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* [http://www.derivations.org/ Derivations of Applied Mathematics]
:''This is the latest version of the page; [[Content projects/websites/details]] is an older page with more metadata.''
* [http://www.ptable.com/ Periodic Table of Elements] (Afrikaans, العربية, Български, বাংলা, Dansk, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, English, Esperanto, Español, فارسی, Suomi, Français, עברית, Íslenska, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Latina, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Русский, Svenska, Kiswahili, ไทย, Türkçe, 中文)

Links of interest to children and teachers, in various languages.

* [http://tuquito.org.ar/olpc/index.php?title=Howto:Icono_SVG_para_Sugar Tuquito on how to make an SVG icon for sugar]
and the local translation here into English: [[Making SVG Icons for Sugar]]

:[http://www.mundolatino.org/rinconcito/ es] rinconcito portal

:[http://www.egiptologia.com/index.htm es] Egiptologia
:[http://muva.elpais.com.uy/ es] Uruguayan art museum
:[http://www.elbalero.gob.mx/index_esp.html es] México para niños

:[http://answers.com en] general reference: answers.com
:[http://www.uni.edu/becker/Spanish3.html#searchengines es] small search engines

[http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listspanish.html en->es]
- [portal] List of Spanish resources

[http://images.com/rf_front.shtml en]
- image bank

[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hino_Nacional_Brasileiro en],
[http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himno_Nacional_Brasile%C3%B1o es],
[http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hino_nacional_do_Brasil pt]
[http://david.national-anthems.net/ en]
[http://www.prd.go.th/thaisound/mp3/01-Track1.mp3 .mp3]
- National Anthems


== Language & Literatura ==
:'''أدب | literature | literatura | littérature | literatura'''

''[http://www.logosdictionary.org many]''
- Translation Dictionary for children

[http://www.storyplace.org/storyplace.asp en],
[http://www.storyplace.org/sp/storyplace.asp es]
- Charlotte and Mecklenberg children's library

[http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryfrench/ en->fr],
[http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryspanish/ en->es]
- BBC's Introduction to Languages

[http://www.tps.edu.ee/nastik/ar-en/ ar->en],
[http://www.tps.edu.ee/nastik/ar-en/ en->ar]
- القاموس. Arabic to English (and English to Arabic dictionary)

[http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/es.htm es],
[http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/en.htm en]
- Trabalenguas / Tongue-twisters

[http://pdictionary.com/links.html en, es, fr]
- picture dictionary, exercises

[http://www.rae.es/ es]
- Diccionario RAE
[http://www.manythings.org Manythings]
[http://www.esl-lab.com/ cyber-listening]
- English language learning

== Música ==
:'''موسيقى | music | música | musique | música'''

[http://worldmusic.nationalgeographic.com en],
[http://www.worldmusic.net/listen/mp3.html en2]
- World music (.mp3)

[http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Classical_music en],
[http://www.classicalarchives.com/ en2]
- Classical Music (.ogg, .midi)

[http://www.bossanovaguitar.com/links/music.html Bossanova],
[http://www.carnaval.com/music/samba.htm Samba],
[http://www.argentour.com/tangoi.html Tango]

<!-- [http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9609/ pt]
- Brazilian music (.midi) -->
[http://www.nigeria-arts.net/music/ en]
- Nigeria-arts.net, a participatory site for Nigerian artists

[http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5519098 en]
- Jose Gonzalez and Juana Molina in Concert from NPR

[http://toquecandombe.tripod.com/ritmos.htm es],
[http://www.libyanet.com/libmusic.htm ar],
[http://www.libyana.org/music/ en]
[http://www.ethaimusic.com/ en+th]
- Candombe, Libyana, EThai

[http://www.zonaindie.com.ar/discos-cc-ar/en/ en],
[http://www.zonaindie.com.ar/discos-cc-ar/es/ es]
- Zona Indie - Free and open music

== Buenas imágenes ==
:'''صور جيدة | images | buenas imágenes | bonnes images | imagens boas'''

