OLPC talk:Wiki: Difference between revisions

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m (.)
m (99?)
Line 109: Line 109:

DateFormat = yyyy
DateFormat = yyyy
Period = from:1919 till:1991
Period = from:1919 till:1999
TimeAxis = orientation:vertical
TimeAxis = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920

Revision as of 08:41, 23 January 2008


1. Wiki on a server

  .Server.  [ ---- Internet ]
  / / | \ \ 
  1 2 3 4 5    (support editing directly on a server.  issues: edit conflicts, bw)

2. Wiki on a mesh

   Server [ ---- Internet ] (direct editing of a server-based wiki)
   __XO__      (shared net connection)
  /      \
  |      |
 / \    / \  
-1-2 .. N-M-   (support machine-to-machine editing with a mesh portal.  issues: portal vis)

3. Wiki locally / offline

(. . . .)
| | | | |
1 2 3 4 5  (... connect to server or web infrequently)

interwiki map

I think it should be kept 'small' the map... too many inter-wikis and we'll probably no use them. Also adding specific olpc related wikis (like Nepal's, Tuquito, or similar) should be added. 2cts --Xavi 11:32, 19 June 2007 (EDT)


parser extensions (or rather the ability to do 'if') in some templates would probably simplify and enhance the use of it. Possible collateral damage is making it to cryptic. --Xavi 11:32, 19 June 2007 (EDT)


I saw in the special pages, the Special:Withoutinterwiki (labeled 'Pages without language links'). I tried a bit but couldn't get it to work... --Xavi 11:32, 19 June 2007 (EDT)

Shiki_Wiki link colors

The Shiki_Wiki skin, now the default, currently shows "seen" links as gray. This makes them very hard to scan for, as they blend in with the black text. The blue "unseen" links are ok, but once you have seen an article, its links disappear. Since link following is currently our main navigational technique, especially with Search being broken, this seems a very bad thing. Why are we using a non-standard link color anyway? Visual design should make the user experience easier and more pleasant, not cognitively harder. I strongly suggest reverting to browser link coloring. MitchellNCharity 15:12, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

You also now can't tell, based on link color, whether a discussion page exists or not. So you have to hover the mouse, and look to see if the url ends in edit. (observation by Xavi) MitchellNCharity 15:43, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

This shows up clearly on my monitors -- the gray vs blue for links and the gray vs white for existing vs empty talk pages. talk to the creator to get the colors changed! you can change your own back to monobook, of course, but better to get the skin fixed.... 16:57, 2 August 2007 (EDT)
I think that the "Sugar" skin shouldn't be the default. I see it as a novelty thing, with no other reason for being: while there are reasons for the current Sugar look on the XO's (the dual-screen, power, and other design constrains), these don't apply to a collaborative wiki on the web. It also has some rendering issues with Konqueror. HoboPrimate 17:38, 2 August 2007 (EDT) But I don't want to bring down the effort of the person who did it, it's nicely emulates Sugar's look. HoboPrimate 17:43, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

merges and renames

better nomenclature:

OLPCWiki: namespace --> OLPC:
This page : The OLPC Wiki
The OLPC Wiki --> Welcome

project suggestions

please suggest wikiprojects for this wiki here.

  • OLPC Countries
    OLPC India, OLPC Mexico
  • FAQ/query-help
  • Repair/troubleshooting help
  • Customization
  • Build updates/installation
  • Activities/Libraryes
  • Specific wikiprojects for categories? peripherals.
  • OLPC India - deployments, distribution, FAQs
  • OLPC India - database of partnering organizations (combined with symantic wiki forms)
  • OLPC India - content

Google Searching sans ads

As a non-profit, you should be able to get google search on this site without the ads. In google's Custom Search Engine page, there's a checkbox for non-profits to search without ads, and I assume later they ask for the tax-ID number, which is what they used to do.

Dialectric 11:55, 17 January 2008 (EST)

Requested Extensions

I am very familiar with all of these scripting languages:

This would add pizzazz and a picture is worth a thousand words ... at least until the image namespace is all tidied up? — Katie 17:58, 21 January 2008 (EST)

+1 on the OGG handler, it enables the world to view them as well. ffm 19:41, 21 January 2008 (EST)

Comments on extensions

Ogg Handler! Yes. I'll add the above tonight if I can find time. Working on something for Google Spreadsheets at the moment.




