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This section is for new questions for OLPC. Please read through ''[[Ask OLPC a Question]]'' before [ adding a question] here.

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= New questions =
My OLPC stucked off after starting up and please also guide me that from where i can get
new charger for my olpc?

== Question ==
==Who articulated this "need"? The local communities or the MIT?==
We are planning to help OPLC but we need to check the Financial Statements of the organization. Does somebody know where can we get this information?
Please provide details on the quantity and conditions under which chiefs, local leaders and/or community decision makers expressed the need for such a laptop. Additional details on the consultations, focus groups and design meetings that must have occurred world-wide are are also welcomed.
:The Peace Corps has for a number of years encouraged volunteers to take laptops and leave them behind. They leave those laptops with technically inquisitive individuals. This program has shown a good bit of promise, despite infrastructure shortcoming in many host nations. *[ Peace corps distributes laptops] *[ Every single problem is solved with education] -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 21:39, 9 March 2007 (EST)
Thanks Jeff, I understand many countries and organizations in the north have a long history of "leaving behind" goods because they assume "poor" people need them. However, I am afraid this does not answer my question. There are two ways in which the answer is misleading:
: 1. The peace corps article talks about what seems to be a very focused project (GLOBE) involving particular schools in a particular community within a local program for a particular purpose. Thus, it is more likely that local user groups were directly involved in its deployment. The OLPC project does not seem to share these qualities. So I don't think the Guinea's GLOBE project justifies OLPC at all. Also, the second link has no information that may help to answer the question... perhaps you posted the wrong link?
: 2. When compared to a "leaving behind" philosophy, the OLPC may be considered a "top-down" approach to aid. There is a long history of costly "interventions" with only marginal gains related to this paradigm. I was assuming the OLPC was aware of one the most important lessons learned in the las century regarding aid and international development: '''that top-down approaches rarely have long lasting effects in developing the capacity of the host country and, in many cases, they even help exacerbate the local processes of exploitation'''. The OLPC project goes a long way in ensuring that children will truly own the technology they are '''given''' by using open-source software, but it seems to have failed to take into account the needs as expressed by the local user groups.
In conclusion, from your answer, I can only assume that:
: '''1. No local chiefs, leaders of community representatives were consulted and,'''
: '''2. No focus groups and/or design meetings took place with local user groups.'''
is this correct?

:From OLPC directly, or the government or other regulators. I don't think you should rely on what contributors to a community Wiki might tell you ... that's not a rigorous method. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 03:23, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
:Look, the OLPC has a vision. You can argue the vision, thump your chest, demand study groups and research, and provide negative opinions. I don't know about these meetings you are concerned about, I'm not an official OLPC representative (and they probably won't rise to the bait you offer). Your questions seem focused towards discrediting OLPC rather than providing positive guidance. In my experience, consulting potential system users is a mixed bag. While users can articulate how things work, they often can not envision or articulate how things could work differently. If you want to help OLPC, create an account on the wiki and we can discuss your concerns on discussion pages. I'm just one man who would like to see OLPC suceed. -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 11:12, 13 March 2007 (EDT)

== Question ==
Jeff, I am sorry if my questions made you think that I am "focused on discrediting the OLPC rather than providing positive guidance". Please accept my apologies, I tried to frame my questions/comments clearly so there would be no space for misunderstandings. I am not demanding any study groups and/or research, nor offering any bait (regarding thumping your chest, I don't know what you mean). I simply asked if these studies existed and commented on the related historical lessons learned in the field of international development. I also understand official OLPC representatives have better things to do than responding to anonymous criticism, so thank you for the time you have spent responding to mine. I still hope it may be considered constructive.
I turned on my OLPC but it didn't show anything.What do I do?

:Check out [[Keyboard freeze fix for os 650-656]] it might be your problem. Hard to say, unless you can give some more information, like when you last used the XO, whether the power indicator turns on, whether the display backlight turns on. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 21:04, 30 August 2011 (UTC)
That said, I will comment on just one of the many examples of "my concerns" with top-down approaches. The following link provides some general information:
== Question ==

how do download windows xp on to my olpc xo and how do you access your downloads
The following paragraph is particularly interesting:

: There is no way to get Windows XP for your individual OLPC. Microsoft does not make it available to individuals, and OLPC has nothing to do with that.
:''The 1980s were designated the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade by the United Nations. Despite the efforts of this campaign, however, in many countries more than half the rural populations are without adequate water supply access and sanitation. Many of the failures can be explained by weaknesses in the design and implementation of projects, as evidenced by many abandoned water and wastewater treatment plants. Such weaknesses often stem from a lack of maintenance caused by failures in equipment or training. '''A widespread lack of community participation in projects also helps explain failures.'''''

== Downloads ==
I have experience from one of such projects in Haiti: a group of highly qualified engineers was hired to design a local water distribution system for a small farming community. Before then, people had to walk for hours to a nearby river and walk back home with their buckets filled. The facility '''built for them''' included different levels with water tanks of varying qualities to fulfill a variety of needs: human drinking water, animal drinking water and water for farming. The design was phenomenal and very promising. However, a few months after its construction, evaluation documents reported that people were not using the facilities. Moreover, they were significantly run down, taps had been knocked out of place, and because of that, the tanks had been emptied. When asked about these findings, local farmers mentioned the design was completely incompatible with their practices. They had to knock off the taps because otherwise they could not let their animals drink by themselves. They were also more used to running water, rather than stationary water, so it didn't make sense to them to keep the water in the tanks. Women stated they preferred walking to the river because it was the only opportunity they had in the day to talk to each other and exchange recipes.
How to access your downloads?
: If you download things on the OLPC, they should show up in the Journal, which is one of the Activities that's always running. It looks like a little spiral notebook. You can also open the journal by pressing the "magnifying glass" icon in the upper-left hand part of the keyboard.

== how do you start your downloads ==
'''Another View'''
You seem like a person that has a lot of interest and knowledge about Developing Nations! Part of the many issues of sustainability is progress. Just 10 years ago think of all the tribal leaders that shunned the 40E program for TB of years before and other vaccination program as saying, “This was no good.” But today the world is changing, many things that years ago people did not think they needed they have come to rely upon greatly!
I guess computers are part of the world and there those that believe that this part of progress could be useful to those local Chieftains and Clan leaders too. I personally think this will be good for the world in general. You never know one of the future inventors of something important or useful might be the little one lappy olpc laptop child of today!

I downloaded adobe flash player but i still can't watch my videos i know you go to journal and the file and click start but it doesn't work.
==Before or after the fact?==
: See [[Adobe Flash]] for details. [[User:Mariano|Mariano]] 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
Which of the targeted regions/communities did the design team engaged with BEFORE starting the project? How long did consultations last BEFORE a single design sketch was made? Please provide details.

== your disk is full ==
==Is it easier to promote "aid" when children are involved?==
How many children from the targeted regions/communities were consulted PRIOR to the design of this tool? How many of them continue to actively participate in the process? I presume MIT researchers are aware that not all children in the world are equal, just as no individual in the world is. Thus, I assume you were humble enough to ask a few dozen non-US kids if they thought the "idea" would fly, perhaps you went as far as asking for their advice? Please provide details.

What should i do if i go to my record activity and it says my disk is full?
: You should open your [[Journal]] and remove large files or activities. [[User:Mariano|Mariano]] 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
== It seems that with the new built (8.2) in the XO the existing Scratch files are difficult to copy into a USB. I can't use the function "save as" or even copy them from the terminal.
Any idea what to do?
il me semble que mon "xo" est bloqué peut etre plein. que faire?
Mamadou Niang
je souhaite dans le cadre d'une ONG dénommée Bokk Diang avoir des partenaires pouvant permettre "d'arroser" les Ecoles Sénégalaises.
merci de l'aide que vous nous apporterez.
Mamadou Niang 00221776467585

== How do I chat with other people in the world? ==
'''A broad Answer'''
Since several people have asked similar questions one answer could be that's why the governments of each nation have to decide. Because there is always criticism in the business of aid and sustainability programs here was where the OLPC sponsors did not want to deal with this type of burden baring. The computers from what I have heard are an excellent value for the money , as inexpensive as they could be produced for. They are much more than a toy and they are designed for certain types of nations to deliver a forum to that nations children at risk that might never get a chance ever in their lives to own a computer. The local and national community can contribute to the laptops internet as each nation allows. I guess since people did buy the lap top as leaders of their nations, they thought it was a good idea having a lot more facts. From what I have heard many more nations want to buy them too! So I guess you have to be in that position to decide if this is a good deal for your nations population. By the way what's the name of the nation you are in charge of?

My xo is hooked up to the internet but I still don't know how to chat with other people in the world could you tell me how please?
==Image about the World Summit in Tunisia, showing Nicholas Negroponte and Kofi Annan when presenting the laptop==
: First connect to a [[Jabber server]] or your local school network. Then you can see other people on your network and will be able to chat with them.
Hello, I am writing an article in the german Wikipedia on the "100-Dollar-Laptop" aka "Children's Machine" (link: I would like to add an image showing Nicholas Negroponte and Kofi Annan in Tunisia on the World Summit. Unfortunately on flickr there is no photo, which is compatible zu the gnu-licence. Only Creative Commons 2.5. with the right of commercial use and of course the gnu-licence are allowed to be uploaded in Wikipedia.
: You can also download [[XoIRC]] and chat with people using that activity. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)
== Downloads ==

How do I download music on my labtop?
Do you have such a picture in your portfolio? Can you upload this picture with compatible licence on Wikipedia?
: Click on a file to download. Then open it from your [[Journal]]. Alternately, install an activity like [[Jukebox]].

How do I download Doom?
In my opinion such a picture would have positive impact on OLPC's image. If you google for "Children's Machine" the german Wikipedia-article has the best page rank. You can contact me on the german Wikipedia, search word "Betbuster".
: The page about it is titled [[Doom]]. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

== Reset settings ==
Thanks, Wikipedia user: Betbuster [[User:|]] 09:20, 19 December 2006 (EST)

I need to knnow how to reset the name on my xo laptop
: From the [[Sugar Control Panel]], update your "About me" settings, and restart. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

== Viruses ==

How Do I erase viruses from my xo

i buy new usb to rs232 moduleboard ft232rl.and i conect my computer with my desktop but htere is nothing happnaed can some one tell me y or i conect it with other laptop not with desktop.i have olpc

== reset journal info ==
==Maximum Altitude Spec==

my question is how do u erase information on the journal
According to the [[Hardware specification]] the ''Maximum altitude: -15m to 3048m (14.7 to 10.1 psia) (operating), -15m to 12192m (14.7 to 4.4 psia) (non-operating''... would it be possible to operate (safely) above that altitude? After all, in the Andes (and I'll assume the Himalayas) many people live higher... [ El Alto 4150m], [ Potosi 3967m], etc... --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 12:47, 30 November 2006 (EST)

hey guys nice work ...well i am making a project on u guys can u help me with the list of countries whu r a part of ur process
Peace out

== Two activities ==
This is a very interesting question. This question may have some answers in a recent article In CNN Money.

hey i've got 2 questions
1. first of all why won't my eye chat open even if i have downloaded it
2. second how can i read e-books on my olpc
oh and one more question: can i contact the child who got the other laptop after i had paid for mine?
:Thanks for your questions. Sorry, I don't know what eye chat is. E-books in various formats can be read using the Read activity, and there are new E-book reader programs on . No, you can't contact the child who got the other laptop. -- [[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 22:46, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

== How does the Log Viewer work? ==
--[[User:Hunter|Hunter]] 09:55, 10 February 2007 (EST)

Dear Sir/Madam,
==Usability and User Testing==

As a part of an evaluation project we are trying to determine what activities are being used by the children, and for this reason we would like to know exactly how does the log viewer work. The journal presents the problem that activities may be erased by the children, therefore not providing a complete picture. So my questions are, what does the log viewer exactly show? Does it show all the activities used by the children? Does it only show errors in activities used by the children and if so what type of errors? Do you think the log-files can be used to determine what activities are the children using or the information won't be reliable towards that purpose?
There is very little public information about requirements gathering, usability and user testing. In other words, how do you know whether the OLPC (i) will meet your users' needs and (ii) is easy enough for them to use? Have the target user groups been characterized? What ongoing plans do you have for this?
I`d Like test the OLPC in Argentina, Please contct with me to know how.
:As far as I know, there are two local groups in [[OLPC Argentina|Argentina]] with test boards (don't know if anybody has the 2B1/XO prototypes though). They are [ Ututo] and [ Tuquito]. I know [ Ututo] had some explicit arrangements to let other people use/test the boards. If anybody knows about other groups (or about any local XOs) please let me know (or post in the [[OLPC Argentina]] pages. --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 07:23, 6 December 2006 (EST)
:There is more to life and education than requirements gathering. Usability and testing are of course important, and on-going. Research is often just trial, error, and adjustment. If you want, you can participate by setting up an emulator and seeing how the software works now. The research is going on now, and you can participate. Exciting, don't you think? -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 21:47, 9 March 2007 (EST)

Also, is it possible to recover erased activities from the journal?
What about usability testing for children? A recent article quoted the OLPC chairman as saying: "Granted, I'm not a child. I don't know if it's going to be intuitive to children." Was there research?

Thank you for your help!
==Deployment Criteria & Metrics==

Although these issues are basically 'national' prerogatives, is there anything being done at the OLPC level? In many countries, 1 million laptops will either be too little or too much. All along, before, during and after the deployment they should be able to assess the result of the effort (metrics), be it to keep the course, or change things, or try new things, etc.

== how to repair olpc ==
:We do not believe there is such a thing as too little. In countries where 1 million laptops is too many, we won't be able to do an early deployment, but we do expect that after a few million units are in the field, there will be other organizations who will deploy smaller quantities to smaller countries, such as many island nations. In fact, Libya has announced their intention to buy laptops for some poorer African nations.

hi olpc i am call placide and my olpc can not switch on now but the screen can switch on but does not mark any thing
::I think that spanish speaking latin american countries do fit in a gray-zone there; there are many that individually would have to wait for later stages, but together they could probably put something - ie: central american countries.
so it looks like has virus or it has corrupted so i would like to know how can i repair it and what can use to repair it
please i need help

:This can happen if you hold down the rotate button when you turn it on. Please try this: remove the battery, disconnect the cable, wait 10 seconds, put the battery back in, press the power button. The laptop should start. If it does not, then it may need repair. -- [[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 04:14, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
:As far ans metrics are concerned, we take that very seriously both in the design of the laptops and in the whole deployment process. We are constantly measuring, analysing and making course corrections based on the data. We will continue to do so.

