User:JordanCrouse/Flashing The PLCC ROM: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[Flashing_LinuxBIOS]]
How to write a new LinuxBIOS image to the the PLCC ROM with FreeDOS and flashrom from AMD.

* Get flashrom from here (URL here). This is a DOS binary.
* Get a bare-bones OEM FreeDOS boot disk from :
* Copy the image to a spare 1.44Mb floppy:
$ gunzip -cd FDOEM.144.gz | dd of=/dev/fd0

* Mount the image (this assumes that you have a /mnt/floppy line in your fstab):
$ mount /mnt/floppy

* Copy flashrom and the ROM image to the disk:
$ cp flashrom /mnt/floppy
$ cp linuxbios.rom /mnt/floppy

* Unmount the floppy:

$ umount /mnt/floppy

Revision as of 23:02, 13 November 2006

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