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#redirect [[Developers program]]
This page should help you install our Linux distribution on an XO, or an emulation of our system on another computer. It will also help you download and update individual components of our system.

* To automatically [re]install a '''new build''' of our system on an XO, see '''[[Autoreinstallation_image]]'''
* To download and run an emulation of our system, see '''[[OS images for emulation]]'''. There are many emulation options, including QEMU, Parallels, and VMWare.
* To download individual [[activities]] or library collections, see our '''[[activity grid|activity grid]]''' and '''[[library grid]]'''.
* For help with installing or running any of the above, see the '''[[Hardware Release Notes|hardware]]''', '''[[Software Release Notes|software]]''', and '''[[Library Release Notes|library]]''' release notes for the appropriate release.


Revision as of 14:08, 13 August 2007

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