[http://flickr.com/creativecommons/by-2.0/ en]
- Flickr - Free and open images

[http://www.pixalia.net/home.php es]
- Pixalia images

[http://photobank.unesco.org en],
[http://photobank.unesco.org/exec/index.htm?lang=es es],
[http://photobank.unesco.org/exec/index.htm?lang=fr fr]
- UNESCO Photobank, Fotobanco, Photobanque

[http://www.nationalgeographic.com/media/photography/ en]
- National geographic images

[http://pics.tech4learning.com/ en]
- Tech4Learning images
[http://pro.corbis.com/sectionfront/royaltyfree.aspx en], es, fr, pt, others
- Corbis image bank

[http://coleccion.educ.ar/coleccion/CD4/contenidos/recursos/bancos-de-imagenes/imag_educar.html es]
- Educ.ar image collections

[http://www.indiana.edu/~clacs/index.php en],
[http://www.indiana.edu/~clacs/CAMVA/scamva.html es]
- Central American and Mexican Video archive

== Matemáticas ==
:'''الرياضيات | mathematics | matemáticas | mathématiques | matemática'''

[http://www.ed.gov/pubs/parents/Math/mathhome.html en],
[http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/grabbag/math_teasers/challenge.asp en2]
- Simple math exercises for parents and children
[http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jeather/maths/dictionary.html en]
- A math dictionary

[http://www.funbrain.com/math/index.html en]
- Math games

[http://projecteuler.net/ en] math problems

== Ciencias ==
:'''العلم | science | ciencias | science | ciência'''

[http://www.fourmilab.to/yoursky/ en]
- Fourmilab sky exploration

[http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/ en],
[http://www.nasa.gov/about/highlights/En_Espanol.html es]
- Interactive solar system exploration

[http://www.unesco.org/science/ en],
[http://www.unesco.org/science/index_sp.shtml es],
[http://www.unesco.org/science/index_fre.shtml fr]
- UNESCO Exploratorium - children's digital museum

[http://nsdl.org/browse/?GEM_cat=true en]
- National Science Digital Library collections by topic

[http://www.hhmi.org/coolscience/ en]
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Cool Science (Biology)

[http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/students/explore_by_topic/science_nature.html en]
- Smithsonian for students (Science and Nature)

[http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/firstgarden/basics/index.html en],
[http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/firstgarden_sp/basics/index.html es]
- Mi primer jardin

[http://biology.usgs.gov/features/learningrm/lr_learn.html en]
- Biological geology survey

[http://whyfiles.org/ en]
- Whyfiles - The science behind the news

[http://www.mma.gov.br/ingles/cgmi/cantoave/canto.html# en],
[http://www.mma.gov.br/frances/cgmi/contoave/canto.html fr], pt
- Songbirds (Brazil)

[http://www.xeno-canto.org/index.php en],
[http://www.xeno-canto.org/index.php?lang=span es],
[http://www.xeno-canto.org/index.php?lang=port pt]
- xeno-canto :: bird songs from tropical america

== Salud ==
:'''الصحة | health | salud | santé | saúde'''

[http://www.nichd.nih.gov/publications/pubs.cfm?from= en],
[http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements en2]
- NIH Curriculum Supplements (Elementary, Middle & High school)

[http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/ en],
[http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kidspan/home.htm es]
- National Institute of Environmental Health Science
[http://www.smallstep.gov/kids/flash/index.html en],
[http://www.smallstep.gov/kids_esp/html/index.html es]
- Smallstep Nutrition (Sections for Kids, Teens, Adult & Teachers)

[http://kidshealth.org/kid/ en]
- Kids' Health

=== Para alumnos ===
:'''الطلاب | for students | para alumnos | pour des étudiants | para estudantes'''

[http://www.syvum.com/ en],
[http://www.syvum.es/ es],
[http://www.syvum.fr/ fr],
[http://br.syvum.com/ pt]
- Syvum - K-12+ Education portal

[http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/ en]
- kidspace

[http://www.getty.edu/education/for_kids/ en]
- Getty Foundation for kids K-12+ (including [http://www.whyville.net whyville] and other games)

[http://www.eduplace.com/kids/index.jsp?state=intl&go.x=46&go.y=16&go=About+submit+buttons en]
- Eduplace.com international

