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This section is for new questions for OLPC. Please read through ''[[Ask OLPC a Question]]'' before [ adding a question] here.

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[[Ask OLPC a Question/Archive 2|Jan-Jun 2007]]

= New questions =
My OLPC stucked off after starting up and please also guide me that from where i can get
new charger for my olpc?

== Question ==
We are planning to help OPLC but we need to check the Financial Statements of the organization. Does somebody know where can we get this information?

:From OLPC directly, or the government or other regulators. I don't think you should rely on what contributors to a community Wiki might tell you ... that's not a rigorous method. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 03:23, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
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== OLPC News Feed? ==
== Question ==
I turned on my OLPC but it didn't show anything.What do I do?

:Check out [[Keyboard freeze fix for os 650-656]] it might be your problem. Hard to say, unless you can give some more information, like when you last used the XO, whether the power indicator turns on, whether the display backlight turns on. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 21:04, 30 August 2011 (UTC)
Is there now or are there any plans to make OLPC news available as an RSS feed? I would very much like to provide my site's readers with up-to-date news on OLPC's progress. Best regards! MT
== Question ==

how do download windows xp on to my olpc xo and how do you access your downloads
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: There is no way to get Windows XP for your individual OLPC. Microsoft does not make it available to individuals, and OLPC has nothing to do with that.
== Will Limited Storage Impact Feeling Of Ownership? ==

== Downloads ==
I have been impressed by Seymor Papert's idea that the relationship that users have with their personal computers makes them more powerful. I also note that the storage limitations of the OLPC mean that some portion of the materials of an individual student are likely to be stored on the server. What I am curious about is how this will impact the student's sense of ownership and whether the software will be designed to mitigate this limitation by blurring the distinction of local/remote storage. I imagine that this might be done by something simple like establishing a virtual volume that contains the local and remote materials. Of course it may well be that this isn't an issue at all.
How to access your downloads?
: If you download things on the OLPC, they should show up in the Journal, which is one of the Activities that's always running. It looks like a little spiral notebook. You can also open the journal by pressing the "magnifying glass" icon in the upper-left hand part of the keyboard.

== how do you start your downloads ==
: The objective is to have the 'server' space transparently integrated into the 'user' space, so that accessing a resource (ie: a file) stored in the server will be transparent. For more info, you can read [[OLPC Human Interface Guidelines#Automatic Backup and Restore]] or [[OLPC Human Interface Guidelines#The Laptop Experience]] for a broader view. --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 22:46, 31 May 2007 (EDT)

I downloaded adobe flash player but i still can't watch my videos i know you go to journal and the file and click start but it doesn't work.
: See [[Adobe Flash]] for details. [[User:Mariano|Mariano]] 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

== your disk is full ==

What should i do if i go to my record activity and it says my disk is full?
==Game Jam==
: You should open your [[Journal]] and remove large files or activities. [[User:Mariano|Mariano]] 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
== It seems that with the new built (8.2) in the XO the existing Scratch files are difficult to copy into a USB. I can't use the function "save as" or even copy them from the terminal.
Any idea what to do?
il me semble que mon "xo" est bloqué peut etre plein. que faire?
Mamadou Niang
je souhaite dans le cadre d'une ONG dénommée Bokk Diang avoir des partenaires pouvant permettre "d'arroser" les Ecoles Sénégalaises.
merci de l'aide que vous nous apporterez.
Mamadou Niang 00221776467585

== How do I chat with other people in the world? ==
Can Game Jam games be accessed through FireFox in a format that people can
can try it or see an in action demo of the games themes?

My xo is hooked up to the internet but I still don't know how to chat with other people in the world could you tell me how please?
If not as many programs can be presented for view in diffrent system formats do you think becuase of the Google link that the program is not being relistic in the real world of internet?
: First connect to a [[Jabber server]] or your local school network. Then you can see other people on your network and will be able to chat with them.
In some ways the clanist social pratices of many people and nations is a mid level part of their problem. By following this type of only if you.... belong to the group ,have this kind of system, have a laptop ect... may not be progressive.
: You can also download [[XoIRC]] and chat with people using that activity. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)
== Downloads ==

How do I download music on my labtop?
: Click on a file to download. Then open it from your [[Journal]]. Alternately, install an activity like [[Jukebox]].

How do I download Doom?
: The page about it is titled [[Doom]]. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

== Reset settings ==

I need to knnow how to reset the name on my xo laptop
: From the [[Sugar Control Panel]], update your "About me" settings, and restart. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

== Viruses ==
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How Do I erase viruses from my xo
== Parallel Purchasing Program ==

i buy new usb to rs232 moduleboard ft232rl.and i conect my computer with my desktop but htere is nothing happnaed can some one tell me y or i conect it with other laptop not with desktop.i have olpc
Have you investigated the idea of having Dell or other major manufacturers give people the option of adding an OLPC Laptop to their orders? I think this is something my company and others could easily support; throwing in one of these laptops every time we buy a new computer. It would be nice, simple method of supporting your efforts.
Just a thought

== reset journal info ==
== Server applications: Squid caching, Sendmail ==

my question is how do u erase information on the journal
Should the server include Squid cache, Sendmail or some other open sourece POP3 and SMTP server, and an admin interface such as WebMin? My experience is that there is a great benefit to using off-peak network capacity and one-way satellite downloads so people have their e-mail with attachments waiting nearby when they log in. Many web documents can be e-mailed to the viewer and downloaded as low-priority bits, what Nicholas calls "Stand-by Bits." from [[user:Edresor|Edresor]] (I now have a username.)
: yes, it should. join the list if you want to help...

hey guys nice work ...well i am making a project on u guys can u help me with the list of countries whu r a part of ur process
== using xo machine as music streamer ==
Peace out

== Two activities ==
i am interested in doing the 2 for 1 program; I would like to know if the machine can be used to contually stream music off the internet (using rhapsody service)/ thank you
:The hardware is certainly capable of streaming music continually. As shipped, the XO can't play MP3 files, because of the MP3 patents; it uses the freely available Ogg codecs instead. But freely available MP3 software is widely available and would work on the laptop. There has been an effort by Real to port their pseudo-free Helix player to the Sugar XO user interface (called [[Watch and Listen]]). I don't know if it will stream anything from Rhapsody. Unfortunately, the Sugar implementation makes it hard to install common Linux GUI programs (like other music players) on the machine. -gnu

hey i've got 2 questions
== Unlimited Give 1 Get 1 program ==
1. first of all why won't my eye chat open even if i have downloaded it
2. second how can i read e-books on my olpc
oh and one more question: can i contact the child who got the other laptop after i had paid for mine?
:Thanks for your questions. Sorry, I don't know what eye chat is. E-books in various formats can be read using the Read activity, and there are new E-book reader programs on . No, you can't contact the child who got the other laptop. -- [[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 22:46, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

== How does the Log Viewer work? ==
I think that OLPC has underestimated the general interest and strong demand for their laptops. I think that the Give 1 Get 1 program should run for now and forever, and not be just a limited 2 week engagement - there are far too many people in the US that want to provide a laptop for their children, like the laptop designed, and think that the Give 1 Get 1 program is perfect - they can get 1 for their children or relatives, and at the same time they can give 1 to another country that needs it. As many other people have requested in previous questions and comments, they wanted the ability to directly purchase the laptop or somehow provide it to their communities in the US. The Give 1 Get 1 program helps to fill BOTH needs simultaneously. Do not just run this program for the limited time. You accidently hit upon what can push this program into overdrive. As you have found, Governments will never shovel out cash for anything. BUT private individuals will - if they can get something for their efforts as well.
: I don't speak for OLPC, but my guess is that they're going to gather up all the orders over that two-week period and then order and ship that number of laptops, so that they're ordering thousands at once for efficiency, rather than one or two at a time. I presume that if the first burst of orders doesn't satisfy the demand, they will be amenable to doing something similar every few months. (Of course, anyone who wants to invest in buying a bunch of XO's during that two weeks is free to sell them to others -- for whatever price they can get -- after the order period closes. So an enterprising person could make some money selling them for e.g. $500 during times OLPC is unwilling to do so. And people could then get them in small quantities at any time.) --gnu

Dear Sir/Madam,
== access to email & the internet ==

As a part of an evaluation project we are trying to determine what activities are being used by the children, and for this reason we would like to know exactly how does the log viewer work. The journal presents the problem that activities may be erased by the children, therefore not providing a complete picture. So my questions are, what does the log viewer exactly show? Does it show all the activities used by the children? Does it only show errors in activities used by the children and if so what type of errors? Do you think the log-files can be used to determine what activities are the children using or the information won't be reliable towards that purpose?
Will access to email and the internet be available if a wireless connection is available?

Also, is it possible to recover erased activities from the journal?
: I've seen the XOs working at a conference using the convention center's commodity wireless connection, so I believe the answer is "yes". Of course, such access will be easiest if you are using webmail and everything you need online can be accessed via Firefox, since that is the main internet application shipping with the laptops. Running other internet programs may be more difficult, depending on a number of factors (whether someone has made an XO version of it, whether it is bundled for Fedora, whether it is ported to Linux, how many resources it uses, etc.). &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 20:19, 24 September 2007 (EDT)
:: The browser is not Firefox (unfortunately); it uses some of the guts of Firefox but trashes the user interface. So you can only view one web page at a time, for example. And there is no email client at all. However, there's a rumor about [[Installing Debian as an upgrade]] on the machine, which when perfected, would free it from many of its software limitations. --gnu
:::While we haven't exposed all of the Firefox features (yet), it is essentially a fully featured web browser. Contrary to the assertion above, you can have multiple webpages open at once and multiple windows when spawned by a page. Other options include loading Opera on the laptop. Switching to Debian won't make much difference. If you are so inclined, you can run X Windows without the Sugar UI and use a standard Firefox, but you will miss out on many of the Sugar features, such as mesh collaboration and the Journal. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 23:21, 24 September 2007 (EDT)

Thank you for your help!
== Other software ==

Will you be able to load other software packages (small) on OLPC? For example data logger or GPS software?

