Emulating the XO/lang-es: Difference between revisions

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m (OS images for emulation/lang-es moved to Emulating the XO/lang-es: Moved the translation to follow its page. (The translation does not yet reflect recent major changes to the page).)
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{{Translation | lang = es | source = OS images for emulation | version = 35429}}
{{Translation | lang = es | source = Emulating the XO | version = 41937}}
{{Ongoing Translation}}
{{ Latest Releases | livecd = inline | devel = inline | extra }}
Estas son las opciones básicas de emulación. Para la emulación bajo Windows, vea '''[[Using QEMU on Windows XP/lang-es|Usando QEMU en Windows XP]]'''.

La [[OS images/lang-es#Latest Stable Build|última versión está acá]].

{{anchor|Quick Start - [[LiveCd|LiveCD]]}}
<font size="-1"><blockquote>Basic emulation options are listed here. For Windows emulation, see '''[[Using QEMU on Windows XP]]'''.
== Inicio Rápido - [[LiveCd/lang-es|CD-Vivo]] ==

Para muchos, el [[LiveCd/lang-es|CD-Vivo]] es la forma más fácil de probar [[Sugar/lang-es|Sugar]]. Es fácil, pero el estado y/o trabajo se pierde cuando se reinicia.
You can find the '''[[OS_images#Latest_Stable_Build |latest stable build here.]]'''</blockquote></font>
{{ Translated text |
For many, the [[LiveCd|LiveCD]] is the easiest way to try [[Sugar]]. It's easy to do, but your work is lost when you reboot.
| display = block }}

{{anchor|Quick Start - [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Emulation]]}}
<div id="OLPC OS performance under emulation"/>
== Inicio Rápido - [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start/lang-es|Emulación]] ==
== Rendimiento del SO OLPC simulado ==

La [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start/lang-es|emulación]] es otra forma de probar [[Sugar/lang-es|Sugar]]. Puede resultar un poco más difícil, pero no se pierde lo hecho.
Cabe destacar que la imágenes OLPC corriendo bajo [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]] sufren de '''una importante degradación de rendimiento'''. Una comparación lado-a-lado de las imágenes OLPC corriendo bajo [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]] resultan mucho más lentas, sin embargo, [[Sugar]] funciona mucho más ágil bajo el hardware real.
: El sonido en [[TamTam/lang-es|TamTam]] puede no funcionar por el momento.
{{ Translated text |
[[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Emulation]] is the other way to try [[Sugar]]. It can be harder to set up,, but work is preserved.
:Sound in [[TamTam]] may not be working at the moment. [[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 13:16, 5 June 2007 (EDT)
| display = block }}

Si el rendimiento resulta tan bajo que las [[Activities/lang-es|actividades]] no cargan recomendamos ver [[#Coping with Slowness|Tolerando lo Lento]] en busca de posibles soluciones.
== Overview ==
<font size="-1"><blockquote>It should be noted that running the OLPC images under qemu and related emulators are '''significantly less responsive'''. A side by side of OLPC OS under qemu and other OS (such as Linux or Windows), will present Sugar as very unresponsive. However, Sugar responds far better on the A-Test development board. See [[User Feedback on Images]].

Una forma de correr software OLPC es usando un emulador en su PC. Vea [[Getting started programming/lang-es|comenzando a programar]] para más opciones.
If performance is so poor activities fail to load see [[#Coping with Slowness|Coping with Slowness]] for a possible work-around.</blockquote></font>

Note '''[[:Category:Emulation]]''' y '''[[Emulating the XO/Help and tips/lang-es|Ayuda y soluciones]]'''.
<div id="OLPC Simulator GRUB boot option"/>
== Opcion de arranque GRUB del ''Simulador OLPC Simulator'' ==

Para jugar, se puede usar el [[LiveCd/lang-es|CD-Vivo]], o [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]] (como en el 'inicio rápido', pero con una imagen diferente), o quizás alguna de nuestras [[Developer Images/lang-es|imágenes de desarrollador]] distintas al [[LiveCd/lang-es|cd-vivo]]. Otra alternativa es fijarse en la [[:Category:Installing_Sugar|categoría de instalación de Sugar]]. Vea [[Getting started programming/lang-es|comenzando a programar]] para una comparación.
Cuando se arranca con una [[OS images/lang-es|imagen del SO]] en el emulador, es necesario asegurarse que se esté cargando el núcleo con las opciones apropiadas. En el arranque se podrá observar la pantalla verde de GRUB que dice ''One Laptop per Child'' en su parte inferior: en este menú de arranque, asegúrese de seleccionar la opción ''OLPC Simulator''. Caso contrario, se supondrá el arranque sobre un hardware OLPC, y dado que el emulador no soporta fielmente ese hardware, el arranque fallará.
<font size="-1"><blockquote>When booting an [[OS images|OS image]] within an emulator, you need to make sure you boot the kernel with the correct options. When booting, you'll see the green screen of GRUB with ''One Laptop Per Child'' along the bottom: in this boot menu, make sure you select ''OLPC Simulator''. Otherwise, bootup on real OLPC hardware will be assumed, and since the emulator does not emulate the OLPC hardware exactly, bootup will fail.</blockquote></font>

Una alternativa frecuente es usar [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]] junto a su acelerador <tt>kqemu</tt>. Vea su [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start/lang-es|inicio rápido]] para comenzar. Sin embargo, para el desarrollo, usaremos una imagen diferente (<tt>.img</tt>) con algunos utilitarios extra. Vea [[OS images/lang-es|imagenes del SO]], incluyendo la '''[[OS_images/lang-es#Latest Stable Build|última versión estable]]'''.
<div id="QEMU"/>

En vez de [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]], se puede utilizar [[Emulating the XO/UsingVMware/lang-es|VMware]], y hay otras alternativas para [[Emulating the XO/Mac/lang-es|Mac]].
== QEMU ==

Por favor informe sus resultados en [[User Feedback on Images/lang-es|feedback sobre las imágenes]]. Existe además un [[Virtualization Common Room/lang-es|Salón de Virtualización]] sobre el tema.
La forma más fácil de probar las imágenes es usar [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]], o un emulador similar, que se encuentra disponible para varios sistemas:
* [[#QEMU on Linux|Linux]]
* [[#QEMU on FreeBSD|FreeBSD]]
* [[#QEMU on Windows|Windows]]
* [[#QEMU on Mac OS X|Mac OS X]]
<font size="-1"><blockquote>The easiest way to test the images is to use qemu or some similar emulator. It is available for various host systems:
* [[#QEMU on Linux|Linux]]
* [[#QEMU on FreeBSD|FreeBSD]]
* [[#QEMU on Windows|Windows]]
* [[#QEMU on Mac OS X|Mac OS X]]</blockquote></font>

Existen algunas [[Emulating the XO/Limitations of XO disk images/lang-es|limitaciones en las imágenes de disco XO]].
<div id="QEMU on Linux"/>
{{ Translated text |
=== QEMU en Linux ===
One way to run oplc software is using an emulator on your pc. See [[Getting started programming]] for other options.

