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= General documents related to Special Education =
= Links to Student Services Reports =
"Each report tracks special education aide
assignments, compares special education and preschool aide budgets by FTE, provides a cost breakdown for
special education aides including pre-k aides, provides preschool enrollment analysis by month, details the
contracted services and out-of-district placements accounts, and reports special education transportation spending."

''Some parts of this page are out of date. Feel free to update links and add more recent info. GS'''
There are nine Students services reports delivered to the school committee every year. The most recent report is below.

== Links to NPS and PAC Web Sites ==
Older reports are [[NPS:Student Services Reports|'''here'''.]]
Newton Parent Advisory Committee Web Site:

PAC Yahoo Group:
See the full report for the tables of more detailed information <br>

Main Newton Special Education Page:
[ June, 2010] <br>
'''The following changes are noted''' <br>

The Newton Partnership:
* There are newly identified student needs (1.7) and replacement of staff (1.0). However as a result of staff vacancies (3.0) and changes in student needs (.1), there is a .4 decrease in the number of special education aides.

Transition Web Site (not an official NPS or PAC site)
* Contracted services has increased by $20,000 to bring in• outside service providers because of staff leaves of absence.

Assistive Technology Wiki for NPS Staff
* The enrollment in the integrated preschool is up by three students (two students with special needs and one student without special needs).

Connections ABA program at NNHS:
* The number of students placed out-of-district is increased by four from last month – five students were placed out-of-district (one at the middle school level, three at the high school level, and one as a result of a cost share agreement). One student aged out of their placement at the high school level but there was a small decrease in cost due to lowered estimates for year end placements.

== Break Rooms ==
* The number of students receiving special education transportation is up by 14 students from last month. However there was no increase in cost because of existing vehicles/routes as well as changes in out-of-district placements. The net result is that the variance to the budget improved.
Angier presentation from July 18 with drawing of time out rooms: <br>
There's one on the second floor and one on the third floor labelled "quiet room". They are just to the left of the middle stairs.
The original design only included one. Sometime over the summer it was
increased to two. See reference to quiet room here : <br>

FYI I believe the current Angier has a time out room described this way [[MEDIA:MSBA-submission.pdf | MSBA Submission]] page 7 or
1.2): <br>
"Three storage closets without mechanical or fresh air have been converted to specialist spaces for OT, speech and special education;
these spaces do not meet state building code requirements for occupied
January 10th Angier Design review meeting
16 minutes mentions submittal including SPED philiosophy.

Main Angier School Design page: <br>
Video of School Committe Meeting on Angier from 11/05/2012: <br>
Angier project minutes <br>

== Free Speech ==
=== Public Records ===
See this link for a fruitless attempt to get information on special education litigation from the City Solicitor: <br>
[[SPED:NPS_public-records-request]] <br>

=== Gag Orders ===
Newton requires a Gag order for all parents who sign a settlement with the city. A legal case was brought in MA Superior Court challenging the right of NPS to require Gag orders in settlements. The pleadings in the case are below.<br>

[[MEDIA:Complaint-ed.pdf | Original Complaint]]

[[MEDIA:AG.Response.12-23-10.pdf | Letter from Attorney General's Office]] <br>
This letter was received from the Attorney General's office prior to filing of the case. <br>

[[ | Newton's Motion to Dismiss]] <br>
Newton asks for the case to be dismissed, saying there is no limit to the rights you can give up in a contract. Also mentions the "legions" of people (e.g. you the reader) who the plaintiff's want to talk to.

[[ | Opposition to Motion to Dismiss]] <br>
Plaintiffs response saying that it's in the public interest for parent's to share the terms of settlements which Newton has imposed on them. <br>

[[MEDIA:Order_Denying_R_12%28b%29%286%29_motion.pdf | Judge's rejection of Motion to Dismiss]]<br>
'''Central High School'''<br>
I believe the Judge rejected this motion because Newton's attorney failed to file an affidavit showing that the settlements are kept in a separate file under the student's name as required if it is an education record. <br>
As of June 1, 2010, 15 students are enrolled at Central High School. Four additional students have been referred to the program.

[[ | Newton's Motion for Summary Judgement]] <br>
'''The Newton Early Childhood Preschool Programs (NECP)''' <br>
Newton tries again adding the affidavit. They also explicitly state that there is no public interest in parent's talking about the terms of settlements. <br>
The Newton Early Childhood Preschool Programs (NECP) is currently serving 280 students. As of June 2, 2010, the program includes 81 students with special needs and 73 students without special needs in integrated preschool classrooms. Two students referred by Early Intervention with special needs, were placed in integrated classrooms. One student enrolled in an integrated classroom as a student without special needs. Students receiving speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy or social pragmatics includes 126 students. The preschool is evaluating 70 students. The increase in evaluations is due to the special education requirement to evaluate and hold a Team Meeting before a child turns three years of age. We are evaluating children who turn three between now and September 20, 2010 in order to be in compliance with this regulation. NECP provides two students, attending community preschools, with 504 Accommodation Plans.

[[MEDIA:Response-to-summary-judgement.pdf | Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgemment]] <br>
'''Out-of-District Accounts''' <br>
Plaintiff's response indicating that the gag order is "an improper attempt to shield the allocation of public moneys from public scrutiny". <br>
Currently there are 166 students in out-of-district placements. During the month of May, five students were placed out-of-district (one student moved into the district resulting in an out-of-district placement at the middle school level, three students were placed out at the high school level and one student was added to the cost share list). In addition, there was one student who aged out of their placement at the high school level. There were no changes at the elementary level.

The court ruled that the contract is valid, including the gag order. See the ruling here: [[Media:NewtonvSmith-Ruling.pdf‎|Ruling]]
'''Special Education Transportation''' <br>
<br> <br>
As of June 7, 2010, a total of 506 students receive special education transportation (147 students to private placements/359 within the Newton Public Schools).
Meanwhile another case was brought by a parent in Weston, based purely on Public Records law and FERPA. They won that case which is now being appealed by Weston. See that ruling here: [[Media:Champa-ruling.pdf|Weston ruling]] <br>
See a letter to the editor by the Weston parent here:

== Special Education Programs and Services ==
= School Committee Minutes related to Special Education =
Links from NPS Web site: <br>
No minutes appear to be available after March 8th. Meeting summaries only are posted so far. No meeting summaries are available after 5/24. Will post when available --[[User:Gregorio|Gregorio]] 17:48, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
[ Main Special Education Page] <br>
[ Stabilization Programs]
[ 2013 Guide to all programs]
[ 2011 Guide to All Programs]
[ Co-Taught Neighborhood Classroms]

We could add a page here for each school. It can include comments by parents on special education, lists of programs and services etc.
* [ 5/24/2010 Meeting Summary]
No SPED discussion at this meeting.

== Executive Functioning Links ==
* [ 5/10/2010 Meeting Summary]
Presentation and notes from Sarah Ward on executive functioning: <br>
No SPED discussion at this meeting.

== Info on Response to Intervention ==
* [ 4/26/2010 Meeting Summary] <br>
Response to Intervention is an organizational model used to identify and help students who fall behind or learn differently than the norm. It affects all students in general and special education. It is now being used broadly in Newton Public Schools.
He (Jim Marini) also announced that the Special Education program evaluation study bid was awarded to District Community Partners ([ web site]) and the project is underway.

This is related to and a continuation of the "tiered" instruction used in High School. AKA curriculum I, II Advanced, etc.
* [ 4/12/2010 Meeting Summary]
Student Services Report: Judy Levin-Charns, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, asked the Committee if the monthly report has been helpful and if they have any additional information that they would like her to include. Committee members commented that the current report is more of a budgetary document and requested more information around changes in population and programs, out-of-district comparisons, trends, and student achievement.

[ Wright's law blog and links on RTI]
* [ 3/22/2010 Meeting Summary]
No SPED discussion at this meeting.