== how to repair olpc ==
:OLPC is physically capable of loading all kinds of Linux software, and some of it can be run in a terminal window, or by replacing the Sugar UI with a more capable GUI. There are DRM modules that some OLPCs will ship with, that prevent installation of new software. I hope and pray that these will be disabled on OLPCs that are sold under the "Buy 2 Get 1" program. In theory, "developer keys" that would disable all the DRM will be available to any OLPC owner, but OLPC has not actually created a mechanism for getting one yet. --gnu

hi olpc i am call placide and my olpc can not switch on now but the screen can switch on but does not mark any thing
== Internship Updates? ==
so it looks like has virus or it has corrupted so i would like to know how can i repair it and what can use to repair it
please i need help

:This can happen if you hold down the rotate button when you turn it on. Please try this: remove the battery, disconnect the cable, wait 10 seconds, put the battery back in, press the power button. The laptop should start. If it does not, then it may need repair. -- [[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 04:14, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
I'm interested in the internship program. How can I get updates on this?

== Server Installation detail Guide ==

I am am a new learner in this OLPC deployment team. I have installed a OLPC XS and had a problem with the eth0. During boot process it come to a stage where it says that IP determing information on eth0 fails. I have follwed the proper steps to install the server however it still gives me the same problem.
Can anyone out there assist me to get the eth0 working on my server.
Dudley Daduwe

== Warranty ==
== Skype microphone issue ==

I have been using Skype on my XO1 with ver. 656 without problems but after updating to ver. 802 and re-installing Skype using the directions given on (Standard) the sound of the microphone is garbled, when placing a test call, even though it is clear when recording in terminal mode by using arecord and aplay. I have tried several settings in Alsamixer and Skype but without getting any change or improvement. Is there a patch or fix for this problem. Updating to ver. 852 did not work as Skype will not install on the 852 version on my XO1.
In the Give 1 Get 1 Program, how do you handle warrenty questions?
Note: I re-installed 802 and Skype several times and in several different executions following posts under OLPC but always with the same result. Placing a test call in Skype gives a playback with garbled microphone sounds like two voices overlapping each other and then shorting out.

== Technical Help ==
== Hola.. ==

seria muy ueno si tendria para algunos alumnos mas avanzados la posibilidad de una de las nuevas plaquetas minis como para subir a 8 gb el disco solido , pero me parece que la memoria de 1 gb ya viene incorporada en el mother . y no tiene ningun slot
In the Give 1 Get 1 Program, how do private users, receive technical help if needed?

hoy dia los costos bajando y ojala en tiempos proximos alcancen un precio infimo como para poder incorporar mas almacenamiento.
: Through Internet resources such as this Wiki, the bug tracking system, IRC, and mailing lists. So far the technical help has been outstanding. --gnu

If the computer malfunctions, what is the return policy?


What numerical and literacy applications exist to help Kids within the Kenyan context/curriculum?
== OLPC on a disk? ==

== Problem updating from 656 and mouse freeze ==
just heard about the buy 1 give 1 program, which sounds great, but i wonder if there aren't many in north america who would appreciate a kid-friendly computing environment for whom $400 is a bit much to spend, especially if they already have access to conventional hardware.

i haven't analyzed the pros and cons thoroughly but the following qestion occurs to me:
I am having trouble updating from the 656 system and now my mouse and keyboard has frozen. Can you please advise me. Thank you. -- heather

:Hello Heather. What have you upgraded to? Does the mouse and keyboard remain frozen if you remove the power adapter and battery and put them back in? Write to {{}} if you'd prefer e-mail. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 02:01, 3 January 2011 (UTC)
would it be practical to create a knoppix-style live CD version of the OLPC environment (or a useful subset) that would run on generic hardware and use it as a fund raising device? an automated site could permit downloading disk images and assertively request a donation . (as it's open source you can't charge a licensing fee, but requesting a donation is probably OK.)

donations could then be used to subsidize the cost of distributing the complete machines where they are needed.
::I tried using the email but only got a generic response. To answer your questions:
::- I was trying to upgrade to the 10.1.2. I tried with the USB method and got the grey grid with a message underneath, something about NAND and size.
::- I then tried to update in terminal using all the various wordings proposed. That did not work either. I left the machine for a day or so and when I turned it back on the mouse and keyboard were frozen. When it lit up with the clock, it would go to a black screen with some text at about a quarter of the way round and then, before I could read it, it would go back to loading. I tried turning the machine on holding the O key which made the black text screen disappear but did not fix the freeze. I tried removing all power. I tried turning the machine on holding the rotate button. Nothing has worked yet. I'm really excited that you are responding to me and look forward to finding a solution.
::Take care. -- heather

:::Did the generic mail response give you a tracking number? If so, let me know what it was. That will help us mark it as being handled.
many folks already have kid-unfriendly PCs at home. others have access to hand-me down or refurbished hardware incapable of hosting contemporary grown-up computing environments but that would probably work OK with the OLPC software. making a $25-$50 donation and getting an OLPC-like environment on disk might be an easier sell in such cases than a $400 expenditure.

:::The grey grid sounds good, the message does not. There may be a fault in the laptop, or a problem with the download or preparation of the USB drive.
as a side benefit, such a project might permit experimenting with expanding the target audience for the software. there are folks other than young children who might benefit from a more approachable computer. (the elderly, adults with special needs, etc.) frankly, in some respects this may be a better general purpose computing environment than some of the fatter mainstream ones.

:::The grey grid occurs with an install of 10.1.2, so I'm presuming you are wanting to do an install, which wipes all data off the laptop. If so, please try again and this time check that you are following the install instructions below and tell me exactly what the message about the NAND says.
also, getting the software in broader use in developed countries might preclude any stigma connected with the idea of a special product for the poor. it could change the OLPC hardware from an specialty computing system just for the poor to a specialty platform for hosting a software environment that is popular among the affluent.

:::Regarding the update in terminal, I don't think you should try that again, because having started the install the contents of the internal storage is undefined, and the results may be unpredictable. The mouse and keyboard freeze is common; it happens if the laptop runs out of memory. We didn't test update from 656 and it may not work.
(as the software is open source presumably it's already possible for somebody to do this independantly and perhaps somebody will. this might be benfit the project by popularizing the software, but it wouldn't help the project raise funds. might be good to get there first.)

:::Feel free to send me an e-mail at if you like. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 22:24, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
:Right, poverty is right here in the USA. $399 is no good for the kids of a West Virginia coal miner or truck stop waitress. These kids often have just one practical option for getting out of poverty: join the military. $100 might work, barely.


== Activities disappear ==

What to do if all of my activities disappear? Please Help!!!
== What power source will come with the November Give one get one XO for the purchaser? ==
:Reinstall might be a last resort. Someone else asked this recently, and it turned out that changing the language to one that isn't supported may cause this. Change it back. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:38, 1 February 2011 (UTC)

== my xo1 olpc can not start up ==
What Power source will come with the xo laptop for the purchaser during this November's give one get one? WIll it be an AC adaptor and/or a pull cord?
:AC adaptor.

my xo1 olpc can not start up
== Distribution over missionaries? ==
when i open it the screen to make withe color only
but is because of virus nothing else so i would like
to know how can i repair it or how can i format it
but the problem is that i don't know how command or key
for booting xo1 olpc and the name for xo1 olpc operating system
so can you please help

== Wi-Fi WAPs not visible in Neighborhood View ==
The project wants the country governments for the buying and distribution of the XO to their students.
But is there a possibility for missions (Christian) to buy laptops for their development projects?
In many countries missions found schools and start educational programs. Are there possibilities for missions to get involved into the distribution of the XOs?
The "give 1 get 1"-program is not an opportunity for the missions, because they can't afford the doubled price.
I think missions could be a great distributor, because they go with schools where governments aren't.

I installed the 10.1.3 version to my XO-1. Initially everything was fine including the WAP icons. Now I am only seeing the MESH target icons. I know the access points are working in several locations including m home one but still nothing but MESH is visible in the Neighbothood View. How can I fix this, short of trying a reinstall of 10.1.3?
:We are open to discussions with NGOs.
:This will happen if automatic power management is enabled, which is the default, and the laptop is not kept awake for at least a minute. This is in the [ release notes]. Try turning off automatic power management in the control panel. If that does not change things, please use Open Firmware to check the wireless card. Obtain the [[Ok]] prompt, and type ''scan-wifi'' then press return. This scans for wireless access points by turning on the radio receiver in the wireless card. Doing this test in Open Firmware is useful, because it excludes the 10.1.3 software entirely. If it doesn't show any access points, then there's no chance that 10.1.3 will. If it does show them, but 10.1.3 does not, then at least we know the problem is not hardware. Let us know how you go, because based on this test there are very different further tests to make. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:20, 4 May 2011 (UTC)

== how to format my olcp XO 1 ==
please please i can ask you how to format the olcp and how to remove the downloaded applicattion which can not be erased please if u know it tell me quickly or send it on my email :
: One way to clear all changes would be to re-install or update to a current version. See [[Release_notes/11.3.0#XO-1]] or [[Release_notes/11.3.1#XO-1]] (almost released). --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 17:27, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

== How to repair olcp ==

Hi olcp i want to repair my olcp the problem is that when i charge my olcp the orange color which shows you that the power is going in but it shows like it is charged but it is activated the xo is loading when the circles are surrounded xo the laptop turns off so how can you help me to fix it.
== Mono libraries on OLPC for activity developped on MonoDevelop ==

== my olcp can not start up ==

Hi my name is Robert my olcp doesn' t start up when i turn it on but it turns itself off plesase help me if possible.
I will make an activity for OLPC, but I want to develop on C# with MonoDevelop how can use GTK librairies for the GUI of my application?