<timeline> ImageSize = width:160 height:550 PlotArea = width:50 height:530 left:50 bottom:10

DateFormat = yyyy Period = from:1919 till:1999 TimeAxis = orientation:vertical ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920

  1. there is no automatic collision detection,
  2. so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar


 bar:Leaders color:red width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S
 from:start till:1922 shift:($dx,15)   text:Vladimir~Ilyich~Lenin
 from:1922  till:1953 shift:($dx,5)    text:Josef Stalin
 from:1953  till:1964 shift:($dx,5)    text:Nikita~Khrushchev
 from:1964  till:1982 shift:($dx,5)    text:Leonid~Brezhnev
 from:1982  till:1984 shift:($dx,-12)  text:Yuri~Andropov
 from:1984  till:1985 shift:($dx,4)    text:Konstantin~Chernenko fontsize:XS
 from:1985  till:end  shift:($dx,10)   text:Mikhail~Gorbachev



<timeline> ImageSize = width:800 height:100 PlotArea = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5 AlignBars = justify

Colors =

 id:neogene   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
 id:paleogene value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
 id:cretaceous   value:rgb(0.5,0.764,0.1098)
 id:jurassic      value:rgb(0.302,0.706,0.5) 
 id:triassic    value:rgb(0.403,0.765,0.716) 
 id:permian   value:rgb(0.404,0.776,0.867) 
 id:carboniferous     value:rgb(0.6,0.741,0.855)
 id:devonian  value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.788)
 id:silurian  value:rgb(0.694,0.447,0.714)
 id:ordovician      value:rgb(0.976,0.506,0.651)
 id:cambrian  value:rgb(0.984,0.5,0.373)
 id:neoproterozoic    value:rgb(0.792,0.647,0.583)
 id:mesoproterozoic    value:rgb(0.867,0.761,0.533)
 id:paleoproterozoic    value:rgb(0.702,0.698,0.369)
 id:eoarchean    value:rgb(0.5,0.565,0.565)   
 id:paleoarchean    value:rgb(0.6,0.592,0.569)   
 id:mesoarchean    value:rgb(0.698,0.65,0.6)   
 id:neoarchean    value:rgb(0.796,0.804,0.784)   
 id:ediacaran     value:rgb(0.918,0.847,0.737)   
 id:cryogenian    value:rgb(0.863,0.671,0.667)
 id:tonian        value:rgb(0.796,0.643,0.424)  
 id:stratherian   value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
 id:calymmian     value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
 id:orosirian     value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
 id:rhyacian      value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
 id:siderian     value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
 id:ectasian      value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
 id:stenian      value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
 id:cenozoic   value:rgb(1,1,0)
 id:mesozoic   value:rgb(0.5,0.6784,0.3176)
 id:paleozoic  value:rgb(0.5,0.7098,0.835)
 id:phanerozoic value:rgb(0.7019,0.886,0.819)
 id:proterozoic value:rgb(0.8,0.85,0.568)
 id:archean   value:rgb(0.6,0.6784,0.6745)
 id:hadean value:rgb(0.4,0.4,0.4)
 id:black  value:black
 id:white  value:white

Period = from:-4567.17 till:0 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:500 start:-4500 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-4500

Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:red shift:(0,3) fontsize:10


 align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
 at:      0   align:right  $markred
 at:   -542   align:left   $markred shift:(2,3)
 from: -542   till:    0   text:Phanerozoic  color:phanerozoic   
 from:-2500   till: -542   text:Proterozoic  color:proterozoic   
 from:-3800   till: -2500  text:Archean      color:archean   
 from: start  till: -3800  text:Hadean       color:hadean

 from:  -65.5 till:    0   text:C~z shift:(0,1.5)        color:cenozoic        
 from: -251   till:  -65.5 text:Meso~zoic shift:(0,1.5)  color:mesozoic        
 from: -542   till: -251 text:Paleo~zoic shift:(0,1.5)  color:paleozoic 
 from: -1000  till:  -542  text:Neoprote-~rozoic shift:(0,1.8) color:neoproterozoic   
 from:-1600   till:  -1000  text:Mesoproterozoic color:mesoproterozoic  
 from:-2500   till: -1600  text:Paleoproterozoic color:paleoproterozoic 
 from:-2800   till: -2500  text:Neo-~archean shift:(0,1.5)     color:neoarchean       
 from:-3200   till: -2800  text:Meso-~archean shift:(0,1.5)   color:mesoarchean      
 from:-3600   till: -3200  text:Paleo-~archean shift:(0,1.5) color:paleoarchean     
 from:-3800   till: -3600  text:Eoar-~chean shift:(0,0.5) color:eoarchean fontsize:6       
 from:start   till: -3800  color:white
 from:   -23.03 till:    0    color:neogene
 from:  -65.5 till:   -23.03  color:paleogene
 from: -145.5   till:  -65.5  color:cretaceous
 from: -199.6   till: -145.5  color:jurassic
 from: -251   till: -199.6    color:triassic
 from: -299   till: -251      color:permian
 from: -359.2   till: -299    color:carboniferous
 from: -416 till: -359.2      color:devonian
 from: -443.7 till: -416      color:silurian
 from: -488.3   till: -443.7  color:ordovician
 from: -542   till: -488.3    color:cambrian
 from: -630   till:  -542  text:Ed. color:ediacaran
 from: -850   till:  -630  text:Cryo-~genian color:cryogenian shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -1000  till:  -850  text:Ton-~ian color:tonian shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -1200  till:  -1000 text:Ste-~nian color:mesoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -1400  till:  -1200 text:Ect-~asian color:mesoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -1600  till:  -1400 text:Calym-~mian color:mesoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -1800  till:  -1600 text:Stath-~erian color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -2050  till:  -1800 text:Oro-~sirian color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -2300  till:  -2050 text:Rhy-~acian color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
 from: -2500  till:  -2300 text:Sid-~erian color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
 from: start  till:  -2500 color:white


