Educators: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Highlights: Added 'a note of context - T1 software limited'. Could use wordsmithing, but since people notice the effect on field reports, it seems worth mentioning up front.)
(Eduators Spanish Translate)
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{{Translation | lang = es | source = Educators | version = 52584}}

{{Ongoing Translation}}<br>

One Laptop per Child is an education project, not a laptop project. Our goal is to provide children with access to libraries of knowledge, ideas, experiments, and art. Our hope is that this material will act as a window into the world, complete with examples and references on which to build.

Una Laptop por Chico es un proyecto educativo, no un proyecto de portátiles. Nuestro propósito es proveer a los chicos con acceso a bibliotecas de conocimiento, ideas, experimentos y arte. Nuestra esperanza es que este material actúe como una ventana a todo el mundo con ejemplos y referencias sobre las cuales construir.
{{ Translated text |
One Laptop per Child is an education project, not a laptop project. Our goal is to provide children with access to libraries of knowledge, ideas, experiments, and art. Our hope is that this material will act as a window into the world, complete with examples and references on which to build.
| display = block }}
Esta página está diseñada para la comunidad de educadores que están interesados en contribuir con estas bibliotecas de conocimiento y soportar la comunidad de profesores que usen las XO en sus salones de clase. Si usted es un profesor que usa (o va usar) la XO en su salón de clase, podría estar interesado en la página de la comunidad para [[XO_Teachers/lang-es|profesores de la XO]].
{{ Translated text |
This page is designed for the community of educators who are interested in contributing to these libraries of knowledge, and supporting the community of teachers using XOs in their classrooms. If you are a teacher currently using (or about to use) XOs in your classroom, you may be interested in the community page for [[XO Teachers]].
This page is designed for the community of educators who are interested in contributing to these libraries of knowledge, and supporting the community of teachers using XOs in their classrooms. If you are a teacher currently using (or about to use) XOs in your classroom, you may be interested in the community page for [[XO Teachers]].
| display = block }}
Ya cientos de laptos han sido distribuidas a niños en escuelas piloto alrededor del mundo. Este verano, la laptop final "B4" llegará a otros miles de chicos. La primera producción oficial se estima será de millones, y el número se incrementará desde ahí.
{{ Translated text |
Already, hundreds of laptops have been distributed to children in pilot schools around the world. This summer, the final "B4" beta-test laptop will go out to another thousand children. The first official production run is estimated to be in the millions, and numbers will increase from there.
| display = block }}

Es un tiempo excitante para involucrarse con OLPC. Esta página está diseñada para ayudarlo a comenzar.
Already, hundreds of laptops have been distributed to children in pilot schools around the world. This summer, the final "B4" beta-test laptop will go out to another thousand children. The first official production run is estimated to be in the millions, and numbers will increase from there.
{{ Translated text |
It's an exciting time to get involved with OLPC. This page is designed to help you get started.
| display = block }}

It's an exciting time to get involved with OLPC. This page is designed to help you get started.