== Server Installation detail Guide ==
::Seriousness is good. Transparency too. :) I've somehow managed to reach the [[Pilot Projects#Diversity Matrix]], which I find a bit shallow and unstructured for my taste, so I'm assuming that more structured guidelines are being thought out, planned and to be published, right? After all, as the proposers of the idea, the performance analysis and other measurements should be your domain of expertise. For example, which population segment is known to make the most out of the laptop experience? Is income considered a (key) factor? People with very-low, low, medium, high, or very-high income are 'all equal' or they somehow 'profit' differently in respect to their original educational levels? Under all circumstances?
::I'm well aware that these are mostly unanswered questions (I'm not looking for an answer here) and will be subject to many factors and variables; notwithstanding, what kind of information is being thought as necessary to evaluate or consider? All I'm asking is to be able to see the guidelines - and hopefully a way to collaborate.--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 17:04, 9 December 2006 (EST)

==Support for Self-Learners==

However, what about those children who cannot attend to schools and have no teachers, which is not uncommon in really poor 3rd world countries? I still cannot imagine how illiterate kids (probably having illiterate parents) teach themselves the usage of the OLPC laptop and moreover teach themselves basic reading, writing and math.

:The goal of the project is to '''provide/propose''' to governments a laptop that is (financially) cheap enough to be massively distributed to kids while being powerful enough to do all sorts of things. It'll be upto those governments to decide how they'll be deployed, what content will be included (and/or developed), etc. In some target [[countries]] schooling is so widespread making your scenario a marginal one (but nevertheless important). In other countries, I agree, things are quite the opposite. An interesting reading is the [[Learning Vision]] and its reference to the [ CREATE] project in Costa Rica, where some families moved into a town that had 1:1 computer education just so that their kids would have access to that kind of education. IOW, the population pro-actively flocked to that schooling system.

:If you can't imagine how kids can use a computer for learning in the absence of teachers then you need to read about the [ Hole In The Wall Project] in India.


What mechanism olpc is going to adopt to make it accessable for child with physical disabilities? Will there be seperate keyboards for blind with braile? Will there be alternate input methods for child with dysfunctioning hands?

--Ankur Sharma, [ olpc Nepal]

:As far as I know, OLPC keybords are standardized for each country's language/s, but not braille. The OLPC has [[Hardware specification#Specifications|3 USB ports]] to which external (braille) keyboards may be connected ([ quick search] and [ sample result] or [ alternative method]). In order to better gauge the dimension of the issue, the [ World Health Organization] (WHO) has some statistics on the [ incidence of blindness].
:I have posted some observations about [[Input methods#Dasher - gesture text entry|Dasher]] as an alternative [[Input methods|input method]], not only for physical disabilities but general use too. --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 09:45, 21 December 2006 (EST)

Further to the question above, does the OLPC initiative include distributing laptops to children who are currently going through patient care in a hospital setting? And if so do you have links to devices that can allow a child to utilize a laptop from a hospital bed (i.e., wall mounted mechanical laptop ARM)? This is a great initiative!!!


:Technically, it's the governments '''buying''' the laptop that will distribute them ('''not''' the OLPC), and while I see no difference between a child in a hospital bed or a cabin in the mountains (from a distribution PoV), my guess is that hospitals in these countries have other priorities to allocate their budgets instead of [ fancy trays] (as cool as they might be ;) --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 08:05, 23 January 2007 (EST)

As a representative of an NGO type organization I just recently commented to a UN officer about a similar subject. “Fancy Trays”' are not always at the request of the country or donor agency in general. Part of what makes these items or services that may not at first glance seem functional is the vision of the donor. Just like the water go round in Africa sponsored by Ex US president Bill Clinton and the water see saw in another nation that promotes the washing of your hands. It is not always up to the receiver in what it is they are to receive .
There are also many sites that go in-depth about theses issues and the how and why's of the matters. If you are interested in finding out more you can direct searches about: third world programs, world aid and I am sure you can find more information as to why a fancy tray may have been purchased or donated as well as many other interesting things.

== I question whether there is some benefit for us or you by getting involved ==

We are a St. Louis MO based charity doing Health Related activity in many poor parts of the world including Ecuador, Africa, Asia etc. We have recently been asked by Ecuador officials to assist in several different activates, including build schools, clinics, furnish computers etc.(we have a current request for 100 computers that we are trying to fulfill.

Or name is Wings of Hope and you can view our website at to get some idea of what we do and who we do it for, both locally and around the world. We are a volunteer organization with pilots, nurses and support people stationed in many countries in poverty stricken areas. We are non political, non religious based, have no ethnic motivations nor any other motivation based issues except to help people in need.

We furnish air transport service to poor people in the central part of the United States to get them to health care facilities. We set up health clinics in poor areas of the US and we Donate aircraft to many areas of the world to be used as Air Ambulances. The website above will reveal a lot about Wings of Hope activates.

I saw the article in Popular Science about your computers and I just feel there is something that we can offer that will advance your cause. Our relationships appear to be with the kind of folks you are trying to reach. If you feel we can be of any assistance to your efforts, we would like to discuss the issue(s).

Please Contact our Director, MR. Douglas Clements, or 636-537-1302, 800-448-9487.

Keith Barbero, WOH Board Member

--[[User:Hunter|Hunter]] 10:45, 28 December 2006 (EST)

From what has been publicly displayed this is mainly a government program that has to have approval from the hosting country to be implemented. Depending on the type of services you are offering this may or may not be a a program that could fit in to your NGO's aim.
But if you are intrested from the stand point of ONE LAP TOP FOR EVERY CHILD then you should keep in touch and ask more questions as they come to you.

== Self-winding generator ==

Regarding the energy source for the machine - I would love to imagine children walking or running to school or home with their machines swinging along. Since The Crank is out, how about self-winding, through movement? I have a 40-year old watch that does it. Have you thought about using self-winding as some part of the power question? Creators, commence!

:This is brilliant! My niece and nephew recently gave me a flashlight that is charged by shaking a weight back and forth through windings where the D cell batteries would go in handle of "normal" flashpoint. It is very low power LED bulb but the accumulated energy could be significant. Something similar but maybe with steel balls to roll around a racetrack or arc designed for ergonomic motions in a couple of different walking "games" would charge the power storage all the way home or to school! We need to find an ergonomics specialist to help (and maybe a child pyschologist or game specialist) and an electrical engineer to design the circuits for the generator ..... maybe we could find some soon at Wikiversity? ... or we could track down someone knowledgeable from the power summit recently held. Power summit for One Laptop Per Child project[] .... I am not sure how to proceed. I am currently trying to get a pedagogy project going I do not have time for this but the kids need power to access the internet and get to Wikiversity. 8( Maybe someone will pick your idea up. It is a really good one. [[User:Mirwin|Mirwin]] 13:59, 11 February 2007 (EST)

== Contribution towards Programming ==


I am really interested in contributing towards the programming efforts in linux kernel and python. Please let me know how shall I proceed and start contributing towards it?

Bangalore, India.

:Suresh, check this page "[[Getting involved in OLPC]]" and this page"[[OLPC Python Environment]]" -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]]

== Volunteering ==

How does a computer science professional contact OPLC about volunteering their time to help deploy the laptops and train new users? Is there an affliation with GeekCorps?

:See the section about [[Ask OLPC a Question about Distribution#Training & Capacity Building]]... but in general, that is upto the deploying countries to decide how it'll work - you should contact that side of the equation (or any organizations they name when the time comes).--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 17:54, 13 January 2007 (EST)

== Where can I see an OLPC in the UK? ==

I am am a new learner in this OLPC deployment team. I have installed a OLPC XS and had a problem with the eth0. During boot process it come to a stage where it says that IP determing information on eth0 fails. I have follwed the proper steps to install the server however it still gives me the same problem.
Can anyone out there assist me to get the eth0 working on my server.
Dudley Daduwe

== Skype microphone issue ==
I'm really interested in the OLPC project, and often add things to the wiki... But I've never actually seen one in real life... How many are there in the UK, and what are the chances of actually viewing one? Maybe you should do a grand tour?!

:Well, you can try the alpha software in emulation: [[Using QEMU on Windows XP]]. If you run into problems, you'll have to research and learn. --[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 27 Feb 2007

== What about American Senior Citizens? ==

Why are American Senior Citizens being excluded from this very worthwhile project? As a computer-literate senior citizen I have found that most wives (mine included) in the senior age category will be computer-helpless when they become widowed. Please, puhleeeeze consider opening the OLPC program to American seniors who have been left behind in the current computer obsessed world. Thanx, M. Zipes, Poughkeepsie, NY <font size="1">(Moved question originally posted by [] in [[Image talk:Contentatlaptop.png]].</font>

:Uh? Not only this question was out of place, but also, dare say, conceptually. OLPC = One Laptop Per CHILD. In the best of worlds, it would be One Laptop Per CITIZEN&mdash;regardless of nationality, age, etc. but it's not the case. Children are the priority, and in developing countries.
:A more congenial answer would be to point you to [[OLPC4USA]] and ask you to lobby your government with them.--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 09:59, 2 January 2007 (EST)

there are classes available almost anywhere in the US for any adult, and specifically seniors, to take. in addition, US seniors, as a group, are the wealthiest people on the planet. your wife has a computer in the house and does not learn. puhleeeeze think of others who do not have the resources and try to help them. dee pearson

-- I think that there are some related questions for Seniors where at least referals to other organizations or resources would be useful. There are a lot of seniors out there that are afflicted with alzheimers or other dementia that have earlier been used to using computers, even if only playing games such as solitaire. When they get into this state, finding almost anything to help keep their mind occupied and exercised is a blessing. Trying to get them to learn to do anything different than what they are used to doing is a challenge, even if very simple, so something like this device dedicated to being used for one software app they've used in the past would be ideal.

It's hard to justify spending top dollar for a computer this day and age that isn't designed for simplicity of doing single, simple programs designed more for exercising one's aging brain, than to help encourage kids to start simple and be conditioned to grow to more heights later. Therefore the physical needs for a device is very similar to what the OLPC provides, even if the goal and usage objectives are very different than that of children. It would be helpful to know if there are plans for selling used OLPC devices for seniors, or other projects that are more targeted to use by seniors in this fashion. Not all seniors are wealthy and those afflicted by dementia often are institutionalized and costing their families quite a bit, and aren't able to afford the additional expense of such a device. Our rest home is already complaining about how my father is becoming too much of a pest using their computer to play solitaire on. I'd like to find something affordable to keep him occupied instead. OLPC seems to be the only thing close out there to what would be an ideal machine. I suspect that there are many concerned relatives like myself out there with similar needs. (mike n.)

== Theft of laptops from children ==

Perhaps it would be possible to use facial/voice recognition software and the laptop camera/microphone to ensure that the laptop will only work if one child (selected by an administrator using a complex password) is using it. (This would avoid situations where the child might give up a password under duress)?

Wouldn't adding those extra features also significantly increase the price of the OLPC as well? Why not use the OLPC's built-in wifi adapter to track the signal and MAC address instead?

Wifi adapter as an anti-theft device?

yes I agree. I also think it would be useful to turn the built-in wifi adapter as an anti-theft device. The adapter should be made to start mandatorily at boot up and not allowed to disable it so that in the event that the laptop is stolen it will be trackable by using war driving software.


: For information about such security topics, see the [[Bitfrost]] specification. --[[User:Jacobolus|Jacobolus]] 19:20, 17 February 2007 (EST)

== Nicholas Negroponte ==

Hello - how can I get involved and help Nicholas with his $100 laptop project? I am an accountant by trade and am looking to get involved in the voluntary sectory. I should be grateful if you would pass this message on to him. Many thanks -

Wish there was a version of [[Fedora]] with the [[Sugar]] os, so they could be put on existing low end laptops and desktops. That would be great for schools that have older hardware, so they do not have to purchase newer machines. Great budget saver and great pr for RedHat also.
just a thought...

:[[Using QEMU on Windows XP]] --[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]]

== Is there a better alternative? ==

Could the children be better prepared for life learning to use, as I and MILLIONS of others had, with a BIG CHEIF tablet and a pencil (yet somehow I am computer literate now)? Total cost for pad and pencil: $2.75 ... left over for food and medical from the initial $150: $147.50.

:This question ignores a very important part of the economic equation. Textbooks. The cost of primary school textbooks is kept hidden from most of us but a trip to a college bookstore will show you that textbooks cost a lot of money. The primary economic enabler of the OLPC laptops is that they allow textbooks to be distributed very cheaply. Compared to physical textbooks, electronic ones don't have to be printed and they can be shipped on very low-weight media such as CD-ROMs. Of course, in order to realize the economic benefit of electronic textbooks, you first have to invest in an e-book reader. That is the core of the OLPC project. If you investigate existing e-book reader projects you will dicsover that they are all based around a general-purpose computer with some software that restricts the capabilities to only reading books. The OLPC project goal is to create an e-book reader that exploits as many of the capabilities of the hardware as possible. The end-result is a single device that can serve many different educational functions and is versatile enough to be used throughout the student's educational life and beyond. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:15, 13 January 2007 (EST)
::This goes beyond textbooks. Computers are one of the most fundamental learning tools available to the modern world. Children do need to learn reading and writing with crayons, paper, pencils, and all that good stuff. But millions of children have already grown up learning with the assistance of computers. In my own education, computers have leant a fluidity to my work that I can not acheive with a pencil eraser. "The end-result is a single device that can serve many different educational functions and is versatile enough to be used throughout the student's educational life and beyond." Memracom's words are spot on. -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 21:55, 9 March 2007 (EST)

== Beyond education ==

These machines could be used by adults as well as kids. Surely selling crafts on ebay, checking which markets have the best prices for livestock and downloading info on AIDS would be a great use for these. Why the exclusive ocus on education, and the consequential skew to mesh networking?