Conecté un Mp4 a mi XO 1.5 ( Secundaria ) Y creo que me entró un virus, Entonces, No me deja ver el Escritorio. Me aparece en Blanco. :(
It is possible to install the Mono libraries on the Fedora. How does Sugar work? And is it possible to execute C# code on the OLPC?
me gustaría saber s puedo hacer algo para sacarlo!
Me ayudan?

== Super trouble with OLPC ==
Thank you for your answer.

hello friends! (first pardon me with the bad English...)
:It is possible, but we are trying to keep the number of dependencies minimal in order to keep the footprint small. Is there some reason Python and PyGTK cannot work for you? --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 16:13, 27 September 2007 (EDT)

well, actually I'm repairing an XO-1 laptop OLPC, at the beginning it worked flawlessly, until i upgraded the bios firmware downloaded from:, after the process, it won't boot anymore. the trouble is i can't figure out how to make it boot... i installed this build: no luck... always end in the OK command prompt... same thing happened to every build version I've tried, downloaded and installed from here: also, I've tried to re flash the bios and no luck, i use several ROM files, from the Q2E41(the original ROM bios that comes in my OLPC) to the last Q2E45, and still no luck... I've tried to install SO images with several SD cards with 1, 2, and 4 GB of storage capability, all of them formatted in several ways: FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32... and nope...the OLPC won't boot... then I've tried luck with 2 kingston USB memory sticks, one is a 1GB and the other is a 8GB storage capability, tried with FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 formats, it install the OS image in the OLPC, but still the laptop won't boot... Tired of this, i get a developer key from here:, and tried it without any luck at all...

NOTE # 1: the OLPC hardware test report that everything is good...
I carry out a work of diploma and the goal of this work is to make the portage of already existing .net code on sugar linux as an activity. I have also the possibility to re-code all in python but the portage would get the possibility to the .net developer to create activities for OLPC and to make this portage I absolutely need the framework .net on OLPC and Mono makes it possible. --[[User:Cihan|Cihan]] 09:53, 28 September 2007 (EDT)

NOTE # 2: all builds and bios I've downloaded and used to restoring my OLPC were for the XO-1 laptop model.
Hi, I migrated an existing application (a simple game) to the OLPC platform.
To integrate GTK# with the Sugar environment, I started to write a Sugar assembly that allows creating a new main window integrated with the sugar shell.
I'm hoping to release my simple proof-of-concept code as soon as possible.
I tried to put all my code in a single .xo bundle, including the Mono runtime so nothing is necessary to install on the OLPC.

NOTE # 3: all clean-install and bios writing processes ended correctly with no failures.
Bye, Mk8 22:34, 24 October 2007 (CEST)

NOTE # 4: the battery is fully charged, and the AC adapter is in outstanding performance.
== Is there a way to find local developers/testers with the physical units? ==

NOTE # 5: all the internal memory chips are in good shape, also I've made this process:, and the flash nand only got around 15 bad blocks... then i made this process: and nothing, the OLPC always ends in the OK prompt, and never run the installed OS image...
I hope to participate in the Give 1 Get 1 program. I would like to find someone in my local area to test (read as 'play with') the mesh concept in real equipment. Emulation is neat, but not ''real''. Is there any plans to provide a place on the Wiki for finding fellow OLPC'ers for testing, development, etc? Or have a I completely overlooked an existing feature of the Wiki?
:See [[Presentations]]

anyone can light any clues about what is wrong with this OLPC???
== word processor ==

any responses here or in my e-mail with help to solve this mystery, are welcome .
I am not a computer person, so this might be a dumb question, but it is one that confuses me. Say I use the word processor on this laptop to write a document. Now say that I send the document via e-mail to someone with a conventional computer. Before I e-mailed it, would I have to convert my document to Word? If so, how would I do this? If not, can it still be done? Or can conventional computers read the document no problem? Thanks a bunch for answering.

:The XO laptop uses AbiWord as its word processor. If the person receiving a document cannot open it using their normal PC software, AbiWord is available for many platforms and many languages from [ this site].
== XO laptop ==
Can anyone buy an XO laptop?

== Erasing journal ==
== Laptops for children with disabilities in group homes ==

My name is michael Goldstein and I am a father of a young man with multipe disabilities who lives in a group home. I have purchased my son a dell computer but it is beyond his capabilities. Could you not consider the disabled chilren in the a group akin to any nation which you have targeted for assistance? You have my email as I registered for a reminder.
Looking forward to your reply
Michael Goldstein

== how many XO laptops per person ==

May a person make multiple $400 donations and get an XO laptop for each one under the buy one get one program?

: See {{G1G1}}. Note that a very limited number of computers will be made available through this program in November. Contact [] to ask a question or be added to the mailing list for notifications.
: The [ One Laptop Per Child Foundation] has a page where you can make larger donations if that is your goal.

== for a school class room in usa ==

My name is Steve and I would like to know if you can set up for a classroom to network from a teachers to 30 kids for testing in the 2nd grade, to help our teachers and children learn, and to help teachers find and help slower learning kids and bring them up to speed?

Please get back to me on this;
Thank you, Steve

:Not sure what you are asking. We've been working in classrooms of up to 80 children. We are certainly interested in children and teachers learning and believe that the laptop will give them that opportunity. In regard to "slower learning kids", often times "slower" is really a matter of needing a different path to approach a problem; one nice thing about computers is that they offer many different venues for engagement. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 10:06, 1 October 2007 (EDT)

== Is purchase of an XO by the relatively wealthy unethical? ==

I am very attracted by the simplicity and rugged design of the XO but as a citizen of arguably the wealthiest nation in the world is it an ethical choice for me to own one? I travel and commute by motorcycle so the ruggedness and simplicity of the XO is perfect for my uses as my only computer.

My misgivings about owning an XO come from the following thoughts. The production numbers of the XO are limited therefore would it be more ethical for me to spend $200.00 (US) for a used laptop and give another $200.00 to provide an XO for a child? By doing this I am keeping a used machine out of the bin longer and providing a purpose built machine for it's intended user.

I am not passing or implying judgment on those in wealthy nations that purchase one but asking an open question. Because the XO is available and the wealthy can afford them should they when the available numbers are relatively low and therefore the supply to the intended users is reduced by their purchase?

:The more production, the lower the per-unit cost. Ignoring environmental effects and short-term supply issues, purchasing a few million for your local landfill might ultimately help kids by getting the per-unit cost down closer to $100. :-)

:Of course the better solution for wealthy people is to [ Give 1, Get 1] and then donate money for additional laptops to go to kids. If you have PayPal, you can donate money now on the Give 1, Get 1 site. Or, if you want to write a cheque, then send it to the address on the [ One Laptop Per Child Foundation] page.

== Payment plans? for low income ==

Will you take $40.00 a month for ten or even twelve months? To get the buy 1 give 1 program? My daughter and I live in poverty,but can pay $40 a month for this most wonderful program. I want to help with the success of 'One laptop per child' program. What can I do? Please reply.

:OLPC does not yet have this functionality on its website. We are working with our credit card vendors and hope to introduce it in the next couple of months.

== United States ==

I think the idea of distributing these laptops to the countries you have listed is a great idea! However, what about the parents here that can not afford to buy laptops for their children. I am a single parent and work two jobs and then after working 10 hrs and cooking/cleaning we then have to go to the library so my son can finish doing his homework on their computers at 10:00 at NIGHT!. Why isn't our goverment involved in this project? Why isn't our goverment taking care of it's own? people!

== Printing ==

Will you be able to Print from the OLPC

== G1G1 for school servers too? ==

Schools in the USA also need servers.

== Colorblindness ==

I'm colour blind, and it is likely that any sons I have will be too.

How will they be able to fully access the Sugar interface?

For example, will my son be able to tell how much battery charge is left? Will my son be able to distinguish his friends' icons on the mesh map?

Red-green colour vision deficiencies affect around one in twelve caucasian europid males, although other types of colour vision deficiencies affect tiny numbers of all races and sexes.

: The XO is unique in that it has both a backlit color mode and a sunlight-readable monochrome mode. The interface is being designed so that it will be usable in both modes; for instance, colors are being chosen both for their difference in value as well as their difference in hue, so that they are distinguishable in both modes. Hopefully this should go a long way in making the laptop easier for colorblind people to use. ''(See also [[OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Sugar_Interface/Colors | Colors in the OLPC Human Interface Guidelines]])''

: Also, there are alternate ways to identify users beyond the color schemes; since there are only 200-some color pairs, some duplicates within a school are [ inevitable]. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 15:53, 5 October 2007 (EDT)

== OpenOffice? ==

Will students be able to install OpenOffice?

== Printing ==

Can the XO Laptop print a printer? If so, does it print to all printers or just some?