[ New report on RTI at School Committee May 28]
* [ 3/08/2010 Full Minutes]
- '''Parent''' thanked the Committee and administration for all the hard work they do for Newton’s children. Her son had severe developmental delay issues but, as a result of early intervention in the Education Center preschool and excellent programs and staff at Countryside Elementary School and Brown Middle School, he is doing very well. <br>
- '''FY10 Budget''' ... Continued savings in salaries and utilities serve to offset increases in health insurance, unemployment and SPED.... <br>
- '''Budget Discussion, Sandy Guryan:''' ...In addition, the federal stimulus funds have helped bring down the cost of SPED. That will continue in FY11 and the challenge will then come in FY12. They have developed some very creative and innovative ways to run SPED programs, including the new alternative high school, which has resulted in cost savings... <br>
- '''Math Coaches Paul Stein''' explained that the middle schools have been spending a great deal of professional development for teachers to meet in grade level department meetings working on common assessments and benchmarks and math coaches are critical in that process. They are experts in content and pedagogy and model for teachers directly in the classroom, as well as helping SPED staff with differentiating instruction. ... <br>
- '''Steve Griffin Principal of Zervas Elementary School on Budget''' ... One area of major concern is the amount of mental health work principals have taken on, so maintaining the social workers is helpful. In addition, principals spend more time around SPED issues, which have become more complex without increased resources. <br>
- '''Todd Harrison, Principal of Bigelow Middle School on Budget''', has had the opportunity to have a part-time math coach through Title I funding. This person has served a very important role in terms of developing the programs and training the SPED staff, including teaching assistants, where there is a high degree of turnover every year. <br>
- '''Gina Healy''' was able to find some funding for a math coach that has been in place for the past couple of months. ... She has also been working with both regular and SPED teachers around pedagogical issues. <br>
- '''Todd Harrison''' is thankful for the additional SPED support, which allowed them to exchange some teaching assistant positions for teachers in the integrated program. This is very important to the needs of that population. <br>
- '''PUBLIC COMMENT Jo-Louise Allen''' talked about the SPED review and the fact that it should not be rushed, as parents are concerned about having a chance for serious input. She hopes they will consider moving the dates for the preliminary findings. '''Reenie Murphy''' commented that the bids are still not opened and they are starting later than anticipated, so this is something they should discuss and consider.

[ Report delivered to the school committee on June 13, 2011]
* [ 2/22/2010 Full Minutes]
No SPED discussion at this meeting.
[ Video of School Committee meeting on June, 2011 covering RTI] <br>

[ PPT delivered at the same meeting]
* [ 2/08/2010 Full Minutes]
- See also student services report (add link here) <br>
[ Paper quoted at the top of the report]
- '''Student Services Report''' <br>
- '''Reenie Murphy''' would like to see some more discussion on a future agenda around the trends in the SPED area. <br> DESE Paper cited in the report This link is broken, please update if anyone knows where this paper is now.
- '''Susan Rosenbaum''' noted that this information does not track the specialists assigned to these students. She wondered if there are sufficient numbers and the size of their load. <br>
- '''Jonathan Yeo''' noted that the aides and out-of-district placements are tracked closely because those are the two areas that fluctuate the most. The number of occupational and physical therapists is set systemwide at the beginning of the year and while there are shifts during the year the numbers are fairly constant at each school. <br>
[ Forthcoming paper by people cited in report above]
- '''Judy Levin-Charns''' added that one area where they may see some increase is in the case load of inclusion facilitators as students move in with significant needs. <br>
- '''Geoff Epstein''' asked about the capacity at Central High. <br>
- '''Judy Levin-Charns''' stated that they currently have 13 and are targeting 16. However, like any other program, it can have a moving population. <br>
- '''SPED Consultant Status ''' <br>
- '''Jim Marini''' asked Deputy Superintendent Paul Stein to address the next topic under the Superintendent’s Report, which is the status of the hiring of the SPED consultant. <br>
- '''Paul Stein''' stated that the consultant will review the programs and make recommendations regarding improvements and economies, as well as highlighting what Newton is doing well. Interviews have been held and reference checks are occurring. They hope to have someone on board very soon to begin this work. <br>
- '''Kurt Kusiak''' hopes that the consultant will have meetings with the principals for feedback around the needs and what works best in their individual schools. <br>
- '''Paul Stein''' assured the Committee that the consultants will get a great deal of feedback from a variety of constituents. <br>
- '''Budget Sandy Guryan''' ... Continued savings in salaries and utilities serve to offset increases in health insurance, unemployment and SPED.... <br>
- '''Elementary Space Needs Zervas: Steve Griffin''' noted that they are anticipating the need for an additional classroom next year, which they can accommodate by using one of the SPED rooms that was previously a small classroom. <br>
- '''Elementary Space Needs, Horace Mann, Greg Hurray''' ... This will require finding space for the programs currently in that area which are ELL, OT, speech & language, and math coaching. They will deal with the situation as best possible and Mike and Heidi are working with them to convert some space for that purpose...<br>

RtI assessment instruments related to literacy used in Newton (from Angier Preliminary Design page 7 <br>
* [ 1/25/2010 Full Minutes]
'''Jim Marini - Superintendents Report'''... Finally, he asked Paul Stein, Deputy Superintendent, to provide an update on the Special Education (SPED) review. <br>
- '''Paul Stein''' indicated that interviews have been conducted and he is now in the process of doing background checks. They are very close to choosing a firm to conduct the study. <br>
- '''NNHS Heidi Black''' stated that there are 60 typical classrooms shared between math, English, history, and world language. In addition, there are 16 science labs and a lot of smaller individually designed spaces for SPED, ELL, etc. <br>

Assessment practices include: running records and system-wide instruments
* [ 1/11/2010 Full Minutes]
- '''Budget, Sandy Guryan''' They continue to monitor Special Education (SPED) costs and there are four additional students since last month, with associated transportation costs, but this is offset by attrition in the aides’ account, which has resulted in some savings. <br>
primary: <br>
- '''Class Size Report''' <br>
* Phonemic Awareness Assessment (MJ Adams);
- '''Jen Price Principal NNHS''' Rather than having separate SPED English classes they are attempting to have them co-taught by a regular and SPED teacher. They also attempt to keep Curriculum 2 level classes smaller with co-teaching as well. <br>
* Phonics: Fundations Unit Assessments, Comprehension: Guided Reading, Fountas and Pinnell;
- '''Kurt Kusiak''' asked how that benefits the classes academically. <br>
* Comprehension Tool Kit, Stephanie Harvey; Spelling and Phonics: Words Their Way, Templeton, Johnston, Bear & Invernizzi;
- '''Jen Price''' responded that it allows for smaller groupings of students to work together and for the regular education teacher certified in a particular area to focus on providing the knowledge of the subject matter to the students while the SPED teacher can work on processing issues, note-taking, extra support, differentiating instruction, etc. One of the things they are very proud of is the increased number of students with Downs Syndrome passing the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exams. While it challenges class size issues, it also fosters the goal of holding all students to high expectations. <br>
* The Developmental ReadingAssessment Expressive Language assessment, formal and informal reading inventories
- '''Joel Stembridge, Principal of Newton South''', stated they have multi-level classes as well and are seeing an increase in students staying in Curriculum 1 courses as they progress on in their grades. <br>
- '''Audrey Peller, Principal of Ward Elementary School''' Some students have SPED aides and they have some limited availability to utilize them for the full class. <br>
intermediate: <br>
- '''Race to the Top Program, Paul Stein''' ... This is a competitive grant and Massachusetts will learn the outcome in April. This would make the district eligible for four consecutive years of additional Title 1 funds of at least $75,000 to initiate projects. Key areas outlined by the program are building capacity, college and career readiness, shoring up struggling schools, recruiting more teachers in the areas of science, technology, engineering & math (STEM), SPED and English Language Learners (ELL). <br>
* Benchmark Assessment System; Guided Reading, Fountas and Pinnell; Comprehension Tool Kit, Stephanie Harvey;
- Budget Sandy Guryan''' They continue to monitor Special Education (SPED) costs and there are four additional students since last month, with associated transportation costs, but this is offset by attrition in the aides’ account, which has resulted in some savings. <br>
* Words Their Way, Templeton, Johnston, Bear & Invernizzi.
Tier 2 Intervention includes: Fountas and Pinnell Intervention Program skills inventories
* Reading folder (should include log of all independent reading choices, small group book selections, reading responses, self-assessments and reflections, and, possibly, informal assessment data)
* Writing folder (should include a table of contents, all drafts, assessment instruments such as rubrics and writing prompts, self-assessments and reflections)
* Parent-student-teacher conferences that focus on collections of student work (portfolios, reading/writing folders, etc.) and progress over time relative to standards

* [ 12/14/2009 Superintendent Search Meeting, Full Minutes]
- '''Consultant Deb Raizes''' noted the incredible turnout and response from the focus groups; 311 people and 519 survey forms. The focus groups included a wide range of constituents, including but not limited to, parents, students, administrators, school committee members, METCO, Special Education, English Language Learners. In all their experience they believe this is the best document they have ever reviewed. <br>