--And if the IT companies can offer the kids after-school paid assignments like light programming and data entry tasks for like 1-2 hrs a day, it will also solve the problem of the kids or their parents selling the laptops for food money


:First, the OLPC laptops have no Internet access and the users likely will not speak English. Forget ebay. Second, you point out that the devices would be great for educating about AIDS and then ask, "Why the focus on education?". Thirdly you suggest that kids could do "light programming" to earn money but you ignore the fact that education is required to be a programmer. India is an example of this. It has a good education system producing many skilled programmers who were unable to find work locally. This was exploited by foreign companies who offshored their programming needs. But it all began with "education". Now, perhaps you see why the OLPC project focus is on education first. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:14, 13 January 2007 (EST)

---Yes but you cant ignore Maslow's hierarchy of needs. A starving kid with a starving family at home will not see OLPC as an education tool but instead as something he can sell to buy food. Exploitation in India by international IT companies may be morally wrong by the developed world standards but the alternative for indian programmers to that kind of exploitation is unemployment. I'm not ignoring the fact that one needs education to be a programmer, OLPC can provide that education. "Education first" slogan sounds great, but realistically speaking you can't skip the layers in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

::The interesting thing about Maslow and technology is that it sometimes results are ''counter-intuitive''. For example, many reports have been written about how cell-phone technology actually has improved the standard of living for subsistence farmers, fishermen, etc. because they extend one basic need: communication & mobility (two things targeted by the laptop). --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 08:58, 17 January 2007 (EST)

== Basic concept ==

Isn't the idea of this as a laptop a bit limiting? Why can't it be a phone, a lamp, a radio or whatever too? All this could be added very cheaply, and features like the swivelly screen seem such a distraction compared to such basics. Cellphone technology would also enable this to be networked over much larger distances.

because a phone, a lamp, or a radio doesn't make a great learning tool like a laptop does. Cellphones have limited capabilities like the screensize, lack of fullsize keyboard, costly airtimes, data storage etc. A radio doesn't allow interactive learning like a laptop does. A lamp is a necessity but with the LCD screen in the laptop the child will be able to read and do his homework in dark. OLPC project isn't about providing them with life's basic necessities, it's about giving children a great tool for education so that they can learn skills to end povery and hunger in their communities in future.


:Indeed the idea of this as a laptop is a bit limiting. The OLPC project has put a considerable effort into making this much more than a laptop. If a student wants to use it as a lamp, they can because they are the producers of the electricity required. If they want to communicate with their friends, not only can they send text messages and SVG drawings, they can also record messages and share activities that they have programmed. This is far more flexible than existing cellular phones. The main thing missing is the long range communications ability of cellular but since that comes with a very steep fee per minute of use, it won't be missed. Because the OLPC laptop is an open system it will allow people to build low-cost cellular bypass systems like [[Motoman]].--[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:21, 13 January 2007 (EST)

== Science curriculum ==

I do not see any content related sections for the sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) and math. Can you please point me to that section or include this in your curriculum?

:Every page has a search section in the column on the left. If you don't see something in the table of contents then use the search capabilities to find it. If you still can't find something which you think should be on the wiki, then start a new page and write an outline of what you think we should have. Others will fill in that outline for you. If you return in a week or two, you will have your answer. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:23, 13 January 2007 (EST)

== does OLPC not serve to widen the gap between the haves and have nots? ==

My question is, by not supporting any of the common technology in the first world, and forcing a totally unique paradigm of user interface and technology, how is it that these disadvantaged societies will become more "advantaged"? It seems that a proprietary system will only serve to make a greater distinction between the poor and the rich.

--Ryan Cameron, [ Haberman Educational Foundation]

the OLPC and its Sugar User Interface are NOT a proprietary System. The technologies are open source and built on a tried and tested Kernel and Operating System. in fact, the OLPC's use of Free/Open Source technology will serve to ensure that children are not forced to think like the ms drones of today who believe that computer literacy is knowing how to operate MS Excel. These children are being given a computer where nothing is hidden from them, the internals of the operating system are there for them to inspect, learn from, and hopefully learn to improve. the sugar ui only serves to simplify things for the children until they are ready to look further into the OS and see what makes it tick. ideally in 10 years or so, these children will have an understanding of computers that greatly exceeds the children in our own developed countries because they are not forced into a proprietary paradigm of computing. If we gave these children a copy of windows on every laptop, what purpose would that serve? they could learn to use the applications that they are given, but that is NOT What this is about. the children need to learn how computers work and why they work the way they do, this cannot be accomplished with a closed-source proprietary operating system. I believe it is especially important that these children are able to see and improve the source code of these systems, that way, when they are older and have learned enough, they will have a new outlook on computing, much different from our own. their ideas of how to interact with computers will lead to new innovative software that will benefit everyone. diversity is important and we are giving these children the opportunity to progress in their own direction without the preconcieved notions that the rest of us have from being exposed to Windows and Mac OS for so long.

to Summarize, since I rambled so much, your question is completely backwards. the disadvantage is OURS, the RICH have suffered from the proprietary nature of the Operating System that has been forced on many of us. these children are being given freedom to do as they please with their operating System, and at the same time, it will give them a firm understanding of the linux kernel and the underlying OS that will be much more beneficial to them in the future that anything microsoft or other proprietary software vendors can offer.

:[[Understanding sugar code]] was written to educate people like you on how you can get into the guts of an OLPC laptop. Any children who have an OLPC could potentially do exactly that, and learn a lot about computing at a very low level. OLPC volunteers will develop curiculum in all languages, in civic, sciences, and arts. This is an opportunity to diminish the divide. -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]]

== Adaptation of Musical Editor for local music systems ==

While browsing through the software that will be put on the B2 release, I remarked the screenshot of the Musical Editor, and I saw that it was based on the western notes system (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do). These notes have more or less fixed frequencies ('la' has 440 Hz, and going from one note to another happens by stepping of halve tones where the frequencies need to be multiplicated or divided by 1.059, the twelfth root of 2).

The OLPC project is ment for children in third world countries, like for instance India and China and other countries, where different music systems are used. Therefore I propose to foresee these adaptations within the Musical Editor (after all, it can't be the intention of forcing children to abandon their own musical culture :-?).

In case OLPC people are interested, I am willing to do some investigation in order to figure out which are the mostly used music systems with corresponding frequencies in order to facilitate the work. I can be reached via my e-mail address under my OLPC subscription account 'scampsd'.

:The OLPC includes [[csound]] software which can be adapted to work with any type of musical system. If you want to document these systems and any csound software that works with them, feel free to start a new page on this wiki. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:30, 13 January 2007 (EST)

Best regards and good luck with the project

:Hey "scampsd" i couldnt work out how to contact you about this, I am interested in alternative scales, mail me, simon att simon chadwick dt net

== Random generator entropy ==

Hi, we came up with this issue at the 23c3 in a lecture about the /dev/(u)random generator in Linux. The algortihm gets most of its entropy from the harddisk. Because the OLPC lacks a hdd, this could be an issue, when you need a random number for cryptography at boot time. Of course the algorithm is still strong and sufficient enough for most applications (or at least i think so), but not as good as some people maybe think. (Other entropies: camera, microphone,...) (DustyDingo)

:Your question is confusing, as I'm not versed in random number generators based on hard disk... Isn't the built in Flashdrive good enough? It acts like a conventional hard drive, but it's all memory. --[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]]

::No, the flash is not good at all. Hard drives have unpredictable timing, and thus the kernel uses them to supply /dev/random data. The DCON chip really should be modified to include a random number generator that works based on electrical noise such as the thermal stuff in a semiconductor junction. (note: NOT a pseudorandom number generator) [[User:|]] 19:40, 27 February 2007 (EST)

:::Hmm... Chaos Communication Congress... OK! So you are looking for a way to seed a random number generator from an on board OLPC component (mostly for cryptography a boot time). OLPC doesn't seem to prioritize encryption as a core value (it seems to go against the BitFrost mantra of transparency). That said, you've got a pair of WiFi like transmitters, a monitor, keyboard, touchpad, battery, etc. Does hard drive access time really provide an evenly distributed random number? I find that hard to believe. Also, is this topic really critical to the goals of OLPC as a project? --[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]]

::::The very first thing an OLPC XO does is generate a long-term public/private key pair. All the over-the-air stuff is at least cryptographically signed. If a kid publishes a Sugar XO bundle, it gets signed with his key. Hard drives are decent; the fast-moving air inside the drive provides randomness. The WiFi may be a tolerable choice; it's both public and subject to lack of input though. The monitor is no good. The keyboard and touchpad are OK, though very slow. The battery is unlikely to help. The digital camera may be the best choice. The microphone is tolerable. Use of many of these devices will require lots of power and/or background daemons. It's just way easier to do as Intel did with their motherboard chipsets. VIA put a random number generator right in the CPU. [[User:AlbertCahalan|AlbertCahalan]] 22:14, 28 February 2007 (EST)

== About emulating the OLPC disk Image ==

I am not sure where to post this as it's a rather technical support like question. I am emulating the OLPC image (I am using in a intel iMac using VMWare tools beta. The emulations runs well, but with a limited size (640 x 480) and I know the laptop goes way beyond this. I have read somewhere an email from the OLPC mailing list that this was a recurring issue and many of the blog posts with screenshots and reviews of the SUgar interface where getting it wrong because of this.

I wanted to investigate this further (and help correct those blog reviews) and posted this question to the VMWare foruns, but they believe it's a problem with the OS image.

Any insights on this?

thank you

Alexandre Van de Sande
alexandrevandesande (at) the email provided by google

:Please refer to the emulation section of this wiki, specifically [[OS images for emulation]] and [[User Feedback on Images]]. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 08:43, 8 January 2007 (EST)

== I just want to try the software ==

I've read about the software and the UI online.
I want to try the software. I want something like a "liveCD" that I can stick
in my computer to try it out and show other people.
a) Is it possible?
b) If possible, is it explained anywhere on this eiki?
c) if yes, why is it so hard to find? A nice big link on the homepage might be nice.

:Don't know if there's a LiveCD, but you can try an emulator. On the left there's a navigation bar with a section titled '''"about the laptops"''', and under it you'll find the '''[[OS images for emulation|emulation]]''' link that'll take there... That wasn't so hard, was it? Enjoy!--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 07:05, 5 January 2007 (EST)

== I would desperately want to get such a computer, eventhough I'm not eligible and could easely afford a usual computer ==


I've heard about your project on the program "Click" at BBC World.
I think the idea of a 100$ computer is absolutely marvelous!

I would desperatly like to get one of these computers myself, eventhough I can afford usual computers.
The problem is, that I'm living in Switzerland, which is still tinted grey on your world map.

I would be prepared to pay double the price (200$) to get one of these computers.
That way, you could actually build two of them and donate one of them to a child that really needs it.

I think it would actually be a great idea to allow people who aren't eligible to own one of these computers, to get one for double its price - thus financing a free notebook for a child who really needs it.

It would also prevent people who are eligible to get one to put it on an auctioning site to sell them to people who don't really need them.

Thanks for a reply!

Best Regards

C.Beeli - Switzerland

:It's good to read about your enthusiasm, but alas, quite some people had similar ideas before as the "[[Ask OLPC a Question about Distribution#Availability - Can XXX in YYY get one paying ZZZ ?]]" section shows, and to which the short answer is '''no'''. A longer answer is that you can still participate and collaborate with time and effort to make the project a reality. And a full answer would be this whole wiki, your government, local NGOs, etc. --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 07:23, 5 January 2007 (EST)

== Food For Children ==

Shouldn't we be making sure that there is at least one meal per child rather than one laptop?


there are plenty of organizations that already do this, and you are free to contribute to their cause, there is no need for yet another red-cross or whatever other NPO, the goals of the OLPC have not been addressed before and many people consider education a very important cause. "teach a man to fish"

:I'm all for it! But what about drinking water? That too! And medicines? No doubt! Shelter? Peace? Love? Education? ''We'' is a lot of people (sometimes, the whole 6.5 billion)... much in the same way that specific organizations try to bring medicine to the dispossessed (ie: [ Medecins sans frontieres]), or fight for their human rights (ie: [ Amnesty International]), provide better feeding and agriculture technologies (or emergency rations) (ie: [ FAO / UN]), and education (ie: [ UNESCO]), the OLPC is trying to get this 'simple gadget' (a full blown laptop) into the hands of kids for them to learn, communicate, interact, and many other things...
:Not one of the aforementioned organizations can make a better world by itself, each one is needed in their domain of expertise and competence. So let the specialized organizations do what they are good for: battle the odds to make a better world in their 'little' areas of competence. They are all needed, in an interconnected set of efforts that together they stand, divided they fail... (I know, it should read 'fall', but in development issues, it usually and nonchalantly fails).--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 12:27, 5 January 2007 (EST)

Can we look at them as two approaches to solve short-term and long-term problems of the developing world? Giving basic needs to the poor & needy in the 3rd world = helping them with their immediate needs while giving them OLPCs = investing in a better future for them and their societies. While I agree with Maslow's hierarchy of needs we must also realize that teaching IT to children in the 3rd world countries is equally important so that hopefully one day they can use that knowledge/skills to get out of poverty and hunger.


==Request for direction to power generation discussion==
I am having a hard time finding a discussion about the '''power generator''' for the XO. Can you please direct me to the appropriate person or place? I have noticed that while my wife computes, her knee often bounces. And I wonder if that natural movement might be harnessed to generate power for the XO.

I have calculated that such a movement of 2 to 5 cm twice a second under 100 to 200 Newtons of tension (or more naturally 1 to 2 cm at 4 Hz and 50 to 100 Newtons) could input '''2 to 40 Watts''' depending on the level of conscious effort vs. habituated movement and the ability to harness both legs. This is an old concept that was employed for '''treadle sewing machines and pump organs'''. The only difference in the case of the XO is the challenge to build it extremely portable for a few dollars, using such things as nylon straps and plastic pieces.

Anyway, I would like the opportunity to follow the discussion of these concepts with the project team if possible if you would be so kind as to direct me. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, you could e-mail me using my gmail address and my first name dot last name.

Tom Haws

:Most of this is discussed on the [[Battery and power]] page. The OLPC laptop doesn't have a built-in power generator. Instead, it has a DC power input that will accept a wide range of voltage with protection against polarity reversal. This means that any number of alternate power sources can be used. We will be shipping a hand-powered generator with the initial devices but we are open to any new ideas, especially if they are backed up with prototypes and with some solid research showing how they are used by kids in the field. In addition, if a device can be built by the kids (with the help of their teachers) then it would be appropriate to provide detailled building instructions in one of the [[Ebooks|Ebook formats]] that we support. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:37, 13 January 2007 (EST)

== What about OUR children in the US? ==

I am tired of us giving and giving to other countries. What children right here in the United States? I teach in a poor Appalachian school district in Eastern Ohio and our children don't have computers. I have 2 computers in my classroom and one is very, very old. My own students do not get to use a computer, so why are we giving to other countries?

:Nobody is asking you to give anything! As a matter of fact, the 'other countries' are '''investing'''. So, if you're tired, sit back, relax, and [ read this] or you can lobby together with [[OLPC4USA]] '''your''' government to invest... --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 16:02, 7 January 2007 (EST)

May be a project similar to OLPC can be initiated to narrow the digital divide in the US. But instead of inventing a whole new laptop like the OLPC old PCs and laptops can be recycled and install linux to save cost? You'll find that when you run Linux on old computers they're not so "old." :-)

== Black Market ==

How do you plan to fight the black market of this computers? They more or less cost $100 each, and in many of the countries mentioned, families could try to sell them to buy food or fullfill any other basic need.