{| border="0"
{| border="0"
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Brazil]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Brazil|OLPC Brasil]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Nigeria/Galadima|OLPC Nigeria - Galadima]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Nigeria/Galadima|OLPC Nigeria - Galadima]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Uruguay]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Uruguay]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Thailand/Ban_Samkha/trial-200705|OLPC Thailand - Ban Samkha]]'''
| align=center | '''[[OLPC Thailand/Ban_Samkha/trial-200705|OLPC Tailandia - Ban Samkha]]'''
|[[Image:Porto_alegre.jpg|thumb|Porto Alegre is the capital city of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]]
|[[Image:Porto_alegre.jpg|thumb|Porto Alegre es la capital de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil]]
|[[Image:Galadima1.jpg|thumb|Galadima is a hamlet in Abuja, Nigeria]]
|[[Image:Galadima1.jpg|thumb|Galadima es una aldea en Abuja, Nigeria]]
|[[Image:Cardal2.JPG|thumb|Villa Cardal is a small town in Uruguay]]
|[[Image:Cardal2.JPG|thumb|Villa Cardal es una pequeña ciudad en Uruguay]]
|[[Image:Hiking02.jpg|thumb|Ben Samkha is a rural village in northern Thailand]]
|[[Image:Hiking02.jpg|thumb|Ben Samkha es una villa rural el norte de Tailandia]]
''"Los pupilos avanzan más allá de lo que puedo enseñar en la clase. Es algo muy interesante para usar. Personalmente, tengo una mejor idea sobre enseñar... Descubrimos que darles tiempo para descubrir algo y para hacer las cosas a su manera, hace que estén más contentos y están tan excitados en usarlo, 'Si, Yo lo descubrí!, Si, yo lo logré!! Si, Puedo hacerlo a mi manera!!!' La enseñanza se vuelve más interesante y menos agotadora."'' - Sr. O., Escuela de Galadima, Abuja, Nigeria.
{{ Translated text |
''"Pupils go even beyond what I can teach in the class. It's a very interesting thing to use. I personally have a better idea about teaching... We discovered that giving them time to discover something and to do it in their own way, they feel more happy and they are so excited in using it that, 'Yes, I discovered it! Yes, I can get it!! Yes, I can do this on my own!!!' Teaching is getting more interesting and less stressful."'' — Mr. O., Galadima School, Abuja, Nigeria
| display = block }}

Una nota de contexto: el TRIAL-2 está hasta ahora comenzando, por tanto la mayoría de estos vínculos (actualmente todos) son del TRIAL-1. Este mayoritariamente utiliza un software ''muy'' limitado (pre-alfa), sobre principalmente tempranos y más limitados prototipos de hardware. Por tanto la respuesta a por que no se está haciendo gran uso de sus Diarios y la capacidad colaborativa en línea, es por que mayoritariamente aun no la tienen.
''"Pupils go even beyond what I can teach in the class. It's a very interesting thing to use. I personally have a better idea about teaching... We discovered that giving them time to discover something and to do it in their own way, they feel more happy and they are so excited in using it that, 'Yes, I discovered it! Yes, I can get it!! Yes, I can do this on my own!!!' Teaching is getting more interesting and less stressful."'' — Mr. O., Galadima School, Abuja, Nigeria
{{ Translated text |
A note of context: TRIAL-2 is just now getting started, so most of these links (currently all) are from TRIAL-1. Which mostly used ''very'' limited (pre-alpha) software, on mainly early, more limited hardware prototypes. So the answer to why they aren't making greater use of their Journals, and online collaborative capabilities, is they mostly didn't have them yet.
| display = block }}

A note of context: TRIAL-2 is just now getting started, so most of these links (currently all) are from TRIAL-1. Which mostly used ''very'' limited (pre-alpha) software, on mainly early, more limited hardware prototypes. So the answer to why they aren't making greater use of their Journals, and online collaborative capabilities, is they mostly didn't have them yet.
La laptop XO traerá un mundo de nuevas ideas, imágenes y materiales para los chicos alrededor del mundo. También proveerá a estudiantes y profesores con nuevas formas de colaborar, crear y transformar trabajos con el tiempo. Nuestra creencia en la colaboración como una parte fundamental del aprendizaje subraya nuestro compromiso con formatos editables de documentos, seguimiento de las revisiones y la atribución cuidadosa de autores y fuentes.
{{ Translated text |
The XO laptop will bring a world of new ideas, images, and materials to children around the world. It will also provide students and teachers with new ways to collaborate, create, and transform works over time. Our belief in collaboration as a fundamental part of learning underscores our commitment to editable document formats, revision tracking, and careful attribution of authors and sources.
| display = block }}

