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== Final test ==
== Final test ==


Revision as of 00:42, 22 May 2008

  This page is monitored by the OLPC team.

This is an unscheduled software release. See also OLPC Update.1 Software Release Notes.


Update.1 RC3
Date proposed
Target date
high. Peru and Mexico need a build for testing.
Michael Stone
Reviewers should include: Michael, Chris, Scott, Walter, Tomeu
Special testing required
  • Manufacturing: none
  • Field: manual reflash and customization to all Mexico and Peru machines.
OLPC_SW-ECO_4 Checklist (initially cloned from USR_Checklist)

Issues (Fixed, Partially Fixed, Mysterious, and Not Fixed)

Issues believed to be fixed
  • 6245 - system firmware update issue
  • 6671 - Allow countries to customize activity ordering.
  • 6672 - Allow gnuchess gcompris activity to be installed in /home/olpc
  • 4153 - connect to linklocal instead of schoolmesh
  • 6299 - presence service should disable salut in the presence of school servers on mesh
  • 6767 - Installation of library content on update.1-702
  • 5422 - Pending firmware update apparently prevents boot until AC power is applied
  • 6475 - Crash on launch when no telepathy connection
  • 6575 - muc receives message but can't send anymore
  • 6708 - Pippy-20 to update.
Issues believed to be partially fixed
  • 5841 - is broken for XO keyboards
  • 6747 - Messaging preparation for releasing Update.1
  • 6776 - spanish keyboard X keymap
  • 6685 - library localization
  • 6707 - Chat stops sharing after 30-60 minutes
  • 6684 - Read can suspend while being shared
  • 6521 - New TamTam bundles for update.1
Issues with unknown status
  • 6673 - Tam Tam doesn't work when installed in /home/olpc.
  • 5955 - Please test olpc-update from ship.1 to update.1 on many different XO/net configurations.
  • 6185 - developer key request page not in spanish
Issues believed to be unfixed
  • 1407 - Touchpad recalibration should be forced under some circumstances.
  • 2804 - Cursor sometimes goes strange
  • 6050 - Grahical artifacts and cursor positioning issues for arabic script in Write
  • 6483 - Sharing doesn't work in Read Activity
  • 6586 - SCAN command fails, timer doesn't fire
  • 6739 - Activity sharing failing often with salut.
  • 6750 - Incorrect wireless setting after resume
  • 6774 - Read fails to transfer document when using salut
  • 4593 - localization for Watch and listen
  • 5848 - losing WLAN circle after failing to connect to anything
  • 6187 - Record activity is frozen after lauching Write
  • 6689 - Need to be able to change .i18n file with Customization Key
  • 6758 - Record fails after upgrade to update.1-702 (says Journal is Full)
  • 6572 - Replace key with hash to reduce avahi TXT size
  • 6177 - Multicast clogging network
  • 6780 - sugar-control-panel -s language <lang> doesn't change keyboards
  • 5036 - Master build addition of Watch & Listen activity
  • 6231 - Can't paste images into Paint
  • 6253 - Resuming object in different activity broken
  • 6442 - Machine doesn't shut down after filling NAND
  • 6537 - Sharing problems with Salut
  • 6645 - Read of PDF suspends while showing "Loading..." rather than a page
  • 6716 - record fails to share audio
The contents of this page are considered outdated and some of the information may be stale. Please use information here with caution, or update it.

Update.1 shipped as release 8.1.0, thanks testers!' See Friends in testing for new release testing opportunities.

Testing results for Update.1 release, build 702/703

  • Please mark the tickets relnote? if you think the bug is worth a relnote. We will mark the bugs relnote+ once we add the information to the Test Group Release Notes.
  • Please state below: Name, language tested and Trac tickets you entered information in.


