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= Put Your Name Here to Confirm You Will Try the Release Candidate =
= Put Your Name Here to Confirm You Will Try the Release Candidate =
# Greg Smith [[User:Gregorio|Gregorio]] 15:44, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
# Greg Smith OLPC Product Manager [[User:Gregorio|Gregorio]] 15:44, 7 July 2008 (UTC)

= Paste of part of IRC Status Meeting Held on July 1 =
= Paste of part of IRC Status Meeting Held on July 1 =

Revision as of 15:45, 7 July 2008


The primary objective of this release is to include all the available features which are ready in time. The target date for release is August, 2008. The schedule should be built to deliver in early August. The goal is to deliver before the end of August.

The definition of when its release is that the final item on the Release Checklist is entered.

Migration to Fedora 9 and an updated Sugar Feature set are the two major aspects of the release.

Feature Set

Target Feature Set Including Status Use Keyword definitions below to interpret status of Features

Original Roadmap

This Trac query list major feature sets. Each item should contain all the relevant tickets for that feature set.

Keyword definitions

  1. 8.2.0- means not likely to make the release based on current status
  2. 8.2.0? means may make the release based on current status
  3. 8.2.0+ means likely to make the release based on current status

Definition of 'Builds' to deliver in 8.2:

  1. Base OS
  2. Image with Base OS + G1G1 Activities
  3. Image with Base OS + Peru Activities


  1. Release Notes
  2. Better "Getting Started" doc
  3. Any changes needed for the Deployment Guide

Requirements for Support in 8.2 (need testing, may not need development):

  1. Upgrade to new release
  2. Cleaninstall
  3. Backward compatibility
    • Users' data will continue to load and be modifiable after upgrade (no change in activities)
    • Users' data will continue to load and be modifiable after upgrade of both OS and Activities