Todos nuestros proyectos son colaborativos y en este wiki es donde nuestros proyectos toman forma. Si hecha un vistazo alrededor, encontrará proyectos en todos los estadios de desarrollo-- desde bocetos y notas de reuniones hasta detallados planes de trabajo y documentos pulidos. Siéntase libre de contribuir con sus ideas y experticia a cualquier proyecto que le interese. Contamos con Usted para hacer de OLPC un éxito.
{{ Translated text |
The XO laptop will bring a world of new ideas, images, and materials to children around the world. It will also provide students and teachers with new ways to collaborate, create, and transform works over time. Our belief in collaboration as a fundamental part of learning underscores our commitment to editable document formats, revision tracking, and careful attribution of authors and sources.
All of our projects are collaborative, and this wiki is where each of our projects takes shape. If you take a look around, you'll find projects in all stages of completion-- from rough outlines and meeting notes to detailed workplans and polished documents. Feel free to contribute your ideas and expertise to any project that interests you. We're counting on you to make OLPC a success.
| display = block }}

Para aprender más de nuestro modelo para creación de contenido, nuestra red de guardianes y nuestro plan para servidores escolares que hospedarán (y compartirán) cada biblioteca digital de la escuela, visite [[Content/lang-es|Contenido]]. Si no, siga leyendo para descubrir como puede vincularse.
All of our projects are collaborative, and this wiki is where each of our projects takes shape. If you take a look around, you'll find projects in all stages of completion-- from rough outlines and meeting notes to detailed workplans and polished documents. Feel free to contribute your ideas and expertise to any project that interests you. We're counting on you to make OLPC a success.
{{ Translated text |
To learn more about our model for content creation, our network of curators, and our plan for school servers that will host (and share) each school's digital library, visit [[Content]]. Otherwise, keep reading to find out how you can join in.
| display = block }}

To learn more about our model for content creation, our network of curators, and our plan for school servers that will host (and share) each school's digital library, visit [[Content]]. Otherwise, keep reading to find out how you can join in.

==Join In==
{{anchor|Join In}}

{{anchor|¿Qué cosas interesantes se pueden hacer primero?}}
===What are some interesting things to do first?===
===What are some interesting things to do first?===
*Lea sobre la '''[[Visión_Educativa]]''' de OLPC para aprender más acerca de por qué pensamos que los niños en países en vías de desarrollo necesitan laptops y lo que podrían lograr con ellas.
*Visite el [[Portal:Education|Portal de educación]] de OLPC.
* Lea una [ descripción] de nuestros actuales '''programas piloto''', visite el '''[ blog de OLPC Ceibal]''', o lea las notas de campo de [[Galadima|Nigeria]] y [[OLPC_Thailand/Ban_Samkha|Tailandia]].
*Familiarícese con nuestras ideas sobre '''[[content|contenido and colaboración]]''', y las variedad de [ Licencias Creative Commons]. Como regla, queremos que los materiales educativos producidos para y conectados con OLPC sean libres y de código abierto.
*Contribuya con ideas (puede aprender como contribuir a un wiki ...'''¿¿dónde??''').

{{ Translated text |
*Read about the OLPC '''[[Learning Vision]]''' to learn more about why we think children in developing countries need laptops and what we think laptops will enable them to do.
*Read about the OLPC '''[[Learning Vision]]''' to learn more about why we think children in developing countries need laptops and what we think laptops will enable them to do.
*Visit the OLPC [[Portal:Education|Education Portal]].
*Visit the OLPC [[Portal:Education|Education Portal]].
*Read an [ overview] of our current '''pilot programs''', visit the '''[ OLPC Ceibal blog]''', or read field notes from [[Galadima|Nigeria]] and [[OLPC_Thailand/Ban_Samkha|Thailand]].
*Read an [ overview] of our current '''pilot programs''', visit the '''[ OLPC Ceibal blog]''', or read field notes from [[Galadima|Nigeria]] and [[OLPC_Thailand/Ban_Samkha|Thailand]].
*Familiarize yourself with our ideas about '''[[content|content and collaboration]]''', and the various [ Creative Commons licenses]. As a rule, we want educational materials produced for and connected with OLPC to be free and open source.
*Familiarize yourself with our ideas about '''[[content|content and collaboration]]''', and the various [ Creative Commons licenses]. As a rule, we want educational materials produced for and connected with OLPC to be free and open source.
*Contribute ideas (you can learn about contributing to a wiki ...'''where??''').
*Contribute ideas (you can learn about contributing to a wiki ...'''where??''').
| display = block }}

===And then what?===
Play, learn, explore, exchange-- you can do anything you want! Here are some ideas to help you get started.

