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[[Image:TAMTAMWiki.jpg|500px|TamTam Interface]]
<br>TamTam will use the greyscale mode of the OLPC, therefore the screenshots are in greyscale.

<br>The latest screenshot of the upcoming TamTam

Revision as of 02:14, 4 December 2006

A music and sound exploration application for the OLPC

Preliminary page. This is a condensation of the talk given at OLPC in Boston on June 14th 2006.
First a picture of the interface:


The latest screenshot of the upcoming TamTam


  • Provide children with a culturally-informed environment for making music and sound on the OLPC
  • Provide an audio/music experience that is instantly rewarding for a musically naïve user
  • Provide a playable musical instrument with its own “sound”
  • Provide a dynamically adaptable learning environment that proposes simplicity and welcomes complexity
  • Use mesh networking to encourage collaborative music making
  • Introduce notions of audio and music programming
  • TamTam uses CSound as its audio engine


  • Jean Piché
  • Douglas Eck
  • Olivier Bélanger
  • Sean Wood
  • James Bergstra
  • Nathanaël Lécaudé
  • Adrian Martin
  • Eric Lamothe


This section provides information on the sound bank that will be used in TamTam. In addition to the sound bank, users will be able to record short samples using the internal microphone of the OLPC computer.



We have a channel called #tam_tam on the Freenode network.


Translation of this page in Portuguese.