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=The five principles=
=Les cinq principes=

==child ownership==
==propriété de l'enfant==

OLPC has created the XO laptop at a very low cost, robust and powerful, beautiful and friendly. It has been designed explicitly for children of the elementary classes, the first one of its kind. The ownership of the XO is a basic right of the child and is coupled with new duties and responsibilities, such as protecting, caring and sharing this valuable equipment.
L'OLPC a créé le portable XO à un trés faible coût, solide et puissant, beau et avenant. Il a été conçu explicitement pour les enfants des classes élémentaires, le premier de son genre. La propriété du Xo est un droit de base de l'enfant, et est associé à des nouveaux devoirs et responsabilités, comme devoir protéger, soigner et partager cet équipement de valeur.

A laptop can be transformed into a mobile school: a portable learning and teaching environment. A connected laptop is more than a tool. It is a new human environment of a digital kind. A key OLPC asset is the free use of the laptop at home, where the child (and the family) will increase significantly the time of practice normally available at the standard computer lab in the school.
Un portable peut se transformer en un école mobile: un environnement d'apprentissage et d'enseignement portable. Un portable connecté est plus qu'un outil. C'est un nouvel environnement humain numérique. Un élément clé de l'OLPC est l'usage libre du portable à la maison, où l'enfant (et sa famille) pourront utiliser le portable bien plus que dans un laboratoire informatique à l'école.

''Je porte mon XO comme ma paire de chaussures.''
''I wear my XO like my pair of shoes.''

==bas âges==
==low ages==

The XO is designed for the use of children of ages 6 to 12—covering the years of the elementary school—but nothing precludes its use earlier or later in life. Children don’t need to write or read in order to play with the XO and we know that playing is the basis of human learning. Moreover those digital activities will help the acquisition of the writing and reading skills.
Le XO est conçu pour être utilisé par des enfants entre 6 et 12 ans, ce qui correspond aux années de l'école élémentaire, mais rien n'empêche son usage plus tôt ou plus tard. Les enfants n'ont pas besoin de savoir lire ou écrire pour jouer avec le XO, et on sait que le jeu est à la base de l'apprentissage humain. De plus, ces activités numériques aideront à l'acquisition de l'écriture et la lecture.

Every year a new cohort will be incorporated into the program. Accordingly the assessment of the OLPC program should be intrinsic to each cohort and every student will keep an individual portfolio or journal with the trace of his or her learning paths in the most diverse disciplines at school. In particular small children with learning, motor or sensory disabilities may use the computer as a prosthesis to read, write, calculate, and communicate.
Chaque année, une nouvelle cohorte sera incorporée au programme. En conséquence, l'évaluation du programme OLPC devra se faire cohorte par cohorte, et chaque élève gardera un journal individuel qui retracera son chemin dans l'apprentissage des diverses disciplines scolaires. En particulier, les petits enfants ayant des handicaps moteurs, sensoriels ou d'apprentissage pourront utiliser l'ordinateur comme une prothèse pour lire, écrire, calculer et communiquer.

''J'ai de bonnes chaussures XO pour une longue marche.''
''I have good XO shoes for a long walk.''


The OLPC commitment is with elementary education in the developing countries. In order to attain this objective we need to reach a “digital saturation” in a given population. The key point is to choose the best scale in each circumstance. It can be a whole country, a region, a municipality or a village, where every child will own a laptop. As with vaccination a digital saturation implies the continuous intervention on the successive cohorts at the proper ages.
L'engagement de l'OLPC est avec l'éducation élémentaire dans les pays en vois de développement. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous devons arriver à une « saturation numérique » dans la population en question. La clé et de choisir la meilleure échelle dans chaque circonstance. Ça peut être un pays entier, une région, une municipalité ou un village, où chaque enfant aura son portable. Comme pour la vaccination, une saturation numérique implque une intervention continue sur les successives cohortes à chaque tranche d'âge.

The whole community will become responsible of the OLPC program and the children will receive support of many institutions, individuals and groups of this community. Because of the connectivity inherent to OLPC these different communities will grow together and expand in many directions, in time and space. They will become solid and robust, because they are saturated, without holes or partitions.
La communauté entière sera responsbale du programme OLPC et les enfants seront aidés par de nombreuses institutions, individus ou groupes de cette communauté. Grâce à la connectivité inhérente à l'OLPC, ces différentes communautés grandiront ensemble et s'étendront dans de nombreuses dirrections, dans le temps et l'espace. Elles deviendront solides et robustes, car saturées, sans trou ni partition.