{{anchor|And then what?}}
:''Eventually, the following sub-categories should each have their own page...'' --[[User:Lauren|Lauren]] 18:51, 6 July 2007 (EDT)
===¿Y después qué?===
Juegue, aprenda, explore, intercambie-- Puede hacer lo que quiera! Aquí hay algunas ideas para ayudarle a comenzar
{{ Translated text |
Play, learn, explore, exchange-- you can do anything you want! Here are some ideas to help you get started.
| display = block }}

:''Eventualmente, las siguientes sub-categorías deberían tener, cada una, su propia página... ''--[[User:Lauren|Lauren]] 18:51, 6 July 2007 (EDT)
{{ Translated text |
:''Eventually, the following sub-categories should each have their own page...'' --[[User:Lauren|Lauren]] 18:51, 6 July 2007 (EDT)
| display = block }}

{{anchor|Únase a la comunidad}}
==== Join the community ====
==== Join the community ====
{{ Translated text |

*'''[ Create an account]''' on the OLPCWiki!
*'''[ Create an account]''' on the OLPCWiki!
*'''Add yourself''', or your organization, to the educator [[Educators/Roll Call|Roll Call]] page.
*'''Add yourself''', or your organization, to the educator [[Educators/Roll Call|Roll Call]] page.
Line 56: Line 112:
*Create an '''[[Educational organization template|educational organization page]]''' for your organization, group, or school.
*Create an '''[[Educational organization template|educational organization page]]''' for your organization, group, or school.
*Find a '''[[education projects|project]]''' that excites you.
*Find a '''[[education projects|project]]''' that excites you.
| display = block }}

{{anchor|Contribute content}}
==== Contribute content ====
==== Contribute content ====
{{ Translated text |
*Read about the '''[[content repository]]''' that will reside on the school servers.
*Read about the '''[[content repository]]''' that will reside on the school servers.
*Add to the '''[[Educational content ideas|list of ideas]]''' for content that should be included in the repository.
*Add to the '''[[Educational content ideas|list of ideas]]''' for content that should be included in the repository.
*'''Contribute your content''' directly to OLPC by following [[contributing content|these instructions]].
*'''Contribute your content''' directly to OLPC by following [[contributing content|these instructions]].
| display = block }}

{{anchor|Create activities}}
==== Create activities ====
==== Create activities ====
{{ Translated text |
*Read the '''[[educational activity guidelines]]''' to learn about the features of the XO that pertain directly to educators.
*Read the '''[[educational activity guidelines]]''' to learn about the features of the XO that pertain directly to educators.
*Explore our '''repository of [[:Category:Learning_Activities|activity outlines and lesson plans]]'''.
*Explore our '''repository of [[:Category:Learning_Activities|activity outlines and lesson plans]]'''.
*Contribute to our collection of story-based '''[[learning activities]]'''.
*Contribute to our collection of story-based '''[[learning activities]]'''.
*'''Create a new activity,''' either based on one of our [[sample learning activities]] or entirely from scratch.
*'''Create a new activity,''' either based on one of our [[sample learning activities]] or entirely from scratch.
| display = block }}

==Frequently Asked Questions==

Ask a question and someone will try to answer it.

{{anchor|Frequently Asked Questions}}
==Comments and Discussion==
==Formule preguntas frecuentemente==
Haga una pregunta y alguien tratará de responderle.
{{ Translated text |
Ask a question and someone will try to answer it.
| display = block }}

Please leave comments on the Educators '''[[Talk:Educators|talk page]].'''