<timeline> ImageSize = width:800 height:100 PlotArea = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5 AlignBars = justify

Colors =

 id:neogene   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
 id:paleogene value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
 id:cretaceous   value:rgb(0.5,0.764,0.1098)
 id:jurassic      value:rgb(0.302,0.706,0.5) 
 id:triassic    value:rgb(0.403,0.765,0.716) 
 id:permian   value:rgb(0.404,0.776,0.867) 
 id:carboniferous     value:rgb(0.6,0.741,0.855)
 id:devonian  value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.788)
 id:silurian  value:rgb(0.694,0.447,0.714)
 id:ordovician      value:rgb(0.976,0.506,0.651)
 id:cambrian  value:rgb(0.984,0.5,0.373)
 id:cenozoic   value:rgb(1,1,0)
 id:mesozoic   value:rgb(0.5,0.6784,0.3176)
 id:paleozoic  value:rgb(0.5,0.7098,0.835)
 id:phanerozoic value:rgb(0.7019,0.886,0.819)
 id:black  value:black
 id:white  value:white
 id:darkgreen value:rgb(0,0.35,0)

Period = from:-542 till:0 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:100 start:-500 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:-540

Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:red shift:(0,3) fontsize:10 Define $markgreen = text:"*" textcolor:darkgreen shift:(0,3) fontsize:10


 align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
 at:      0   align:right  $markred 
 at:   -542   align:left   $markred shift:(2,3)
 from: -542   till:    0   text:Phanerozoic color:phanerozoic
 at:      0   align:right  $markgreen
 at:    -65.5 align:left   $markgreen shift:(2,3)
 from:  -65.5 till:    0   text:Cenozoic color:cenozoic
 from: -251   till:  -65.5 text:Mesozoic color:mesozoic
 from: -542   till: -251   text:Paleozoic color:paleozoic
 bar:period fontsize:8
 from: -23.03    till:  0     text:Neo-~gene shift:(0,0.5) color:neogene
 from: -65.5  till:  -23.03   text:Paleo-~gene shift:(0,0.5) color:paleogene
 from: -145.5   till:  -65.5 text:Cretaceous color:cretaceous
 from: -199.6   till: -145.5   text:Jurassic color:jurassic
 from: -251   till: -199.6   text:Triassic   color:triassic
 from: -299   till: -251   text:Permian      color:permian
 from: -359.2   till: -299   text:Carboniferous color:carboniferous
 from: -416 till: -359.2   text:Devonian        color:devonian
 from: -443.7 till: -416 text:Sil-~urian shift:(0,0.5) color:silurian
 from: -488.3   till: -443.7 text:Ordovician color:ordovician
 from: -542   till: -488.3   text:Cambrian   color:cambrian


<timeline> ImageSize = width:800 height:100 PlotArea = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5 AlignBars = justify

Colors =

 id:neogene   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
 id:paleogene value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
 id:cenozoic   value:rgb(1,1,0)
 id:holocene   value:rgb(1,1,0.702)
 id:pleistocene  value:rgb(1,0.922,0.384)
 id:pliocene     value:rgb(1,0.922,0.675)
 id:miocene      value:rgb(1,0.871,0)
 id:oligocene    value:rgb(0.918,0.776,0.447)
 id:eocene       value:rgb(0.918,0.678,0.263)
 id:paleocene    value:rgb(0.92,0.576,0.005)
 id:black  value:black
 id:white  value:white
 id:darkgreen value:rgb(0,0.35,0)

Period = from:-65.5 till:0 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:-60 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1 start:-65

Define $markgreen = text:"*" textcolor:darkgreen shift:(0,3) fontsize:10


 align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
 at:     0  align:right $markgreen 
 at: start  align:left  $markgreen shift:(2,3)
 from:start  till:  0    text:Cenozoic color:cenozoic
 from: -23.03   till:  0   text:Neogene color:neogene
 from:start  till: -23.03   text:Paleogene color:paleogene
 from: -0.1  till:  0  color:holocene
 from: -1.806  till: -0.1  text:P color:pleistocene
 from: -5.332    till: -1.806  text:Plio-~cene shift:(0,1) color:pliocene fontsize:7
 from:-23.03    till: -5.332    text:Miocene color:miocene
 from:-33.9    till:-23.03    text:Oligocene color:oligocene
 from:-55.8    till:-33.9    text:Eocene     color:eocene
 from:start  till:-55.8    text:Paleocene    color:paleocene


Template:Wikimedia Growth