'''Links to more web sites with information on RtI and Tiered Instruction''' <br>
* [ 12/14/2009 Full Minutes]
[ National Center on Response to Intervention]
- '''Budget Sandy Guryan''' Special education (SPED) costs remain a concern, as a number of new student placements within the past 30 days have increased the tuition forecast, but this has been offset by increased savings in other categories including aides. <br>
- '''Student Services Report (add link here) Judy Levin-Charns, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services''', presented the monthly report, which tracks activity for aides, contracted services, out-of-district tuitions, and transportation. SPED and preschool aides and budget comparisons by full-time equivalences (FTEs) for each level are included, as well as a cost breakdown and the number of FTE aides per school. There is a 2.2 FTE increase in aides. There are currently 11 students enrolled in the alternative high school (Central High), with six additional students in the referral process. Preschool enrollment has decreased by two resulting in 135 students – 65 with special needs and 70 without, and an additional 81 children who receive related services. The number of students placed out-of-district is 149; an additional 10 from last month. <br>
[ RtI Action Network]
- '''Marc Laredo''' questioned the optimal enrollment at Central High this year. <br>
-'''Judy Levin-Charns''' stated that initially they set it at 16. She has been asked about increasing that number and they will analyze that request. <br>
[ Pyramid Response to Intervention (combines PLCs and RtI)]
- '''MCAS Results, Paul Stein''' Newton also continues to score very favorably with comparison communities. However, there still remains a significant achievement gap in regard to some subgroups (African-American, Hispanic, SPED, English Language Learners) and they are constantly working on ways to level that field. <br>
- '''Metco Lisa Reed Newton Metco Director''' ... If a METCO student with special needs requires an out-of-district placement that is handled and funded by the Boston Public Schools. <br>
[ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development]
[ Wright's Law page on RTI]

== Considerations for Aides and Co-Taught Classrooms ==
* [ 11/23/2009 Full Minutes]
- '''Jim Marini Inclusive Schools Netwok''' Third, he mentioned the proclamation of the Inclusive Schools Network at Education Development Center, Inc., in declaring the week of December 7-11, 2009 as Inclusive Schools Week, which encourages schools and classrooms to sponsor appropriate learning and community–building activities. He noted that Newton is proud of its commitment of supporting the full inclusion model. <br>
- '''Judy Levin-Charns''', Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, read the proclamation and mentioned several activities ([[User:Gregorio|Gregorio]] does anyone have this or know what activities Newton was involved in?) in which Newton Public Schools will be involved in this program. <br>
- '''Jonathan Yeo''' thanked the staff, as well as the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SPED PAC), for their active involvement in this work. <br>
- '''MOTION:''' It was moved to support the proclamation of the Inclusive Schools Network at Education Development Center, Inc., in declaring the week of December 7-11, 2009 as Inclusive Schools Week, which encourages schools and classrooms to sponsor appropriate learning and community–building activities. <br>
- '''SPED Study, Dori Zaleznik''' mentioned that the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the SPED study has gone to the City and will be posted on 12/3, prescreened on 12/9, with the deadline for proposals being 12/17. The subcommittee anticipates being able to begin interviews after January 1 and hopefully have someone on board by the end of January. <br>

=== Aides ===
* [ 11/09/2009 Full Minutes]
An e-mail exchange with the authors of a study on paraprofessionals is here:
-'''Budget, Sandy Guryan''' While special education (SPED) costs remain a concern, the tuition budget and continued placement of students within the district ([[User:Gregorio|Gregorio]] 18:00, 6 July 2010 (UTC)I wonder which placement this refers to and if the parents had any choice...?) has yielded savings. <br>
[ How to decide when to use aides] <br>
- '''Budget, Sandy Guryan''' explained that as they changed the approach to how lunches were being served at the elementary schools, they had to take these cases school-by-school and determine if there was sufficient support. At this point, she believes it is a stable situation. <br>
This exchange includes lots of good info and advice on how to decide between co-taught classes and aides. It also includes links to additional research: <br>
- '''Kurt Kusiak''' was struck by the decrease in SPED reimbursements from 75% to 40%. <br>
[ Constructively responding to Requests for Paraprofessionals]
- '''Sandy Guryan''' stated that this is a result of the economic downturn and came about last spring, when the State budget and federal stimulus money was being finalized. They are disappointed to have lost more than a million dollars of reimbursements, but fortunately they accounted for it and do not have to make any changes at this point. <br>
- '''Student Services Report''' <br>
[ Guidelines for selecting alternatives to paraprofessionals]
- '''Judy Levin-Charns''', Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, presented the monthly report, which tracks activity for aides, contracted services, out-of-district tuitions, and transportation. SPED and preschool aide and budget comparisons by full-time equivalences (FTEs) for each level are included, as well as a cost breakdown for aides and the number of FTE aides per school. There is a 6.5 FTE increase in aides and there are 405 students receiving SPED transportation services. <br>
- '''Walter Lyons, Dept. Head''', thanked the School Committee for funding the alternative high school (Central High) program in this difficult and challenging budget year. This program will serve the neediest students who otherwise would be placed outside the system at a far greater cost. Full program approval was received from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) on 11/2/09. There are currently nine students enrolled; one who elected to return from an outside place, with six additional students in the referral process. Staff for this program includes a director, a full-time counselor, two-and-a-half teachers certified in math, science, English and social studies (with two being dual certified in content area and SPED), and two aides (one certified in physical education and the other in geography/social studies). They are looking at the growth process of the program in a slow and measured pace. The students and staff feel that they are part of a supported community. He invited the Committee to visit the facility as the transformation of the area is astounding. A full report will be presented to the Committee in January. <br>
[ One-to-One Paraprofessionals for Students With Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms: Is Conventional Wisdom Wrong?]
- '''Kurt Kusiak''' is very impressed with this program because it meets the needs of students, is innovative and cost effective. It is a wonderful model for how they should be reviewing all their programs. <br>
'''See page 9 of this last article for an important reference on how to use this research'''
- '''Marc Laredo''' asked about maximum enrollment. <br>
- '''Judy Levin-Charns''' replied that for the first year they are looking at 12-15, but next year they may be able to increase that to 20, as there is an additional unrenovated space available in the building. <br>
- '''Marc Laredo''' suggested that when they return with an update in January, they be prepared to talk about the in-house vs. outplacement costs, which would be helpful in analyzing the program. <br>
- '''Matt Hills''' noted that it is almost intuitive to know that the program has educational value given they are keeping students in their home community. He asked how many students they had originally projected vs. what is in place, the point at which there are enough students where there is no additional cost savings, and given unlimited funds and space what they would like to see as the maximum number of students that could be serviced. <br>
- '''Judy Levin Charns''' responded that they had anticipated 12-16 students the first year and expect to reach that level.
- '''Walter Lyons''' stated that he anticipates the cost analysis to show that it is cheaper to keep students in-house than to send them to an outside placement. A similar program he worked in at Medford Public Schools had a component where students from outside the community paid tuition to attend. Overall size for this type of program in his opinion should be 35-40 maximum because beyond that they start to lose the sense of community. <br>
- '''Reenie Murphy''' asked about the services provided to the pre-school students that are being evaluated and if this number seems higher than usual. <br>
- '''Judy Levin-Charns''' noted that it runs the gamut from those who will ultimately need a full integrated program, some whom will only need half time and others who might require related services such as speech & language, occupational or physical therapy. The numbers ebb and flow through the years and this does not seem exceptionally high. <br>
-'''Susan Rosenbaum''' asked about the increased number of aides. <br>
-'''Judy Levin-Charns''' replied that it was a result of needs of students who moved into the system. <br>
- '''FY11 Budget Margie Ross Decter''' noted that there are a number of places where they want to fund evaluations, such as SPED and math coaches, and these are areas that need to be addressed sooner vs. later because they require Request for Proposals (RFPs) and will take time to go through the process. Therefore, she would like to better understand how they might utilize time and resources to make progress on some of these important areas in the CAG report and SPED parent advisory council (PAC) recommendations, so that they can make real time changes and improvements to costly programs if necessary. <br>