{{anchor|Comments and Discussion}}
==Comentarios y Discusión==
{{ Translated text |
Please leave comments on the Educators '''[[Talk:Educators|talk page]].'''
| display = block }}

Revision as of 06:55, 20 July 2007

  Traducción de Educators original  
  english | español | italian | 日本語 | 한글 | português | русский | 中文(简体)   +/- cambios  
This is an on-going translation


Una Laptop por Chico es un proyecto educativo, no un proyecto de portátiles. Nuestro propósito es proveer a los chicos con acceso a bibliotecas de conocimiento, ideas, experimentos y arte. Nuestra esperanza es que este material actúe como una ventana a todo el mundo con ejemplos y referencias sobre las cuales construir.

One Laptop per Child is an education project, not a laptop project. Our goal is to provide children with access to libraries of knowledge, ideas, experiments, and art. Our hope is that this material will act as a window into the world, complete with examples and references on which to build.

Esta página está diseñada para la comunidad de educadores que están interesados en contribuir con estas bibliotecas de conocimiento y soportar la comunidad de profesores que usen las XO en sus salones de clase. Si usted es un profesor que usa (o va usar) la XO en su salón de clase, podría estar interesado en la página de la comunidad para profesores de la XO.

This page is designed for the community of educators who are interested in contributing to these libraries of knowledge, and supporting the community of teachers using XOs in their classrooms. If you are a teacher currently using (or about to use) XOs in your classroom, you may be interested in the community page for XO Teachers.

Ya cientos de laptos han sido distribuidas a niños en escuelas piloto alrededor del mundo. Este verano, la laptop final "B4" llegará a otros miles de chicos. La primera producción oficial se estima será de millones, y el número se incrementará desde ahí.

Already, hundreds of laptops have been distributed to children in pilot schools around the world. This summer, the final "B4" beta-test laptop will go out to another thousand children. The first official production run is estimated to be in the millions, and numbers will increase from there.

Es un tiempo excitante para involucrarse con OLPC. Esta página está diseñada para ayudarlo a comenzar.

It's an exciting time to get involved with OLPC. This page is designed to help you get started.


OLPC Brasil OLPC Nigeria - Galadima OLPC Uruguay OLPC Tailandia - Ban Samkha
Porto Alegre es la capital de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Galadima es una aldea en Abuja, Nigeria
Villa Cardal es una pequeña ciudad en Uruguay
Ben Samkha es una villa rural el norte de Tailandia

"Los pupilos avanzan más allá de lo que puedo enseñar en la clase. Es algo muy interesante para usar. Personalmente, tengo una mejor idea sobre enseñar... Descubrimos que darles tiempo para descubrir algo y para hacer las cosas a su manera, hace que estén más contentos y están tan excitados en usarlo, 'Si, Yo lo descubrí!, Si, yo lo logré!! Si, Puedo hacerlo a mi manera!!!' La enseñanza se vuelve más interesante y menos agotadora." - Sr. O., Escuela de Galadima, Abuja, Nigeria.

"Pupils go even beyond what I can teach in the class. It's a very interesting thing to use. I personally have a better idea about teaching... We discovered that giving them time to discover something and to do it in their own way, they feel more happy and they are so excited in using it that, 'Yes, I discovered it! Yes, I can get it!! Yes, I can do this on my own!!!' Teaching is getting more interesting and less stressful." — Mr. O., Galadima School, Abuja, Nigeria

Una nota de contexto: el TRIAL-2 está hasta ahora comenzando, por tanto la mayoría de estos vínculos (actualmente todos) son del TRIAL-1. Este mayoritariamente utiliza un software muy limitado (pre-alfa), sobre principalmente tempranos y más limitados prototipos de hardware. Por tanto la respuesta a por que no se está haciendo gran uso de sus Diarios y la capacidad colaborativa en línea, es por que mayoritariamente aun no la tienen.

A note of context: TRIAL-2 is just now getting started, so most of these links (currently all) are from TRIAL-1. Which mostly used very limited (pre-alpha) software, on mainly early, more limited hardware prototypes. So the answer to why they aren't making greater use of their Journals, and online collaborative capabilities, is they mostly didn't have them yet.