== Give 1 Get 1 for a U.S. school? ==

If I were able to convince enough local parents and other donors to raise $400 times the number of students in our kindergarten, could we participate as a group in the Give 1 Get 1 program, thereby equipping all our local students entering elementary school and an equal number of children in some other part of the world? If we were to do so, could the OLPC provide us with contact information for a corresponding class in some other part of the world, so the school children here and there could engage in cross-cultural dialog as a mutual learning experience?

== Do you need help on marketing in Europe? ==

I am a marketing and communications professional and see many ways on how XO could become a great offer on the children's and educational market whilst helping children and schools in other regions get equipped.

== Will we be able to purchase a Pull-Cord Generator and/or Solar Cell for the Give 1 Get 1 laptop? ==

You have answered that the G1G1 laptop will come with an AC adapter.
The unique (and amazing) capabilities for manual and solar power are
something I would like for my "keep 1" laptop.
Will there be a way for us to obtain these OLPC laptop accessories?
Additional cost would be acceptable.

== will olpc work on a open wifi network in a bookstore ==

I realize that OLPC uses 802.11s and that is based on 802.11b/g.

Will it be able to communicate on an open wifi network that is common
in the better bookstores and coffee shop, colleges etc.

:It does normal networking too.

== Link between the two give 1 get 1 laptops ? ==

Wouldn't it be great to have some kind of link between the laptop I get and the laptop I give?

The kid getting the laptop I give could write me an email, maybe send a picture.
This way there could be great contacts with people who otherwise would or could never communicate with each other.
That would really broaden the mind of me and of the kid, too.

I know this should be difficult to accomplish, but think about the possibilities.
Think about how happy both the donator and the donatee would feel to have such a bond.
Think about how many many people in the richer countries would gladly give money,
because they can really really see where their money is going.

Since all laptops surely have some unique number or sth. like that, it should be doable.

Ok, so my question is, could there be such a link between two OLPC?

== Wireless on/off switch? ==

Does the X0 have a hardware option to turn the wireless off and on? If so, what key(s) are used? If not, is there a simple software option?


== Multiple users per laptop? ==

I know the philosophy is "One Laptop *PER CHILD*". However, we were wondering about getting just two or three XO's for our preschool, and having the kids share. Is that feasible? Would all the kids have to share the same file space, or is it possible (with user profiles, or separate flash memory cards) for them to have their own space?

== SD card size? ==

How large an sd card can the xo use?

== dial-up ==

sorry if I'm dumb. If I do the "buy one, give one" thing, and I don't have wireless access, will I be able to access the internet via dial-up?

:You can use a USB to serial (RS-232) converter to connect to a modem for dial-up access. [[User:Chm|Chris]] 21:25, 14 October 2007 (EDT)

== ayudenos a ayudar ==

Distinguidos Señores de

Mi nombre es Patricio Sharup, vivo en el canton taisha, provincia de morona santiago, amazonia, pais-ecuador.
Mi pregunta es, como dar inicio a una apertura de dialogo con esta empresa para ver las posibilidades de cooperacion por parte de

Saludos cordiales...

== Boot Time ==

As of this date, October 12, 2007, as OLPC prepares to undergo full production, what is the boot time of the XO?

== Donating the income of free ad space ==

I would like to use some free space on my site to place ads. I want to let the income of these ads be donated to the OLPC project. Is there a possibility for me to ensure that the advertisers paid for their ads by donating to your project, without transferring the money to my account first?

:Thank you for your interest in donating to OLPC. We recommend that you transfer the money through your account. First, it will allow you to ensure proper credit for a possible charitable donation (please make any donations payable to the OLPC Foundation). Second, tracking and confirm third party payments would introduce an overhead that our small, already multi-tasking team can not take on.

== One Laptop in America ==

It would be nice if we could concern ourselves with providing children in America before we worry about everyone else. My wife is a teacher and cannot even get a single computer in her classroom much less a laptop for every child. Why can't we fix this problem first. I saw the report on Dateline (I think that was the show), and the question was asked if we can purchase them for Americans, and the response was we have to buy two. One for us, and one for someone in another country. Are you kidding me?

== Give 1, Get 1 - warranty/support ==

For people participating in the Give 1, Get 1 program, how will warranty and support issues be handled? As I understand it, other countries buying XOs for students will buy spares and handle maintenance and repairs themselves. What will be the warranty period for the US purchased XO systems, and will there be some type of mail-in or depot exchange/repair program available (possibly through Quanta)?

== is there a scope to filter age-specific or grade-specific information ==

I am a parent of 7yr old and a teacher educator.
I was going through the library grid. The info there is quite useful for children(and educators). I am wondering whether it would be possible to make it in to auto-capsules that are age-appropriate and adequate? For example, I was going through module on animals,the info is vast and a child of say age 7-8 may not require all that is there, may be he/she would be quite thrilled to get some exciting bits of it to begin with. How we can filter? of course one way is through teacher intervention, but typical parental tendency would be to make available all that is out there on the wiki. I would be keen to know any such efforts are made in this direction to sort the info grade wise/age wise?

== Alex - russian ==

Добрый день. Как можно приобрести ваш компьютер вне правительствненной программы? Очень нужно.

: До сих пор есть одна возможность получить этот компутер вне правительственой программы, покупить в США. [] Конечно, вам нужен помошник в США и деньги чтобы так делать.

: Up to now there is only one way to get this computer outside of government programs, buy it in the USA. Of course, you need a helper in the USA and money in order to do this.

:Note: this query seems to come from Ukraine, not Russia, judging by the email address.

== Making a donation from a group ==

As part of a discussion in my Bus Adm 230 Introduction to Information Systems lectures, I talk about the digital divide. As part of this discussion I mentioned projects designed to help bridge this chasm - and of course - talked about the OLPC program.

I have collected over $100 dollars from my students for your project! I will add enough money to bring the total up to $200 - enough to provide a child with an XO laptop. I would like to know the best way to donate this money in the name of my class.

Thank you for giving my students the opportunity to make a difference!

== Antennas , plugs ==

why do the antennas have to be sticking out, as it makes them easily breakable / fragile ? Couldn’t you put them alongside the screen like it is done on other laptops?
Although it gives it a fun look, it probably cost more if they can resist real life bending and tearing? What about dust /sand in the plugs, are they isolated from the rest of the case? Are these plugs safe if a child put’s in a paper clip?

Hope I don't offend anyone in asking, trivial questions.

: I don't know much about the decisions behind the antennas, but there are several facts that may help answer your questions: The antennas serve double duty; they both provide wireless networking and cover the plugs to provide some protection against dust. Unlike typical laptops, the XO has almost all of its electronics in the screen portion (only the keyboard and battery are in the base), so having an antenna around the edge of the screen might not have been an option due to interference. If I recall correctly from when I last saw an XO, the antennas are rubberized and quite rugged; this is apparently a recent design change in reaction to [[OLPC_Peru/Arahuay#Arahuay:_the_Technical_side | field tests]]. [[:Image:DSCN0374.jpg | This photo]] shows that the plugs are directly on the motherboard, not really isolated at all, but they may still be adequate for keeping out dust. According to the [[Hardware_specification#Regulatory_requirements | hardware specification]], the laptop conforms to [ child toy safety standards], among others, which hopefully test for the safety of the ports as well. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 14:04, 17 October 2007 (EDT)

== Will the OLPC be able to boot something like PUPPYOS via a USB stick? ==

Before I consider the purchase of two OLPC laptops, I would like to verify that the hardware will support booting Linux via USB flash devices. I know PuppyLinux was unfortunately quickly dismissed as a possible candidate to run on the OLPC hardware; however, since the AMD Geode is a x86 processor, I am in hopes I can boot PuppyLinux from USB attached devices, IE... USB Flash, Compact flash using USB adapter, hard drive/cdrom/dvdrom using sata/ide-to-USB adapter, etc.. Has anyone on the development team tried to boot any of the later PuppyOS releases on the current OLPC hardware? If so, how did it work?

Thanks Very Much In Advance

== give one get one ==

what will the laptop come with if I get one from the give one get one offer?
:See the [[Activities]] page to get a sense of the range of software that will come from the laptop.

== Give 1: Get One program --> how to run another OS on my olpc ==

While I am fascinated to try the sugar UI paradigm, I feel that I may wish to run a different light linux distro on an olpc that I get through the "Give 1: Get 1" program in order to work with a broader and more current selection of packages. This raises a number of questions which I haven't been able to find answers for:

*What distros other than the stock image will install easily on the OLPC? I know fedora is related to the OLPC stock image, but is fedora light enough? What about DSL or another light distro?
*What drivers and other software may need to be hand added to these distros to take advantage of the networking and display optimizations of the XO?
*Does the XO hardware have the capability to work with more standard network topologies and use standards such as WPA?

: "Easily" is a relative term, and even more so when combined with the words "installing Linux". :) There is a page on the wiki that tells how to [[Installing_Debian_as_an_upgrade | install a fairly vanilla Debian]] on the OLPC (and there's also one for [[installing Fedora Core]], but that is quite old and uses a custom image). Given that Debian goes on fairly easily (where "easily" requires command-line work, a USB key, and an additional Debian machine), I imagine other Linux distributions could be made to work as well. I have seen the XO running off of commodity 802.11b wireless networking, and I understand it also [[USB_ethernet_adaptors | works with ethernet if you have a USB adapter (but not just any adapter will work)]]. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 15:01, 23 October 2007 (EDT)

== JVM in XO ==

Is there any way to install JVM (Java Virtual Machine) or similar tool in XO o run java software?