Some comments on how to use aides from a professor of SPED at UVM <br>
* [ 10/26/2009 Full Minutes]
From my personal experience I consider some of the ways in which a paraeducator was most useful to be:
- '''Personnel Report Sandy Guryan''' The general fund is 19.7 full-time equivalencies (FTEs) over budget mostly due to the anticipated hiring of 19 special education (SPED) aides. This was offset through both turnover savings and savings in utilities. She mentioned the plan to bring in a consultant to do a more thorough review of the SPED program. <br>
# to model effective interactions for the other students--for example, since Andreas had little respect for personal space of others, and would try to hug, the students were taught to counter his enthusiastic approach by offering a high-five;
- '''Marc Laredo''' commented that there is a direct correlation between the amount of money available and number of teachers hired. Given the size of the system, a 5% turnover rate indicates a tremendous level of continuity and budget accuracy. However, he does continue to have concerns about the number of aides in the system, which seems to have decreased in regular education and increased in SPED. This is having increasing implications for the budgets and they need to understand and grapple with the problem. He looks forward to seeing the work of the consultant in this area so that they can have a better understanding of what is driving this issue. <br>
# to assist with personal care;
- '''FY11 Budget Guidelines Marc Laredo''' ... Finally, he believes they need to incorporate the SPED review in the Guidelines. <br>
# to assist with desensitization--for example, helping him accept toothbrushing, overcoming his tactile defensiveness;
- '''Dori Zaleznik''' stated that the SPED study will not get underway until after the 1st of the year, so if they are going to incorporate that into the Guidelines the best place would be the second year of the multi-budget. <br>
# to transport him for jobs in the community and serve as job coach;
- '''Jo Louise Allen''' announced the upcoming international program of Inclusive Schools Week, which is in its 9th year, and managed by Educational Development Corporation, which is housed in Newton. The program’s goals are around inclusion in socio-economic, multi-cultural, racial, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disabilities. She then mentioned MASC/MASS resolution #3 on Medicaid, which has an impact on the SPED program. Newton is an “opt in” community vs. many other communities which are “opt out.” This difference can make it difficult to obtain reimbursements because often families will not choose to opt in for privacy purposes or not totally understanding the program. Therefore, a change to “opt out” most likely will result in increased funding. Also, this reimbursement currently goes back to the City and while historically it has always been returned to the school system, this cannot be guaranteed. Finally, she mentioned that there are other service delivery models that could reduce the amount of SPED aides, such as hiring more special education teachers coming right out of school. They would cost the system less money, would not require
# to assist the school nurse in the case of seizures;
# to assure safety in situations where his impulsiveness could create danger (like bolting into the street);
# to carry out sensory integration procedures (like brushing);
#to assist the teachers in creating accommodations (like finding and bringing in a full-size skeleton poster for identifying bones, or enlarging graph paper so that he could be accurate in placing data points);
# to support his use of communication devices (programming, trouble-shooting);
# to serve as facilitator in facilitated communication (but should NOT be the sole facilitator, as communication can fall apart if that person leaves the job);
# to assist with transitions;
# to cue him on appropriate responses.

=== Co-taught classes ===
* [ 10/14/2009 Full Minutes]
* [ Compehensive overview of co-taught teaching models] This includes some "short and sweet" reads and descriptions of different approaches.
No SPED discussion at this meeting. Meeting focused on superintendent search.
* Abstract of [ Co-teaching in inclusive classrooms]: A metasynthesis of qualitative research. Exceptional Children, 73(4), 392-416. By Scruggs, T.E., Mastropieri, M.A., & McDuffie, K.A. (2007)

==== How to raise concerns with co-taught classes ====
* [ 10/13/2009 Full Minutes]
A recent BSEA case says that moving a child to a co-taught classroom is not a new "placement". <br>
'''FY10 Budget Report Sandy Guryan''' ... Nearly all positions are filled and the Federal Stimulus Grant is funded and being used, as planned, for a number of Special Education (SPED) initiatives. SPED costs continue to represent the main area of challenge.<br>
See: <br>
- '''Jonathan Yeo''' mentioned that they need to be aware of the possibility of additional cuts at the State level and to consider how they might be able to absorb another shock to the system. <br>
- '''Reenie Murphy''' agreed and noted that this could mean mid-year cuts. <br>

See a description of Newton's co-taught classes here:
* [ 9/29/2009 Full Minutes]
- '''Subcommittee Liason Report, Dori Zaleznik''', Chair of the Special Education (SPED) Subcommittee, noted that they put off the preparation of the Request for Proposal (RFP) to hire a consultant to conduct a SPED study because they had been focusing on the RFP for the consultant search, as it is such a time-consuming process. It is likely this will be completed after the 1st of the year. <br>

Parents who have a concern with Newton's co-taught classroom and do not want to send their child to a co-taught class can still reject an IEP. You need to do it based on something more than just the fact that its a co-taught class. Think carefully about what your concerns are and if NPS can address those concerns within the co-taught class.
* [ 9/14/2009 Full Minutes]
- '''FY09 Final Budget Report, Sandy Guryan''' ... During FY09 the Student Services Special Education (SPED) area was under budget, so the program ended the year with a savings. However, because they had to pay more for tuition at the end of the year in order to save the Circuit Breaker funding, it looks as if there was a loss. So it is really an accounting function and in essence that program cost less than was planned. <br>
- '''Motion''' It was moved to accept the grants (Kindergarten Enhancement, Racial Imbalance (METCO), Title IIA-Teacher Quality CFDA: 84:367, Enhanced Education Through Technology: Title II-D, CFDA 84:318, SPED 240 CFDA 84.027, Community Service Learning, Perkins, Threat Assessment Training and Support) totaling $5,779,896, as outlined in the memorandum of 9/9/09.

These look like great programs and I hope they succeed. However, they wont be right for every child so the following is meant to help parents understand how best to preserve your options.
= Links to NPS and PAC Web SPED Sites =
Newton Parent Advisory Committee Web Site:

For example, if you have a 1:1 aide and you want to keep that level of attention for your child you can ask that they keep the 1:1 aide in the co-taught class. If you have concerns about your child being in a largely special education class you can make that case. Regardless, make sure to send a letter to the Team. Get an attorney or advocate if you can.
PAC Yahoo Group:

You should decide as early as possible if you will send your child to a co-taught class if it's adapted or you absolutely will not, regardless of changes.
Main Newton Special Education Page:

Here are some suggestions for ways to follow up on co-taught classes and make the case that they should be adapted or are not right for your child:
= Special Education Programs and Services =

* Get an independent evaluation (often paid for by insurance). Have that person meet with your child then visit the co-taught class. Ask them to document the needs of your child and what is not available in the co-taught class. They need to make specific recomendations for services.
** e.g needs a quiet space to learn to read like a Learning Center or needs more constant supervision (aka aide).

* Ask for the resumes and credentials of the teachers in the co-taught class. Get your own expert to state whether they have the skills or training to provide the services your child needs. In co-taught classes some services are provided by regular education (non-SPED) teachers. You can make the case that all services must be provided by trained and qualified special educators.

* Ask for the a list of the diagnoses of the other children in the class and ask for their IEPs. Get an expert to state whether or not it's a valid cohort (aka are the other children appropriate peers). You can make the case that your child needs a specialized and focused class (e.g. focused on social skills) while co-taught classes cover a range of diagnoses but do not address any specific one well.

== Summer Camp Info ==
[[NPS:Summer_Camps | Links and Comments on Summer Camps]]

== Sample Home School Logs ==
These are examples of logs parents and teachers/aides can use to share info between home and school. Typically an aide or other school person send the log home every afternoon and the parents sends it back in the morning. It's a good way to share info and stay in touch, but sometimes the child will read the log too so e-mail may work better for more delicate discussions.

[ School to home ] <br>
[ Home to school] <br>

== Behavior and Autism Spectrum Information ==
One of the BCBA's in Newton co-authored a book published by the Harvard Education Press: <br> <br>
There's also an article describing the main thesis here: <br>
'''Info on ABA:''' Applied Behavioral Analysis is a method to change childrens behavior. It is most commonly used with children on the autism spectrum. The basic idea is the same as Pavlov's dog and the Skinner Box (AKA operant conditioning). Hopefully the focus is on motivating children with positive feedback more than negative feedback.
ABA is defined here: <br>
and here: <br>
ABA and the interventions associated with it (discrete trial training, floor time, etc.) are described here: <br>
This paper includes an extensive list of ABA activities in a classroom. It also compares ABA to the only other major technique used for working with kids on the autism spectrum in school, TEACCH. It used to be free, but looks like they are charging for it now :-(. Definitely worth the cost if you need to know what happens in an ABA run classroom. <br>
[ Research Paper on ABA vs TEACCH as comprehensive treatment models]

== Glossary of Special Education Terms Used in Newton ==
Please add to this section and write definitions.