La laptop XO traerá un mundo de nuevas ideas, imágenes y materiales para los chicos alrededor del mundo. También proveerá a estudiantes y profesores con nuevas formas de colaborar, crear y transformar trabajos con el tiempo. Nuestra creencia en la colaboración como una parte fundamental del aprendizaje subraya nuestro compromiso con formatos editables de documentos, seguimiento de las revisiones y la atribución cuidadosa de autores y fuentes.

The XO laptop will bring a world of new ideas, images, and materials to children around the world. It will also provide students and teachers with new ways to collaborate, create, and transform works over time. Our belief in collaboration as a fundamental part of learning underscores our commitment to editable document formats, revision tracking, and careful attribution of authors and sources.

Todos nuestros proyectos son colaborativos y en este wiki es donde nuestros proyectos toman forma. Si hecha un vistazo alrededor, encontrará proyectos en todos los estadios de desarrollo-- desde bocetos y notas de reuniones hasta detallados planes de trabajo y documentos pulidos. Siéntase libre de contribuir con sus ideas y experticia a cualquier proyecto que le interese. Contamos con Usted para hacer de OLPC un éxito.

All of our projects are collaborative, and this wiki is where each of our projects takes shape. If you take a look around, you'll find projects in all stages of completion-- from rough outlines and meeting notes to detailed workplans and polished documents. Feel free to contribute your ideas and expertise to any project that interests you. We're counting on you to make OLPC a success.

Para aprender más de nuestro modelo para creación de contenido, nuestra red de guardianes y nuestro plan para servidores escolares que hospedarán (y compartirán) cada biblioteca digital de la escuela, visite Contenido. Si no, siga leyendo para descubrir como puede vincularse.

To learn more about our model for content creation, our network of curators, and our plan for school servers that will host (and share) each school's digital library, visit Content. Otherwise, keep reading to find out how you can join in.


What are some interesting things to do first?

  • Lea sobre la Visión_Educativa de OLPC para aprender más acerca de por qué pensamos que los niños en países en vías de desarrollo necesitan laptops y lo que podrían lograr con ellas.
  • Visite el Portal de educación de OLPC.
  • Lea una descripción de nuestros actuales programas piloto, visite el blog de OLPC Ceibal, o lea las notas de campo de Nigeria y Tailandia.
  • Familiarícese con nuestras ideas sobre contenido and colaboración, y las variedad de Licencias Creative Commons. Como regla, queremos que los materiales educativos producidos para y conectados con OLPC sean libres y de código abierto.
  • Contribuya con ideas (puede aprender como contribuir a un wiki ...¿¿dónde??).

  • Read about the OLPC Learning Vision to learn more about why we think children in developing countries need laptops and what we think laptops will enable them to do.
  • Visit the OLPC Education Portal.
  • Read an overview of our current pilot programs, visit the OLPC Ceibal blog, or read field notes from Nigeria and Thailand.
  • Familiarize yourself with our ideas about content and collaboration, and the various Creative Commons licenses. As a rule, we want educational materials produced for and connected with OLPC to be free and open source.
  • Contribute ideas (you can learn about contributing to a wiki ...where??).

¿Y después qué?

Juegue, aprenda, explore, intercambie-- Puede hacer lo que quiera! Aquí hay algunas ideas para ayudarle a comenzar

Play, learn, explore, exchange-- you can do anything you want! Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Eventualmente, las siguientes sub-categorías deberían tener, cada una, su propia página... --Lauren 18:51, 6 July 2007 (EDT)
Eventually, the following sub-categories should each have their own page... --Lauren 18:51, 6 July 2007 (EDT)

Join the community


Contribute content

Create activities

Formule preguntas frecuentemente

Haga una pregunta y alguien tratará de responderle.

Ask a question and someone will try to answer it.

Comentarios y Discusión

Please leave comments on the Educators talk page.