: The [[Java]] page implies that there is. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 14:00, 23 October 2007 (EDT)

== setting up web proxy in the OLPC machine ==

Our network is under proxy settings.. could you please help us how to set up web proxy in OLPC machines

: I'm not sure if this answers your question, but there is an answer to a similar question about [[Ask OLPC a Question/New#Proxy configuration | configuring the XO's web activity for web proxies]] further up on this page. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 19:21, 24 October 2007 (EDT)

== WHY? ==

WHY don't you just buy Pen's paper and textbooks in calgary kids get along really well without laptops1!

:Why don't you just buy pens, paper, and textbooks? In Calgary, kids get along really well without laptops!
::First of all, it is not clear that the economics of printing and distributing textbooks is favorable relative to distributing laptops. Second, there are many more things you can do with a laptop than you can with just pe and paper: explore, express, compute, communicate etc. Third, I would guess that most children in Calgary have some access to libraries, computers, cell phones, newspaper, television, radio, etc. and teachers! This is not the case for most children in the developing world, for whom we have designed the laptop.

== Software ==

Dear Sirs,

I sent the following email to as directed by your web site. I recieved in return an autoresponder email that offers the ability to give laptops away. As you can see by the email I sent, this was not my purpose in contact. Aprend would be happy to contribute whatever it can in the future, but realistically, without software and a purpose, the XO will make a good boat anchor (for a very small boat at 3lbs.) How do we get in touch with a human (not autoresponder) to investigate at which level we may be of assistance?

Rod Gilchrist

'''Email originally sent:'''

My name is Rod Gilchrist. I have a small company in Austin, Texas named Aprend. We have developed a learning management system with integrated authorware. Our software is written totally in JAVA. Due to the features of JAVA, the translation of the GUI is a snap. Localization of language of the GUI, regardless of the language or dialect is very easy. The ability to create content is also very easy with the integrated authorware, localization of the GUI for the content creation software is also very easy. in addition, due to JAVA, our software runs under virtually any OS on any hardware.
It appears to me that the OLPC XO project could possibly use our software to deliver education to children using your laptops all over the world, in their localized language.
I would like to investigate an alliance between Aprend and your project to possibly provide our software with the XO laptop to enable educators at the user end of your project.
Please contact me if you are interested. I have attached a trifold brochure word file in hopes of explaining the features to you.
Roderick E. Gilchrist, CEO
Aprend Software
(512) 328-5119

I have XO 1.5 and want to erase all data from the journal. I know that there is command (maybe not one) that is being typed in terminal for erasing all data from the journal. But cant remember that command. Can somebody help?
:Java is not supported.

== Usability testing ==

== activities wont work ==
Can anyone tell me if, how, and when usability tests will be (have been, are bring) conducted for the OLPC project?
Keith Karn

everything i click on wont load except; firefox, doom, scratch and produce puzzle
: I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but there have been a number of [[:Category:Pilot_site | field trials]] of the XOs, the feedback from which are used to improve the hardware and software. And feedback is solicited at various showings of the device, such as [[Game_Jam_Boston_June_2007/Feedback | at the Boston Game Jam]]. I'm not sure if there is any formal usability testing in place, though. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 00:27, 26 October 2007 (EDT)
E toys will load but, there will be an error message, and it will just be a blank page.
How do i fix it?!!!

== Digital Radio Mondiale ==
== music ==

How do i download music and how do i get flash player
I am interested in making a cheap DRM using avalable AM/FM radio and use it with line in of PC. Can anyone help me regarding the Hardware and Software of the DRM.
Terminal doesn't work so it isnt an option

== regular downloads ==
: If your device only uses the line-in, there will be a standard activity that can record from that port and play it back, like the [[Record]] activity. If the device needs an additional communication route (for example to specify tuning or encode/decode radio signals on the CPU), the best route may be through one of the laptop's standard USB connections. There may be more information available via the [[Peripherals]] page; the [[Hardware]] and [[Software]] pages may also have the basic information that you're looking for. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 00:53, 26 October 2007 (EDT)

how do i use regular sites to download music?
== Wired netword card ==

== installing firefox9.0.1 ==
Is there also a wired network card on the laptop ? I heard that wireless connection can cause
brain tumors.

how do i install Firefox 9.0.1?
: There is no wired network card built-in to the laptops, but [[USB ethernet adaptors | USB ethernet adapters]] can be used. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 12:55, 26 October 2007 (EDT)
I don't have terminal and i cant download it.

== MP3 files ==
== Mouse touchppad ==

the mouse pad on my OLPC laptop is not working,the whole thing is not working. i have tried restarting my laptop but the mouse pad is still not working, what can i do to fix this? thank you.
I noticed that one cannot download speech podcasts in mp3 format to the xo. Is there any way to download these mp3 files, or download software that will allow it?
:this is a familiar problem, please read [[Keyboard_freeze_fix_for_os_650-656]]. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:11, 26 March 2012 (UTC)

== ¿como descargo para ver videos Gratis? ==
: There is MP3 software that can run on the laptops, but it's not clear whether it will ship with the laptops or, if not, how easy it will be for a user to install. See the [[RestrictedFormats]] page. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 12:55, 26 October 2007 (EDT)

Si fueran tan amables me podrían responder como descargo icono para ver videos? Gracias
== Forth in Open Firmware ==

== una pequeña ayuda con una olpc ==
Is there a usable Forth interpreter one can experiment with and learn from in the firmware?

hola como estan
: Apparently, the firmware's Forth interpreter is user-accessible (see instructions in the [[OFW_FAQ | Open Firmware FAQ]]). &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 12:55, 26 October 2007 (EDT)

mi nombre es kevin molinares, soy de colombia y tengo un problema con una olpc xo-1.
Okay, that is OFFICIALLY very cool! lol... Thanks for answering, Joe! I'm really looking forward to the "Buy two, get one" in November. :)
Resulta que soy tecnico en reparacion de computadores, entonces me dieron una olpc xo-1 para formatear windows,
porque el sistema que traia le cayo muchos virus y estava muy lento, entonces yo formatee la SD de 4GB que trae pero
no he podido hacer la instalacion de windows he intentado copiar una instalacion limpia que hice desde una maquina virtual pero no sirve
la unica forma que logre iniciar es con un hirent boot CD.
ahora si la pregunta ...

como hago o si necesito un driver, o donde bajo el windows xp para esta olpc xo-1 .. ya venia con windows xp de fabrica es mas tiene la licencia de windows original pegada debajo de la bateria, que tengo que hacer ?.
== Microsoft Windows XP on XOs ==
le agradezco su respuesta que tengan un buen dia
mi correo es

== Skype Video Calls & Broadband ==
Microsoft has been talking about getting the XP to work on the XO systems. I personally would consider Microsoft having anything to do with this project as a mistake. One of the core principals is free and open source software and any moves to work with Microsoft on this project would run contrary to this. Will the OLPC initiative be staying open source and sticking with Linux?
-- Thomas (New Zealand)

I have 1.16 gb left of my broadband allowance this month. How long can I chat on skype using the video call facility?
: According to [[OLPC_myths#The_laptop_will_run_a_Microsoft_Windows_operating_system | the list of OLPC myths]], the officially distributed OS is still Linux. However, an open system means that anyone (including Microsoft) can develop for it. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 17:25, 26 October 2007 (EDT)

== turn on ==
Can the antenna give brain tumor ?

my laptop turn on but then the screen stays black i have charged to full battery but it still does not do anything
== dotFX Java Framework ==

== downloading stuff ==
dotFX, Inc. ( has a free framework product called ServerFX which allows the 6 million java developers to take existing java applications and make them "live" software, i.e. desktop distributed through the Internet securely. For example, there are 30,000 existing Java applications (desktop apps / "dead" apps) which can be packaged as a clickable link / icon on the desktop or within a browser.

I want to download stuff on my XO laptop, but it keeps taking me to archive manager, which I don't like. I need instructions now!!!
This provides extreme ease of use and ease of access for OLPC users to many free software applications, not previously accessible.
:that is probably because you are downloading files that can only be opened by archive manager. exactly what files are you downloading? perhaps the files are not designed for your XO laptop. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 22:34, 11 October 2012 (UTC)

== Technological and estructural diagram of the OLPC project ==
Please let me know if you would like to learn more. I am interested in leveraging the dotFX innovative technology for the OLPC mission.

I am a volunteer at an organization that implements the OLPC project in Honduras. I am trying to help in different areas and one of them is to create documentation that will guide the end users of the program. This documentation is aided with descriptive images and one of them, which I need from you is the one that has the diagram of the structure of the OLPC project (technology oriented). I was looking at some links that show this diagram but I can not find it anymore. It has an oval of the acronym OLPC in the center and it branches out to the left with technology and to the right with outreach and education. It will be of great help if you can provide me with such an image.
Very truly yours -

Thank you,
Pete Hartigan
President, co-founder

Alfonso Calero (
: I can't say whether or not the OLPC people are interested in your product, but note that the XO laptop is being distributed only with [[OLPC_on_open_source_software | open source software]] and it is [[RestrictedFormats | not currently shipping with Java]]. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 12:31, 27 October 2007 (EDT)

== Alvin, mesh ==
== Why pay $150 for what is a 10-year-old machine? ==

I have a couple of XO's with me. I would like to change the network protocols and analyze the results.
There's no need to spend time considering the pro's and con's of selling this computer to the general public. It won't be offered up for sale. Why? For EXACTLY the same reasons they are not being peddled to developed nations: buyers will ask legtimate questions BEFORE buying and then the truth about these computers and their great limitations will be exposed. Why would anyone pay $150 for what is essentially a re-packaged 10-year old machine? (in terms of computer power/storage/software).