Put Your Name Here to Confirm You Will Try the Release Candidate

  1. Greg Smith OLPC Product Manager Gregorio 15:44, 7 July 2008 (UTC)

Paste of part of IRC Status Meeting Held on July 1

<cjb> c_scott: possibly thursday, given which day Friday is. 15:39 c_scott marcopg: it is true that we haven't publicized the freeze well enough in advance.
15:39 Gregorio why are in a hurry?
15:40 Gregorio we need comment and warning?
15:40 Gregorio maybe I'm new
15:40 c_scott we've repeatedly discussed in it f2f, but not in email.
15:40 marcopg c_scott: that's the point I'm trying to make
15:40 marcopg I didn't know about it...
15:40 m_stone marcopg: shall I cite your knowledge?
15:40 marcopg go figure some non olpc contributor...
15:40 m_stone marcopg: then why did you spend so many hours discussing how to release sugar changes with me?
15:40 marcopg m_stone: I didn't know the *date*
15:40 c_scott marcopg: and i'm agreeing with you. i considered sending email yesterday, but thought (a) that's still too late to be useful, and (b) i'd be overstepping my bounds, since i'm not the release manager.
15:41 Gregorio I really don't think you should do anything warning to the community
15:41 Gregorio at least one day preferably a few days
15:41 marcopg Gregorio: *wihtout* warning?
15:41 c_scott *anyway*, i think it's a little beside the point, because this is the lightest possible freeze.
15:41 m_stone marcopg: the important fact was that you had to negotiate and that I would become more reluctant over time.
15:41 m_stone marcopg: we're simply stating that I'm supposed to me a lot more reluctant now.
15:41 Gregorio sorry I meant don't do anything without warning to the community
15:41 c_scott they will get firmer, but we can acknowledge that m_stone will be flexible given the short notice, etc.
15:41 pgf <cjb> that sounds good.
15:41 Gregorio that is give people a heads up
15:42 c_scott i'd actually prefer getting started early, since i'd like better data about "where we're at".
15:42 m_stone http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-May/014131.html
15:42 pgf <cjb> c_scott: do you have a proposal for dates and so on?
15:42 c_scott so, even if you don't call it a freeze, i'd still like to know exactly what we still expect to get implemented for 8.2 which isn't in joyride today.
15:42 m_stone that was when notification was initially rendered.
15:42 marcopg m_stone: being excessively gradual with this doesn't sounds like a good idea to me
15:43 marcopg there is a deadline, which everyone should be aware off
15:43 c_scott m_stone: you really should be careful about making the "filing cabinent in the basement" argument.
15:43 marcopg and after that deadline, rt should a *lot* stricter
15:43 marcopg but that's just my opinion
15:43 c_scott m_stone: if people complain about inadequate notice, we should assume that they are right (we gave them inadequate notice), unless there is really compelling evidence to the contrary.
15:43 Gregorio I'm going to call for consensus (if there is any) and ask that we write down some action items for follow up
15:44 Gregorio any consensus?
15:44 m_stone Gregorio: nope.
15:44 dgilmore im with c_scott on this
15:44 pgf <cjb> so, here's my straw man: send a mail to devel now saying that we'd like everything that wants to make 8.2 in Joyride by Monday, and that the burden on convincing Michael to take something will get progressively heavier after then.
15:44 c_scott i'm with douglas adams =)
15:44 c_scott pgf: +1
15:44 jg pgf: +1
15:44 marcopg +1
15:44 Gregorio +1
15:44 m_stone c_scott: your argument is persuasive but I'm at a loss for what I can do that will be more effective.
15:44 kimquirk pgf: +1
15:44 c_scott i'd add that we be nice about it: acknowledge that it's "short notice" and that we will be understanding -- just not very. =)
15:44 pgf <cjb> hey, stop calling me pgf!
15:44 m_stone c_scott: Why will this mail be different from any of my other mails?
15:45 pgf m_stone: The first paragraph will be in all-caps.
15:45 Gregorio mstone on board?
15:45 c_scott oh, so 'pgf' == cjb?
15:45 Gregorio what is your counter proposal?
15:45 c_scott gets it
15:45 _sj cjb: +1
15:45 pgf yeah
15:45 pgf I borrowed his laptop, sorry
15:45 pgf I claim that 6 +1s should be enough to win
15:45 c_scott tell pgf i've been thinking all sorts of good things about him for the past minutes
15:45 m_stone Gregorio: I'm trying to ascertain whether email to devel an effective medium for this kind of announcement.
15:45 pgf does a victory dance.
15:46 Gregorio definitely must send e-mail to devel, why not?
15:46 c_scott m_stone: devel, sugar, olpcnews, etc.
15:46 dgilmore m_stone: devel@ is reallt the only place
15:46 c_scott front page of the wiki
15:46 m_stone Gregorio: I feel as though I write lots of mail announcing my intentions for how to conduct the release and that most of it is not read.
15:46 dgilmore m_stone: we dont have a devel-announce@ or a announce@
15:46 marcopg m_stone: because often they are too complex ihmo
15:46 c_scott devel@ is sufficient, but we need not stop w/ sufficiency.
15:46 m_stone marcopg: that's more helpful criticism.
15:47 c_scott marcopg +1
15:47 c_scott this should be short and sweet