*This will be the responsibility of the country in which the laptops are deployed. They are more familiar with local culture, local social issues and local laws.

== about the ic 321j50 ==

What is the purpose IC 321j50 manufactured by your company?
:I am not aware of any such IC associated with OLPC. Can you please cite a source of reference for this question?

Who is Nicholas Negroponte?
:Prof. Negroponte is the CEO of OLPC (Please refer to for more details).

What is an XO machine?
:Please refer to [[The Children's Machine]] in this wiki.

What school-focused framework is this article talking about?
:I am not sure what article you refer to when you say "this article." There is an introduction to the OLPC [[Learning Vision]] in this wiki. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 08:40, 8 January 2007 (EST)

Can any one ask a question here or is this just for computer programers?
If not where can the avarage person find out more about OLPC?

== I'd like to help teach. ==

I think your idea is marvelous! I heard recently about how cell phones are benefitting rural peoples in Africa, where landlines are almost non existent. and I can see how OLPC could be similarly beneficial -- perhaps more so.

Are you are recruiting folks yet to help train teachers or children to use the laptops? I've worked as a newspaper journalist, writing instructor, and am now in marketing and public relations for a community college. But I'd like to do something more meaning and helpful on a larger scale. How can I find out if there is a use for my skills in your organization? I am willing to work oversees and in primative conditions.

:The OLPC does not actually deploy the computers in these countries. If you want to work in the field, then start by reading our news section to see where the first computers are headed. Then contact the ministry of education in one of these countries to offer your services. They will likely be working together with one or more charitable organizations who operate in their country. Currently, Brazil, Libya and Rwanda are target countries. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:40, 13 January 2007 (EST)

== Governments & schools - a western construct ==

Schools are nothing more than a western construct which the developed world seems hellbent on imposing on the devloping world even if the result is social destruction. Governments of all complections have a vested interest in exploiting this project. It seems to me that there is a desperate need to develop a new pedogogy involving non-traditional formal educational structures, possibly working with NGOs. Governments in developing countries will go the same way as many western governments and impose a nationalised curriculum which will be delivered via these laptops.

:First, the OLPC project is not developing new schools to be delivered to these countries. We are developing laptop computers to be delivered to children. The laptops themselves will be a rich educational environment even in the absence of teachers. In addition, the philosophy that we follow is a [[constructivist]] educational philosophy which focuses on leading the child to discover knowledge for themselves. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:45, 13 January 2007 (EST)

I think the "Buy two get one free" idea is great because consumer demand for the OLPC will drive the production to mass numbers and it will help the future availability of used spare parts for service needs. I would also like to suggest for the creation of an online database where OLPC users in need of replacement parts can find donors and order them online.

:There is no "Buy two get one free" idea. Check the [[Retail]] page for details. As for spare parts, the OLPC project is recommending that recipient countries maintain a reasonable level of spares for the computers that they receive. --[[User:Memracom|Memracom]] 05:45, 13 January 2007 (EST)

== Rugged Laptops ==

There is a huge market for basic rugged laptops for use "in the field" in a number of industries. These would be cases that don't need the full functionality of e.g. a Panasonic Toughbook, and where basic will do and cost is critical. Develop a suite of work-related applications and/or provide certification for apps developed by others, and sell those on CD at reasonable cost, to bring in more money for free laptops for kids.

The basic arrangement would be: Companies buy laptops at e.g. $200 per unit plus a required $200 per unit tax-deductible donation to the nonprofit foundation. Thus the effective cost is $400 per unit, but half of it is a tax deduction. If you do this, companies will buy these things in huge numbers and thereby pay for equivalent numbers of machines to be given away to kids.

:'Huge' is relative, you can measure it in number of units or monetary value. And given that the market is a niche, it implies a small volume and high monetary value&mdash;the opposite of what the OLPC target market is (afaik). I see your point in 'overpricing' this 'commercial rugged laptops', but that would only create incentives to divert machines to the black/grey market. --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 15:10, 13 January 2007 (EST)

== School Gateways follow follow up ==

Thank you very much for the response on School Gateways -- I had a big misconception about the internet. I am still curious, however, about how the School Gateways for the mesh networks are intended to be powered, and how much energy they will require. I looked at the power page, and it mentioned microbial fuel cells, which is what I was going to ask about. Are the gateways going to require a lot more power than a microbial fuel cell could provide? Thank you!

---(JK, USA) There ought to be a sister project of the OLPC to bring internet connection to schools in the developing world. One internet connection per school wouldn't be a bad name for such project. Wireless Gateway/APs powered by environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, perhaps linked to a bidirectional satellite internet receiver, and then use []WifiPaypal so that donors in the developed world can donate mothly Satellite connection bill direct to the schools using Paypal.

*I think you should develop your idea and get about doing it. Gus, Chile

Yes, that would be great to get internet capabilities, I agree -- I hope you do start that up!

Does anybody know about the approximate power needs for the gateways? I know somebody working on microbial fuel cells and he asked me to find out what the power needs would be, and I just have no idea. I'm assuming that power is going to be a biggish issue for the gateways, as many of them will be in areas with no elecricity -- Am I wrong? Thank you!

== One Laptop Per how old? Child ==

We're saying One Laptop Per Child, but how old does a child have to be to qualify? Attending school? How old is that? I know, personally, of 3 year old children who could make good use of this device.
:Generally ages 6 to 17. (First grade to the end of high school in the US.) The emphasis is ages 6 to 10 or so. A careful look at OLPC pictures indicates that they are really sized for 6 to 10 year olds. --[[User:Tef|tef]] 13 Jan 2007

::I hope you aren't serious. The keyboard is '''way too small for a 10 year old.''' Just forget about age 17. The keyboard is about right for a toddler, but tolerable for a 5 year old. 7 year olds could use it for brief periods of time. [[User:AlbertCahalan|AlbertCahalan]] 00:18, 20 February 2007 (EST)

== Regular Laptops as OLPC Clones? ==

I think the OLPC OS and all the software should be made to run on regular x86 laptops and distributed freely. One benefit of making the OS and software opensource and multiplatform compatible will be that the kids will be able to run it on donated used laptops until there are enough OLPCs for everychild :-)

:The software being developed looks like it will run reasonably well on a conventional laptop, through emulation. My laptop doesn't have a camera, mic, or wifi, and it's behind a firewall, so I only have some peripherals. OLPC software is distributed freely (I think it's GNU V2), just search the emulation pages. That's how I got my copy of the software.

== Is the 'buy 2 and get 1' scheme going to happen? ==

Hi there,
Is the 'buy 2 and get 1' scheme going to happen or not? There have been many reports that suggested that it was planned for next year.

:There is no "buy 2 get 1" scheme. If you would read the [[Retail]] page then you would know this.

I think this whole idea of connecting receipient with donor and the distribution over ebay is a really fresh and clever idea of you.

:This is not an OLPC idea. The OLPC project has no intention to distribute laptops over Ebay and if people started to sell stolen laptops on Ebay we would work to shut that down.

==Relaunching software as freeware==
We are reviving ChipWits - an award-winning iconic programming game - and would like to encourage a freeware version to be developed for the OLPC. Is there a forum to discuss it?

:There are several [ mailing lists] (note the link in the 'about olpc' box at the top-left of the page. Also, there's a section on how to get around [[Sharing your content with OLPC]].
:BTW, the OLPC is commited to [[Open Source]], so 'free' would probably not be enough, methinks.--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 16:43, 13 January 2007 (EST)
::ChipWits will be open source. Thanks for the pointer to the mailing list.

== Tested with destructive children? ==

Regardless of cultural background, everywhere these laptops will go there will be some children who'll break anything they get their hands on within a few days or even minutes.

Have these two tests been conducted with actual children?

Rotate the screen 90 degrees then have various children attempt to push the screen down as if it was going to be closed normally or in e-book position. If the hinge breaks then it's not strong enough.

The angry child test. Anyone who has ever seen kids get upset at not being able to figure out a toy or game or puzzle and *has not* seen at least one kid hurl the thing across the room or swat it off a table hasn't been around enough children. With the screen in various positions, test it from merely dropping to the floor from table height to being shoved off at various speeds. To gather velocity data, have various children push and throw test objects of size and weight similar to the current BTest laptop design, then use that data with a pusher device on an actual BTest laptop.

One possibility may be to build in some amount of flexibility, similar to spring hinges on eyeglasses, or make a non-twist design for the youngest children. Put some glasses frames on some kids then have them play volleyball. Mix the frames half with spring hinges, half without. Observe the effect of a volleyball to the head and what happens to the frames. (Having your frames broken three times in three consecutive games is a great way to convinve the parents to spend the extra $ on frames with spring hinges!)

Another possible way to reduce damage potential is to make the hinge with a cam action so that it can only be twisted around when it's open to 90 degrees, and attempting to turn it when it's open more or less will push the screen to 90 degrees before allowing it to rotate very far. Joints like this are used in many products already, to ensure the joint can only be manipulated in paths that will work properly. Examine as many existing twist screen laptops as possible to see if any already have such 'forced path' screen hinges. Couple this with a simple spring loaded, double acting "saloon door" type hinge between the screen and the twist and fold hinge already on the BTest laptops could make the hinge system extremely tough.

What could be a bit of a compromise system is to design the screen to 'breakaway' from the top of the hinge, with a reinforced data cable and a braided steel cable for extra durability. The screen could be easily snapped back on, but durability of the snap joint could be an issue, especially if the snap together parts are plastic.

The idea that all or most children who're growing up with next to nothing will give these laptops super loving care is major 'blue sky'. The twist hinge is a big potential failure point. One big thing anyone working on any complex system has to keep in mind is that the more points of potential failure there are, the more likely there will be failures.

Design the screen hinge to take abuse and there will be minimal problems with the abuse it will definately recieve. Leave it with the current hinge design and you'll be seeing plenty coming back with broken hinges.

'''True but...'''
I would like to add that based on the statement '''“Cultural Background”''' there is in some ways a much more stronger type life style that many that will be eligible for the lap top live.
But because it is a learning program with a parable infrastructure their has to be in the distribution and training of those who will hand them out a part about responsibility.
It should be explained to each child in their groups of receiving the Laptop that if it breaks there is a chance that they may not get another ,as only one lap top per child or family. Since it is the government and their sponsors that are to foot the bill,
this is a very serious consideration. Creating a
lesson plan with in the training material about
the ups and downs of the unit if it brakes. Can '''One:'''
Move the government too, with in their budget to acquire
parts and as well as service contracts in how long
they will support the Laptop if it breaks. '''Two:'''
Where locally will they be able to bring the
laptop in for service. '''Three:''' be prepared
for local people to get in on the act and tinker with the laptop if it is a hinge and find ways to fix it. I also think your expression about child anger was some what misleading and misinformed.
I think the possibility of a goat
or farm animal stepping on the lap top
that belonged to a child that had brought the lap top along to do family chores could be a better scenario
I believe this is much more realistic.
I don't think presenting such negative
leads towards aggression ,as to have faith in
the little children that they are good and can handle the responsibility of caring for their new
computer friend.
I hope in the future to share my
experience based on countless hours of research
in to the presentation of third world issues
that there are some inconsistencies in what is presented by media in general and the real life of that matter.
This is also a generalization as in all walks
of life the real truth can only be known by the
actors and witness of the fact at hand.
That's for every one too!--[[User:Hunter|Hunter]] 08:53, 19 January 2007 (EST)

== LiveCD OS Images ==

I downloaded a few of the recent LiveCD image builds (231), but for some reason the system does not load up and run. Obviously in this case you need a PC that has a CD/DVD reader etc. I may not be burning the CD correctly although Grub seems to start ok.
Is there any particular hardware needed that a typical PC does not have, or something that I am not doing properly? Anyone out there that has this working and can share some ideas would be great. Thanks in advance.

This question might be bettered answered on one of the Tech pages.

== Color Coded Maps and Color Blind People==

Would you please consider a written list of country status for those of us that are colorblind and can't make heads nor tails of your map?

:There's an [[OLPC Status by Country]] page with a table - but darn! It too is color coded! ...just checked :(
:I'll update it to make it text AND color coded.
:It covers [[OLPC Status by Country#Africa|Africa]], the [[OLPC Status by Country#The Americas|Americas]] and [[OLPC Status by Country#Asia|Asia]], and it's '''NOT''' official (iow, the coding of some countries could be wrong).
:And yes, there should be a link to that table in the [[#Countries|Countries section above]] and in the [[Map]] page.--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 18:30, 21 January 2007 (EST)

::Bad netiquette, answering to self, but it's already done! See [[OLPC Status by Country]].
::This question and it's answer will soon be moved to the [[#Country]] section above.--[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 18:58, 21 January 2007 (EST)

== Chrekula Uganda ==

We are opening aprivate school in the village of Cherekula Uganda. I was going to provide two laptop computers but we are facing a problem with the lack of electrical power. We are exploring the purchase of a gas generator. I have bee folling the OLPC project for seceral years and am now convinced this is a better alternative. How do I enlist the Ugandan government so that I can take sveral OLPC computers to the choll when we visit this March (2007). We are completely willing to purchase them and we can transport the or have them shipped. I know that these would be pilots (beta?). We just want to try and get moving ahead on providing internet access to some very deprived children. This school is a high school. The first one ever in this village. It is located about 250 km from Kampala. Can you advise me on how to proceed. We can document the school i required. THanks ./Jim May Farmington Hills Mi. USA 48336

:You are going at this the wrong way. The first thing you need to do is find someone who is an expert in electrical power generation and storage to give you advice. They are unlikely to suggest buying a gas-powered generator for two laptops. Ten years ago people in Africa were running laptops off car batteries that were charged up by bicycle-driven generators. You should be doing something similar today. That means choosing older laptops with lower power consumption, choosing laptops that run off 12 volts DC (like RV owners and yachtsmen do) and then getting a generator rigged from old car parts. The one thing different today from 10 years ago is that solar panels are a viable source for charging the batteries.

:Forget the OLPC. You cannot buy them ([[Retail]]) and you need to get your government's support in order to get access to them.

== Website woes ==

Am I the only one having a problem with It seems to be formatted for those using widescreen computers. I suggest you reformat the page so that it can be accessed by any computer user.
The verbage also seems to be targeted toward the academic community. While I can read what was written, it isn't user-friendly.

