Template:Country info: Difference between revisions

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(eliminated % water - pointless data?)
(added a 'template' for the template... iow, a copy-able chunk to quickly include in other pages and keep a homogeneous usage)
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<noinclude>For a quick copy paste usage of the template (scroll to) see below</noinclude>
{| class="country infobox" style="width:23em; line-height: 1.1em; background-color:#ccffcc; text-align:left" border="1px" align="right" cellspacing="0"
{| class="country infobox" style="width:23em; line-height: 1.1em; background-color:#ccffcc; text-align:left" border="1px" align="right" cellspacing="0"
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<nowiki>{{Country info
|native_name = <!-- República Argentina - value from Wikipedia -->
|common_name = <!-- Argentina -->
|image_map = <!-- [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/ArgentinaWorldMap.png/250px-ArgentinaWorldMap.png] -->
|conventional_long_name = <!-- Argentine Republic - value from Wikipedia -->
|capital = <!-- Buenos Aires -->
|official_languages = <!-- [[Spanish language|Spanish]] -->
|area = <!-- 2,766,890 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
|population_estimate_year = <!-- 2005 -->
|population_estimate = <!-- 39,537,943 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
|population_census_year = <!-- 2001 -->
|population_census = <!-- 36,260,130 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
|population_density = <!-- 14 - value from Wikipedia -->
|population_literacy = <!-- 97.5 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
|mandatory_school_years = <!-- 9 -->
|mandatory_school_age = <!-- 6-15 -->
|population_in_mandatory_age = <!-- ~6,800,000 -->
|population_in_mandatory_school = <!-- ~6,200,000 -->
|GDP_PPP_year = <!-- 2005 -->
|GDP_PPP = <!-- USD 543 billion - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
|GDP_PPP_per_capita = <!-- USD 13,700 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
|GDP_nominal_year = <!-- 2005 -->
|GDP_nominal = <!-- USD 182 billion -->
|GDP_nominal_per_capita = <!-- USD 4,600 -->
|HDI_year = <!-- 2006 -->
|HDI = <!-- 0.863 - value from Wikipedia -->
|HDI_category = <!-- high | medium | low - according to Wikipedia -->
|time_zone = <!-- ART -->
|utc_offset = <!-- -3 -->
|cctld = <!-- .ar -->
|calling_code = <!-- 54 -->

Revision as of 16:15, 24 December 2006

For a quick copy paste usage of the template (scroll to) see below

[[Image:{{{image_map}}}|250px|center|Location of {{{common_name}}}]]
Capital {{{capital}}}
Official languages {{{official_languages}}}
Area {{{area}}} km²
 - {{{population_estimate_year}}} estimate {{{population_estimate}}}
 - {{{population_census_year}}} census {{{population_census}}}
 - Density {{{population_density}}}/km²
 - Literacy (%) {{{population_literacy}}}
 - Mandatory Years {{{mandatory_school_years}}}
 - Mandatory Age {{{mandatory_school_age}}}
 - Pop. in School Age {{{population_in_mandatory_age}}}
 - Pop. in School {{{population_in_mandatory_school}}}
GDP (PPP) {{{GDP_PPP_year}}} estimate
 - Total {{{GDP_PPP}}} 
 - Per capita {{{GDP_PPP_per_capita}}} 
GDP (nominal) {{{GDP_nominal_year}}} estimate
 - Total {{{GDP_nominal}}} 
 - Per capita {{{GDP_nominal_per_capita}}}
HDI  ({{{HDI_year}}}) {{{HDI}}} ({{{HDI_category}}})
Time zone {{{time_zone}}} (UTC{{{utc_offset}}})
Internet TLD {{{cctld}}}
Calling code +{{{calling_code}}}


{{Country info
 |native_name                     =       <!-- República Argentina - value from Wikipedia -->
 |common_name                     =       <!-- Argentina -->
 |image_map                       =       <!-- [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/ArgentinaWorldMap.png/250px-ArgentinaWorldMap.png] -->
 |conventional_long_name          =       <!-- Argentine Republic - value from Wikipedia -->
 |capital                         =       <!-- Buenos Aires -->
 |official_languages              =       <!-- [[Spanish language|Spanish]] -->
 |area                            =       <!-- 2,766,890 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
 |population_estimate_year        =       <!-- 2005 -->
 |population_estimate             =       <!-- 39,537,943 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
 |population_census_year          =       <!-- 2001 -->
 |population_census               =       <!-- 36,260,130 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
 |population_density              =       <!-- 14 - value from Wikipedia -->
 |population_literacy             =       <!-- 97.5 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
 |mandatory_school_years          =       <!-- 9 -->
 |mandatory_school_age            =       <!-- 6-15 -->
 |population_in_mandatory_age     =       <!-- ~6,800,000 -->
 |population_in_mandatory_school  =       <!-- ~6,200,000 -->
 |GDP_PPP_year                    =       <!-- 2005 -->
 |GDP_PPP                         =       <!-- USD 543 billion - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
 |GDP_PPP_per_capita              =       <!-- USD 13,700 - value from [[OLPC Country Statistics]] -->
 |GDP_nominal_year                =       <!-- 2005 -->
 |GDP_nominal                     =       <!-- USD 182 billion -->
 |GDP_nominal_per_capita          =       <!-- USD 4,600 -->
 |HDI_year                        =       <!-- 2006 -->
 |HDI                             =       <!-- 0.863 - value from Wikipedia -->
 |HDI_category                    =       <!-- high | medium | low - according to Wikipedia -->
 |time_zone                       =       <!-- ART -->
 |utc_offset                      =       <!-- -3 -->
 |cctld                           =       <!-- .ar -->
 |calling_code                    =       <!-- 54 -->