, 
# now using python's r" strings which were meant for regex's
# i didn't have to do that in C64 BASIC
for i in xrange(0,50):
    print r"\o/"
    print r"_|_"
    print r"   "
    print r"_o_"
    print r" | "
    print r"/ \"
    print r" o "
    print r"/|\"
    print r"| |"
    print r"_o_"
    print r" | "
    print r"/ \"


Guess a number

Author: Pilar Saenz

import random
from random import randrange
R = randrange(1,100)

print "Guess a number between 1 and 100!!!"
N = input("Enter a number: ")
while (N!=R):
  if N>R :
    print "Too big... try again"
  else :
    print "Too small.. try again"
  N = input("Enter a number: ")
print "You got it in ", i, "tries"