''Une éducation saine est une vacctination, elle touche tout le monde et protège contre l'ignorance et l'intollérance.''
''A healthy education is a vaccination, it reaches everybody and protects from ignorance and intolerance.''
protects from ignorance and intolerance.''


The XO has been designed to provide the most engaging wireless network available. The laptops are connected to each other, even when they are off. If one laptop is connected to the Internet, the others will follow to the web. The children in the neighborhood are thus permanently connected to chat, share information on the web, gather by videoconference, make music together, edit texts, read e-books and enjoy the use of collaborative games on line.
Le XO a été conçu pour fournir le réseau sans fil le plus acceuillant. Les portables sont connectés entre eux, même lorsqu'ils sont fermés. Si un portable est connecté à Internet, tous les autres le suivent sur le web. Les enfants autours sont ainsi connectés en permanence pour discuter, partager des informations sur le web, se réunir en vidéoconférence, faire de la musique ensemble, éditer des textes, lire des livres électroniques et s'amuser à des jeux collaboratifs en ligne.

The battery of the laptop can work for many hours and it can be charged in special gang chargers in the school or by mechanical or solar power. The unique XO display allows the use of the laptop under a bright sun, enabling the user to work outside the classroom or home, in the wild as well as in any public open place.
La batterie du portable peut fonctionner plusieurs heures, et peut être chargée dans des chargeurs spéciaux à l'école, ou avec de l'énergie mécanique ou solaire. L'écran unique du XO permet d'utiliser le portable sous un soleil brillant, ce qui permet à l'utilisateur de travailler hors de la salle de classe ou de la maison, dans la nature aussi bien que sur n'importe quelle place publie.

The connectivity will be as ubiquitous as the formal or informal learning environment permits. We are proposing a new kind of school, an “expanded school” which grows well beyond the walls of the classroom. And last but not least this connectivity ensures a dialogue among generations, nations and cultures. Every language will be spoken in the OLPC network.
La connectivité sera aussi omniprésente que l'environnement d'apprentissage formel ou informel le permettra. Nous proposons une nouvelle forme d'école, une « école étendue » qui s'étendra bien au delà des murs des salles de classe. Et enfin mais non des moindre, cette connectivité permettra un dialogue -entre les générations, les nations et les culturels. Toutes les langues seront parlée dans le réseau OLPC.

''When we talk together we stay together.''
''Quand nous parlons ensemble, nous restons ensemble.''

==sources libres et ouverts==
==free and open source==

The child with an XO is not just a passive consumer of knowledge, but an active participant in a learning community. As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software, content, resources, and tools should be able to grow with them. The very global nature of OLPC demands that growth be driven locally, in large part by the children themselves. Each child with an XO can leverage the learning of every other child. They teach each other, share ideas, and through the social nature of the interface, support each other's intellectual growth. Children are learners and teachers.
L'enfant avec un XO n'est pas un simple consommateur de connaissance, mais aussi un participant actif dans une communauté d'apprentissage. Au fur et à mesure que les enfants grandissent et poursuivent des nouvelles idées, les logiciels, les contenus les ressources et les outils devront grandir avec eux. La nature globale de l'OLPC demande que cette croissance soit locale, en grande part du fait des enfants eux-mêmes. Chaque enfant avec un XO peut tirer profit de l'apprentissage de tous les autres enfants. Ils s'enseignent les uns les autres, partagent des idées, et par la nature sociale de l'interface, s'entre-aident à croître intellectuellement. Les enfants sont élèves et professeurs.

There is no inherent external dependency in being able to localize software into their language, fix the software to remove bugs, and repurpose the software to fit their needs. Nor is there any restriction in regard to redistribution; OLPC cannot know and should not control how the tools we create will be re-purposed in the future.
Il n'y a pas de dépendance externe intrinsèque pour traduire les logiciels dans leur propre langue, pour corriger les bogues dans les logiciels, ou pour changer les fonctionalités des logiciels selon leurs besoins. Il n'y a pas de contrainte sur leur redistribution ; l'OLPC ne peut pas savoir et ne doit pas contrôler comment les outils que nous créons seront utilisés dans le futur.