Have you considered your target audience? It's difficult to build support for your movement if you make it difficult for potential supporters to access your information.

L. Mundschau

:Scroll your screen to the left to find the Contact link in the upper left hand corner.
Either send an email or write a letter with your concerns. If you can include a screenshot of your screen that would help.

== Investing ==

How can an individual make an investment in the stock options?

:There are no stocks or stock options to invest in.

This also depends on what type of investment you are talking about. If it is an investment for profit you might be out of luck. But if it is an investment for the children of the world then you might could research further how you can get involved.

== What about students k-12 and college students in the USA? ==

Do I qualify? I filled out the fafsa forms do you need those to determine those for financial need? If so, is there a way I can pass the computer to another "financial need base" student? I see that your organization goes around the world but didn't know if you were including the United States.

:There are no plans to distribute the OLPC computers in the USA. If you want to lobby for this to happen, then read [[OLPC4USA]].

== can i get one for my 2 kids??? ==

dear sir/madam;

i am a mother of two from the Philippines, my eldest son is only 4 yrs. old, he's now at the nursery level, and i notice that he is interested about computers, he even know how to operate my laptop and start his educational game and i am proud of it. that is why i am asking you a question if i can get one for my eldest son so he can pursue his interest in studying by using laptop, and soon will teach his baby brother to use it.

thank you very much,

laarni muldong

:As explained in several places, the short answer is '''no'''.
:*[[Ask OLPC a Question about Distribution#Where or how can I get one?]]
:*[[Ask OLPC a Question#Distribution, Roll-out, Marketing & Sales]]

== volunteers ==

I wrote an e-mail to
ten days ago, which has not been replyed to yet.
I will submit this mail here just for
making sure it reaches you:

:Deleted this private letter. If you do not get a reply to your email, either wait patiently, or send another email. This wiki is not a mailbox!

We noticed that you are
looking for people from the community for
implementing the
BATMAN software into your system.

---[[User:Konstantin|Konstantin]] 09:27, 27 January 2007 (EST)---

:The OLPC OS already has a built-in mesh networking system. It is highly unlikely that your BATMAN mesh networking system will be of any use. There is already a [[Developers program]] where you can offer your services.

== Information about OLPC for people in pure countries ==

There is lots of written material about OLPC for people in rich countries.
The newspapers are full of OLPC stories.
People in pure counties don't know much about OLPC but maybe the children will
receive a laptop in near future.

I will be in SO Asia for some month and will be in contact with teachers (as I am), mayors, children,...
I like it to talk about this project with these people. There is lots of information about the
project like technical specification, pedagogic methods,...

But the thing I'm looking for is a simple description of the project in easy English that is use full
for the local people.

2-3 Pages in PDF would be great - does this already exist?
--[[User:Bz|Bz]] 21:23, 29 January 2007 (EST)

It is up to each nation to order the OLPC laptops. It cannot be a decision made by groups or private citizens even of great means. If you like you can contact your governments Education Ministry and start from there.

Hello, I'm Laura Barsottini, an italian journalist. I would like to know if is true that the laptop will be distribuited in april 2007. If not, when will be distribuited? At 130$ at the beginning? When it will be possible to begin the 2 for 1?
Thenk you
Laura Barsottini

As far as what has been made public they are supposed to be going out some time this year. I think that 2 for the price of $300 or so is a very good deal.

== RealPlayer in OPLC and applications download ==

We are developing some applications that can be used to education purpose and we have some doubts:
- Is it possible to make applications download using the OLPC ?
- Is it possible to run the RealPlayer in OLPC ?
Thanks in advance

:The OLPC is based on downloadable activities, not applications. It will not have any RealPlayer support so you will need to encode in an open-source format. Ogg/Vorbis is good for music while Ogg/Speex is better for pure voice recordings. Read the [[Activity bundles]] page to see how to program a downloadable activity in Python.

:: What format do you require? RealPlayer can play many different formats. Quicktime can be played with [ GStreamer] through [ OpenQuicktime] and [ Gnash] is mostly SWF v7 compliant (this makes Flash an open-source format). Gnash can play Flash movies from local files. If you would like to see either GStreamer or Gnash included you could add them to [[:Category:Feedback]]. [[Thin client]] explains about use of the OLPC as a web client or thin client. --[[User:Fasten|Fasten]] 11:40, 31 January 2007 (EST)

See also: [[Flash Player]]

== Economies of scale? ==

How would it not be in your interests if you hired a non-profit-org to sell laptops to citizens of more rich countries?

You claim that it has to do with scale and all, but do you understand how many of these would sell? I'm sitting in front of a dual AMD turion laptop, yet I'd love the idea of having a laptop for my room and car both. You could sell millions of these here in the states. Would that not be scale for you? What # are you looking at would be for "scale" to occur?

:This is not so much of answer given that I ignore the details, '''thus I'm assuming'''.
:It would seem that the deal struck between the OLPC and [[Quanta]] is ~USD 135 per unit EXW / FOB for a minimum order of 5 million units. So the OLPC has to ensure ''at least'' a 5 million order, before Quanta pushes the go button. Afaik, that is the "scale" needed.

== Preventing Porn/Adult Content? ==

At launch time will the laptop include any software for content controls (to prevent porn, etc). I realize that one's definition of "acceptable content" varies over regions, but isn't most content filtering software for the client Win-based?

: This will, as far as I know, be left up to countries. Because the hardware and software OLPC will provide is as open as possible, there is no real way to implement such filtering on the laptops themselves; the kids could just change the software to get around such restrictions. --[[User:|]] 19:16, 17 February 2007 (EST)

::Since most computers will be used with no Internet access whatsoever, this is a minor problem. In areas where there will be Internet access it will be provided by a school gateway. The filtering will either be implemented on the school gateway or at a central regional gateway.

:::Sorry, but lack of the Internet won't matter. OLPC is all about locally-produced content. This laptop has a camera. Having an Internet connection is only required for worldwide sales and distribution.

'''This question has not yet been answered with sufficient care''' Please click [ here] for a comment (on another talk page within this wiki) about the machines being used to create pornography. The OLPC team will be making a grave error if they expect developing world governments to address this issue without guidance.

: My guess is that considering that the XOs will basically access the Internet through the mesh (connecting to the [[School server]]&mdash;acting as the gateway) a simple filter or proxy can be configured... it is (imho) a worthy preocupation, but must not be taken as ''the'' issue; most kids will not care about such things, and when they do, they'll manage to get their hands on it regardless of how adults feel about it... --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 00:39, 23 March 2007 (EDT)

== Mesh Network Emulation ==

I'd like to try running a mesh network with emulation software; using say several laptops and a server (they could all be on one physical machine). I can't figure out how to create a mesh network using the qemu image, and don't see any images for the server. Thanks.

(I am a graduate student in Computer Science and Education, and would like to contribute to this project; but need to evaluate a working environment first)

:Could this [[Virtualized Sugar]] page be what you're looking for? --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 08:26, 6 February 2007 (EST)

Thanks... maybe. I fired up two instances of olpc on moka5, on separate machines in the same LAN, but couldn't them in the neighborhood. What more tinkering is required?

:Looks like it didn't work, uh? I would suggest then that you raise the issue in one of the [[Community mailing lists|mailing lists]] probably [ networking]. If you find an answer (solution or reason on why not) please post it here, so that we may then add it somewhere. Thanks and good luck! --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 00:45, 7 February 2007 (EST)

== Environmental End-of-life considerations ==

The environmental impacts and economic costs of disposing of obsolete/broken ICT hardware are well-known. The energy-efficiency of the laptop helps minimise it's impact during operational life. Can some details be given on steps that have or will be taken in the manufacturing and "ultimate disposal" stages of the hardware lifecycle to minimise environmental costs? I'm thinking here of embedded energy in manufacture, and disposal costs. Will recycling costs/incentives be built into the purchase cost? Will a recovery program be up to the individual government , or part of the agreement between OLPC and clients?

That is a very valid concern, but with in reason. When you buy clothing, or you buy furniture, or computers do you take that issue up with the manufactures everytime?
Yes I am sure each government has a program that addresses these issues or there program is they do not. I suggest that you take this issue up with your locall EPA and request information on what you can do. You may be able to start or join a group based on your concern. I believe the OLPC knows about conservation and most likely the subject has come up.--[[User:|]] 12:09, 24 March 2007 (EDT)

== MARVELL? ==

I notice that Marvell is the provider of the wireless solution, but there's no hyperlink to the company. Is this the same company?
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
5488 Marvell Lane
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: 408-222-2500
Fax: 408-752-9028
A search on their website:
Does not show a "Libertas" product, which is what is mentioned on the hardware page:
Wireless: Marvell Libertas 88W8388+88W8015, 802.11b/g compatible; dual adjustable, rotating coaxial antennas; supports diversity reception

The reason for the question is if this wireless product draws such low power, it seems like a good fit for other applications?
Just wondering...

I have been using Skype on my XO1 with ver. 656 without problems but after updating to ver. 802 and re-installing Skype using the directions given on (Standard) the sound of the microphone is garbled, when placing a test call, even though it is clear when recording in terminal mode by using arecord and aplay. I have tried several settings in Alsamixer and Skype but without getting any change or improvement. Is there a patch or fix for this problem. Updating to ver. 852 did not work as Skype will not install on the 852 version on my XO1.
: It would seem so. Particularly noting that the drivers mentioned in the [[wireless]] page link to that site, and other info in the [[Libertas]] page. I'm guessing, but [ 802.11s (mesh)] is still fuzzy, so it probably hasn't made it to the 'product' level yet. See also [[:Category:Network]]. --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 15:48, 8 February 2007 (EST)
Note: I re-installed 802 and Skype several times and in several different executions following posts under OLPC but always with the same result. Placing a test call in Skype gives a playback with garbled microphone sounds like two voices overlapping each other and then shorting out.

== Hola.. ==

seria muy ueno si tendria para algunos alumnos mas avanzados la posibilidad de una de las nuevas plaquetas minis como para subir a 8 gb el disco solido , pero me parece que la memoria de 1 gb ya viene incorporada en el mother . y no tiene ningun slot

hoy dia los costos bajando y ojala en tiempos proximos alcancen un precio infimo como para poder incorporar mas almacenamiento.
== autoreinstalation image through usb is not ==


i have successfully update image from this site...(olpc/manuals%20notes/Auto re installation_image.htm)...but after giving response ok at the end of setup...machine didn't reboot or shutdown... after waiting long time i shutdown the machine and then turn on .. then message comes : trying startup script disk:\boot\olpc-boot.fth..........and then no response for 5 minutes...after 5 minutes again a 4 lines message comes....

What numerical and literacy applications exist to help Kids within the Kenyan context/curriculum?
boot-file = ro root=mtd0 rootfstype=jffs2 console=ttys0, 115200 console =tty0 fbcon=font:sun12*22 pci=nobios video=gxfb:1024*768-16
boot-device = nand .....
and machine held with this message....and no response ....

== Problem updating from 656 and mouse freeze ==
can any body help me in this issue ??
Salman Minhas
System Administrator
Electronic Government Directorate

:We have seen a few cases of auto-installer failures apparently due to "botched" downloads onto USB disks. We plan to mitigate that by including a manifest in the installer image, with checksums/hashes. In the interim, please try downloadinga new build image. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 20:21, 17 February 2007 (EST)
I am having trouble updating from the 656 system and now my mouse and keyboard has frozen. Can you please advise me. Thank you. -- heather

:Hello Heather. What have you upgraded to? Does the mouse and keyboard remain frozen if you remove the power adapter and battery and put them back in? Write to {{}} if you'd prefer e-mail. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 02:01, 3 January 2011 (UTC)
==What are the costs of implementation? Economic costs of not implementing? Who will pay?==

I am doing an economics project regarding the OLPC as an economic policy to solve third world education. I was just wondering if you could provide me with answers regarding these questions, espsecially about the long-term and short-term costs including social, political, and economic, domestic and international.
::I tried using the email but only got a generic response. To answer your questions:
::- I was trying to upgrade to the 10.1.2. I tried with the USB method and got the grey grid with a message underneath, something about NAND and size.
::- I then tried to update in terminal using all the various wordings proposed. That did not work either. I left the machine for a day or so and when I turned it back on the mouse and keyboard were frozen. When it lit up with the clock, it would go to a black screen with some text at about a quarter of the way round and then, before I could read it, it would go back to loading. I tried turning the machine on holding the O key which made the black text screen disappear but did not fix the freeze. I tried removing all power. I tried turning the machine on holding the rotate button. Nothing has worked yet. I'm really excited that you are responding to me and look forward to finding a solution.
::Take care. -- heather

:::Did the generic mail response give you a tracking number? If so, let me know what it was. That will help us mark it as being handled.
Thanks, Kevin, Toronto

:::The grey grid sounds good, the message does not. There may be a fault in the laptop, or a problem with the download or preparation of the USB drive.
: The costs of implementation are just those you'd expect: infrastructure, hardware, distribution, etc. I'm not sure what you're asking about "economic costs of not implementing"; the idea is that economic benefits of education vastly outweigh the costs of laptops. National governments will pay, for the moment, though other schemes, such as one nation helping to pay for another's laptops, etc. will undoubtedly be explored as the program expands. --[[User:Jacobolus|Jacobolus]] 19:34, 17 February 2007 (EST)

:::The grey grid occurs with an install of 10.1.2, so I'm presuming you are wanting to do an install, which wipes all data off the laptop. If so, please try again and this time check that you are following the install instructions below and tell me exactly what the message about the NAND says.
== computers for children? ==

:::Regarding the update in terminal, I don't think you should try that again, because having started the install the contents of the internal storage is undefined, and the results may be unpredictable. The mouse and keyboard freeze is common; it happens if the laptop runs out of memory. We didn't test update from 656 and it may not work.
yes having a computer is great.but shouldnt we all make certain everyone is fed,first of all.people in every country go hungry each day.where is your 100$ technological advancement for that?

:::Feel free to send me an e-mail at if you like. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 22:24, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
:Congratulations. You are the 10,000th person to ask this question. We direct you to the answer prominently displayed in [[Our mission]].

== Corruption and Extreme Poverty ==

== Activities disappear ==
I understand that it is the responsibility of the country to contact you, but what about countries that are too poor to afford millions of laptops even if they are only $100? and how are you addressing highly corrupt nations where the leaders interests are not aligned with those of the population they govern? Arguably the corrupt nations are ones that would benefit the most seeing as there population could see how there leader compared to others around the world.