Note '''[[:Category:Emulation]]''' and '''[[Emulating the XO/Help and tips|Help and tips]]'''.
En Fedora Core 5, [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]] se encuentra incluído como un extra y es muy fácil de instalar. Como <tt>root</tt> ejecute
yum install qemu # instala qemu
service qemu start # una vez instalado, arranca el servicio
En Debian/Ubuntu, [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]] se encuentra en el repositorio.
apt-get install qemu

For play, you can use [[LiveCd]] or [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Quick Start]].
Una vez que [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]] instalado y despues de haber bajado la [[OS images/lang-es|imagen]], lanzar el ambiente OLPC es muy sencillo:
qemu -soundhw es1370 -serial `tty` -hda olpc-stream-development-7-20060609_1600-ext3.img
Si QEMU protesta sobre la falta de espacio en <tt>/dev/shm</tt> entonces haga
mount -t tmpfs -o remount,size=144m none /dev/shm
Si se desea usar el acelerador <tt>kqemu</tt>, entonces haga:
modprobe kqemu major=0
y agregue la opción <tt>-kernel-kqemu</tt>
<font size="-1"><blockquote>On Fedora Core 5, QEMU is included in extras and is very easy to install. As root just type

For development, you can use [[LiveCd]], or qemu (as in quick start, but with a different image), or perhaps one of the [[Developer Images]] other than the LiveCd. An alternate approach is to attempt [[:Category:Installing_Sugar|installing sugar]]. See [[Getting started programming]] for a comparison.
yum install qemu

A common development approach is to use [[QEMU]] with kqemu acceleration. See [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Quick Start]] for the basics.
and it should be installed. You may have to start the service for it. As root run:
Though for development, we will use a different .img, one with a few extra utility programs. See [[OS images]], including '''[[OS_images#Latest_Stable_Build |latest stable build]]'''.

Instead of qemu, you can run [[Emulating the XO/UsingVMware|VMware]], and there are additional options on a [[Emulating the XO/Mac|Mac]].
service qemu start

Please report your experiences in [[User Feedback on Images]]. There is a [[Virtualization Common Room]].
On Debian/Ubuntu, QEMU is included in the repository.

There are [[Emulating the XO/Limitations of XO disk images|limitations with XO disk images]].
apt-get install qemu
| display = block }}

{{anchor|Developing software}}
Once you have an image downloaded, it is very easy to use qemu to launch the OLPC environment:
== Desarrollando software ==

Desarrollar software sobre una emulación es una alternativa.
qemu -soundhw es1370 -serial `tty` -hda \

Tras explorar [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start/lang-es|Inicio Rápido]], lea también [[Emulating the XO/Help_and_tips/lang-es#Development|ayuda sobre desarrollo]] para instruciones paso-a-paso (''how to's''). Debería ser muy fácil bajo Linux.
If qemu complains about insufficient space in /dev/shm then
{{ Translated text |
Developing on emulation is one alternative for developing software.

After looking at [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start]], see [[Emulating the XO/Help_and_tips#Development]] for how-to's. It should be straightforward on linux.
mount -t tmpfs -o remount,size=144m none /dev/shm
| display = block }}

{{anchor|Comparison of alternatives}}
If you want to use kqemu to speed up the emulation then
== Comparando alternativas ==

La laptop OLPC es hardware especializado, corriendo una versión mínima de Fedora de Red Hat, sobre la cual corre [[Sugar/lang-es|Sugar]]. Pero que si no se tiene una laptop OLPC? Hay varias alternativas.
modprobe kqemu major=0

and add the <tt>-kernel-kqemu</tt> option.</blockquote></font>

{{ Translated text |
Varias personas han reportado que QEMU no funciona con estas imágenes en las distribuciones derivadas de Debian. El síntoma es que el kernel se cuelga durante el ''booteo''. Hay un problema con la versión 2.2 de <code>bochsbios</code>, la versión 2.3 funciona bien. A modo de parche, se puede agregar <code>apm=off</code> en los argumentos del kernel OLPC. (Para más información, vea [[Talk:OS images for emulation#Boot hangs on Debian-derived distros]].)
An OLPC laptop is custom hardware, running a stripped-down Red Hat linux, running [[Sugar]]. But what if you don't have a real olpc laptop? There are a several options.
| display = block }}
{| border=1 cellspacing=0
|- style="background:lightgray; "
! opción{{ Translated text |option| display = block }}
! actualización{{ Translated text |updated| display = block }}
! sonido?{{ Translated text |sound?| display = block }}
! cámara?{{ Translated text |camera?| display = block }}
! biblioteca?{{ Translated text |library?| display = block }}
! etoys?{{ Translated text |etoys?| display = block }}
! R/W?{{ Translated text |R/W?| display = block }}
! software de desarrollo{{ Translated text |development software?| display = block }}
! red?{{ Translated text |net?| display = block }}
! comentarios{{ Translated text |comments| display = block }}

Si se tiene problemas con la red, [[Using QEMU for Troubleshooting/lang-es#Network|pruebe acá]].
| [[LiveCd/lang-es|CD-Vivo]]
<font size="-1"><blockquote>We have heard multiple people say that QEMU doesn't work with these images on the debian-derived distributions. The symptom is that the kernel hangs during boot. There's a problem with <code>bochsbios</code> version 2.2, version 2.3 works. As a quick fix, <code>apm=off</code> can be added to OLPC kernel arguments. (For more info, see the [[Talk:OS images for emulation#Boot hangs on Debian-derived distros|discussion]].)
| Abril || si (boot) si? (qemu) || si? (boot) no (qemu) || no || si
| no || toolchain, Gnome || si?
| Inicio Rápido alternativo. Bueno para nuevos desarrolladores. Se puede ''bootear'' desde él y ser usado en [[QEMU/lang-es|qemu]]. Ver abajo Problema A.
|- style="font-size:30%; font-family:fixed; background:#eaeaea; " <!-- TRANSLATED ROW -->
| [[LiveCd]]
| April || yes(boot) yes?(qemu) || yes?(boot) no(qemu) || no || yes
| no || toolchain, Gnome || yes?
| Alternative Quick Start. Good for new developers. Can both be booted from, and used in qemu. Problems: A.

