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Revision as of 13:12, 16 June 2007

  You have been Diverted
  anonymous editor original: Arthur Dent   
  Welcome ... I Don't Think.
  Be Very Very Frightened, anonymous editor original: Arthur Dent   
  «The Cathedral of Hate», by Agrajag

Don't Panic!

You have reached this page probably after trying to see one of the many pages that are periodically edited with non-sense and giberish, or through some weird eddie in the space-time continuum. Said flotsam is tirelessly being processed and rapidly discarded by the community.

You may think that such careless editions are mostly harmless, or SEP pages, and that this wiki taken in perspective with, say, life, the universe and everything won't matter—we differ. Given our lack of a real point-of-view gun, the closest thing we can aim is this page.

If you are still interested in the original content of those pages, we gladly suggest you read some poetry instead.