* Inclusion - a SPED child being taught in a class of mostly or all NT (neurotypical) kids. The child may leave from time to time (e.g. for 1:1 english help) but otherwise they are in a regular class.
* Integrated classes - A class with some Special Needs kids and some NT kids.
* Inclusion Facilitator - An elementary school person who is responsible for helping special needs kids be included in regular classes. Typically one per elementary school. Maybe also one per middle and high school but I'm not sure.
* Team - The people who write and agree on an IEP. Includes parents or guardians. The team leader (sometimes an inclusion facilitator, sometimes a SPED administrator) and all team members from NPS make the final decision which the parents can accept or reject. In addition to a leader and parent, the team must include a regular education teacher.
* Aide - A person (also called a paraprofessional) who works with the child in addition to the teacher. Aides can be one to one (AKA one aide for one child) or one to many (one aide for several children). Even if the aide is noted as full time on the IEP, it only means 1:1 if it explicitly says One to one or 1:1.
* Behavior Therapist
* BCBA - Board certified behavior analysts. Typically associated with ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis). See elsewhere on the page for info on ABA.
* Out of district placement
* Cost share
* Co-taught classrooms
* Stabilization program
* Neighborhood Inclusion
* Learning Center
* 504 plan
* Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
* Integrated program
* Language development classes (REACH)
* Office of student services
* Early Childhood Program
* Ed Center
* Tiered intervention (commonly known as RTI or response to intervention)

= Reports on SPED in Newton =

== SPED Review by Outside Consulting Group ==
NPS contracted with a group to do a study of special education. Their final report was posted in December, 2011: <br>

Web site of group doing the a study of special education: <br>

RFP issued for the study: <br> <br>

== Report on trends in Special Education ==
[ 2011 Report on SPED Trends] <br>
The overall is essentially the same as the 2010 report. Specific Learning Disability is decreasing and Autism Specturm Disorders is increasing. The change in both is accelerating.

[ Report on trends in Special Education by Judy Levin-Charns from 6/2010] <br>

The following graph projects the data from the trends report in to the future. Based on the data from 2003 - 2009, the average rate of growth in each category is used to predict the numbers up to 2019. <br>

[[File:Sped-projections.jpg]] <br>

See also [[NPS:School-Committee-Minutes#6.2F28.2F2010_Meeting_Commentary|'''comments on the 6/28/2010 meeting''']]

== Community Advisory Group Report on School Costs ==
See: [ Citizens Advisory Report]

This detailed report includes a long section on Special Education.

They looked at:
# The efficacy and fiscal sustainability of the Neighborhood Inclusion model;
# The lack of agreed-upon metrics to measure outcomes of programs and services;
# The absence of a consistent and easily understandable summary of special education costs and revenues (presented in a way that allows easy analysis of growth trends, etc.);
# A lack of transparency about the special education programs and services provided within Newton Public Schools;
# A lack of public understanding about special education generally – what it is, the diversity of the special needs population and profiles, the legal mandates under which services are provided, and the individualized nature of each student’s educational plan.

And they identified three areas of cost growth:
# Aides
# Transportation costs
# Out of district tuitions
# Contracted services

This section (bold emphasis added) discusses the idea of city wide classes. Despite the concerns raised in this report, this approach was adopted in the FY 11 budget and will be implemented this year (2010 - 2011). AFAIK, any analysis of integrated classrooms was not made public.

"In January 2008, the Newton Public Schools modeled the cost of creating substantially separate classrooms in each elementary school to determine if clustering children within their schools would reduce costs (by reducing the number of aides). The modeling showed that in 13 of the 14 elementary schools, clustering students into a substantially separate classroom would have been approximately $582,000 more expensive. The analysis did not model the costs of clustering the students across the City or by villages as this “would not only '''pose a further regression for any inclusive practice''', but would add transportation costs.” (As noted above, special education transportation costs grew at a CAGR of 10% from 2004-2008.) Note, too, that space constraints may make the creation of substantially separate classrooms infeasible. <br>

Substantially separate classrooms may also not be desirable or appropriate from an academic standpoint. Because each child’s needs are unique and can vary widely (even within a “common” or “like” disability), there may not be an appropriate grouping at a certain grade level to support substantially separate classrooms that would meet the students’ academic needs. The Newton Public Schools are working on modeling and documenting the viability of more integrated classrooms. The Citizen Advisory Group applauds this effort and encourages the Newton Public Schools to '''make its analysis available to the public.'''"

== State Reports on SPED in Newton ==
* State 6 year review of Newton's special education programs: <br>
This is an excellent guide to what the school system is supposed to do. It also lists where they are close but deficient. <br>
2013 report: <br> <br>
Here is the response to the items cited as partially implemented: <br>

* State's Three year mid-cycle review <br>
[ DESE Review of Submitted Reports and Status Sheet] <br>

Follow up on three year review <br>
[ 2010 Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Mid-cycle Report]

== Student Services Reports ==
Recent Student services reports are available here:

[[NPS:Student Services Reports|'''Older reports are here'''.]]

Summary of a few reports from 2011 is below.

=== November 2011 Fiscal and Operations Report ===
From: <br>

The current status of key budget areas in Student Services is summarized in Appendix A. The projected
annual deficit for Student Services is -$305,000, an improvement of $130,000 since last month. This
month’s improvement is due to reductions in the forecasts for out-of-district tuition (-$109,000) salaries,
primarily aides (-$31,000) and other expenses (-$2,000), offset by an increase in the forecast for Special
Education transportation (+$12,000). This month, there were an unusually high number of out-ofdistrict
placements exiting due to students who aged out or graduated. Additional placements have been
added to the forecast to offset the savings trend this month. The forecast for Student Services aides
allows for 6.0 additional FTE aides to be hired during the remainder of the school year.

The current projected annual Student Services deficit of -$305,000 is within three areas, the largest of
which is contracted services (-$282,000). The projection for contracted services of $992,000 is
consistent with the final FY11 spending of $1.04 million and is the same as last month. The two other
unfavorable variances are in aides (-$133,000) and Special Education transportation (-$27,000). These
negative variances are partially offset by positive variances to budget of $74,000 in out-of-district
tuition and $62,000 in Special Education staff, not including aides. First quarter circuit breaker funds
for FY12 were received this month and were used to credit out-of-district tuition as planned.

The selection process for the position of Special Education Finance Director is in the final stage. It is
expected that the new director will be in place by mid-November to begin the work of additional
forecasting and analysis of all costs of Special Education.

=== October 2011 Fiscal and Operations Report ===
From: <br>

Student Services/Special Education
The current status of key budget areas in Student Services is summarized in Appendix A. The projected
annual deficit for Student Services is -$435,000 after the use of additional funds in the amount of
$950,000 as shown in the introduction. If not for the use of the additional funds, the Student Services
shortfall would be $1.3 million.

The forecast includes assessments of what is likely to occur during the school year, based on current
students’ needs and what has happened in prior years. The largest variances remain in contracted
services (-$282,000), aides (-$171,000), out-of-district tuition (-$36,000) and Special Education
transportation (-$15,000). These negative variances are partially offset by a positive variance of
$69,000 in Special Education staff, not including aides. The district will benefit from additional circuit
breaker funds in FY12; the budgeted reimbursement rate of 46% improved substantially to 65%, plus a
supplemental payment of $19,000. Most of this had been anticipated in the July budget addbacks. The
remaining Circuit Breaker funds are applied to expected tuition costs for this year. The contract
services budget shortfall of -$282,000 is due to a current year budgetary adjustment made after the full costs for FY11 were known late in the fiscal year. The projection for contracted services is consistent
with the final FY11 spending of $1.04 million. A new state grant credit of $100,000 is assumed in the
current forecast for Special Education professional development expenses.

The addition of the unanticipated Medicaid reimbursement funds will serve to offset costs as well.
Newton has received additional school based Medicaid reimbursement due to changes in the Medicaid
claim process for direct services to eligible students (those with Special Education IEP's) as well as for
administrative claims. The direct cost component has a new payment methodology based on new
requirements as of July 2009 (FY10). This new method resulted in a retroactive reimbursement for
FY10 in the amount of $543,487. These funds went directly to city revenue and will be appropriated to
the school district in the amount of $470,000. The city retained $73,487 as part of the expected
Medicaid revenue for the past year. To access more information about the School Based Medicaid Program please use the following link:

The position of Special Education Finance Director has been posted and advertised and a selection
process is underway. It is hoped that the new director will be in place in November to begin the
additional forecasting and analysis of all costs of Special Education. The Newton Early Childhood
Program currently serves 193 students, including 59 students with special needs enrolled in preschool
classrooms, 74 students who are typically developing enrolled in preschool classrooms, and 60 students
with special needs receiving related services only. Evaluation of preschool student needs is ongoing,
with 45 children currently receiving evaluations. Central High School has begun the third full year of
operation with 13 students enrolled as of September 30, 2011. One student who is no longer attending
Central High School is being tutored by Central High School staff. The students continue to meet the
established eligibility criteria; they returned from out-of-district placements or were prevented from
being placed in a more restrictive environment because this level of service is available in the district.

= Out of District Placements Graphs =
The charts below shows trends in out of district placements.


The fraction of "cost share" (placed under legal settlement with NPS) placements declined in 2012. The overall out of district placements also started to decline.