If you have network problems through Qemu and OLPC, [[Using_QEMU_on_Troubleshooting#Network|try this.]]</blockquote></font>
| colspan=10 style="background:lightgray; " | [[OS images/lang-es|imágenes de disco XO]]:{{ Translated text |[[OS images|XO disk images]]:| display = block }}

<div id="QEMU Development Strategies"/>
| colspan=10 | ÚLTIMA VERSIÓN ESTABLE <span style="font-size:80%; "><tt>http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST-STABLE-BUILD/</tt></span>{{ Translated text |LATEST-STABLE-BUILD| display = block }}
=== Estrategias de Desarrollo bajo QEMU ===

Para aquellos que deseen usar QEMU para el desarrollo de software en [[Python]] para la OLPC, se recomienda hacer una conexión entre el ''host'' y la imagen de la laptop. En QEMU, la imagen de la laptop puede ver al ''host'' en la dirección IP Si se crea un servidor SSH en el ''host'' y se instala la llave (''key'') en la imagen de la laptop para que tenga derechos de ''logon'' en el servidor se puede hacer un <tt>ssh></tt> desde la OLPC al ''host''.
| development-ext3.img
<font size="-1"><blockquote>For those who would like to use QEMU for developing Python software (Sugar software) for the OLPC, it's convenient to set up a connection between the host and the Laptop image. Under QEMU the Laptop image can see the host as IP address . If you create an SSH server on your host and install a key on your Laptop image that has logon rights for that server, you can ssh from the OLPC to your host.</blockquote></font>
| ~mensual || si/B || no || si || si
| si || no || tras configurar
| Inicio Rápido para evaluar Sugar
|- style="font-size:30%; font-family:fixed; background:#eaeaea; " <!-- TRANSLATED ROW -->
| development-ext3.img
| ~monthly || yes/B || no || yes || yes
| yes || no || after config
| Quick Start for getting a look at Sugar.

<div id="QEMU on FreeBSD"/>
| development-devel_ext3.img
=== QEMU en FreeBSD ===
| ~mensual || si/B || no || no || si
| si || un poco || tras configurar
|- style="font-size:30%; font-family:fixed; background:#eaeaea; " <!-- TRANSLATED ROW -->
| development-devel_ext3.img
| ~monthly || yes/B || no || no || yes
| yes || a little || after config

Se puede instalar una versión portada o como paquete:
| colspan=10 | ÚLTIMA VERSIÓN <span style="font-size:80%; "><tt>http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST/</tt></span>{{ Translated text |LATEST| display = block }}
cd /usr/ports/emulators/qemu && make install clean # como ''port''
pkg_add -r qemu # como ''package''

Una vez instalado, cargue los modulos <tt>kqemu</tt> y <tt>aio</tt> del ''kernel'':
| development-ext3.img
kldload kqemu
| ~diario || si/B || no || si || si
kldload aio
| si || no || tras configurar
y ejecute la imagen que se desea:
qemu -hda olpc-stream-development-7-20060609_1600-ext3.img</blockquote></font>
|- style="font-size:30%; font-family:fixed; background:#eaeaea; " <!-- TRANSLATED ROW -->
<font size="-1"><blockquote>Install qemu from ports:
| development-ext3.img
| ~daily || yes/B || no || yes || yes
| yes || no || after config

cd /usr/ports/emulators/qemu && make install clean
| development-devel_ext3.img
| ~diario || si/B || no || no || si
| si || un poco || tras configurar
| Bueno para nuevos desarrolladores (requiere un poco de comodidad con la línea de comandos)
|- style="font-size:30%; font-family:fixed; background:#eaeaea; " <!-- TRANSLATED ROW -->
| development-devel_ext3.img
| ~daily || yes/B || no || no || yes
| yes || a little || after config
| Good for new developers (requires some command-line comfort).

or as a package
| colspan=10 style="background:lightgray; " | OTROS {{ Translated text |OTHER| display = block}}

pkg_add -r qemu
| [[Developer Images/lang-es#Big Fedora Core 6 Build|FC6+Sugar]]
| abril || si? || ? || ? || no
| si || Todas las herramientas de Fedora || si
| 6 GiB (versión de abril; sin Etoys)
|- style="font-size:30%; font-family:fixed; background:#eaeaea; " <!-- TRANSLATED ROW -->
| [[Developer Images#Big Fedora Core 6 Build|FC6+Sugar]]
| April || yes? || ? || ? || no
| yes || Full Fedora Softare Dev. || yes
| 6GB (April version: no etoys)

Once installed, load kqemu and aio kernel modules:
| [[:Category:Installing Sugar|Instalando Sugar]]
| continuo || si || si? || si? || si
| si || las propias || si
| Bastante dificil
|- style="font-size:30%; font-family:fixed; background:#eaeaea; " <!-- TRANSLATED ROW -->
| [[:Category:Installing Sugar|Installing Sugar]]
| continuous || yes || yes? || yes? || yes
| yes || your own || yes
| Quite hard to do.

kldload kqemu
kldload aio

; Clave :
and launch the image you want:
: '''biblioteca''': Una biblioteca de muestra de el contenido incluido. ej: textos para ver en el navegador sin necesidad de una conexión de red.
: '''R/W (grabable)''': Con un <tt>.img</tt> se pueden guardar cosas entre sesiones. Con un <tt>.iso</tt> el ambiente es el mismo con cada inicio.
: '''herramientas de desarrollo''': tiene herramientas de desarrollo incluidas?
: '''Red''': la red simplemente ''funciona''? O requiere de algún paso previo?
{{ Translated text |
:library: A library of sample content is included (english version). Ie, pretty text to web browse without having to get network.
:R/W (writable): With an .img, you can save things between sessions. With a .iso, your environment is the same each time you start.
:development software: are development tools included?
:Net (network): does the network "just work" or "manual" steps are required?
| display = block }}

; Problemas :
qemu -hda olpc-stream-development-7-20060609_1600-ext3.img</blockquote></font>
: '''A''': el [[LiveCd/lang-es|CD-Vivo]] (de abril) entra en pánico cuando se corre bajo <tt>kqemu</tt> en Fedora Core 6 x86_64. Un problema con <tt>squashfs</tt>.
: '''B''': [[TamTam/lang-es|TamTam]] no emite sonidos (aún si [[Etoys/lang-es|Etoys]] puede). Causa desconocida.

<div id="QEMU on Windows"/>
* acaso <tt>sugar-jhbuild</tt> soporta la cámara/micrófono?
=== QEMU en Windows ===
** Si, si la cámara usa <tt>v4l2</tt> y 640x480. (Alguien puede confirmarlo fehacientemente? [[IRC/lang-es|IRC]]?)

: Vea [[Using QEMU on Windows XP/lang-es|Usando QEMU en Windows XP]].
<font size="-1"><blockquote>See [[Using QEMU on Windows XP]]</blockquote></font>

{{ Translated text |
<div id="QEMU on Mac OS X"/>
=== QEMU en Mac OS X ===
:A: LiveCd (April) on fc6 x86_64, kernel panics under kqemu. A squashfs problem.
:B: Tam Tam is silent (though EToys makes noise). Cause unknown.