I would like to know where is the mesh protocol located on the XO? From where can I change the protocols?
:If you only restrict your analysis to computer power, storage capacity and bundled software, then you might be right although I do think that you undervalue the bundled mesh networking software. But the real point is that the OLPC has conciously accepted constraints in computer power, storage capacity and bundled software in order to be innovative in other areas. The XO laptop leverages current interface technology far more than any other PC. Nowadays it is common for WiFi interfaces to be built around their own CPU but only the OLPC leverages this so that the main computer can be powered down while the satellite CPU continues to transmit/recieve data. Only the OLPC has the innovative dual-mode LCD technology that allows normal use, as well as a special low-power black and white mode for ebook reading. This is one of very few modern laptops that have no moving parts and therefore are likely to last a long time which means they provide better ''green'' value for money.

Thanks in advance.
:''P.S. I actually picked this question up from a blog comment that I saw, because I think it nicely sums up a widespread view which is also an ill-informed view that undervalues the leading edge technology in this laptop.''
:Hello. The mesh protocol is only available on the XO-1 model. Confirm you have an OLPC XO-1 model first. The OLPC XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4 models do not have mesh. Next, the mesh is implemented inside the wireless module firmware, with some small functions in the Linux kernel. Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the protocol. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 03:44, 8 April 2013 (UTC)

::Hello Again thanks for a quick response earlier. Yes I have XO-1. I have some more Questions. Is there any way I can change the protocols in XO-1. Will I be able to change the Network Protocol Parameters? If Yes than how? Thanks in advance.
== Please consider adding "childsplay" to software packages... ==

:::It depends on which protocol you wish to change. No, the mesh physical protocol cannot be changed. Yes, all the other network protocols above the physical layer can be changed, using Linux commands, Linux kernel run-time configuration parameters, and Linux kernel build-time configuration parameters. Which specific protocol and parameter do you wish to change, and why? --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 01:00, 9 April 2013 (UTC)
The "childsplay" package is a wonderful Python based package that has kept my 3.5 year old productively engaged for the last couple of months and it seems that it would be ideally suited for inclusion in the OLPC software suite. More info on it can be found at:

::::Thanks for the information earlier. My interest is in the routing. I am doing a research on the mesh protocols. Some more questions to answer please. (1) Is the routing (and the corresponding layer) is part of the firmware too? (2) Which application layer software (GUI..etc) do they include to enable students to create links and task on the mesh? Thanks in advance.

:::::It is of historic use, I guess. XO-1 mesh implementation was not continued beyond XO-1. Our XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4 models use ad-hoc rather than mesh. To answer your questions: (1) Routing on the mesh is entirely handled by the wireless module firmware. It is an implementation of IEEE 802.11s draft. It is incompatible with IEEE 802.11s final. (2) Sequence is: user selects Sugar network view, then clicks on a Mesh icon. Sugar sends mesh request command to Network Manager daemon. Network manager sends command to kernel. Kernel sends command to wireless module via USB. Reply cascades back up the stack, and the Mesh icon is changed to show it is selected. User starts a Sugar activity and enables sharing. Activity uses multicast UDP to advise activity is available for sharing. Other nodes on the mesh receive the UDP and update their network view. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 03:39, 9 April 2013 (UTC).

::::::Thanks for the information earlier. Will I be able to get a chance to edit wireless module firmware? thanks
Thanks for considering this suggestion.

:::::::Chance: 0.1% Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the mesh protocol. The firmware is the property of Marvell. The source code is not public. The firmware is in the file usb8388.bin which is stored on the laptop. The file is sent to the wireless module after power is turned on. There is no public documentation for the ARM and baseband processor on the module, and these chips are from a silicon design around 2005, and probably no longer available. The module is soldered to the main board. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 04:58, 9 April 2013 (UTC)

::::::::Hello, I have some more questions. The network is usually organised in a few layers, traditionally in seven. The lowest layer is the physical layer. That is indeed firmware and cannot be edited. Above that we have the data link, network, and transport layer. Routing will happen in one of these layers, usually in the network, sometimes in the data link layer. Question is: where is the routing taking place for the OLPC XO-1 and the other versions of OLPC XO (like XO-1.5 ..etc). thanks.
Dominic Caffey,

:::::::::We use TCP/IP for networking on OLPC XO, and TCP/IP is not based on a seven layer model. Wikipedia has an [ article that describes OSI and TCP/IP layering differences]. Routing happens in as many layers as are required by the definition of those layers, not only one. There are two layers that contain routing for XO-1, and one for XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4. The mesh on XO-1 automatically maintains a list of mesh nodes in the wireless module, considered to be physical routing. The other layer is TCP/IP routing, which is provided by Linux, and is not unique to OLPC XO, so it would be redundant to describe it here. Look for a text that describes TCP/IP. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 01:32, 10 April 2013 (UTC)
: The author of childsplay, Stas Zytkiewicz, has [ expressed interest in porting it to the XO] and apparently has had [ a preliminary version] of it running, so I think there's a good chance it will eventually be available. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 16:28, 28 October 2007 (EDT)

::::::::::Hello. I would like to know, is there anyway where the protocol parameters and be changed and analyzed? Thanks.
== Internet Access ==

:::::::::::Your question is ambiguous. If you mean the mesh routing, then [] may help you. If you mean Linux routing, then consult a text on TCP/IP and Linux. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 23:13, 10 April 2013 (UTC)
Is there any program on the XO computer that eliminates inappropriate web access sites for kids?

::::::::::::Hello, sorry. I would like to know if mesh routing protocol parameters on OLPC laptops can be altered (modified/changed) and analyzed? thanks
: Information on the [[Internet]] and [[OLPC_Peru/Arahuay#Arahuay: the Technical side | Peru trial]] pages suggests that the countries themselves will be responsible for providing an Internet connection that is appropriately filtered. &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 18:17, 28 October 2007 (EDT)
:::::::::::::See [[Wireless_Driver_README]], [ RELEASE_NOTES] and [[Mesh_Forwarding_Table]]. Please also consider [[Mailing_lists]] ... the Devel mailing list is a more suitable place for this discussion, and you would find a larger audience. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 00:28, 11 April 2013 (UTC)

== Who has heard this OLPC "nerdcore" rap song? ==
== Can the technology be adapted so students with language-based learning disabilities can use this? ==

The nerdcore rappers called "Dual Core" published a song about the OLPC on Jun 17, 2013.
My niece attends a private school for children with a wide range of learning differences. I would like to purchase one for her but am not sure how adaptable it will be. Can additional software be installed? The application for this population of student in that school setting would be wonderful. Not only could we provide the assisted technology to help LD students learn, but as well help all children around the world! I am most interested in pursuing this!
Find it on ''YouTube'' [ here].
With only 3,930 views recorded as I write this on June 21, 2017, it would appear that a
great many more people might want to give it a listen. Maybe you?
- [[User:Docdtv|Docdtv]] 08:28, 21 June 2017 (UTC)

== Laptop ==

:Fascinating, thanks. Don't think anybody else apart from me is reading this Wiki though. If you'd like to get it out there, try other methods. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 11:01, 21 June 2017 (UTC)
What items will be inside the shipping box if bought from give one get one?

Latest revision as of 11:01, 21 June 2017

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New questions

My OLPC stucked off after starting up and please also guide me that from where i can get new charger for my olpc?


We are planning to help OPLC but we need to check the Financial Statements of the organization. Does somebody know where can we get this information?

From OLPC directly, or the government or other regulators. I don't think you should rely on what contributors to a community Wiki might tell you ... that's not a rigorous method. --Quozl 03:23, 13 February 2012 (UTC)


I turned on my OLPC but it didn't show anything.What do I do?

Check out Keyboard freeze fix for os 650-656 it might be your problem. Hard to say, unless you can give some more information, like when you last used the XO, whether the power indicator turns on, whether the display backlight turns on. --Quozl 21:04, 30 August 2011 (UTC)


how do download windows xp on to my olpc xo and how do you access your downloads

There is no way to get Windows XP for your individual OLPC. Microsoft does not make it available to individuals, and OLPC has nothing to do with that.


How to access your downloads?

If you download things on the OLPC, they should show up in the Journal, which is one of the Activities that's always running. It looks like a little spiral notebook. You can also open the journal by pressing the "magnifying glass" icon in the upper-left hand part of the keyboard.

how do you start your downloads

I downloaded adobe flash player but i still can't watch my videos i know you go to journal and the file and click start but it doesn't work.

See Adobe Flash for details. Mariano 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

your disk is full

What should i do if i go to my record activity and it says my disk is full?

You should open your Journal and remove large files or activities. Mariano 06:44, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

== It seems that with the new built (8.2) in the XO the existing Scratch files are difficult to copy into a USB. I can't use the function "save as" or even copy them from the terminal. Any idea what to do? il me semble que mon "xo" est bloqué peut etre plein. que faire? Mamadou Niang je souhaite dans le cadre d'une ONG dénommée Bokk Diang avoir des partenaires pouvant permettre "d'arroser" les Ecoles Sénégalaises. merci de l'aide que vous nous apporterez. Mamadou Niang 00221776467585 Sénégal

How do I chat with other people in the world?