= Board of Alderman Minutes on SPED =
[[NPS:SPED:aldermen | Click here for minutes and comments on aldermen meetings related to SPED]]

= School Committee Minutes related to Special Education =

== March 2014 on Social and Emotional Learning ==
[ This report] includes a discussion of state guidelines on social emotional learning. The [ state guidelines] were mandated by the [ anti-bullying law] and are based on work by [ CASEL] <br>

The cover letter cites the article Making School a Calmer Place to Learn from The Harvard Education Letter Volume 30, Number 1 January/February 2014 <br> See an excerpt here: and e-mail gregsmithpm at gmail dot com for a full copy.

The meeting also covered:
* curriculum and programming for all students through classroom instruction
* intervention for small groups of students based on identified needs
* intervention for individual students based on identified needs
* community partnerships

and progress monitoring, primarily via the Youth Risk Behavior Survey available here (See September 2013):

'''The PPT presented at the meeting is available [ here.] '''<br>
'''Video of the meeting is [ here.]''' <br>
In addition to the links below, the PPT references these professional development programs: <br>
All Elementary teachers trained in [ Second Step] <br>
Elementary social works trained in: [ Zones of Regulation] <br>
Middle and High School Physical Education trained in [ Project Adventure] <br>

'''All students'''
* Elementary: Grades K-­‐2 Open Circle­ and <br>
* Elementary: Grades 3-­‐5 Steps to Respect <br>
* Middle School: Grades 6 – 8 Second Step <br>
* High School: Grades 9 -­ 12 Michigan Model for Health (Note: this one was not working and they plan to change) <br>
* <br>

'''Small groups'''
Often a guidance counselor or social worker will invite a few students to eat lunch in his or her office, an opportunity for informal socializing among students, and for the adult to facilitate interaction, provide social cues and time for reflection. Other groups may be formed in response to shared need, for example students whose parents are divorcing.

''' Individual students '''
Elementary (ESP), Middle (MSP), and High (HSP), plus Springboard, are regular education 45 school-­‐day programs, originally designed to be off-­‐campus placements for students in crisis. They operate under the direction of the Office of Student Services.

On Elementary schools they said: <br>
This year, ESP has “gone mobile”, supporting students in crisis by bringing the ESP staff to the home school. This model allows for intensive and targeted professional development in the students’ regular education classroom while working with the student in crisis. Student stability and success has improved significantly due to contact with the home school staff who can remain with the student throughout the intervention.

See the report for comments on Middle and High School.

'''Community partnerships'''
"city departments and agencies with whom we collaborate to make additional services and supports available to students and their families".

== Past minutes and summaries ==
Link to School Committee meeting info:
[ Many older school Committe Docs are found here]
Student services reports are available here:

= Possible Public Records Requests =
[[SPED:Freedman | Idea for public records request on Miriam Freedman's involvement with NPS]]

= History of special education in Newton =
= History of special education in Newton =
The following was heard second or third hand. Not sure if it's true but it sounds plausible.
Anyone with history, please add it here or leave it on the discussion page.

In the 1990s parents were concerned that their children were being isolated in programs within Newton and out of district. A SPED director was hired from Brookline who was committed to inclusion. Newton became really good at inclusion. A new SPED director (Mozelle Berkowitz) was hired possibly in early 2000s who continued that trend but the pendulum started to swing the other way. Parents who had problems with the district couldn't get their children out. A new SPED director (Judy Levin-Charns, current director as of this writing) was hired in 2007-2008 from Sharon. The challenge of parents not being able to get their children out of district placements grew.

Anyone with more history, please add it here...

I think Mozelle did a good job. Eileen Sullivan who ran early childhood was incredible. But we moved in 2004.

See also the Board of Aldermen section for some history from 2006 - 2012.

= More? add your own and comment =
= More? add your own and comment =
Line 183: Line 485:


Additional comment moved to discussion page. [[User:Gregorio|Gregorio]] 14:06, 1 December 2011 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 19:52, 9 April 2014

General documents related to Special Education

Some parts of this page are out of date. Feel free to update links and add more recent info. GS'

Links to NPS and PAC Web Sites

Newton Parent Advisory Committee Web Site:

PAC Yahoo Group:

Main Newton Special Education Page:

The Newton Partnership:

Transition Web Site (not an official NPS or PAC site)

Assistive Technology Wiki for NPS Staff

Connections ABA program at NNHS:

Break Rooms

Angier presentation from July 18 with drawing of time out rooms:
There's one on the second floor and one on the third floor labelled "quiet room". They are just to the left of the middle stairs.

The original design only included one. Sometime over the summer it was increased to two. See reference to quiet room here :

FYI I believe the current Angier has a time out room described this way MSBA Submission page 7 or 1.2):
"Three storage closets without mechanical or fresh air have been converted to specialist spaces for OT, speech and special education; these spaces do not meet state building code requirements for occupied spaces"

January 10th Angier Design review meeting 16 minutes mentions submittal including SPED philiosophy.

Main Angier School Design page:
Video of School Committe Meeting on Angier from 11/05/2012:
Angier project minutes

Free Speech

Public Records

See this link for a fruitless attempt to get information on special education litigation from the City Solicitor:

Gag Orders

Newton requires a Gag order for all parents who sign a settlement with the city. A legal case was brought in MA Superior Court challenging the right of NPS to require Gag orders in settlements. The pleadings in the case are below.

Original Complaint

Letter from Attorney General's Office
This letter was received from the Attorney General's office prior to filing of the case.

Newton's Motion to Dismiss
Newton asks for the case to be dismissed, saying there is no limit to the rights you can give up in a contract. Also mentions the "legions" of people (e.g. you the reader) who the plaintiff's want to talk to.

Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiffs response saying that it's in the public interest for parent's to share the terms of settlements which Newton has imposed on them.

Judge's rejection of Motion to Dismiss
I believe the Judge rejected this motion because Newton's attorney failed to file an affidavit showing that the settlements are kept in a separate file under the student's name as required if it is an education record.

Newton's Motion for Summary Judgement
Newton tries again adding the affidavit. They also explicitly state that there is no public interest in parent's talking about the terms of settlements.

Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgemment
Plaintiff's response indicating that the gag order is "an improper attempt to shield the allocation of public moneys from public scrutiny".

The court ruled that the contract is valid, including the gag order. See the ruling here: Ruling

Meanwhile another case was brought by a parent in Weston, based purely on Public Records law and FERPA. They won that case which is now being appealed by Weston. See that ruling here: Weston ruling

See a letter to the editor by the Weston parent here:

Special Education Programs and Services

Links from NPS Web site:
Main Special Education Page
Stabilization Programs
2013 Guide to all programs
2011 Guide to All Programs
Co-Taught Neighborhood Classroms

We could add a page here for each school. It can include comments by parents on special education, lists of programs and services etc.

Executive Functioning Links

Presentation and notes from Sarah Ward on executive functioning:

Info on Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention is an organizational model used to identify and help students who fall behind or learn differently than the norm. It affects all students in general and special education. It is now being used broadly in Newton Public Schools.

This is related to and a continuation of the "tiered" instruction used in High School. AKA curriculum I, II Advanced, etc.

Wright's law blog and links on RTI

New report on RTI at School Committee May 28

Report delivered to the school committee on June 13, 2011
Video of School Committee meeting on June, 2011 covering RTI

PPT delivered at the same meeting
Paper quoted at the top of the report DESE Paper cited in the report This link is broken, please update if anyone knows where this paper is now.
Forthcoming paper by people cited in report above

RtI assessment instruments related to literacy used in Newton (from Angier Preliminary Design page 7

Assessment practices include: running records and system-wide instruments

  • Phonemic Awareness Assessment (MJ Adams);
  • Phonics: Fundations Unit Assessments, Comprehension: Guided Reading, Fountas and Pinnell;
  • Comprehension Tool Kit, Stephanie Harvey; Spelling and Phonics: Words Their Way, Templeton, Johnston, Bear & Invernizzi;
  • The Developmental ReadingAssessment Expressive Language assessment, formal and informal reading inventories


  • Benchmark Assessment System; Guided Reading, Fountas and Pinnell; Comprehension Tool Kit, Stephanie Harvey;
  • Words Their Way, Templeton, Johnston, Bear & Invernizzi.