What to do if all of my activities disappear? Please Help!!!
:Reinstall might be a last resort. Someone else asked this recently, and it turned out that changing the language to one that isn't supported may cause this. Change it back. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:38, 1 February 2011 (UTC)

== my xo1 olpc can not start up ==

my xo1 olpc can not start up
when i open it the screen to make withe color only
but is because of virus nothing else so i would like
to know how can i repair it or how can i format it
but the problem is that i don't know how command or key
for booting xo1 olpc and the name for xo1 olpc operating system
so can you please help

== Wi-Fi WAPs not visible in Neighborhood View ==
That is a good question. The OLPC program has already handed out laptops throughout out the world in small markets. From the information has been made publicly available a big launch will be coming up very soon in several nations around the world but not every nation. I would think, that as the laptops become more of a common item the market might open up and different types of Governmental Organizations, that are sponsored by United Nations.UN programs may then have a chance to create programs to distribute the laptop to different nations based on a OLPC Around the World Program. This could very well be the future of the program that any nation may be able to see OLPC laptops in their countries based on a UN initiative.--[[User:|]] 19:21, 19 March 2007 (EDT)

I installed the 10.1.3 version to my XO-1. Initially everything was fine including the WAP icons. Now I am only seeing the MESH target icons. I know the access points are working in several locations including m home one but still nothing but MESH is visible in the Neighbothood View. How can I fix this, short of trying a reinstall of 10.1.3?
== minimum order ==
:This will happen if automatic power management is enabled, which is the default, and the laptop is not kept awake for at least a minute. This is in the [ release notes]. Try turning off automatic power management in the control panel. If that does not change things, please use Open Firmware to check the wireless card. Obtain the [[Ok]] prompt, and type ''scan-wifi'' then press return. This scans for wireless access points by turning on the radio receiver in the wireless card. Doing this test in Open Firmware is useful, because it excludes the 10.1.3 software entirely. If it doesn't show any access points, then there's no chance that 10.1.3 will. If it does show them, but 10.1.3 does not, then at least we know the problem is not hardware. Let us know how you go, because based on this test there are very different further tests to make. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:20, 4 May 2011 (UTC)

== how to format my olcp XO 1 ==
NGOs and retailers are supposedly excluded based on quantity, but that really doesn't make sense. In theory, an NGO or retailer could order many millions of laptops.
please please i can ask you how to format the olcp and how to remove the downloaded applicattion which can not be erased please if u know it tell me quickly or send it on my email :
: One way to clear all changes would be to re-install or update to a current version. See [[Release_notes/11.3.0#XO-1]] or [[Release_notes/11.3.1#XO-1]] (almost released). --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 17:27, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

== How to repair olcp ==
Some countries are initially excluded because they are too small. It seems you want quantities of 1 million.

Hi olcp i want to repair my olcp the problem is that when i charge my olcp the orange color which shows you that the power is going in but it shows like it is charged but it is activated the xo is loading when the circles are surrounded xo the laptop turns off so how can you help me to fix it.
Is that the magic number? If an NGO could buy a million, would you then work with them? What if Walmart wanted a million?

== my olcp can not start up ==
Would 5 million do the job? How about 10 million?

Hi my name is Robert my olcp doesn' t start up when i turn it on but it turns itself off plesase help me if possible.
It'd be nice to replace all the "NO YOU CAN'T BUY ONE" stuff with a more-understandable "minimum order 1 million", or whatever it is.

Conecté un Mp4 a mi XO 1.5 ( Secundaria ) Y creo que me entró un virus, Entonces, No me deja ver el Escritorio. Me aparece en Blanco. :(
[[User:AlbertCahalan|AlbertCahalan]] 00:42, 20 February 2007 (EST)
me gustaría saber s puedo hacer algo para sacarlo!
Me ayudan?

== OS languages that OLPC will release ==
== Super trouble with OLPC ==

hello friends! (first pardon me with the bad English...)
What are the languages that OLPC will be released with? What are the first Priority ones?

well, actually I'm repairing an XO-1 laptop OLPC, at the beginning it worked flawlessly, until i upgraded the bios firmware downloaded from:, after the process, it won't boot anymore. the trouble is i can't figure out how to make it boot... i installed this build: no luck... always end in the OK command prompt... same thing happened to every build version I've tried, downloaded and installed from here: also, I've tried to re flash the bios and no luck, i use several ROM files, from the Q2E41(the original ROM bios that comes in my OLPC) to the last Q2E45, and still no luck... I've tried to install SO images with several SD cards with 1, 2, and 4 GB of storage capability, all of them formatted in several ways: FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32... and nope...the OLPC won't boot... then I've tried luck with 2 kingston USB memory sticks, one is a 1GB and the other is a 8GB storage capability, tried with FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 formats, it install the OS image in the OLPC, but still the laptop won't boot... Tired of this, i get a developer key from here:, and tried it without any luck at all...
== Financial support for OLPC? ==

NOTE # 1: the OLPC hardware test report that everything is good...
How is OLPC supported? How does one make a financial contribution?

NOTE # 2: all builds and bios I've downloaded and used to restoring my OLPC were for the XO-1 laptop model.
: You can make a financial contribution to the [ OLPC foundation], which is not the same as the OLPC association. Contributions will be used for "grants and loans for the development and use of open educational resources and grassroots learning innovations that enhance the effectiveness of the XO" and for the [[Special Laptop Program]]. --[[User:Fasten|Fasten]] 17:30, 27 February 2007 (EST)

NOTE # 3: all clean-install and bios writing processes ended correctly with no failures.
== Proxy configuration ==

NOTE # 4: the battery is fully charged, and the AC adapter is in outstanding performance.
Is there any way to configure a proxy in the OLPC Firefox?
:The web activity is just a version of firefox. As such, you can get to the firefox configuration by typing "about:config" in the location bar. Once there, you can narrow the settings to "network.proxy". Now, edit the fields to configure things properly from behind your corporate firewall :) -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 12:06, 12 March 2007 (EDT)

NOTE # 5: all the internal memory chips are in good shape, also I've made this process:, and the flash nand only got around 15 bad blocks... then i made this process: and nothing, the OLPC always ends in the OK prompt, and never run the installed OS image...
== Trade and market considerations ==

anyone can light any clues about what is wrong with this OLPC???
Considering the initial limits on distribution, do you anticipate extensive legitimate trade or black market trade in these devices? It will be interesting to observe the reaction to the initial distribution. (I can see people getting $500 or $1000 for the first ones). I think the open source concept suggests an unrestricted distribution as soon as practical. Would not the free-and-open-source development of code and content be greatly enhanced by general distribution? Will proprietary content appear in the marketplace, or government controlled and distributed content? --[[User:Dfourer|Dfourer]] 11:05, 25 February 2007 (EST)

any responses here or in my e-mail with help to solve this mystery, are welcome .

Yes and no. The OLPC laptops have their own internet that is for learning and a social structure designed for children in the region where they are distributed to. If lets say a large amount of the laptops were taken most likely the ID numbers will be noted and the OLPC laptops will be rendered useless. Keep in mind they are mini computers with a lot of features designed for children. Just having one stolen OLPC laptop might end you up in jail and prove to be useless out side the classroom or the use of a child.Hunter
== XO laptop ==
Can anyone buy an XO laptop?

== Erasing journal ==
== East Africa in the picture? ==

Im a kenyan who has been in computer trainning for the last 10 Years. I really would like to be involved in laying the OLPC ground work and later trainning to the youngsters. The East African countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania) are not Participating in the OLPC programme at the momment. Is there a way I can be involved?.

I have XO 1.5 and want to erase all data from the journal. I know that there is command (maybe not one) that is being typed in terminal for erasing all data from the journal. But cant remember that command. Can somebody help?
Also, how often does a child need to wind the laptop to keep it working for say, one hour session?.


== activities wont work ==

everything i click on wont load except; firefox, doom, scratch and produce puzzle
Yes and No. You can stay involved by keeping up with the OLPC news and find out more information as it becomes available about the distribution of the OLPC laptop. But if your nation is not at this time ready to commit to the purchase of the laptops then you will have to wait and see. Look at it this way the OLPC laptop could take off and be a must have for every developing nation and Walla they will come to East Africa too!
E toys will load but, there will be an error message, and it will just be a blank page.
As far as how many winds I do not know that. Maybe ten seconds worth or less.I thnk it last longer then and hour through.--[[User:|]] 19:36, 19 March 2007 (EDT)
How do i fix it?!!!

== music ==
== Paulo de cruz roja argentina ==

How do i download music and how do i get flash player
Ante todo impresionante la idea...
Terminal doesn't work so it isnt an option
Lo que me gustaria saver es si llegara a lugares como los que estamos acostubrados a trabajar el personal voluntario de cruz roja argentina y en mi caso en particular de la localidad de Quilmes al sur de Buenos Aires.La mayoria de los chicos no save ni siquiera como prender una computadora por lo cual estaria bueno que sea lo mas practico posible.
mi email es

== Photo use suggestion ==
== regular downloads ==

how do i use regular sites to download music?
Apologies if this is the wrong place; I couldn't find a better spot on the wiki to suggest this. I hope someone can route it for me.

== installing firefox9.0.1 ==
As I understand it, the OLPC system takes a photo of the laptop's owner at an early stage, and uses that in various UI elements to identify the child (e.g. the "neighbourhood" view).

how do i install Firefox 9.0.1?
Suggestion: this photo should also be displayed during startup, so that a teacher can work out who owns a laptop left behind in the classroom immediately, instead of needing to wait for the entire boot sequence.
I don't have terminal and i cant download it.

== Mouse touchppad ==
It should also be displayed when/if the laptop is locked out due to a failure to contact the authentication server inside 21 days, or because it's been explicitly disabled due to theft.) This would allow a stray laptop to be reunited with its owner far easier, and/or make it simple for the police to ascertain that the person holding the laptop is not the owner.

the mouse pad on my OLPC laptop is not working,the whole thing is not working. i have tried restarting my laptop but the mouse pad is still not working, what can i do to fix this? thank you.
:this is a familiar problem, please read [[Keyboard_freeze_fix_for_os_650-656]]. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:11, 26 March 2012 (UTC)

== ¿como descargo para ver videos Gratis? ==
That may well be the case.--[[User:|]] 11:39, 24 March 2007 (EDT)

Si fueran tan amables me podrían responder como descargo icono para ver videos? Gracias
== About internet access ==

== una pequeña ayuda con una olpc ==
I am very interested about the OLPC.
I am a pc programmer too and I am interested on programming for other plataforms, like the Playstation2, cellphones, and now, to the OLPC, too.
I know almost all about he OLPC, ecxept one thing:
What are the plans about the Internet access on the OLPC particulary on Brazil?

hola como estan
<i>You can find informations about this, in portuguese, at [ the DMU site]</i>

mi nombre es kevin molinares, soy de colombia y tengo un problema con una olpc xo-1.
Resulta que soy tecnico en reparacion de computadores, entonces me dieron una olpc xo-1 para formatear windows,
porque el sistema que traia le cayo muchos virus y estava muy lento, entonces yo formatee la SD de 4GB que trae pero
no he podido hacer la instalacion de windows he intentado copiar una instalacion limpia que hice desde una maquina virtual pero no sirve
la unica forma que logre iniciar es con un hirent boot CD.
ahora si la pregunta ...

como hago o si necesito un driver, o donde bajo el windows xp para esta olpc xo-1 .. ya venia con windows xp de fabrica es mas tiene la licencia de windows original pegada debajo de la bateria, que tengo que hacer ?.
I think the platform is similar to all the other nations except the language is different. The subject matter is to reflect each nations individual lifestyle and customs. Brazil is also one of the first nations to receive the proto types.--[[User:|]] 11:54, 24 March 2007 (EDT)
le agradezco su respuesta que tengan un buen dia
mi correo es

== A little question ==
== Skype Video Calls & Broadband ==

I have 1.16 gb left of my broadband allowance this month. How long can I chat on skype using the video call facility?
The user install other programs on the pc, like on a normal pc using linux?
If not, there is a way to run programs on the OLPC?
The programs that I am referring are other programs, developed by users, etc...
:The OLPC has a pretty small footprint. The OLPC Redhat distribution is very small, and has few program. There is an OLPC Redhat Development distribution which has a few more Linux programs, but it's still small. [[Sugar]] is the GUI interface, and has special [[activity]] programs. Activities are inherently networkable and sharable. -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 21:45, 6 March 2007 (EST)

== Internet access ==
== turn on ==

my laptop turn on but then the screen stays black i have charged to full battery but it still does not do anything
How is internet connectivity achieved?
:OLPC laptops talk to each other in an ad-hoc mesh network. Each school has a server which connects laptops on the mesh to the internet. -[[User:Jcfrench|Jeff]] 21:28, 9 March 2007 (EST)

== Egypt - GILO ==
== downloading stuff ==

I want to download stuff on my XO laptop, but it keeps taking me to archive manager, which I don't like. I need instructions now!!!
USAID/Egypt issued a request for proposal (RFP) entitled Girls Inhanced Learning Opportunities 263-097-003GILOFeb 19, 2007 that calls for provision 30 computers and one lap top to 300 schools in seven (7) governates. The source/origin code for this procurement is 000 (United States). Assuming the OLPC laptops are not of US sources/origns, are you willing to provide princing information so this approach can be reflected in technical and cost responses to USAID/Egyupt's RFP(assuming a waiver can be obtained from USAID)?
:that is probably because you are downloading files that can only be opened by archive manager. exactly what files are you downloading? perhaps the files are not designed for your XO laptop. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 22:34, 11 October 2012 (UTC)

== Technological and estructural diagram of the OLPC project ==

I am a volunteer at an organization that implements the OLPC project in Honduras. I am trying to help in different areas and one of them is to create documentation that will guide the end users of the program. This documentation is aided with descriptive images and one of them, which I need from you is the one that has the diagram of the structure of the OLPC project (technology oriented). I was looking at some links that show this diagram but I can not find it anymore. It has an oval of the acronym OLPC in the center and it branches out to the left with technology and to the right with outreach and education. It will be of great help if you can provide me with such an image.