15:47 pgf <cjb> m_stone: sorry to jump on you, just trying to come up with a plan.
15:47 c_scott the subject should be "FREEZE DATE FRIDAY"
15:47 c_scott and the body should be a paragraph, with a link to further details elsewhere if needed.
15:47 c_scott that same paragraph can be sent to olpcnews, put on the front page of the wiki, submitted to slashdot, etc, etc.
15:48 Gregorio one more time, any consensus?
15:48 c_scott pgf/cjb's plan seems to have consensus.
15:48 Gregorio not quite....
15:48 pgf <cjb> we can start calling it the Fox-Ball Initiative.
15:48 Gregorio I need action items or we've just been flapping our gums
15:48 c_scott wonders if we can play foxball on thursday
15:48 m_stone c_scott: I'm happy to do as you ask.
15:49 Gregorio what is the next step and who will do it?
15:49 c_scott m_stone: my suggestions are because i've been reported to be overly verbose as well =)
15:49 m_stone marcopg: if you see emails that are too complex, then say so!
15:49 m_stone marcopg: I'll keep replying until they're simplified.
15:49 c_scott by unappreciative scoundrels, i tell you!
15:49 marcopg m_stone: I will :)
15:49 c_scott m_stone: "keep replying until they're simple enough" doesn't really work =)
15:50 m_stone c_scott: it was an intentional misdirection. You see, I know marcopg is a sucker for punishment, so...
15:50 marcopg might want to have a couple of people reviewing the freeze announce perhaps
15:50 m_stone marcopg: I'll circulate some drafts.
15:50 marcopg :P
15:50 c_scott Gregorio: next step is that m_stone will announce a Monday freeze, in accordance with the foxball directive.
15:50 c_scott did you hear about the programmer who died in the shower?
15:50 c_scott the label read, "lather, rinse, repeat".
15:51 Gregorio action items as follows: Michael will send an e-mail ASAP entitled "freeze date Friday" that says essentially "everyone working features for 8.2.0 should get them in to joyride by monday" if anyone can't get their featuere inby then the burden of convincing him that their feature should be included will become progessively heavier.
15:51 m_stone Gregorio: the other thing we need to do is to keep working on our diagram and wiki page.
15:51 Gregorio OK?
15:51 Gregorio OK, that goes without saying :-)
15:52 jg another item in said announcement should be a "string freeze" date....
15:52 Gregorio I have a process e-mail about that queued up which I wil review with you before sending to devel
15:52 m_stone jg: noted.
15:52 marcopg string is with features right?
15:52 c_scott Gregorio: i'd submit that the step after that would be that anyone who has a feature which *didn't* make the cut send email to "the release team" (probably devel@ would be best) explaining why their feature should be an exception, and by what date it will *really* be done. after review, "the release team" will pronounce judgement (subject of course to the submitter meeting their deadline).
15:52 m_stone marcopg: I interpret it that way.
15:52 pgf <cjb> jg: I disagree.
15:52 m_stone marcopg: However, I'll specifically mention it just to remind people.
15:52 marcopg c_scott: +1
15:53 marcopg m_stone: oh we should totally mention it
15:53 pgf <cjb> jg: We just said; this is going to be a one-paragraph mail that attempts to effectively communicate feature freeze date.
15:53 marcopg m_stone: I just mean
15:53 marcopg gah
15:53 pgf <cjb> jg: We already have other mail/wiki pages that attempt to communicate other dates.
15:53 marcopg I just meant we didn't need to announce a *separate* date
15:53 m_stone I'll make sure it's noted.
15:53 jg marcopg: typically, strings get tweaked after feature freeze; but translators have to have time to do translations too, so the strings themselves have to go under tight control.
15:53 c_scott the redhat process goes, alpha freeze, beta freeze, feature+string freeze, final freeze, release.
15:53 c_scott http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/Overview
15:53 m_stone marcopg: see my definitions in http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Mstone/Scheduled_software_release_process#Water
15:53 jg marcopg: so string freeze is generally some period after feature freeze....
15:54 pgf if string freeze is the same day as feature freeze, we should communicate it in this mail
15:54 m_stone marcopg: I'll remove the fancy words, but the idea is there.
15:54 pgf if it isn't, we shouldn't
15:54 c_scott i think string freeze should be like feature freeze: recommended Monday. if not monday, explain why.
15:54 pgf ok
15:54 m_stone jg: I'm going to try handling it as 'Just Another Feature'.
15:54 c_scott we'll actually release to translators when we're sure that the strings are actually frozen.
15:54 m_stone let me write some drafts. you can all comment on those.
15:54 jg c_scott: that doesn't let folks like eben get their 2 cents in, in time for translators to "do their thing".
15:54 marcopg gnome has a later date yeah
15:55 c_scott m_stone: it's a little different, because you really want to be sure that all strings are present when you release the strings.
15:55 pgf <cjb> (my control panel introduces strings, fwiw.)
15:55 m_stone c_scott: sure, but the same procedure can apply. Eben is free to send mail saying 'Sorry, but we really, really, really need to change X'.