* Descargue e instale Q.app ([http://kju-app.org/ kju-app.org] (los ''builds'' se pueden econtrar en [http://www.kberg.ch/q/builds/ kberg.ch/q/builds])
*re "does sugar-jhbuild support camera/mic?": "yes, if the camera uses v4l2 and 640x480, I'd suspect so." Can someone confirm this? (#olpc, now) [[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 00:16, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
* Descargue una imagen, descompáctela (Nota: vea el punto (1) de la sección [[#Enabling SSH|Habilitando SSH]] antes de elegir una imagen)
* Inicie Q.app
* Cliquee en <tt>(+)</tt> para agregar una nueva PC
** Name: OLPC
** Operating System: Q Standard Guest
** Cliquee en [Create PC]
* Configuración de seteos:
** General: No file sharing (''no compartir archivos'')
** Hardware - Hard disk: Seleccione la imagen descompactada
** Advanced - QEMU Arguments: escriba <tt>"-redir tcp:2222::22"</tt> (sin comillas)
** Cliquee en [Create PC]
* Haga doble-clic en <tt>OLPC</tt> para ejecutar:
** Presione la barra espaciadora para entrar en GRUB
** Elija <tt>"OLPC for Qemu Target"</tt>
** Presione <tt>"e"</tt> para editar los comandos
** Seleccione la linea que dice ''kernel'', y presione <tt>"e"</tt>
** Agregue la opción <tt>"single"</tt> al final de la línea
** Presione <tt>"Enter"</tt>, y después <tt>"b"</tt> para ''bootear''
** Ponga una contraseña para el ''root'' (necesaria para SSH), <tt>sync</tt> (Nota: vea el punto (2) de la sección [[#Enabling SSH|Habilitando SSH]] abajo)
** ''re-bootee'' (ya sea con el botón de encendido o ejecutando <tt>"init 6"</tt>)
* Una vez ''booteada'', desde una terminal, haga un ''login'' a la OLPC usando <tt>"ssh -p 2222 root@localhost"</tt> (Nota: vea el punto (3) en la sección [[#Enabling SSH|Habilitando SSH]] abajo)
Image:Q empty.jpg|Inicio Q.app
Image:Q create new guest.jpg|Agregar PC
Image:Q general prefs.jpg|General
Image:Q hardware prefs.jpg|Hardware
Image:Q advanced prefs.jpg|Advanced
Image:Grub start.png|GRUB
Image:Grub choose qemu.png|GRUB & QEMU
Image:Grub choose the line.png|Kernel
Image:Grub edit the line.png|Single option
<font size="-1"><blockquote>[[User:Bert|Bert]]: I successfully ran OLPC on OS X using the following method on a Powerbook G4 (867 MHz), albeit very slowly.

[[User:Justin|Justin]]: Likewise, I successfully ran the latest disk image (Build 385) through QEMU on OS X (10.4) on and Intel Apple using the instructions below.
*Remove LiveCd's "?" above.
*Find out what's going on with Tam Tam sound. It would be nice for the xo disk images to all be sound-yes.
*Add a microphone column? Reconsolidate sound/camera/mic into a H/W column?
| display = block }}

*Download and install Q.app ([http://kju-app.org/ kju-app.org ] , I got 0.8.1a35, the builds are here: [http://www.kberg.ch/q/builds/ kberg.ch/q/builds/] (previous link broken / server down))
*Download a disk image (build 59 worked, 73 did not), double-click to unzip. (Note: See point (1) in Section "Enabling SSH" below before choosing an image.)
*Double-click Q.app [[Media:Q_empty.jpg|Example]]
*Click (+) to add a new PC [[Media:Q_create_new_guest.jpg|Example]]
** Name: OLPC
** Operating System: Q Standard Guest
** Click (Create PC)
*Configure Settings:
** General: No file sharing [[Media:Q_general_prefs.jpg|Example]]
** Hardware - Hard disk: Select your unzipped disk image [[Media:Q_hardware_prefs.jpg|Example]]
** Advanced - QEMU Arguments: type "-redir tcp:2222::22" (without quotes) [[Media:Q_advanced_prefs.jpg|Example]]
** Click (Create PC)
*Double-click "OLPC" to run:
** press space to get into GRUB, [[Media:Grub_start.png|Example]]
**choose "OLPC for Qemu Target", [[Media:Grub_choose_qemu.png|Example]]
**press "e" to edit commands,
**select "kernel" line, and press "e", [[Media:Grub_choose_the_line.png|Example]]
**add "single" option at the end of the line, [[Media:Grub_edit_the_line.png|Example]]
**hit return, then "b" to boot
** set some root password (necessary for SSH), sync (Note: See point (2) in Section "Enabling SSH" below)
** reboot (power-off button or run "init 6")
*once it's up, from a terminal, log into OLPC using "ssh -p 2222 root@localhost" (Note: See point (3) in Section "Enabling SSH" below)

[[User:Jonb|Jonb]]: I had trouble running this using Q.app. I guess Q.app doesn't have USB 1.1 support for "real" USB devices yet http://www.kju-app.org/proj/wiki/KjuUSBSupport. Their documentation says something about using the USB Tablet to emulate the mouse, no idea what this is about. The result is that I do not get a keyboard in OLPC on my G4 Mac (USB Keyboard, obviously). I assume [[User:bert]] got it to work using his PowerBook because PCMCIA emulation works?

[[User:Shekay|Shekay]]: I was able to run Q.app from the command line. for example:

$ /Applications/Q.app/Contents/MacOS/i386-softmmu.app/Contents/MacOS/i386-softmmu -hda olpc/olpc-redhat-stream-development-devel_ext3.img -serial stdio</blockquote></font>

<div id="Sending Ctrl-Alt combos in Qemu (or Q.app)"/>
==== Enviando combinaciones Ctrl-Alt en Qemu (o Q.app) ====

Según las [[Sugar Instructions/lang-es#Terminal, Shell, or Linux Prompt|Instrucciones de Sugar]] es necesario hacer <tt>"Ctrl+Alt+F1"</tt> para salir de la pantalla de Sugar y llegar a la consola, pudiendo volver haciendo <tt>"Ctrl+Alt+F7"</tt>. Desafortunadamante algunos usuarios reportan que la secuencia <tt>"Ctrl+Alt"</tt> es interceptada por Q.app para liberar el mouse.

Bajo Linux, ésto sería manejado por el servidor X corriendo en la computadora, y no por la que está corriendo en el emulador, terminando en la terminal de su computadora.