My xo is hooked up to the internet but I still don't know how to chat with other people in the world could you tell me how please?

First connect to a Jabber server or your local school network. Then you can see other people on your network and will be able to chat with them.
You can also download XoIRC and chat with people using that activity. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)


How do I download music on my labtop?

Click on a file to download. Then open it from your Journal. Alternately, install an activity like Jukebox.

How do I download Doom?

The page about it is titled Doom. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

Reset settings

I need to knnow how to reset the name on my xo laptop

From the Sugar Control Panel, update your "About me" settings, and restart. 02:34, 17 December 2009 (UTC)


How Do I erase viruses from my xo

i buy new usb to rs232 moduleboard ft232rl.and i conect my computer with my desktop but htere is nothing happnaed can some one tell me y or i conect it with other laptop not with desktop.i have olpc

reset journal info

my question is how do u erase information on the journal

hey guys nice work ...well i am making a project on u guys can u help me with the list of countries whu r a part of ur process thanks gaurav Peace out

Two activities

hey i've got 2 questions 1. first of all why won't my eye chat open even if i have downloaded it 2. second how can i read e-books on my olpc oh and one more question: can i contact the child who got the other laptop after i had paid for mine? thanks

Thanks for your questions. Sorry, I don't know what eye chat is. E-books in various formats can be read using the Read activity, and there are new E-book reader programs on . No, you can't contact the child who got the other laptop. -- Quozl 22:46, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

How does the Log Viewer work?

Dear Sir/Madam,

As a part of an evaluation project we are trying to determine what activities are being used by the children, and for this reason we would like to know exactly how does the log viewer work. The journal presents the problem that activities may be erased by the children, therefore not providing a complete picture. So my questions are, what does the log viewer exactly show? Does it show all the activities used by the children? Does it only show errors in activities used by the children and if so what type of errors? Do you think the log-files can be used to determine what activities are the children using or the information won't be reliable towards that purpose?

Also, is it possible to recover erased activities from the journal?

Thank you for your help!


how to repair olpc

hi olpc i am call placide and my olpc can not switch on now but the screen can switch on but does not mark any thing so it looks like has virus or it has corrupted so i would like to know how can i repair it and what can use to repair it please i need help

This can happen if you hold down the rotate button when you turn it on. Please try this: remove the battery, disconnect the cable, wait 10 seconds, put the battery back in, press the power button. The laptop should start. If it does not, then it may need repair. -- Quozl 04:14, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

Server Installation detail Guide

Hi, I am am a new learner in this OLPC deployment team. I have installed a OLPC XS and had a problem with the eth0. During boot process it come to a stage where it says that IP determing information on eth0 fails. I have follwed the proper steps to install the server however it still gives me the same problem. Can anyone out there assist me to get the eth0 working on my server. Dudley Daduwe

Skype microphone issue

I have been using Skype on my XO1 with ver. 656 without problems but after updating to ver. 802 and re-installing Skype using the directions given on (Standard) the sound of the microphone is garbled, when placing a test call, even though it is clear when recording in terminal mode by using arecord and aplay. I have tried several settings in Alsamixer and Skype but without getting any change or improvement. Is there a patch or fix for this problem. Updating to ver. 852 did not work as Skype will not install on the 852 version on my XO1. Note: I re-installed 802 and Skype several times and in several different executions following posts under OLPC but always with the same result. Placing a test call in Skype gives a playback with garbled microphone sounds like two voices overlapping each other and then shorting out.


seria muy ueno si tendria para algunos alumnos mas avanzados la posibilidad de una de las nuevas plaquetas minis como para subir a 8 gb el disco solido , pero me parece que la memoria de 1 gb ya viene incorporada en el mother . y no tiene ningun slot

hoy dia los costos bajando y ojala en tiempos proximos alcancen un precio infimo como para poder incorporar mas almacenamiento.



What numerical and literacy applications exist to help Kids within the Kenyan context/curriculum?

Problem updating from 656 and mouse freeze

Hello I am having trouble updating from the 656 system and now my mouse and keyboard has frozen. Can you please advise me. Thank you. -- heather

Hello Heather. What have you upgraded to? Does the mouse and keyboard remain frozen if you remove the power adapter and battery and put them back in? Write to (our OLPC technical staff) if you'd prefer e-mail. --Quozl 02:01, 3 January 2011 (UTC)
I tried using the email but only got a generic response. To answer your questions:
- I was trying to upgrade to the 10.1.2. I tried with the USB method and got the grey grid with a message underneath, something about NAND and size.
- I then tried to update in terminal using all the various wordings proposed. That did not work either. I left the machine for a day or so and when I turned it back on the mouse and keyboard were frozen. When it lit up with the clock, it would go to a black screen with some text at about a quarter of the way round and then, before I could read it, it would go back to loading. I tried turning the machine on holding the O key which made the black text screen disappear but did not fix the freeze. I tried removing all power. I tried turning the machine on holding the rotate button. Nothing has worked yet. I'm really excited that you are responding to me and look forward to finding a solution.
Take care. -- heather
Did the generic mail response give you a tracking number? If so, let me know what it was. That will help us mark it as being handled.
The grey grid sounds good, the message does not. There may be a fault in the laptop, or a problem with the download or preparation of the USB drive.
The grey grid occurs with an install of 10.1.2, so I'm presuming you are wanting to do an install, which wipes all data off the laptop. If so, please try again and this time check that you are following the install instructions below and tell me exactly what the message about the NAND says.
Regarding the update in terminal, I don't think you should try that again, because having started the install the contents of the internal storage is undefined, and the results may be unpredictable. The mouse and keyboard freeze is common; it happens if the laptop runs out of memory. We didn't test update from 656 and it may not work.
Feel free to send me an e-mail at if you like. --Quozl 22:24, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

How to install signed build os852 of release 10.1.2 on XO-1.

The build is installed to the internal NAND flash device. You will need a USB drive of at least 1 GB capacity, but only for the duration of the installation.


  • Prepare the USB drive:
    • Download os852.img,
    • Save the file to the top directory of the USB drive,
    • Download,
    • Save the file to the top directory of the same USB drive,
    • Rename the file to, (removing the os852.img part of the name),
    • Check the USB drive contains at least the two files and os852.img.
  • Prepare the laptop:
    • Make a copy of any data you wish to keep,
    • Check the battery is inserted and locked,
    • Check that the power cord is in place and the battery indicator is green,
    • Turn off the laptop, unless it is already off,
    • Insert the USB drive into any USB port on the laptop,
  • Start installing:
    • Hold down all four game keys (see this in pictures),
    • Turn on the laptop,
    • Wait for the message Release the game keys to continue,
    • Release the game keys.

Installation progress will be displayed. Green colour will fill yellow blocks. It will take about five minutes. Once finished, the laptop will reboot automatically. Remove the USB drive during or after the reboot. The USB drive can be used on other laptops.

If you see a message Boot failed then either:

  • the USB drive has not been properly prepared, or;
  • the firmware is out of date and should be updated (see Firmware).

Activities disappear

What to do if all of my activities disappear? Please Help!!!

Reinstall might be a last resort. Someone else asked this recently, and it turned out that changing the language to one that isn't supported may cause this. Change it back. --Quozl 23:38, 1 February 2011 (UTC)

my xo1 olpc can not start up

my xo1 olpc can not start up when i open it the screen to make withe color only but is because of virus nothing else so i would like to know how can i repair it or how can i format it but the problem is that i don't know how command or key for booting xo1 olpc and the name for xo1 olpc operating system so can you please help

Wi-Fi WAPs not visible in Neighborhood View

I installed the 10.1.3 version to my XO-1. Initially everything was fine including the WAP icons. Now I am only seeing the MESH target icons. I know the access points are working in several locations including m home one but still nothing but MESH is visible in the Neighbothood View. How can I fix this, short of trying a reinstall of 10.1.3?

This will happen if automatic power management is enabled, which is the default, and the laptop is not kept awake for at least a minute. This is in the release notes. Try turning off automatic power management in the control panel. If that does not change things, please use Open Firmware to check the wireless card. Obtain the Ok prompt, and type scan-wifi then press return. This scans for wireless access points by turning on the radio receiver in the wireless card. Doing this test in Open Firmware is useful, because it excludes the 10.1.3 software entirely. If it doesn't show any access points, then there's no chance that 10.1.3 will. If it does show them, but 10.1.3 does not, then at least we know the problem is not hardware. Let us know how you go, because based on this test there are very different further tests to make. --Quozl 23:20, 4 May 2011 (UTC)

how to format my olcp XO 1

please please i can ask you how to format the olcp and how to remove the downloaded applicattion which can not be erased please if u know it tell me quickly or send it on my email :

One way to clear all changes would be to re-install or update to a current version. See Release_notes/11.3.0#XO-1 or Release_notes/11.3.1#XO-1 (almost released). --FGrose 17:27, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

How to repair olcp

Hi olcp i want to repair my olcp the problem is that when i charge my olcp the orange color which shows you that the power is going in but it shows like it is charged but it is activated the xo is loading when the circles are surrounded xo the laptop turns off so how can you help me to fix it.

my olcp can not start up

Hi my name is Robert my olcp doesn' t start up when i turn it on but it turns itself off plesase help me if possible.

Conecté un Mp4 a mi XO 1.5 ( Secundaria ) Y creo que me entró un virus, Entonces, No me deja ver el Escritorio. Me aparece en Blanco. :( me gustaría saber s puedo hacer algo para sacarlo! Me ayudan?