15:55 c_scott jg: what things does eben need to get in which won't be ready by monday?
15:55 Gregorio keep going if we're making progress but I need a short break
15:55 pgf <cjb> (I plan on getting it in before the freeze day, though.)
15:55 c_scott m_stone: yes, i agree.
15:55 Gregorio I'm going with this action item for the minutes: Michael will send an e-mail ASAP entitled "freeze date Friday" that says essentially "everyone working features for 8.2.0 should get them in to joyride by monday" if anyone can't get their featuere inby then the burden of convincing him that their feature should be included will become progessively heavier.
15:55 c_scott m_stone: my point was just that we shouldn't tell the translators the strings are ready until we know that they are.
15:56 jg c_scott: eben needs time to go through all new UI features and react to the default strings....
15:56 c_scott m_stone: which because of (limited) exceptions to feature freeze (like for Eben) may be after monday.
15:56 pgf <cjb> yeah, agreed. I don't think string freeze should be the same day.
15:56 m_stone c_scott: folks. please comment on my draft after you've read it.
15:56 pgf <cjb>ok. shall we break up this meeting?
15:56 m_stone let's review the action item list.
15:56 m_stone just restate what's in it in case we missed anything.
15:57 m_stone copy & paste is fine.
15:57 c_scott Gregorio: did we consensus on the action item after that: what happens on monday?
15:57 c_scott s/consensus/consense/ =)
15:57 c_scott cut-and-pastes
15:57 pgf <pgf> c_scott: "consense" is better???
15:57 Gregorio most of the meeting was pre-IRC (come on time next time!)
15:57 c_scott action item 1: Michael will send an e-mail ASAP entitled "freeze date Friday" that says essentially "everyone working features for 8.2.0 should get them in to joyride by monday" if anyone can't get their featuere inby then the burden of convincing him that their feature should be included will become progessively heavier.
15:57 Gregorio but here is what I have for the full list: Action item - Joe to help create and sned out for review the release criteria by July 14. - Kim will list all relevant builds in the 8.2.0 wiki page (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/8.2.0). - Kim will write a definition of support including the meaning of backward compatibility in http://wiki.laptop.org/go/8.2.0 - Greg will improve of workflow of the web pages. - Kim will check with Peru and Greg will check with Uruguay teams to ensure that they do not plan to upgrade to 8.2.0. - Greg will check Kim's whiteboard for list of future customers and check if they are going to use the release.
15:58 c_scott proposed action item 2: anyone who has a feature which *didn't* make the cut send email to "the release team" (probably devel@ would be best) explaining why their feature should be an exception, and by what date it will *really* be done. after review, "the release team" will pronounce judgement (subject of course to the submitter meeting their deadline).
15:58 c_scott Gregorio: your IM cut off after "Greg will improve of workflow of the web pages. - Kim will che" for me.
15:58 marcopg (I think item 2 should probably be explained in the freeze mail)
15:59 dsd_ Gregorio: you got cut off "- Kim will che"
15:59 m_stone bye!
15:59 c_scott marcopg: i prefer not. let's just say "only special exceptions" in the freeze email, lest people start to rely on their being an exception.
16:00 marcopg c_scott: fine
16:00 Gregorio scott your action item #2 looks OK but it needs an owner and a delivery date
16:00 Gregorio that's a must have requirement for action items :-)
16:00 c_scott Michael will send email on Monday explaining the exception process.
16:01 *** joef quit ("Leaving")
16:01 c_scott i like assigning bugs to mstone =)
16:01 c_scott I was trying to get us to the next tuesday meeting, so we can discuss post-tuesday actions then.
16:01 c_scott hence my insistence on getting item #2 "consensed upon"
16:02 c_scott (cjb: verbing getting better?)
16:02 Gregorio OK
16:02 Gregorio please hold your comments for a moment and I will paste all action items in
16:02 m_stone c_scott: verbing weirds nouns. cut it out. :)
16:02 Gregorio - Joe to help create and sned out for review the release criteria by July 14.
16:02 Gregorio - Kim will list all relevant builds in the 8.2.0 wiki page (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/8.2.0).
16:02 Gregorio - Kim will write a definition of support including the meaning of backward compatibility in http://wiki.laptop.org/go/8.2.0
16:02 Gregorio - Greg will improve of workflow of the web pages.
16:02 pgf c_scott: that was actually pgf :)
16:02 Gregorio - Kim will check with Peru and Greg will check with Uruguay teams to ensure that they do not plan to upgrade to 8.2.0.
16:02 pgf this is a cunning plan
16:03 Gregorio - Greg will check Kim's whiteboard for list of future customers and check if they are going to use the release.
16:03 pgf we can take joint praise for good things we say
16:03 pgf and neither of us has to be responsible for any mistakes
