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(Automount of SD-cards (and other usb-mounted memory))
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Thanks - Rmyers (Bob Myers)
Thanks - Rmyers (Bob Myers)

== Automount of SD-cards (and other usb-mounted memory) ==

After changing my .xsession to launch xfce, I found that my SD-cards are no longer mounted. Further investigation showed that it is the Journal activity that is in charge of auto mounting the internal and external usb-memory as they are inserted into the computer. So how do you get the corresponding functionality when running xfce? It would be great if this was explained on this page.

Revision as of 07:30, 22 February 2008

why bother with system-config-services, when one can simply use chkconfig?

Anyone else having trouble with Gtk*** cannot open display because of an MIT_MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authentication error? It happens when I add wifi-radar -d to the automatically starting applications and disable the network manager. I notice that I am no longer XX-XX-XX-XX but localhost and thereafter dhcppc3 (once wifi-radar connects)?

I am losing the mouse cursor in XFCE, after following the instructions exactly. Everything works - it's just that the mouse cursor disappears, making everything a bit pointless. Any ideas?

Wifi-Radar and Connectivity

Is anybody using Wifi-Radar successfully? If so, with what sort of network connection? Is anybody successfully using another method?

I am able to connect to my personal WAP using the method described on the Manual Wireless Association page. I've created a script as follows (run as root):

/sbin/dhclient -r #turn off dhcp if on
/sbin/service NetworkManager stop
/sbin/service network stop
/sbin/iwconfig eth0 essid "mywapname" key 26hexdigitkey
sleep 5 #iwconfig comes right back, let connection settle
/sbin/dhclient -1 eth0

This proves I can connect, but is obviously not a great long term solution.

When I run wifi-radar it fails to establish a DHCP connection. It fails so poisonously that I have to turn the XO off before my script will connect again. I am running my WAP with WEP 26 digit passoword.

Thanks - Rmyers (Bob Myers)

Automount of SD-cards (and other usb-mounted memory)

After changing my .xsession to launch xfce, I found that my SD-cards are no longer mounted. Further investigation showed that it is the Journal activity that is in charge of auto mounting the internal and external usb-memory as they are inserted into the computer. So how do you get the corresponding functionality when running xfce? It would be great if this was explained on this page.