  • configuration: Spanish/Spain
  • copy-nanded the image
  • 6308(relnote?), 5822(relnote?), 6127(relnote?)
  • olpc-updated from 653 to update.1-703
  • backward compatibility test - all activities are fine except record 6772
  • logview issue 6779

Gary C. Martin

  • configuration: Spanish/Peru; B4 with; not able to execute the multi-XO tests
  • updated with olpc-update
  • tickets: 6767(relnote?)
  • Library index rebuild is not triggered after a language change 6791

Pertaining to activities in the file:

- TamTamJam bottom tabs for Drumkits/Loops/All/Animals/etc... not in Spanish
- Etoys, mix of English and some Spanish
- Calculate, couple of missing translations (enter & clear), also .xo is not latest version
- Words, missing Spanish in UI
- StopWatch, missing Spanish
- StarChart, missing Spanish
- Moon, missing Spanish (it's my activity so I guess my issue)
- Scratch, missing Spanish (I'm sure I've used a translated version in the past week from somewhere)
- Shame that _so_ many activities do not match Sugar UI requirements...
- All activities launched correctly, quickly tested, and could be exited cleanly


  • configuration: Portuguese/Brazil; B4 laptop
  • updated with olpc-update, and added the activity pack; I couldn't test suspending and sharing between laptops
  • tickets: 6771,

6772, 6454(relnote?), 6773(relnote?). Many activities have spots of untranslated text, like the TamTam series, Analize, etc.


  • configuration: Spanish/Uruguay; MP laptop

Update from 656 : took 25 minutes over media lab wireless from the Garden. Firmware update, Q2C26d --> Q2D14 : is taking a very very long time. after a few min, talked to Mitch; there's a quirk with the machine; trying a new MP.

update from 656
started at 21:45, done 22:06 (21 min)
firmware is already at Q2d14a (was accidentally left near richard smith for more than 15s)
pretest take 2 for a spanish machine (es_ur).
update from build 700 : olpc-update over wifi started at 21:58, wireless cut out. done in <5 min.
comes up at normal speed. on first load of my home view, however, on one of the two machines I didn't get a frame. I left the view and returned, and the frame was there.
base system
sugar-control-panel doesn't work from the root shell; it requires that you be in sugar. This isn't quite clear from the documentation, should be release-noted.
when I change my colors after removing my sugar info, the old work shows up under my old colors in the journal, and new work shows up under the new colors. It would be useful to have some confirmation that these were still activities started by me - so some text that indicates the user that started a joined activity.
After booting with half power, I let the machine power down until it was red, then plugged it back in. After an our of charging, it says "battery fully charged" but shows graphically a battery with only ~10% charge.
initial association with a network was fast. I had spotty connectivity with the media lab from 1CC. Eventually, after successfully transferring ~100MB of data, I was reassociated with mesh 1.
scholserver: when I associated with the mesh, I automatically found the local school server, from which I was also able to reach the internet.
However, I was not able to see the schoolserver main page via the browser link, getting an "unable to determine IP address from host name for schoolserver" error. [this is an XS bug, not an XO bug]
library/browse : navigation and localized bundles are localized; the start page is not. downloading new bundles works, and installs them automatically.
there were problems with the default bundle index pages; reported and fixed in 704.
library updates : reindexing the library should be done from the sugar terminal, not the virtual terminal. From the virtual terminal, on a system which has a non-ascii UTF-8 bundlename, you get an encoding error. The virtual terminal has LANG=C which leads to a utf-8 transcoding error when it concatenates the bundle name with the path. see [1].
removing bundles from the library by deleting them from the Journal works.
sugar activity-bar :
l10n : sugar bar titles are unlocalized for Acoustic Tape Measure, Memorize, News Reader, Log Viewer, Analyze, and Implode.
updating activities : not tested.

Frank Prindle

  • I know the emphasis is on other things, but can you reasonably let Update.1 out the door with 6532 unresolved? It has considerable potential for damage. IMHO this is much more serious than 4013, which is bad enough (it precludes booting from an SD card.)

Final test