16:03 Gregorio - Michael will send an e-mail ASAP entitled "freeze date Friday" that says essentially "everyone working features for 8.2.0 should get them in to joyride by monday" if anyone can't get their featuere inby then the burden of convincing him that their feature should be included will become progessively heavier.
16:03 c_scott resolves to refer to both of them as foxball from now on
16:03 Gregorio - Michael will send an e-mail Monday explaining the exception process.
16:03 Gregorio that's it!
16:03 kimquirk good
16:03 marcopg what happens after monday with joyride?
16:03 Gregorio counts as a productive meeting in my book....
16:03 m_stone - Michael and Greg will publish more drafts of schedules.
16:03 c_scott one thing
16:03 pgf <cjb> marcopg: sounds like we should create "unstable" and "testing" on monday, or before
16:03 c_scott I think we said freeze date "monday" in the original foxball proposal.
16:04 pgf testing is where changes from joyride are moved into as they're ready for QA
16:04 m_stone - Michael and Greg will publish a process draft discussing branching for release and what happens afterword.
16:04 marcopg right, but is dgilmore going to be able to do that?
16:04 pgf unstable is where an F10 rebase or whatever can happen
16:04 pgf dgilmore: ^
16:04 dgilmore the plan is to get everything in place by then
16:04 m_stone - Dennis will create the branches as soon as he can and we'll start using it when we're ready.
16:04 c_scott action item: on some point after monday, dgilmore will branch based on "the packages in joyride by monday"
16:04 Gregorio 5 minute bio break then I;m back
16:04 c_scott friday or monday, folks?
16:04 *** mib_a4mc58 quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
16:05 pgf <cjb> c_scott: Friday's a holiday. Foxball compliance demands Monday.
16:05 marcopg m_stone: I guess if that's after monday then joyride is frozen until it happens
16:05 m_stone c_scott: he should just make the branches. using them is a separate matter.
16:05 c_scott Gregorio: pls be sure your action items list has the correct foxball date.
16:05 m_stone marcopg: joyride can keep changing. I'll pull in all the updates leading up the official branch date, whenever we decide that it is.
16:05 c_scott m_stone: yes, and yes.
16:05 m_stone marcopg: I just want to get the machinery running.
16:06 c_scott marcopg: what m_stone said.
16:06 marcopg m_stone: sounds good
16:06 m_stone yay!
16:06 c_scott i think we'll encourage people to quiesce joyride, but we don't need to be authoritarian about it
16:07 pgf c_scott: "we don't need to authoritate that"
16:07 m_stone pgf: dictate
16:07 c_scott pgf: now i don't know whether to read your msgs with a british accent or not!
16:13 marcopg is the meeting over?
16:13 Gregorio I'm back
16:14 *** c_scott quit (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
16:14 *** morgs quit (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
16:14 Gregorio did I miss a consensus agreement?
16:14 Gregorio any more action items?
16:14 cjb Gregorio: I think we're all done
16:14 marcopg we have the build action item to add I think
16:15 Gregorio any more action items or points of agreement?
16:15 marcopg (there is consensus about it)
16:15 Gregorio great
16:15 Gregorio can you write it down and i'll paste it in the minutes
16:15 Gregorio can someone also send me a URL to the IRC log?
16:15 marcopg <m_stone> - Dennis will create the branches as soon as he can and we'll start using it when we're ready.
16:15 *** c_scott joined #olpc-meeting
16:15 *** morgs joined #olpc-meeting
16:15 Gregorio done
16:16 Gregorio bracing meeting :-)
16:16 Gregorio thanks everyone and sorry about the phone v IRC confusion will fix that next time
16:16 Gregorio Happy 4th of July!
16:19 marcopg thanks!
16:20 *** irc joined #olpc-meeting
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16:20 *** irc is now known as Guest27465
16:20 *** c_scott left #olpc-meeting
16:20 *** marcopg left #olpc-meeting
16:21 *** Guest27465 is now known as julianob
16:22 *** ossguy left #olpc-meeting
16:23 Gregorio last question, how do I distribute the IRC log?
16:29 *** julianob quit ("Leaving")

Rough notes below this line.

Gregorio 13:25, 27 June 2008 (UTC) This page can be replaced by the release notes when they are ready. I will move the history to a new home for requirements gathering when I find a place for that.

Notes and Early Comments Kept for Historical Purposes Only


Previous discussion of priorities:

Older priority discussion:

Update on feature status:

Laundry list of everything supported on XO. Not a list of new things only.
OLPC 8.2.0 Features

Possible target stream?

Requests from Nepal via Bryan

1. Need to be able to launch activities such as Scratch, EToys, Pippy, etc. by clicking on a hyperlink in browse. The activity wouldn't run in the browser. We need this functionality in order to effectively use Moodle in our schools.

Here's the ticket I opened on the http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6958

2. Need to be able to remove activities via the GUI, including installed activities, to make room for new ones. We are working on Offline Moodle activity bundles for courses. Each course will be subdivided into weekly modules. these modules will quickly fill up the ssd. kids will need a way to remove activities themselves to make room for new ones.