Otro(s) método sugerido para obtener la actividad de terminal es que Q.app de hecho tiene su propio "monitor" que se accede via <tt>"Ctrl+Alt+2"</tt>. En dicho monitor se pueden enviar eventos de teclado directamente a la OLPC emulada usando el comando <tt>"sendkey"</tt>. Por ejemplo para cambiar a la consola basta con escribir <tt>"sendkey ctrl-Alt-f1"</tt> y <tt>"sendkey ctrl-alt-f7"</tt> para volver.
; Notas : - se debe salir del monitor y volver a la máquina emulada haciendo <tt>"Ctrl+Alt+1"</tt> una vez ingresados los comandos mencionados.
: - se debe '''escribir''' el ''nombre'' de las teclas, no presionarlas.
<font size="-1"><blockquote>According to [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Instructions#Terminal_.28linux_prompt.29 Sugar Instructions] you need to "hold down Ctrl+Alt+F1 to leave the Sugar screen and return to the login prompt" and then "you can return to Sugar with Ctrl+Alt+F7". Unfortunately for me the "Ctrl+Alt" action seems to be grabbed by the Q.app "mouse pointer ungrab" functionality.

Under Linux, this will be grabbed by the X server running on your computer, and not the one running in the emulator, and will switch your own computer to a terminal.

The other method(s) suggested for opening a terminal activity didn't work for me either (OLPC build 239). I eventually discovered that Q.app actually has a "Monitor" accessible by "ctrl-alt-2". When in this monitor mode you can send key-presses directly to the OLPC emulation by using the "sendkey" command.

e.g. to switch to the shell:

sendkey ctrl-alt-f1

to return to Sugar:

sendkey ctrl-alt-f7

Note: you will need to exit the monitor mode and return to the emulated machine by pressing "ctrl-alt-1" once you type either of the above commands.

Note: you type the ''name'' of the keys to send, you don't actually press the keys.</blockquote></font>

<div id="Enabling SSH"/>
==== Habilitando SSH ====

# Asegurese de disponer de una imagen de desarrollo (<tt>*-devel*.img</tt>, ya que las generales no incluyen <tt>sshd</tt>.
# Conjuntamente con la creación de la clave del ''root'', es oportuno configurar para que la red se active automáticamente. La [[Using QEMU for Troubleshooting/lang-es#Network|alternativa #1]] ha sido usada con éxito.
# Para evitar una alerta de un ataque Man-in-the-middle (''mitm'') se puede utilizar
ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -p 2222 root@localhost</blockquote></font>
<font size="-1"><blockquote>[[User:Follower|Follower]] needed to perform the following additional steps to successfully enable the use of SSH (with build 239):
# Ensure you have a "*-devel*.img" image, as the standard (non-devel) images appear to not include sshd.
# At the same time as enabling the root password you will probably also want to enable the network to start automatically. I followed the instructions from [[Using_QEMU_on_Troubleshooting#Network | Alternative #1 here]].
# To avoid a "man in the middle attack" warning you might want to use:
ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -p 2222 root@localhost</blockquote></font>

<div id="VMware Player"/>
== VMware Player ==

<div id="Linux / Windows"/>
=== Linux / Windows ===

; Atención : Por cuestiones de conveniencia es recomendable que use [[QEMU/lang-es|QEMU]], ya que se sabe que funciona bien en Linux, Win32 y Mac. La mayoría de los ''builds'' no soportan VMWare por falta de pilotos (''drivers'') pcnet32 de red (ver [http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/925 ticket]). Hay [[Developer Images/lang-es|imágenes para desarrolladores]] disponibles que están armadas a partir de ambientes de escritorio y que básicamente proveen todos los pilotos así como un ambiente de desarrollo razonable, a costo de volumen (>900 MiB).

VMWare Player es otra forma cómoda de probar una imagen en una máquina Linux / Windows. Se puede convertir la imagen a un archivo de disco virtual VMWare con el comando <tt>qemu-img</tt> de la distribución QEMU.
$ qemu-img convert olpc-stream-development-59-20060808_1153-rpm-ext3.img -O vmdk olpc.vmdk
Adicionalmente se necesita un archivo <tt>config</tt> para poder ejecutar el disco virtual. He aquí una muestra (grábela como <tt>olpc.vmx</tt>).
config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "3"
memsize = "128"
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"
ide0:0.fileName = "olpc.vmdk"
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "/dev/cdrom"
ide1:0.deviceType = "atapi-cdrom"
floppy0.fileName = "A:"
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
ethernet0.connectionType = "nat"
usb.present = "TRUE"
sound.present = "TRUE"
sound.virtualDev = "es1371"
displayName = "OLPC"
guestOS = "other26xlinux"
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
uuid.location = "56 4d d1 99 5c 64 a3 6f-ef c7 aa 86 a8 cc ed 46"
uuid.bios = "56 4d d1 99 5c 64 a3 6f-ef c7 aa 86 a8 cc ed 46"
tools.remindInstall = "TRUE"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:cc:ed:46"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"
checkpoint.vmState = "olpc.vmss"
ide0:0.redo = ""
Inicie VMWare Player, abra este archivo <tt>.vmx</tt>, permitiendo a VMWare crear un nuevo UUID.

'''Nota:''' Asegurese que el emulador inicie el <tt>"OLPC for qemu target"</tt>.
<font size="-1"><blockquote>Warning

For easy-to-use operation, you probably want to use Qemu, which is known to work on all of Linux, Win32 and Mac. Most recent builds '''do not''' support VMWare due to the lack of a pcnet32 network driver. See [[http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/925]]. There are [[Developer Images]] available which are built on top of regular desktop environments and provide basically all drivers as well as a reasonable development environment, but in a much larger download (900MB+).

VMware Player is another convenient way to test the image on your Linux / Windows machine. You can convert an image to a VMware virtual disk file with the qemu-img command from the QEMU distribution.

$ qemu-img convert olpc-stream-development-59-20060808_1153-rpm-ext3.img -O vmdk olpc.vmdk

Additionally, you need a config file to run the virtual disk. Here is an example (save it as olpc.vmx).

config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "3"
memsize = "128"
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"
ide0:0.fileName = "olpc.vmdk"
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "/dev/cdrom"
ide1:0.deviceType = "atapi-cdrom"
floppy0.fileName = "A:"
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
ethernet0.connectionType = "nat"
usb.present = "TRUE"
sound.present = "TRUE"
sound.virtualDev = "es1371"
displayName = "OLPC"
guestOS = "other26xlinux"
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
uuid.location = "56 4d d1 99 5c 64 a3 6f-ef c7 aa 86 a8 cc ed 46"
uuid.bios = "56 4d d1 99 5c 64 a3 6f-ef c7 aa 86 a8 cc ed 46"
tools.remindInstall = "TRUE"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:cc:ed:46"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"
checkpoint.vmState = "olpc.vmss"
ide0:0.redo = ""

Start VMWare Player, open this .vmx file. Allow VMWare to create a new UUID.