Tier 2 Intervention includes: Fountas and Pinnell Intervention Program skills inventories

  • Reading folder (should include log of all independent reading choices, small group book selections, reading responses, self-assessments and reflections, and, possibly, informal assessment data)
  • Writing folder (should include a table of contents, all drafts, assessment instruments such as rubrics and writing prompts, self-assessments and reflections)
  • Parent-student-teacher conferences that focus on collections of student work (portfolios, reading/writing folders, etc.) and progress over time relative to standards

Links to more web sites with information on RtI and Tiered Instruction
National Center on Response to Intervention
RtI Action Network
Pyramid Response to Intervention (combines PLCs and RtI)
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Wright's Law page on RTI

Considerations for Aides and Co-Taught Classrooms


An e-mail exchange with the authors of a study on paraprofessionals is here: How to decide when to use aides
This exchange includes lots of good info and advice on how to decide between co-taught classes and aides. It also includes links to additional research:
Constructively responding to Requests for Paraprofessionals
Guidelines for selecting alternatives to paraprofessionals
One-to-One Paraprofessionals for Students With Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms: Is Conventional Wisdom Wrong? See page 9 of this last article for an important reference on how to use this research

Some comments on how to use aides from a professor of SPED at UVM
From my personal experience I consider some of the ways in which a paraeducator was most useful to be:

  1. to model effective interactions for the other students--for example, since Andreas had little respect for personal space of others, and would try to hug, the students were taught to counter his enthusiastic approach by offering a high-five;
  2. to assist with personal care;
  3. to assist with desensitization--for example, helping him accept toothbrushing, overcoming his tactile defensiveness;
  4. to transport him for jobs in the community and serve as job coach;
  5. to assist the school nurse in the case of seizures;
  6. to assure safety in situations where his impulsiveness could create danger (like bolting into the street);
  7. to carry out sensory integration procedures (like brushing);
  8. to assist the teachers in creating accommodations (like finding and bringing in a full-size skeleton poster for identifying bones, or enlarging graph paper so that he could be accurate in placing data points);
  9. to support his use of communication devices (programming, trouble-shooting);
  10. to serve as facilitator in facilitated communication (but should NOT be the sole facilitator, as communication can fall apart if that person leaves the job);
  11. to assist with transitions;
  12. to cue him on appropriate responses.

Co-taught classes

How to raise concerns with co-taught classes

A recent BSEA case says that moving a child to a co-taught classroom is not a new "placement".

See a description of Newton's co-taught classes here:

Parents who have a concern with Newton's co-taught classroom and do not want to send their child to a co-taught class can still reject an IEP. You need to do it based on something more than just the fact that its a co-taught class. Think carefully about what your concerns are and if NPS can address those concerns within the co-taught class.

These look like great programs and I hope they succeed. However, they wont be right for every child so the following is meant to help parents understand how best to preserve your options.

For example, if you have a 1:1 aide and you want to keep that level of attention for your child you can ask that they keep the 1:1 aide in the co-taught class. If you have concerns about your child being in a largely special education class you can make that case. Regardless, make sure to send a letter to the Team. Get an attorney or advocate if you can.

You should decide as early as possible if you will send your child to a co-taught class if it's adapted or you absolutely will not, regardless of changes.

Here are some suggestions for ways to follow up on co-taught classes and make the case that they should be adapted or are not right for your child:

  • Get an independent evaluation (often paid for by insurance). Have that person meet with your child then visit the co-taught class. Ask them to document the needs of your child and what is not available in the co-taught class. They need to make specific recomendations for services.
    • e.g needs a quiet space to learn to read like a Learning Center or needs more constant supervision (aka aide).
  • Ask for the resumes and credentials of the teachers in the co-taught class. Get your own expert to state whether they have the skills or training to provide the services your child needs. In co-taught classes some services are provided by regular education (non-SPED) teachers. You can make the case that all services must be provided by trained and qualified special educators.
  • Ask for the a list of the diagnoses of the other children in the class and ask for their IEPs. Get an expert to state whether or not it's a valid cohort (aka are the other children appropriate peers). You can make the case that your child needs a specialized and focused class (e.g. focused on social skills) while co-taught classes cover a range of diagnoses but do not address any specific one well.

Summer Camp Info

Links and Comments on Summer Camps

Sample Home School Logs

These are examples of logs parents and teachers/aides can use to share info between home and school. Typically an aide or other school person send the log home every afternoon and the parents sends it back in the morning. It's a good way to share info and stay in touch, but sometimes the child will read the log too so e-mail may work better for more delicate discussions.

School to home
Home to school

Behavior and Autism Spectrum Information

One of the BCBA's in Newton co-authored a book published by the Harvard Education Press:
There's also an article describing the main thesis here:
Info on ABA: Applied Behavioral Analysis is a method to change childrens behavior. It is most commonly used with children on the autism spectrum. The basic idea is the same as Pavlov's dog and the Skinner Box (AKA operant conditioning). Hopefully the focus is on motivating children with positive feedback more than negative feedback.
ABA is defined here:
and here:
ABA and the interventions associated with it (discrete trial training, floor time, etc.) are described here:
This paper includes an extensive list of ABA activities in a classroom. It also compares ABA to the only other major technique used for working with kids on the autism spectrum in school, TEACCH. It used to be free, but looks like they are charging for it now :-(. Definitely worth the cost if you need to know what happens in an ABA run classroom.
Research Paper on ABA vs TEACCH as comprehensive treatment models

Glossary of Special Education Terms Used in Newton

Please add to this section and write definitions.

  • Inclusion - a SPED child being taught in a class of mostly or all NT (neurotypical) kids. The child may leave from time to time (e.g. for 1:1 english help) but otherwise they are in a regular class.
  • Integrated classes - A class with some Special Needs kids and some NT kids.
  • Inclusion Facilitator - An elementary school person who is responsible for helping special needs kids be included in regular classes. Typically one per elementary school. Maybe also one per middle and high school but I'm not sure.
  • Team - The people who write and agree on an IEP. Includes parents or guardians. The team leader (sometimes an inclusion facilitator, sometimes a SPED administrator) and all team members from NPS make the final decision which the parents can accept or reject. In addition to a leader and parent, the team must include a regular education teacher.
  • Aide - A person (also called a paraprofessional) who works with the child in addition to the teacher. Aides can be one to one (AKA one aide for one child) or one to many (one aide for several children). Even if the aide is noted as full time on the IEP, it only means 1:1 if it explicitly says One to one or 1:1.
  • Behavior Therapist
  • BCBA - Board certified behavior analysts. Typically associated with ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis). See elsewhere on the page for info on ABA.
  • Out of district placement
  • Cost share
  • Co-taught classrooms
  • Stabilization program
  • Neighborhood Inclusion
  • Learning Center
  • IEP
  • 504 plan
  • Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
  • Integrated program
  • Language development classes (REACH)
  • Office of student services
  • Early Childhood Program
  • Ed Center
  • Tiered intervention (commonly known as RTI or response to intervention)

Reports on SPED in Newton

SPED Review by Outside Consulting Group

NPS contracted with a group to do a study of special education. Their final report was posted in December, 2011:

Web site of group doing the a study of special education:

RFP issued for the study:

Report on trends in Special Education

2011 Report on SPED Trends
The overall is essentially the same as the 2010 report. Specific Learning Disability is decreasing and Autism Specturm Disorders is increasing. The change in both is accelerating.

Report on trends in Special Education by Judy Levin-Charns from 6/2010

The following graph projects the data from the trends report in to the future. Based on the data from 2003 - 2009, the average rate of growth in each category is used to predict the numbers up to 2019.


See also comments on the 6/28/2010 meeting

Community Advisory Group Report on School Costs

See: Citizens Advisory Report

This detailed report includes a long section on Special Education.

They looked at:

  1. The efficacy and fiscal sustainability of the Neighborhood Inclusion model;
  2. The lack of agreed-upon metrics to measure outcomes of programs and services;
  3. The absence of a consistent and easily understandable summary of special education costs and revenues (presented in a way that allows easy analysis of growth trends, etc.);
  4. A lack of transparency about the special education programs and services provided within Newton Public Schools;
  5. A lack of public understanding about special education generally – what it is, the diversity of the special needs population and profiles, the legal mandates under which services are provided, and the individualized nature of each student’s educational plan.

And they identified three areas of cost growth:

  1. Aides
  2. Transportation costs
  3. Out of district tuitions
  4. Contracted services

This section (bold emphasis added) discusses the idea of city wide classes. Despite the concerns raised in this report, this approach was adopted in the FY 11 budget and will be implemented this year (2010 - 2011). AFAIK, any analysis of integrated classrooms was not made public.

"In January 2008, the Newton Public Schools modeled the cost of creating substantially separate classrooms in each elementary school to determine if clustering children within their schools would reduce costs (by reducing the number of aides). The modeling showed that in 13 of the 14 elementary schools, clustering students into a substantially separate classroom would have been approximately $582,000 more expensive. The analysis did not model the costs of clustering the students across the City or by villages as this “would not only pose a further regression for any inclusive practice, but would add transportation costs.” (As noted above, special education transportation costs grew at a CAGR of 10% from 2004-2008.) Note, too, that space constraints may make the creation of substantially separate classrooms infeasible.