Thank you,
The nation of Egypt from what I have read thus far, has to sign up it they are interested in the OLPC lap tops.
--[[User:Hunter|Hunter]] 21:22, 14 March 2007 (EDT)

Alfonso Calero (

== Alvin, mesh ==

I have a couple of XO's with me. I would like to change the network protocols and analyze the results.
<p><b> No! It's for schools.</b></p>

I would like to know where is the mesh protocol located on the XO? From where can I change the protocols?
== Which Unix-like Operating System? ==

Thanks in advance.
I can find no link among section sub-headings to give me any clue as to where I find information about all the Operating Systems under consideration for this OLPC machine. It will be a Unix-like Operating System I am sure but that could be a Linux Distro, a version of FreeBSD or some other OS such as Minix. Or will this machine be a platform capable of running a wide range of Unix-like OS's? Should there not be a a sub-heading under 'about the laptop' for 'operating system'? One assumes that the sub-heading 'software' would have to cover Operating Systems but I can find no mention whatsoever there!
:Hello. The mesh protocol is only available on the XO-1 model. Confirm you have an OLPC XO-1 model first. The OLPC XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4 models do not have mesh. Next, the mesh is implemented inside the wireless module firmware, with some small functions in the Linux kernel. Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the protocol. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 03:44, 8 April 2013 (UTC)

::Hello Again thanks for a quick response earlier. Yes I have XO-1. I have some more Questions. Is there any way I can change the protocols in XO-1. Will I be able to change the Network Protocol Parameters? If Yes than how? Thanks in advance.
<b>A question:</b>
<p>What is wrong with Unix? In most First World programs where computers are offered to users as a service or aid for no or little cost. They most times give older programs or updated version of older programs like Windows 98. Why should this be any different for third world children?</p>

:::It depends on which protocol you wish to change. No, the mesh physical protocol cannot be changed. Yes, all the other network protocols above the physical layer can be changed, using Linux commands, Linux kernel run-time configuration parameters, and Linux kernel build-time configuration parameters. Which specific protocol and parameter do you wish to change, and why? --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 01:00, 9 April 2013 (UTC)
== Assistive Technology Software on the OLPC Laptop ==

::::Thanks for the information earlier. My interest is in the routing. I am doing a research on the mesh protocols. Some more questions to answer please. (1) Is the routing (and the corresponding layer) is part of the firmware too? (2) Which application layer software (GUI..etc) do they include to enable students to create links and task on the mesh? Thanks in advance.
In regards to accessibility, I think the 3 USB prots are a great idea. But what kind of assistive technology will be avaliable on the computer itself? Will synthesized speech, for example, have to be provided by an external synthesizer? Or, will a separate Nraille display and Braille keyboard have to be connected for a blind user to use the machine? Will the system have the necessary drivers built into the kernel or provided by external programs (such as Brltty)? What about support for mouse alternatives such as switches and head mice? Will the laptop be capable of playing sounds on events? I appologize for all the questions, but these are questions we are still trying to answer in mainstream operating systems.

:::::It is of historic use, I guess. XO-1 mesh implementation was not continued beyond XO-1. Our XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4 models use ad-hoc rather than mesh. To answer your questions: (1) Routing on the mesh is entirely handled by the wireless module firmware. It is an implementation of IEEE 802.11s draft. It is incompatible with IEEE 802.11s final. (2) Sequence is: user selects Sugar network view, then clicks on a Mesh icon. Sugar sends mesh request command to Network Manager daemon. Network manager sends command to kernel. Kernel sends command to wireless module via USB. Reply cascades back up the stack, and the Mesh icon is changed to show it is selected. User starts a Sugar activity and enables sharing. Activity uses multicast UDP to advise activity is available for sharing. Other nodes on the mesh receive the UDP and update their network view. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 03:39, 9 April 2013 (UTC).

::::::Thanks for the information earlier. Will I be able to get a chance to edit wireless module firmware? thanks
==Has there been any News stories this year about the programa?==

:::::::Chance: 0.1% Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the mesh protocol. The firmware is the property of Marvell. The source code is not public. The firmware is in the file usb8388.bin which is stored on the laptop. The file is sent to the wireless module after power is turned on. There is no public documentation for the ARM and baseband processor on the module, and these chips are from a silicon design around 2005, and probably no longer available. The module is soldered to the main board. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 04:58, 9 April 2013 (UTC)

::::::::Hello, I have some more questions. The network is usually organised in a few layers, traditionally in seven. The lowest layer is the physical layer. That is indeed firmware and cannot be edited. Above that we have the data link, network, and transport layer. Routing will happen in one of these layers, usually in the network, sometimes in the data link layer. Question is: where is the routing taking place for the OLPC XO-1 and the other versions of OLPC XO (like XO-1.5 ..etc). thanks.
I found a page that has some news stories []
If i find any more I'll add the link.
--[[User:|]] 11:10, 24 March 2007 (EDT)

:::::::::We use TCP/IP for networking on OLPC XO, and TCP/IP is not based on a seven layer model. Wikipedia has an [ article that describes OSI and TCP/IP layering differences]. Routing happens in as many layers as are required by the definition of those layers, not only one. There are two layers that contain routing for XO-1, and one for XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4. The mesh on XO-1 automatically maintains a list of mesh nodes in the wireless module, considered to be physical routing. The other layer is TCP/IP routing, which is provided by Linux, and is not unique to OLPC XO, so it would be redundant to describe it here. Look for a text that describes TCP/IP. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 01:32, 10 April 2013 (UTC)
==A Question about site submission==

::::::::::Hello. I would like to know, is there anyway where the protocol parameters and be changed and analyzed? Thanks.
I was reading on one of the Wiki pages that you are looking for articles. But in the question and answer section you said the local communities will be adding things to the laptops internet mesh. Once the Laptops are received do you think it would be better to write to the government directly and submit sites based on simple graphics and texts that they can add them selves. I would like to submit but I wrote you people before and no one answered me and it is easier to get the Governments address and phone number . What do you think?

:::::::::::Your question is ambiguous. If you mean the mesh routing, then [] may help you. If you mean Linux routing, then consult a text on TCP/IP and Linux. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:13, 10 April 2013 (UTC)

::::::::::::Hello, sorry. I would like to know if mesh routing protocol parameters on OLPC laptops can be altered (modified/changed) and analyzed? thanks
Well I think your idea sounds great! But you should hold off for right now in contacting the governments about submission ideas. If you look around the OLPC Wiki there are some ways you can make suggestions. But I am sure in the future once the program is off and running there will be ways to submit lessons and other suggestions to each OLPC location as well as to the OLPC program itself.
:::::::::::::See [[Wireless_Driver_README]], [ RELEASE_NOTES] and [[Mesh_Forwarding_Table]]. Please also consider [[Mailing_lists]] ... the Devel mailing list is a more suitable place for this discussion, and you would find a larger audience. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 00:28, 11 April 2013 (UTC)

== Who has heard this OLPC "nerdcore" rap song? ==
== Accessibility ==

The nerdcore rappers called "Dual Core" published a song about the OLPC on Jun 17, 2013.
I'm not sure if the information about accessibility on this WIKI answers the questions we have received about the laptop/program. So here goes:
Find it on ''YouTube'' [ here].
Someone asked me if the device would work for children with disabilities? And if you been designing this device with disability accessibility in mind from the outset?
With only 3,930 views recorded as I write this on June 21, 2017, it would appear that a
For instance, most persons with vision disability are not Braille readers so might need font enlarging capacity or some sort of audio outputs?
great many more people might want to give it a listen. Maybe you?
Likewise for children with fine motor skills disabilities (e.g., one hand or less than the usual number of fingers or dexterity impacted by other neurological damage) would the keyboard design work for them?
- [[User:Docdtv|Docdtv]] 08:28, 21 June 2017 (UTC)
Likewise, for children with intellectual disabilities, is the interface usable for children who are not average?
We've heard that 10% of the world's population, or more than 600 million people, live with life altering disabilities, and two thirds of those persons are in developing countries (UN statistics). We assume many of these are children.
Would you give me a heads-up if you are designing, developing and fabricating this $100 laptop with disability accessibility needs in mind?
J. Simpson
Senior Director, Telecommunications & Technology Policy,
American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD)
1629 K Street, N.W., Suite 503
Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202-457-0046 Ext 31


:Fascinating, thanks. Don't think anybody else apart from me is reading this Wiki though. If you'd like to get it out there, try other methods. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 11:01, 21 June 2017 (UTC)
Well in some ways many of the children will not be average to First World standards. Their is a UBS(USB) port which makes the possibilities endless depending on what you want to add. Right now as far as has been publicized some of the developers have been working on accessibility in theory with in the structure of the OLPC laptops system. So yes I would say in the future there is the possibility of adding features that would make the OLPC laptop user friendly to those who have disabilities. The major presentation of the program will be launching in a few more weeks. So right now the main focus is to get the lap tops delivered to the nations that have already ordered them as well as get them up and running in the hands of the many children that will benefit form this program. You can always check back and stay posted and once the OLPC laptops have been received and in use you can ask agian.

Latest revision as of 11:01, 21 June 2017

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New questions

My OLPC stucked off after starting up and please also guide me that from where i can get new charger for my olpc?


We are planning to help OPLC but we need to check the Financial Statements of the organization. Does somebody know where can we get this information?

From OLPC directly, or the government or other regulators. I don't think you should rely on what contributors to a community Wiki might tell you ... that's not a rigorous method. --Quozl 03:23, 13 February 2012 (UTC)


I turned on my OLPC but it didn't show anything.What do I do?

Check out Keyboard freeze fix for os 650-656 it might be your problem. Hard to say, unless you can give some more information, like when you last used the XO, whether the power indicator turns on, whether the display backlight turns on. --Quozl 21:04, 30 August 2011 (UTC)


how do download windows xp on to my olpc xo and how do you access your downloads

There is no way to get Windows XP for your individual OLPC. Microsoft does not make it available to individuals, and OLPC has nothing to do with that.


How to access your downloads?

If you download things on the OLPC, they should show up in the Journal, which is one of the Activities that's always running. It looks like a little spiral notebook. You can also open the journal by pressing the "magnifying glass" icon in the upper-left hand part of the keyboard.

how do you start your downloads

I downloaded adobe flash player but i still can't watch my videos i know you go to journal and the file and click start but it doesn't work.

See Adobe Flash for details. Mariano 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

your disk is full

What should i do if i go to my record activity and it says my disk is full?

You should open your Journal and remove large files or activities. Mariano 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

== It seems that with the new built (8.2) in the XO the existing Scratch files are difficult to copy into a USB. I can't use the function "save as" or even copy them from the terminal. Any idea what to do? il me semble que mon "xo" est bloqué peut etre plein. que faire? Mamadou Niang je souhaite dans le cadre d'une ONG dénommée Bokk Diang avoir des partenaires pouvant permettre "d'arroser" les Ecoles Sénégalaises. merci de l'aide que vous nous apporterez. Mamadou Niang 00221776467585 Sénégal

How do I chat with other people in the world?

My xo is hooked up to the internet but I still don't know how to chat with other people in the world could you tell me how please?

First connect to a Jabber server or your local school network. Then you can see other people on your network and will be able to chat with them.
You can also download XoIRC and chat with people using that activity. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)


How do I download music on my labtop?

Click on a file to download. Then open it from your Journal. Alternately, install an activity like Jukebox.

How do I download Doom?

The page about it is titled Doom. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

Reset settings

I need to knnow how to reset the name on my xo laptop

From the Sugar Control Panel, update your "About me" settings, and restart. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)


How Do I erase viruses from my xo

i buy new usb to rs232 moduleboard ft232rl.and i conect my computer with my desktop but htere is nothing happnaed can some one tell me y or i conect it with other laptop not with desktop.i have olpc

reset journal info

my question is how do u erase information on the journal

hey guys nice work ...well i am making a project on u guys can u help me with the list of countries whu r a part of ur process thanks gaurav Peace out

Two activities

hey i've got 2 questions 1. first of all why won't my eye chat open even if i have downloaded it 2. second how can i read e-books on my olpc oh and one more question: can i contact the child who got the other laptop after i had paid for mine? thanks

Thanks for your questions. Sorry, I don't know what eye chat is. E-books in various formats can be read using the Read activity, and there are new E-book reader programs on . No, you can't contact the child who got the other laptop. -- Quozl 22:46, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

How does the Log Viewer work?

Dear Sir/Madam,

As a part of an evaluation project we are trying to determine what activities are being used by the children, and for this reason we would like to know exactly how does the log viewer work. The journal presents the problem that activities may be erased by the children, therefore not providing a complete picture. So my questions are, what does the log viewer exactly show? Does it show all the activities used by the children? Does it only show errors in activities used by the children and if so what type of errors? Do you think the log-files can be used to determine what activities are the children using or the information won't be reliable towards that purpose?

Also, is it possible to recover erased activities from the journal?

Thank you for your help!


how to repair olpc

hi olpc i am call placide and my olpc can not switch on now but the screen can switch on but does not mark any thing so it looks like has virus or it has corrupted so i would like to know how can i repair it and what can use to repair it please i need help

This can happen if you hold down the rotate button when you turn it on. Please try this: remove the battery, disconnect the cable, wait 10 seconds, put the battery back in, press the power button. The laptop should start. If it does not, then it may need repair. -- Quozl 04:14, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

Server Installation detail Guide

Hi, I am am a new learner in this OLPC deployment team. I have installed a OLPC XS and had a problem with the eth0. During boot process it come to a stage where it says that IP determing information on eth0 fails. I have follwed the proper steps to install the server however it still gives me the same problem. Can anyone out there assist me to get the eth0 working on my server. Dudley Daduwe

Skype microphone issue

I have been using Skype on my XO1 with ver. 656 without problems but after updating to ver. 802 and re-installing Skype using the directions given on (Standard) the sound of the microphone is garbled, when placing a test call, even though it is clear when recording in terminal mode by using arecord and aplay. I have tried several settings in Alsamixer and Skype but without getting any change or improvement. Is there a patch or fix for this problem. Updating to ver. 852 did not work as Skype will not install on the 852 version on my XO1. Note: I re-installed 802 and Skype several times and in several different executions following posts under OLPC but always with the same result. Placing a test call in Skype gives a playback with garbled microphone sounds like two voices overlapping each other and then shorting out.


seria muy ueno si tendria para algunos alumnos mas avanzados la posibilidad de una de las nuevas plaquetas minis como para subir a 8 gb el disco solido , pero me parece que la memoria de 1 gb ya viene incorporada en el mother . y no tiene ningun slot

hoy dia los costos bajando y ojala en tiempos proximos alcancen un precio infimo como para poder incorporar mas almacenamiento.



What numerical and literacy applications exist to help Kids within the Kenyan context/curriculum?