A world of great software and content is necessary to make this project succeed, both open and proprietary. Children need to be able to choose from all of it. In our context of learning where knowledge must be appropriated in order to be used, it is most appropriate for knowledge to be free. Further, every child has something to contribute; we need a free and open framework that supports and encourages the very basic human need to express.
Un monde de grands logiciels et contenus est nécessaire pour que ce projet réussisse, aussi bien libres que propriétaires. Les enfants doivent pouvoir choisir. Dans notre contexte d'apprentissage, où on doit s'approprier les connaissances pour les utiliser, il vaut mieux que les connaissances soient libre. De plus chaque enfant a quelque chose à contribuer ; nous avons besoin d'un cadre libre et ouvert qui supporte et encourage ce besoin humain de base de s'exprimer.

''Give me a free and open environment and I will learn and teach with joy.''
''Donnez moi un environnement libre et ouvert, et j'apprendrais et enseignerais avec joie''

Revision as of 03:44, 25 May 2007

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The five principles

child ownership

OLPC has created the XO laptop at a very low cost, robust and powerful, beautiful and friendly. It has been designed explicitly for children of the elementary classes, the first one of its kind. The ownership of the XO is a basic right of the child and is coupled with new duties and responsibilities, such as protecting, caring and sharing this valuable equipment.

A laptop can be transformed into a mobile school: a portable learning and teaching environment. A connected laptop is more than a tool. It is a new human environment of a digital kind. A key OLPC asset is the free use of the laptop at home, where the child (and the family) will increase significantly the time of practice normally available at the standard computer lab in the school.

I wear my XO like my pair of shoes.

low ages

The XO is designed for the use of children of ages 6 to 12—covering the years of the elementary school—but nothing precludes its use earlier or later in life. Children don’t need to write or read in order to play with the XO and we know that playing is the basis of human learning. Moreover those digital activities will help the acquisition of the writing and reading skills.

Every year a new cohort will be incorporated into the program. Accordingly the assessment of the OLPC program should be intrinsic to each cohort and every student will keep an individual portfolio or journal with the trace of his or her learning paths in the most diverse disciplines at school. In particular small children with learning, motor or sensory disabilities may use the computer as a prosthesis to read, write, calculate, and communicate.

I have good XO shoes for a long walk.


The OLPC commitment is with elementary education in the developing countries. In order to attain this objective we need to reach a “digital saturation” in a given population. The key point is to choose the best scale in each circumstance. It can be a whole country, a region, a municipality or a village, where every child will own a laptop. As with vaccination a digital saturation implies the continuous intervention on the successive cohorts at the proper ages.

The whole community will become responsible of the OLPC program and the children will receive support of many institutions, individuals and groups of this community. Because of the connectivity inherent to OLPC these different communities will grow together and expand in many directions, in time and space. They will become solid and robust, because they are saturated, without holes or partitions.

A healthy education is a vaccination, it reaches everybody and protects from ignorance and intolerance.


The XO has been designed to provide the most engaging wireless network available. The laptops are connected to each other, even when they are off. If one laptop is connected to the Internet, the others will follow to the web. The children in the neighborhood are thus permanently connected to chat, share information on the web, gather by videoconference, make music together, edit texts, read e-books and enjoy the use of collaborative games on line.

The battery of the laptop can work for many hours and it can be charged in special gang chargers in the school or by mechanical or solar power. The unique XO display allows the use of the laptop under a bright sun, enabling the user to work outside the classroom or home, in the wild as well as in any public open place.

The connectivity will be as ubiquitous as the formal or informal learning environment permits. We are proposing a new kind of school, an “expanded school” which grows well beyond the walls of the classroom. And last but not least this connectivity ensures a dialogue among generations, nations and cultures. Every language will be spoken in the OLPC network.

When we talk together we stay together.

free and open source

The child with an XO is not just a passive consumer of knowledge, but an active participant in a learning community. As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software, content, resources, and tools should be able to grow with them. The very global nature of OLPC demands that growth be driven locally, in large part by the children themselves. Each child with an XO can leverage the learning of every other child. They teach each other, share ideas, and through the social nature of the interface, support each other's intellectual growth. Children are learners and teachers.

There is no inherent external dependency in being able to localize software into their language, fix the software to remove bugs, and repurpose the software to fit their needs. Nor is there any restriction in regard to redistribution; OLPC cannot know and should not control how the tools we create will be re-purposed in the future.

A world of great software and content is necessary to make this project succeed, both open and proprietary. Children need to be able to choose from all of it. In our context of learning where knowledge must be appropriated in order to be used, it is most appropriate for knowledge to be free. Further, every child has something to contribute; we need a free and open framework that supports and encourages the very basic human need to express.

Give me a free and open environment and I will learn and teach with joy.