Super trouble with OLPC

hello friends! (first pardon me with the bad English...)

well, actually I'm repairing an XO-1 laptop OLPC, at the beginning it worked flawlessly, until i upgraded the bios firmware downloaded from:, after the process, it won't boot anymore. the trouble is i can't figure out how to make it boot... i installed this build: no luck... always end in the OK command prompt... same thing happened to every build version I've tried, downloaded and installed from here: also, I've tried to re flash the bios and no luck, i use several ROM files, from the Q2E41(the original ROM bios that comes in my OLPC) to the last Q2E45, and still no luck... I've tried to install SO images with several SD cards with 1, 2, and 4 GB of storage capability, all of them formatted in several ways: FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32... and nope...the OLPC won't boot... then I've tried luck with 2 kingston USB memory sticks, one is a 1GB and the other is a 8GB storage capability, tried with FAT, exFAT, vFAT, FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 formats, it install the OS image in the OLPC, but still the laptop won't boot... Tired of this, i get a developer key from here:, and tried it without any luck at all...

NOTE # 1: the OLPC hardware test report that everything is good...

NOTE # 2: all builds and bios I've downloaded and used to restoring my OLPC were for the XO-1 laptop model.

NOTE # 3: all clean-install and bios writing processes ended correctly with no failures.

NOTE # 4: the battery is fully charged, and the AC adapter is in outstanding performance.

NOTE # 5: all the internal memory chips are in good shape, also I've made this process:, and the flash nand only got around 15 bad blocks... then i made this process: and nothing, the OLPC always ends in the OK prompt, and never run the installed OS image...

anyone can light any clues about what is wrong with this OLPC???

any responses here or in my e-mail with help to solve this mystery, are welcome .


XO laptop

Can anyone buy an XO laptop?

Erasing journal


I have XO 1.5 and want to erase all data from the journal. I know that there is command (maybe not one) that is being typed in terminal for erasing all data from the journal. But cant remember that command. Can somebody help?


activities wont work

everything i click on wont load except; firefox, doom, scratch and produce puzzle E toys will load but, there will be an error message, and it will just be a blank page. How do i fix it?!!!


How do i download music and how do i get flash player Terminal doesn't work so it isnt an option

regular downloads

how do i use regular sites to download music?

installing firefox9.0.1

how do i install Firefox 9.0.1? I don't have terminal and i cant download it.

Mouse touchppad

the mouse pad on my OLPC laptop is not working,the whole thing is not working. i have tried restarting my laptop but the mouse pad is still not working, what can i do to fix this? thank you.

this is a familiar problem, please read Keyboard_freeze_fix_for_os_650-656. --Quozl 23:11, 26 March 2012 (UTC)

¿como descargo para ver videos Gratis?

Si fueran tan amables me podrían responder como descargo icono para ver videos? Gracias

una pequeña ayuda con una olpc

hola como estan

mi nombre es kevin molinares, soy de colombia y tengo un problema con una olpc xo-1. Resulta que soy tecnico en reparacion de computadores, entonces me dieron una olpc xo-1 para formatear windows, porque el sistema que traia le cayo muchos virus y estava muy lento, entonces yo formatee la SD de 4GB que trae pero no he podido hacer la instalacion de windows he intentado copiar una instalacion limpia que hice desde una maquina virtual pero no sirve la unica forma que logre iniciar es con un hirent boot CD. ahora si la pregunta ...

como hago o si necesito un driver, o donde bajo el windows xp para esta olpc xo-1 .. ya venia con windows xp de fabrica es mas tiene la licencia de windows original pegada debajo de la bateria, que tengo que hacer ?. le agradezco su respuesta que tengan un buen dia

mi correo es

Skype Video Calls & Broadband

I have 1.16 gb left of my broadband allowance this month. How long can I chat on skype using the video call facility?

turn on

my laptop turn on but then the screen stays black i have charged to full battery but it still does not do anything

downloading stuff

I want to download stuff on my XO laptop, but it keeps taking me to archive manager, which I don't like. I need instructions now!!!

that is probably because you are downloading files that can only be opened by archive manager. exactly what files are you downloading? perhaps the files are not designed for your XO laptop. --Quozl 22:34, 11 October 2012 (UTC)

Technological and estructural diagram of the OLPC project

I am a volunteer at an organization that implements the OLPC project in Honduras. I am trying to help in different areas and one of them is to create documentation that will guide the end users of the program. This documentation is aided with descriptive images and one of them, which I need from you is the one that has the diagram of the structure of the OLPC project (technology oriented). I was looking at some links that show this diagram but I can not find it anymore. It has an oval of the acronym OLPC in the center and it branches out to the left with technology and to the right with outreach and education. It will be of great help if you can provide me with such an image.

Thank you,

Alfonso Calero (

Alvin, mesh

I have a couple of XO's with me. I would like to change the network protocols and analyze the results.

I would like to know where is the mesh protocol located on the XO? From where can I change the protocols?

Thanks in advance.

Hello. The mesh protocol is only available on the XO-1 model. Confirm you have an OLPC XO-1 model first. The OLPC XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4 models do not have mesh. Next, the mesh is implemented inside the wireless module firmware, with some small functions in the Linux kernel. Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the protocol. --Quozl 03:44, 8 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello Again thanks for a quick response earlier. Yes I have XO-1. I have some more Questions. Is there any way I can change the protocols in XO-1. Will I be able to change the Network Protocol Parameters? If Yes than how? Thanks in advance.
It depends on which protocol you wish to change. No, the mesh physical protocol cannot be changed. Yes, all the other network protocols above the physical layer can be changed, using Linux commands, Linux kernel run-time configuration parameters, and Linux kernel build-time configuration parameters. Which specific protocol and parameter do you wish to change, and why? --Quozl 01:00, 9 April 2013 (UTC)
Thanks for the information earlier. My interest is in the routing. I am doing a research on the mesh protocols. Some more questions to answer please. (1) Is the routing (and the corresponding layer) is part of the firmware too? (2) Which application layer software (GUI..etc) do they include to enable students to create links and task on the mesh? Thanks in advance.
It is of historic use, I guess. XO-1 mesh implementation was not continued beyond XO-1. Our XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4 models use ad-hoc rather than mesh. To answer your questions: (1) Routing on the mesh is entirely handled by the wireless module firmware. It is an implementation of IEEE 802.11s draft. It is incompatible with IEEE 802.11s final. (2) Sequence is: user selects Sugar network view, then clicks on a Mesh icon. Sugar sends mesh request command to Network Manager daemon. Network manager sends command to kernel. Kernel sends command to wireless module via USB. Reply cascades back up the stack, and the Mesh icon is changed to show it is selected. User starts a Sugar activity and enables sharing. Activity uses multicast UDP to advise activity is available for sharing. Other nodes on the mesh receive the UDP and update their network view. --Quozl 03:39, 9 April 2013 (UTC).
Thanks for the information earlier. Will I be able to get a chance to edit wireless module firmware? thanks
Chance: 0.1% Because it is in the firmware, you cannot practically change the mesh protocol. The firmware is the property of Marvell. The source code is not public. The firmware is in the file usb8388.bin which is stored on the laptop. The file is sent to the wireless module after power is turned on. There is no public documentation for the ARM and baseband processor on the module, and these chips are from a silicon design around 2005, and probably no longer available. The module is soldered to the main board. --Quozl 04:58, 9 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello, I have some more questions. The network is usually organised in a few layers, traditionally in seven. The lowest layer is the physical layer. That is indeed firmware and cannot be edited. Above that we have the data link, network, and transport layer. Routing will happen in one of these layers, usually in the network, sometimes in the data link layer. Question is: where is the routing taking place for the OLPC XO-1 and the other versions of OLPC XO (like XO-1.5 ..etc). thanks.
We use TCP/IP for networking on OLPC XO, and TCP/IP is not based on a seven layer model. Wikipedia has an article that describes OSI and TCP/IP layering differences. Routing happens in as many layers as are required by the definition of those layers, not only one. There are two layers that contain routing for XO-1, and one for XO-1.5, XO-1.75, and XO-4. The mesh on XO-1 automatically maintains a list of mesh nodes in the wireless module, considered to be physical routing. The other layer is TCP/IP routing, which is provided by Linux, and is not unique to OLPC XO, so it would be redundant to describe it here. Look for a text that describes TCP/IP. --Quozl 01:32, 10 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello. I would like to know, is there anyway where the protocol parameters and be changed and analyzed? Thanks.
Your question is ambiguous. If you mean the mesh routing, then [1] may help you. If you mean Linux routing, then consult a text on TCP/IP and Linux. --Quozl 23:13, 10 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello, sorry. I would like to know if mesh routing protocol parameters on OLPC laptops can be altered (modified/changed) and analyzed? thanks
See Wireless_Driver_README, RELEASE_NOTES and Mesh_Forwarding_Table. Please also consider Mailing_lists ... the Devel mailing list is a more suitable place for this discussion, and you would find a larger audience. --Quozl 00:28, 11 April 2013 (UTC)

Who has heard this OLPC "nerdcore" rap song?

The nerdcore rappers called "Dual Core" published a song about the OLPC on Jun 17, 2013. Find it on YouTube here. With only 3,930 views recorded as I write this on June 21, 2017, it would appear that a great many more people might want to give it a listen. Maybe you? - Docdtv 08:28, 21 June 2017 (UTC)


Fascinating, thanks. Don't think anybody else apart from me is reading this Wiki though. If you'd like to get it out there, try other methods. --Quozl 11:01, 21 June 2017 (UTC)