Problem updating from 656 and mouse freeze

Hello I am having trouble updating from the 656 system and now my mouse and keyboard has frozen. Can you please advise me. Thank you. -- heather

Hello Heather. What have you upgraded to? Does the mouse and keyboard remain frozen if you remove the power adapter and battery and put them back in? Write to (our OLPC technical staff) if you'd prefer e-mail. --Quozl 02:01, 3 January 2011 (UTC)
I tried using the email but only got a generic response. To answer your questions:
- I was trying to upgrade to the 10.1.2. I tried with the USB method and got the grey grid with a message underneath, something about NAND and size.
- I then tried to update in terminal using all the various wordings proposed. That did not work either. I left the machine for a day or so and when I turned it back on the mouse and keyboard were frozen. When it lit up with the clock, it would go to a black screen with some text at about a quarter of the way round and then, before I could read it, it would go back to loading. I tried turning the machine on holding the O key which made the black text screen disappear but did not fix the freeze. I tried removing all power. I tried turning the machine on holding the rotate button. Nothing has worked yet. I'm really excited that you are responding to me and look forward to finding a solution.
Take care. -- heather
Did the generic mail response give you a tracking number? If so, let me know what it was. That will help us mark it as being handled.
The grey grid sounds good, the message does not. There may be a fault in the laptop, or a problem with the download or preparation of the USB drive.
The grey grid occurs with an install of 10.1.2, so I'm presuming you are wanting to do an install, which wipes all data off the laptop. If so, please try again and this time check that you are following the install instructions below and tell me exactly what the message about the NAND says.
Regarding the update in terminal, I don't think you should try that again, because having started the install the contents of the internal storage is undefined, and the results may be unpredictable. The mouse and keyboard freeze is common; it happens if the laptop runs out of memory. We didn't test update from 656 and it may not work.
Feel free to send me an e-mail at if you like. --Quozl 22:24, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

How to install signed build os852 of release 10.1.2 on XO-1.

The build is installed to the internal NAND flash device. You will need a USB drive of at least 1 GB capacity, but only for the duration of the installation.


  • Prepare the USB drive:
    • Download os852.img,
    • Save the file to the top directory of the USB drive,
    • Download,
    • Save the file to the top directory of the same USB drive,
    • Rename the file to, (removing the os852.img part of the name),
    • Check the USB drive contains at least the two files and os852.img.
  • Prepare the laptop:
    • Make a copy of any data you wish to keep,
    • Check the battery is inserted and locked,
    • Check that the power cord is in place and the battery indicator is green,
    • Turn off the laptop, unless it is already off,
    • Insert the USB drive into any USB port on the laptop,
  • Start installing:
    • Hold down all four game keys (see this in pictures),
    • Turn on the laptop,
    • Wait for the message Release the game keys to continue,
    • Release the game keys.

Installation progress will be displayed. Green colour will fill yellow blocks. It will take about five minutes. Once finished, the laptop will reboot automatically. Remove the USB drive during or after the reboot. The USB drive can be used on other laptops.

If you see a message Boot failed then either:

  • the USB drive has not been properly prepared, or;
  • the firmware is out of date and should be updated (see Firmware).

Activities disappear

What to do if all of my activities disappear? Please Help!!!

Reinstall might be a last resort. Someone else asked this recently, and it turned out that changing the language to one that isn't supported may cause this. Change it back. --Quozl 23:38, 1 February 2011 (UTC)

my xo1 olpc can not start up

my xo1 olpc can not start up when i open it the screen to make withe color only but is because of virus nothing else so i would like to know how can i repair it or how can i format it but the problem is that i don't know how command or key for booting xo1 olpc and the name for xo1 olpc operating system so can you please help

Wi-Fi WAPs not visible in Neighborhood View

I installed the 10.1.3 version to my XO-1. Initially everything was fine including the WAP icons. Now I am only seeing the MESH target icons. I know the access points are working in several locations including m home one but still nothing but MESH is visible in the Neighbothood View. How can I fix this, short of trying a reinstall of 10.1.3?

This will happen if automatic power management is enabled, which is the default, and the laptop is not kept awake for at least a minute. This is in the release notes. Try turning off automatic power management in the control panel. If that does not change things, please use Open Firmware to check the wireless card. Obtain the Ok prompt, and type scan-wifi then press return. This scans for wireless access points by turning on the radio receiver in the wireless card. Doing this test in Open Firmware is useful, because it excludes the 10.1.3 software entirely. If it doesn't show any access points, then there's no chance that 10.1.3 will. If it does show them, but 10.1.3 does not, then at least we know the problem is not hardware. Let us know how you go, because based on this test there are very different further tests to make. --Quozl 23:20, 4 May 2011 (UTC)

how to format my olcp XO 1

please please i can ask you how to format the olcp and how to remove the downloaded applicattion which can not be erased please if u know it tell me quickly or send it on my email :

One way to clear all changes would be to re-install or update to a current version. See Release_notes/11.3.0#XO-1 or Release_notes/11.3.1#XO-1 (almost released). --FGrose 17:27, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

How to repair olcp

Hi olcp i want to repair my olcp the problem is that when i charge my olcp the orange color which shows you that the power is going in but it shows like it is charged but it is activated the xo is loading when the circles are surrounded xo the laptop turns off so how can you help me to fix it.

my olcp can not start up

Hi my name is Robert my olcp doesn' t start up when i turn it on but it turns itself off plesase help me if possible.

Conecté un Mp4 a mi XO 1.5 ( Secundaria ) Y creo que me entró un virus, Entonces, No me deja ver el Escritorio. Me aparece en Blanco. :( me gustaría saber s puedo hacer algo para sacarlo! Me ayudan?

Super trouble with OLPC

hello friends! (first pardon me with the bad English...)

well, actually I'm repairing an XO-1 laptop OLPC, at the beginning it worked flawlessly, until i upgraded the bios firmware downloaded from:, after the process, it won't boot anymore. the trouble is i can't figure out how to make it boot... i installed this build: no luck... always end in the OK command prompt... same thing happened to every build version I've tried, downloaded and installed from here: also, I've tried to re flash the bios and no luck, i use several ROM files, from the Q2E41(the original ROM bios that comes in my OLPC) to the last Q2E45, and still no luck... I've tried to install SO images with several SD cards with 1, 2, and 4 GB of storage capability, all of them formatted in several ways: FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32... and nope...the OLPC won't boot... then I've tried luck with 2 kingston USB memory sticks, one is a 1GB and the other is a 8GB storage capability, tried with FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 formats, it install the OS image in the OLPC, but still the laptop won't boot... Tired of this, i get a developer key from here:, and tried it without any luck at all...

NOTE # 1: the OLPC hardware test report that everything is good...

NOTE # 2: all builds and bios I've downloaded and used to restoring my OLPC were for the XO-1 laptop model.

NOTE # 3: all clean-install and bios writing processes ended correctly with no failures.

NOTE # 4: the battery is fully charged, and the AC adapter is in outstanding performance.

NOTE # 5: all the internal memory chips are in good shape, also I've made this process:, and the flash nand only got around 15 bad blocks... then i made this process: and nothing, the OLPC always ends in the OK prompt, and never run the installed OS image...

anyone can light any clues about what is wrong with this OLPC???

any responses here or in my e-mail with help to solve this mystery, are welcome .


XO laptop

Can anyone buy an XO laptop?

Erasing journal


I have XO 1.5 and want to erase all data from the journal. I know that there is command (maybe not one) that is being typed in terminal for erasing all data from the journal. But cant remember that command. Can somebody help?


activities wont work

everything i click on wont load except; firefox, doom, scratch and produce puzzle E toys will load but, there will be an error message, and it will just be a blank page. How do i fix it?!!!


How do i download music and how do i get flash player Terminal doesn't work so it isnt an option

regular downloads

how do i use regular sites to download music?

installing firefox9.0.1

how do i install Firefox 9.0.1? I don't have terminal and i cant download it.

Mouse touchppad

the mouse pad on my OLPC laptop is not working,the whole thing is not working. i have tried restarting my laptop but the mouse pad is still not working, what can i do to fix this? thank you.

this is a familiar problem, please read Keyboard_freeze_fix_for_os_650-656. --Quozl 23:11, 26 March 2012 (UTC)

¿como descargo para ver videos Gratis?

Si fueran tan amables me podrían responder como descargo icono para ver videos? Gracias

una pequeña ayuda con una olpc

hola como estan

mi nombre es kevin molinares, soy de colombia y tengo un problema con una olpc xo-1. Resulta que soy tecnico en reparacion de computadores, entonces me dieron una olpc xo-1 para formatear windows, porque el sistema que traia le cayo muchos virus y estava muy lento, entonces yo formatee la SD de 4GB que trae pero no he podido hacer la instalacion de windows he intentado copiar una instalacion limpia que hice desde una maquina virtual pero no sirve la unica forma que logre iniciar es con un hirent boot CD. ahora si la pregunta ...

como hago o si necesito un driver, o donde bajo el windows xp para esta olpc xo-1 .. ya venia con windows xp de fabrica es mas tiene la licencia de windows original pegada debajo de la bateria, que tengo que hacer ?. le agradezco su respuesta que tengan un buen dia

mi correo es

Skype Video Calls & Broadband

I have 1.16 gb left of my broadband allowance this month. How long can I chat on skype using the video call facility?

turn on

my laptop turn on but then the screen stays black i have charged to full battery but it still does not do anything

downloading stuff

I want to download stuff on my XO laptop, but it keeps taking me to archive manager, which I don't like. I need instructions now!!!

that is probably because you are downloading files that can only be opened by archive manager. exactly what files are you downloading? perhaps the files are not designed for your XO laptop. --Quozl 22:34, 11 October 2012 (UTC)

Technological and estructural diagram of the OLPC project

I am a volunteer at an organization that implements the OLPC project in Honduras. I am trying to help in different areas and one of them is to create documentation that will guide the end users of the program. This documentation is aided with descriptive images and one of them, which I need from you is the one that has the diagram of the structure of the OLPC project (technology oriented). I was looking at some links that show this diagram but I can not find it anymore. It has an oval of the acronym OLPC in the center and it branches out to the left with technology and to the right with outreach and education. It will be of great help if you can provide me with such an image.

Thank you,

Alfonso Calero (

Alvin, mesh

I have a couple of XO's with me. I would like to change the network protocols and analyze the results.

I would like to know where is the mesh protocol located on the XO? From where can I change the protocols?

Thanks in advance.

Hello. The mesh protocol is only available on the XO-1 model. Confirm you have an OLPC XO-1 model first. The OLPC XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4 models do not have mesh. Next, the mesh is implemented inside the wireless module firmware, with some small functions in the Linux kernel. Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the protocol. --Quozl 03:44, 8 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello Again thanks for a quick response earlier. Yes I have XO-1. I have some more Questions. Is there any way I can change the protocols in XO-1. Will I be able to change the Network Protocol Parameters? If Yes than how? Thanks in advance.
It depends on which protocol you wish to change. No, the mesh physical protocol cannot be changed. Yes, all the other network protocols above the physical layer can be changed, using Linux commands, Linux kernel run-time configuration parameters, and Linux kernel build-time configuration parameters. Which specific protocol and parameter do you wish to change, and why? --Quozl 01:00, 9 April 2013 (UTC)
Thanks for the information earlier. My interest is in the routing. I am doing a research on the mesh protocols. Some more questions to answer please. (1) Is the routing (and the corresponding layer) is part of the firmware too? (2) Which application layer software (GUI..etc) do they include to enable students to create links and task on the mesh? Thanks in advance.
It is of historic use, I guess. XO-1 mesh implementation was not continued beyond XO-1. Our XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4 models use ad-hoc rather than mesh. To answer your questions: (1) Routing on the mesh is entirely handled by the wireless module firmware. It is an implementation of IEEE 802.11s draft. It is incompatible with IEEE 802.11s final. (2) Sequence is: user selects Sugar network view, then clicks on a Mesh icon. Sugar sends mesh request command to Network Manager daemon. Network manager sends command to kernel. Kernel sends command to wireless module via USB. Reply cascades back up the stack, and the Mesh icon is changed to show it is selected. User starts a Sugar activity and enables sharing. Activity uses multicast UDP to advise activity is available for sharing. Other nodes on the mesh receive the UDP and update their network view. --Quozl 03:39, 9 April 2013 (UTC).
Thanks for the information earlier. Will I be able to get a chance to edit wireless module firmware? thanks
Chance: 0.1% Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the mesh protocol. The firmware is the property of Marvell. The source code is not public. The firmware is in the file usb8388.bin which is stored on the laptop. The file is sent to the wireless module after power is turned on. There is no public documentation for the ARM and baseband processor on the module, and these chips are from a silicon design around 2005, and probably no longer available. The module is soldered to the main board. --Quozl 04:58, 9 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello, I have some more questions. The network is usually organised in a few layers, traditionally in seven. The lowest layer is the physical layer. That is indeed firmware and cannot be edited. Above that we have the data link, network, and transport layer. Routing will happen in one of these layers, usually in the network, sometimes in the data link layer. Question is: where is the routing taking place for the OLPC XO-1 and the other versions of OLPC XO (like XO-1.5 ..etc). thanks.
We use TCP/IP for networking on OLPC XO, and TCP/IP is not based on a seven layer model. Wikipedia has an article that describes OSI and TCP/IP layering differences. Routing happens in as many layers as are required by the definition of those layers, not only one. There are two layers that contain routing for XO-1, and one for XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4. The mesh on XO-1 automatically maintains a list of mesh nodes in the wireless module, considered to be physical routing. The other layer is TCP/IP routing, which is provided by Linux, and is not unique to OLPC XO, so it would be redundant to describe it here. Look for a text that describes TCP/IP. --Quozl 01:32, 10 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello. I would like to know, is there anyway where the protocol parameters and be changed and analyzed? Thanks.
Your question is ambiguous. If you mean the mesh routing, then [1] may help you. If you mean Linux routing, then consult a text on TCP/IP and Linux. --Quozl 23:13, 10 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello, sorry. I would like to know if mesh routing protocol parameters on OLPC laptops can be altered (modified/changed) and analyzed? thanks
See Wireless_Driver_README, RELEASE_NOTES and Mesh_Forwarding_Table. Please also consider Mailing_lists ... the Devel mailing list is a more suitable place for this discussion, and you would find a larger audience. --Quozl 00:28, 11 April 2013 (UTC)

Who has heard this OLPC "nerdcore" rap song?

The nerdcore rappers called "Dual Core" published a song about the OLPC on Jun 17, 2013. Find it on YouTube here. With only 3,930 views recorded as I write this on June 21, 2017, it would appear that a great many more people might want to give it a listen. Maybe you? - Docdtv 08:28, 21 June 2017 (UTC)


Fascinating, thanks. Don't think anybody else apart from me is reading this Wiki though. If you'd like to get it out there, try other methods. --Quozl 11:01, 21 June 2017 (UTC)