Note: Make sure the emulator starts the 'OLPC for qemu target'.</blockquote></font>

<div id="Mac OSX"/>
=== Mac OSX ===

Descompacte el archivo y haga doble-clic en <tt>OLPC.VDMK</tt>... (Más información en [http://www.edgargonzalez.com/2006/11/21/emulating-the-olpc-xo-on-a-mac-osx/ edgargonzalez.com]

También se puede utilizar el [[LiveCd/lang-es|Live CD]].

<font size="-1"><blockquote>* Unzip the package and double click OLPC.VDMK

* More at http://www.edgargonzalez.com/2006/11/21/emulating-the-olpc-xo-on-a-mac-osx/

''This package seems to be gone. Suggestions?''

* It should worked with the livecd sdk. Download it from the downloads section. No need for the OLPC.VDMK if you run the livecd.</blockquote></font>

<div id="Windows"/>
=== Windows ===

Ver [http://tuttlesvc.teacherhosting.com/wordpress/?p=251 Tuttle on VMWare on Windows] (link roto)
<font size="-1"><blockquote>* [http://tuttlesvc.teacherhosting.com/wordpress/?p=251 Tuttle on VMWare on Windows]</blockquote></font>

<div id="Parallels Desktop on Mac OS X"/>
== Parallels en Mac OS X ==

: Nota: Hay varios editores colaborando en esta sección. Esto es un resumen/traducción de [[OS images for emulation#Parallels Desktop on Mac OS X]].

* Lanzar Parallels, crear una nueva VM (''other Linux'')
* Configurar el tamaño del disco en 512MB, darle OK cuando diga que ya existe
*: Nota: el nombre del archivo usado fue <tt>/Users/bruce/Library/Parallels/otherlin/otherlin.hdd</tt>
* Descargar la imagen (con una terminación <tt>*ext3.img.bz2</tt>)
*: http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/latest/devel_ext3/
* Entrar en la terminal de Apple y escribir (remplazando "..." por el nombre apropiado del archivo bajado)
*: <tt>bzcat ~/Desktop/olpc...ext3.img.bz2 | dd of=/Users/.../Library/Parallels/otherlin/otherlin.hdd</tt>
* Relanzar Parallels y ejecutar.
El comando <tt>dd</tt> puede achicar al archivo, en cuyo caso se puede volver a su tamaño de 512MB usando el utilitario de imagenes de Parallels. O haciendo
bzcat ...ext3.img.bz2 | dd of=...otherlin.hdd bs=1024 conv=notrunc,noerror,sync
<font size="-1"><blockquote>[[User:Bert|Bert]]: First, install a regular Linux in Parallels - I used Fedora Core 5. To use an OS image directly, add a second hard disk (size 512 MB) to the VM. Boot the VM, download an OS image (ending in ext3.img.bz2), then copy it to the second hard disk (hdc for me, hdb is the CD):
bzcat ...ext3.img.bz2 | dd of=/dev/hdc bs=1M
Then shut down that Linux, and change the VM (or make another one) to boot from the second hard disk image. Start that VM - should work :) I have not yet made sound work, though, please let [[User:Bert|me]] know if you find out anything.

[[User:BruceB|BruceB]]: It can be a bit easier than that, no need to load a Linux system if you don't already happen to have one. This worked for me, though it may be simplified further still.
* Launch Parallels, create a new VM (I user "other Linux"
* Set the hard drive to be 512MB, OK when it says it already exists.
* Note the Hard drive file name, for me it was:
* Download the image (as bert says, ending in ext3.img.bz2) from this page:
* Drop into the Apple Terminal and type: (replacing "..." with the right file name you downloaded and your username. Check to see if "otherlin.hdd" is what you are using too.)
bzcat ~/Desktop/olpc...ext3.img.bz2 | dd of=/Users/.../Library/Parallels/otherlin/otherlin.hdd
* Re-launch Parallels and run!

[[User:Bert|Bert]]: Oh, so Parallel's hdd is nothing more than a plain disk image? How interesting! Thanks, that's a lot easier!

[[User:Wooky|Wooky]]: The dd-ing worked allright under OS X, but with a caveat: both images I tried (206 and 193) were only 480MB after dd, even though they originally had 512MB. I used Parallel's image utility to resize them back to 512MB and all went fine (almost, couldn't start GUI. Guess it is something between fbdev and Parallel's video).

[[User:martindolphin|MartinDolphin]]: I managed to get this working following the shorter method suggested by BruceB - the OLPC software starts with the initial screen, I can enter my name, but can't get any further.

[[User:George|George]]: I have the same problem with MartinDolphin

[[User:ScottSwanson|ScottSwanson]]: To avoid the 480MB "autoshrink" when running dd in Terminal.app, try using the following (remember to explicitly enter the correct paths for your system instead of "..."):
bzcat ...ext3.img.bz2 | dd of=...otherlin.hdd bs=1024 conv=notrunc,noerror,sync

I was informed on #Sugar that there was a known issue with the file selection dialog box where you had to type in the filename with full path by hand. The newest build (298 as I write this) obviates this need. (This addresses [[User:martindolphin|MartinDolphin]] and [[User:George|George]]'s issue.)

[[User:StarKruzr|StarKruzr]]: I get so far as the Sugar splash screen. Never get to type in a name, it crashes shortly after telling Grub to boot from the QEMU target.

[[User:SRiggins|SRiggins]]: Parallels Build 3188 now stores vm hard disk images in /Users/{USERNAME}/Documents/Parallels/{VMNAME}/</blockquote></font>

<div id="Virtual PC on Mac OS X (PowerPC)"/>
== Virtual PC en Mac OS X (PowerPC) ==

: Nota: Hay varios editores colaborando en esta sección. Esto es un resumen/traducción de [[OS images for emulation#Virtual PC on Mac OS X (PowerPC)]].

Las instrucciones arriba mencionadas para prepara un disco de ''booteo'' de 512 MiB basadas en un <tt>...img.bz2</tt> son aplicables. Sin embargo, haga una imagen de disco de 1GiB, ya que no se puede crear uno de exactamente 512 MiB.

Si el ratón no responde, puede probar agregar los siguiente a <tt>/etc/X11/qemu-Xorg.conf</tt> y después copiar <tt>qemu-Xorg.conf</tt> como <tt>Xorg.conf</tt>:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "yes"
<font size="-1"><blockquote>[[User:Akauppi|Akauppi]]: The instructions above on preparing a 512MB boot disk, based on ...img.bz2 file apply. However, create a 1GB disk image in VPC, since it does not allow precisely 512MB.

TODO: system boots nicely, but the mouse remains unresponsive. Ideas???