Substantially separate classrooms may also not be desirable or appropriate from an academic standpoint. Because each child’s needs are unique and can vary widely (even within a “common” or “like” disability), there may not be an appropriate grouping at a certain grade level to support substantially separate classrooms that would meet the students’ academic needs. The Newton Public Schools are working on modeling and documenting the viability of more integrated classrooms. The Citizen Advisory Group applauds this effort and encourages the Newton Public Schools to make its analysis available to the public."

State Reports on SPED in Newton

  • State 6 year review of Newton's special education programs:

This is an excellent guide to what the school system is supposed to do. It also lists where they are close but deficient.
2013 report:
Here is the response to the items cited as partially implemented:

  • State's Three year mid-cycle review

DESE Review of Submitted Reports and Status Sheet

Follow up on three year review
2010 Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Mid-cycle Report

Student Services Reports

Recent Student services reports are available here:

Older reports are here.

Summary of a few reports from 2011 is below.

November 2011 Fiscal and Operations Report


The current status of key budget areas in Student Services is summarized in Appendix A. The projected annual deficit for Student Services is -$305,000, an improvement of $130,000 since last month. This month’s improvement is due to reductions in the forecasts for out-of-district tuition (-$109,000) salaries, primarily aides (-$31,000) and other expenses (-$2,000), offset by an increase in the forecast for Special Education transportation (+$12,000). This month, there were an unusually high number of out-ofdistrict placements exiting due to students who aged out or graduated. Additional placements have been added to the forecast to offset the savings trend this month. The forecast for Student Services aides allows for 6.0 additional FTE aides to be hired during the remainder of the school year.

The current projected annual Student Services deficit of -$305,000 is within three areas, the largest of which is contracted services (-$282,000). The projection for contracted services of $992,000 is consistent with the final FY11 spending of $1.04 million and is the same as last month. The two other unfavorable variances are in aides (-$133,000) and Special Education transportation (-$27,000). These negative variances are partially offset by positive variances to budget of $74,000 in out-of-district tuition and $62,000 in Special Education staff, not including aides. First quarter circuit breaker funds for FY12 were received this month and were used to credit out-of-district tuition as planned.

The selection process for the position of Special Education Finance Director is in the final stage. It is expected that the new director will be in place by mid-November to begin the work of additional forecasting and analysis of all costs of Special Education.

October 2011 Fiscal and Operations Report


Student Services/Special Education The current status of key budget areas in Student Services is summarized in Appendix A. The projected annual deficit for Student Services is -$435,000 after the use of additional funds in the amount of $950,000 as shown in the introduction. If not for the use of the additional funds, the Student Services shortfall would be $1.3 million.

The forecast includes assessments of what is likely to occur during the school year, based on current students’ needs and what has happened in prior years. The largest variances remain in contracted services (-$282,000), aides (-$171,000), out-of-district tuition (-$36,000) and Special Education transportation (-$15,000). These negative variances are partially offset by a positive variance of $69,000 in Special Education staff, not including aides. The district will benefit from additional circuit breaker funds in FY12; the budgeted reimbursement rate of 46% improved substantially to 65%, plus a supplemental payment of $19,000. Most of this had been anticipated in the July budget addbacks. The remaining Circuit Breaker funds are applied to expected tuition costs for this year. The contract services budget shortfall of -$282,000 is due to a current year budgetary adjustment made after the full costs for FY11 were known late in the fiscal year. The projection for contracted services is consistent with the final FY11 spending of $1.04 million. A new state grant credit of $100,000 is assumed in the current forecast for Special Education professional development expenses.

The addition of the unanticipated Medicaid reimbursement funds will serve to offset costs as well. Newton has received additional school based Medicaid reimbursement due to changes in the Medicaid claim process for direct services to eligible students (those with Special Education IEP's) as well as for administrative claims. The direct cost component has a new payment methodology based on new requirements as of July 2009 (FY10). This new method resulted in a retroactive reimbursement for FY10 in the amount of $543,487. These funds went directly to city revenue and will be appropriated to the school district in the amount of $470,000. The city retained $73,487 as part of the expected Medicaid revenue for the past year. To access more information about the School Based Medicaid Program please use the following link:

The position of Special Education Finance Director has been posted and advertised and a selection process is underway. It is hoped that the new director will be in place in November to begin the additional forecasting and analysis of all costs of Special Education. The Newton Early Childhood Program currently serves 193 students, including 59 students with special needs enrolled in preschool classrooms, 74 students who are typically developing enrolled in preschool classrooms, and 60 students with special needs receiving related services only. Evaluation of preschool student needs is ongoing, with 45 children currently receiving evaluations. Central High School has begun the third full year of operation with 13 students enrolled as of September 30, 2011. One student who is no longer attending Central High School is being tutored by Central High School staff. The students continue to meet the established eligibility criteria; they returned from out-of-district placements or were prevented from being placed in a more restrictive environment because this level of service is available in the district.

Out of District Placements Graphs

The charts below shows trends in out of district placements.

The fraction of "cost share" (placed under legal settlement with NPS) placements declined in 2012. The overall out of district placements also started to decline.

Board of Alderman Minutes on SPED

Click here for minutes and comments on aldermen meetings related to SPED

School Committee Minutes related to Special Education

March 2014 on Social and Emotional Learning

This report includes a discussion of state guidelines on social emotional learning. The state guidelines were mandated by the anti-bullying law and are based on work by CASEL

The cover letter cites the article Making School a Calmer Place to Learn from The Harvard Education Letter Volume 30, Number 1 January/February 2014
See an excerpt here: and e-mail gregsmithpm at gmail dot com for a full copy.

The meeting also covered:

  • curriculum and programming for all students through classroom instruction
  • intervention for small groups of students based on identified needs
  • intervention for individual students based on identified needs
  • community partnerships

and progress monitoring, primarily via the Youth Risk Behavior Survey available here (See September 2013):

The PPT presented at the meeting is available here.
Video of the meeting is here.

In addition to the links below, the PPT references these professional development programs:
All Elementary teachers trained in Second Step
Elementary social works trained in: Zones of Regulation
Middle and High School Physical Education trained in Project Adventure

All students

Small groups Often a guidance counselor or social worker will invite a few students to eat lunch in his or her office, an opportunity for informal socializing among students, and for the adult to facilitate interaction, provide social cues and time for reflection. Other groups may be formed in response to shared need, for example students whose parents are divorcing.

Individual students Elementary (ESP), Middle (MSP), and High (HSP), plus Springboard, are regular education 45 school-­‐day programs, originally designed to be off-­‐campus placements for students in crisis. They operate under the direction of the Office of Student Services.

On Elementary schools they said:
This year, ESP has “gone mobile”, supporting students in crisis by bringing the ESP staff to the home school. This model allows for intensive and targeted professional development in the students’ regular education classroom while working with the student in crisis. Student stability and success has improved significantly due to contact with the home school staff who can remain with the student throughout the intervention.

See the report for comments on Middle and High School.

Community partnerships "city departments and agencies with whom we collaborate to make additional services and supports available to students and their families".

Past minutes and summaries

Link to School Committee meeting info:
Many older school Committe Docs are found here

Student services reports are available here:

Possible Public Records Requests

Idea for public records request on Miriam Freedman's involvement with NPS

History of special education in Newton

The following was heard second or third hand. Not sure if it's true but it sounds plausible.

In the 1990s parents were concerned that their children were being isolated in programs within Newton and out of district. A SPED director was hired from Brookline who was committed to inclusion. Newton became really good at inclusion. A new SPED director (Mozelle Berkowitz) was hired possibly in early 2000s who continued that trend but the pendulum started to swing the other way. Parents who had problems with the district couldn't get their children out. A new SPED director (Judy Levin-Charns, current director as of this writing) was hired in 2007-2008 from Sharon. The challenge of parents not being able to get their children out of district placements grew.

Anyone with more history, please add it here...

I think Mozelle did a good job. Eileen Sullivan who ran early childhood was incredible. But we moved in 2004.

See also the Board of Aldermen section for some history from 2006 - 2012.

More? add your own and comment

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This project and information is not affiliated with the Newton Public Schools or the Newton School Committee. It is an independent effort by private citizens intended to help the people of Newton learn more about the Newton Public Schools

Much of this information is extracted from the document archive linked from All School Committe Docs

Additional comments and information from public sources have also been included. The contents and links may have been edited as well. No representation is made as to the accuracy or validity of this information. This page is only intended to help people more easily keep in touch with the work of the Newton School Committee

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Additional comment moved to discussion page. Gregorio 14:06, 1 December 2011 (UTC)