John Palmieri advised:

Add this to /etc/X11/qemu-Xorg.conf and then copy qemu-Xorg.conf to Xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "yes"

<div id="Instructions"/>

=== Falla en arranque ===
Virtual PC 7.0.1 (041022) en un Quad G5 (PowerMac11,2) no arranca del CD-en-Vivo ([[LiveCD]]), ni como disco ni del imágen. Lo siguiente fue copiado de la pantalla (virtual) después del carga-arranques (bootloader)...
Booting 'OLPC Operating System SDK'
root (cd)
Filesystem type is iso9660, using whole disk
kernel /boot/vmlinuz ro quiet root=CDLABEL=OLPCRoot_build385_CD rootfstype=iso9
660 fastboot livecd selinux=0
[Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1e00, size=0x1e2474]
initrd /boot/initrd
[Linux-initrd @ 0x1fd37000, 0x2a888d bytes]
Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.

...13 líneas en blanco, después...

Int 14: CR2 ffffbe47 err 00000002 EIP c0427b06 CS 00000060 flags 00000047
Stack: c0745fdc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

...al fondo de la pantalla.
&#x25aa;&nbsp;[[User:NeoAmsterdam|NeoAmsterdam]]<small><sup>[[User talk:NeoAmsterdam|Talk]]</sup><sub>[[Special:Contributions/NeoAmsterdam|Edits]]</sub></small> 23:07, 18 May 2007 (EDT)

== Instrucciones ==

Vea las [[Sugar Instructions/lang-es|instrucciones de Sugar]].
<font size="-1"><blockquote>See [[Sugar Instructions]].</blockquote></font>

<div id="Limitations"/>
== Limitaciones ==

La XO ha sido diseñada con específicamente para un dado tipo de hardware&mdash;algunos únicos. Esto quiere decir que es imposible obtener una emulación al 100% de la laptop. Vea [[Emulation Limitations/lang-es|limitaciones de la emulación]] para más detalles.
<font size="-1"><blockquote>The XO system is designed specifically to run on 'foo'. Some of the components are unlike any off the shelf product (example, the camera) so you won't be able to get 100% emulation of the OLPC.
See [[Emulation Limitations]] for details .</blockquote></font>

<div id="Coping with Slowness"/>
== Tolerando lo Lento ==

Es posible que una imagen OLPC pueda ser ''booteada'' con éxito y llegar a la interfaz Sugar, pero que resulta demasiado pesada para abrir cualqueir actividad.

Por ejemplo, entre los ''builds'' 239 y el 303, algunos usuarios reportaron dicho problema y cuyos síntomas incluían el siguiente tipo de registro en <tt>/home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log</tt>
DEBUG - Shell.start_activity
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) launching...
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) launch timed out
STDERR - Introspect error: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

DEBUG - Couldn't create activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity): Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
ERROR - Model for activity id f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e does not exist.
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) launching...
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) finished launching
<font size="-1"><blockquote>It is possible for the OLPC image to boot successfully and load the Sugar UI in the emulator but then be too slow to successfully load any activities.

For example, between build 239 and build 303 activity loading slowed enough for me (Qemu / 1.6GHz G4 PPC / OS X) that no activities loaded successfully. Symptons include messages in <tt>/home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log</tt> like this:
DEBUG - Shell.start_activity
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) launching...
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) launch timed out
STDERR - Introspect error: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

DEBUG - Couldn't create activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity): Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
ERROR - Model for activity id f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e does not exist.
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) launching...
DEBUG - Activity f4a9f5322b49dcc3364a4eca9b13633c0ce1868e (org.laptop.ChatActivity) finished launching

Otro síntoma puede ser un icono de actividad parpadeante en el anillo de lanzamiento durante un tiempo y luego desaparecer sin que la actividad sea cargada. (Aunque ello también se puede deber a excepciones no-atrapadas dentro de la actividad en sí&mdash;''bugs'').

Estos fallos se deben a dos valores de ''timeouts'' configurados en el sistema, uno en Sugar y el otro en el D-Bus. Si se tiene mas paciencia que la OLPC/Sugar entonces es posible modificar estos valores para lograr cargar las actividades:
<font size="-1"><blockquote>Another sympton is the flashing activity load icon appearing in the donut for a length of time and then disappearing without the activity loading. (Although this can also be caused by other issues such as uncaught programming errors.)

These failures are due to two timeouts values configured in the system, one in Sugar and one in D-Bus. If you're more patient than OLPC/Sugar is by default then it's possible to tweak these values to enable activities to eventually load:</blockquote></font>

<div id="D-Bus"/>
=== D-Bus ===

Inserte la siguiente linea en <tt>/etc/dbus-1/session.conf</tt> después de <tt></policy></tt>:
<limit name="service_start_timeout">120000</limit>
Esto quiere decir que D-Bus va a esperar como máximo 120 segundos antes de abandonar&mdash;el icono desaparece igual del anillo pero eventualmente la actividad será cargada. (Técnicamente este parámetro debería estar en <tt>session-local.conf</tt>, vea [http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/dbus-daemon.1.html man dbus-daemon]).
<font size="-1"><blockquote>Insert the following line in <tt>/etc/dbus-1/session.conf</tt> below the <tt></policy></tt> tag:
<limit name="service_start_timeout">120000</limit>

This means D-Bus will wait 120 seconds before giving up--the icon will still disappear from the donut but eventually the activity will load. (Strictly speaking this setting might really need to be in <tt>session-local.conf</tt>. See [http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/dbus-daemon.1.html man dbus-daemon].)</blockquote></font>

<div id="Sugar"/>
=== Sugar ===

Para lograr que el icono parpadeante durante la carga de una actividad permanezca en el anillo durante más tiempo el siguiente cambio ''no-probado'' debería funcionar:

En [http://dev.laptop.org/git.do?p=sugar;a=blob;f=shell/model/homeactivity.py shell/model/homeactivity.py] cambie:
self._launch_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(20000, self._launch_timeout_cb)
por (por ejemplo)
self._launch_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(120000, self._launch_timeout_cb)
Hasta donde fue posible comprobar, este cambio solo tiene un impacto cosmético y las actividades aún deberían ser cargadas sin el.
<font size="-1"><blockquote>To ensure the flashing activity load icon appears in the donut longer the following <i>untested</i> change should work:

In [http://dev.laptop.org/git.do?p=sugar;a=blob;f=shell/model/homeactivity.py shell/model/homeactivity.py] replace:
self._launch_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(20000, self._launch_timeout_cb)
with (for example) this:
self._launch_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(120000, self._launch_timeout_cb)
As far as I can tell this only has a cosmetic impact and activities should still load without it.</blockquote></font>


Revision as of 14:15, 10 June 2007

  Traducción de Emulating the XO original  
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This is an on-going translation


Inicio Rápido - CD-Vivo

Para muchos, el CD-Vivo es la forma más fácil de probar Sugar. Es fácil, pero el estado y/o trabajo se pierde cuando se reinicia.

For many, the LiveCD is the easiest way to try Sugar. It's easy to do, but your work is lost when you reboot.

Inicio Rápido - Emulación

La emulación es otra forma de probar Sugar. Puede resultar un poco más difícil, pero no se pierde lo hecho.

El sonido en TamTam puede no funcionar por el momento.

Emulation is the other way to try Sugar. It can be harder to set up,, but work is preserved.

Sound in TamTam may not be working at the moment. MitchellNCharity 13:16, 5 June 2007 (EDT)


Una forma de correr software OLPC es usando un emulador en su PC. Vea comenzando a programar para más opciones.

Note Category:Emulation y Ayuda y soluciones.

Para jugar, se puede usar el CD-Vivo, o QEMU (como en el 'inicio rápido', pero con una imagen diferente), o quizás alguna de nuestras imágenes de desarrollador distintas al cd-vivo. Otra alternativa es fijarse en la categoría de instalación de Sugar. Vea comenzando a programar para una comparación.

Una alternativa frecuente es usar QEMU junto a su acelerador kqemu. Vea su inicio rápido para comenzar. Sin embargo, para el desarrollo, usaremos una imagen diferente (.img) con algunos utilitarios extra. Vea imagenes del SO, incluyendo la última versión estable.

En vez de QEMU, se puede utilizar VMware, y hay otras alternativas para Mac.

Por favor informe sus resultados en feedback sobre las imágenes. Existe además un Salón de Virtualización sobre el tema.

Existen algunas limitaciones en las imágenes de disco XO.

One way to run oplc software is using an emulator on your pc. See Getting started programming for other options.

Note Category:Emulation and Help and tips.

For play, you can use LiveCd or Quick Start.

For development, you can use LiveCd, or qemu (as in quick start, but with a different image), or perhaps one of the Developer Images other than the LiveCd. An alternate approach is to attempt installing sugar. See Getting started programming for a comparison.

A common development approach is to use QEMU with kqemu acceleration. See Quick Start for the basics. Though for development, we will use a different .img, one with a few extra utility programs. See OS images, including latest stable build.

Instead of qemu, you can run VMware, and there are additional options on a Mac.

Please report your experiences in User Feedback on Images. There is a Virtualization Common Room.

There are limitations with XO disk images.

Desarrollando software

Desarrollar software sobre una emulación es una alternativa.

Tras explorar Inicio Rápido, lea también ayuda sobre desarrollo para instruciones paso-a-paso (how to's). Debería ser muy fácil bajo Linux.

Developing on emulation is one alternative for developing software.

After looking at Emulating the XO/Quick Start, see Emulating the XO/Help_and_tips#Development for how-to's. It should be straightforward on linux.

Comparando alternativas

La laptop OLPC es hardware especializado, corriendo una versión mínima de Fedora de Red Hat, sobre la cual corre Sugar. Pero que si no se tiene una laptop OLPC? Hay varias alternativas.

An OLPC laptop is custom hardware, running a stripped-down Red Hat linux, running Sugar. But what if you don't have a real olpc laptop? There are a several options.

software de desarrollo
development software?
CD-Vivo Abril si (boot) si? (qemu) si? (boot) no (qemu) no si no toolchain, Gnome si? Inicio Rápido alternativo. Bueno para nuevos desarrolladores. Se puede bootear desde él y ser usado en qemu. Ver abajo Problema A.
LiveCd April yes(boot) yes?(qemu) yes?(boot) no(qemu) no yes no toolchain, Gnome yes? Alternative Quick Start. Good for new developers. Can both be booted from, and used in qemu. Problems: A.
imágenes de disco XO:
ÚLTIMA VERSIÓN ESTABLE http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST-STABLE-BUILD/
development-ext3.img ~mensual si/B no si si si no tras configurar Inicio Rápido para evaluar Sugar
development-ext3.img ~monthly yes/B no yes yes yes no after config Quick Start for getting a look at Sugar.
development-devel_ext3.img ~mensual si/B no no si si un poco tras configurar
development-devel_ext3.img ~monthly yes/B no no yes yes a little after config
ÚLTIMA VERSIÓN http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST/
development-ext3.img ~diario si/B no si si si no tras configurar
development-ext3.img ~daily yes/B no yes yes yes no after config
development-devel_ext3.img ~diario si/B no no si si un poco tras configurar Bueno para nuevos desarrolladores (requiere un poco de comodidad con la línea de comandos)
development-devel_ext3.img ~daily yes/B no no yes yes a little after config Good for new developers (requires some command-line comfort).
FC6+Sugar abril si? ? ? no si Todas las herramientas de Fedora si 6 GiB (versión de abril; sin Etoys)
FC6+Sugar April yes? ? ? no yes Full Fedora Softare Dev. yes 6GB (April version: no etoys)
Instalando Sugar continuo si si? si? si si las propias si Bastante dificil
Installing Sugar continuous yes yes? yes? yes yes your own yes Quite hard to do.
biblioteca: Una biblioteca de muestra de el contenido incluido. ej: textos para ver en el navegador sin necesidad de una conexión de red.
R/W (grabable): Con un .img se pueden guardar cosas entre sesiones. Con un .iso el ambiente es el mismo con cada inicio.
herramientas de desarrollo: tiene herramientas de desarrollo incluidas?
Red: la red simplemente funciona? O requiere de algún paso previo?


library: A library of sample content is included (english version). Ie, pretty text to web browse without having to get network.
R/W (writable): With an .img, you can save things between sessions. With a .iso, your environment is the same each time you start.
development software: are development tools included?
Net (network): does the network "just work" or "manual" steps are required?
A: el CD-Vivo (de abril) entra en pánico cuando se corre bajo kqemu en Fedora Core 6 x86_64. Un problema con squashfs.
B: TamTam no emite sonidos (aún si Etoys puede). Causa desconocida.


  • acaso sugar-jhbuild soporta la cámara/micrófono?
    • Si, si la cámara usa v4l2 y 640x480. (Alguien puede confirmarlo fehacientemente? IRC?)


A: LiveCd (April) on fc6 x86_64, kernel panics under kqemu. A squashfs problem.
B: Tam Tam is silent (though EToys makes noise). Cause unknown.


  • re "does sugar-jhbuild support camera/mic?": "yes, if the camera uses v4l2 and 640x480, I'd suspect so." Can someone confirm this? (#olpc, now) MitchellNCharity 00:16, 2 June 2007 (EDT)


  • Remove LiveCd's "?" above.
  • Find out what's going on with Tam Tam sound. It would be nice for the xo disk images to all be sound-yes.
  • Add a microphone column? Reconsolidate sound/camera/mic into a H/W column?