[http://pbskids.org/ en]
- PBS kids, teachers & parents

=== Para docentes ===
:'''المعلمين | for teachers | para docentes | pour des professeurs | para professores'''

[http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/index_grades35.htm en]
- Scholastic's K-12 + teacher site

[http://dmoz.org/World/Arabic/%d8%aa%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%85/%d9%86%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a6%d8%ad_%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%af%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%b3%d8%a9/ ar],
[http://dmoz.org/Reference/Education/How_to_Study/ en]
- Open Directory - Lesson plans

[http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/ en]
- K-6 Teaching ideas and lesson plans and many activities

== Geografía ==
:'''جغرافيا | geography | geografía | géographie | geografia'''

[http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/english/htmain.htm en],
[http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/french/htmain.htm fr]
- UN Maps

[http://www.davidrumsey.com en]
- ~15,000 maps from many time-periods

[http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/mywonderfulworld/ en]
- Geography, from the Smithsonian

[http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/mapmachine/ en]
- National Geographic Map Machine

[http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ en]
- Perry-Castaneda maps (UTexas)

[http://www.flags.net/fullindex.htm en]
- World Flags

== Arte ==
:'''فن | art | arte | l'art | arte'''

[http://www.icaf.org/resources/ en],
[http://accessarts.org/ArtKids/ArtTeacher/ en2]
- Children's and teacher's art

[http://www.metmuseum.org/education/er_online_resourc.asp en]
- Metropolitan museum of art teaching resources

[http://www.dmoz.org/World/Arabic/%d9%81%d9%86%d9%88%d9%86/ ar],
[http://www.dmoz.org/Arts/ en],
[http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Arts/Showcases_for_Kids'_Art/ en2],
[http://www.dmoz.org/World/Espa%c3%b1ol/Artes/ es],
[http://www.dmoz.org/World/Fran%c3%a7ais/Arts/ fr],
[http://www.dmoz.org/World/Portugu%c3%aas/Artes/ pt]
- Art links (Open Directory)

== Historia ==
:'''التاريخ | history | historia | histoire | história'''

[http://whc.unesco.org/en/list en],
[http://whc.unesco.org/fr/list/ fr]
- World Heritage Sites list, images

[http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/worldhistorygeneral.htm en]
- Social Studies portal for Kids - History links

[http://www.palaeos.com/default.htm en]
- Palaeos - The Trace of Life on Earth (fossils)

== Recursos varios ==
:'''متفرقات الموارد | misc resources | recursos varios | ressources diverses | recursos variados'''

[http://www.digital-librarian.com en],
[http://www.kidsclick.org/ en2]
- Digital Librarian, massive compendium of "librarian's choice" links

[http://nzdl.sadl.uleth.ca/cgi-bin/library en]
- New Zealand Digital Library

[http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br pt]
- Brazilian Search: Dominio Publico

[http://www.arrayaneduca.cl/ es]
- Arrayaneduca.cl texts

[http://www.educar.org es],
[http://coleccion.educ.ar/ es2]
[http://coleccion.educ.ar/coleccion/CD7/index.html cds]
- Educ.ar (colecciones)

[http://www.jsd.k12.ca.us/bf/bflibrary/Arabkid.htm ar],
[http://www.arabo.com/links/,200,230,199,200,199,202/,199,225,216,221,225/ ar],
[http://www.arabo.com/home.html en]
- bflib, arabo

== Idiomas ==
; languages : english | المجلس | inglés | anglais | inglês
: portuguese | البرتغالي | portugés | portugais | português
: spanish | الاسبانيه | castellano/español | l'espagnol | espanhol
: arabic | árabe | arabe | árabe | اللغة العربية

[http://dmoz.org/World/Arabic/%d8%aa%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%85/%d9%84%d8%ba%d8%a7%d8%aa/ ar],
[http://dmoz.org/World/Fran%c3%a7ais/R%c3%a9f%c3%a9rences/Langues/Formation/Anglais/ en],
[http://dmoz.org/World/Fran%c3%a7ais/R%c3%a9f%c3%a9rences/Langues/Formation/Espagnol/ es],
[http://dmoz.org/World/Fran%c3%a7ais/R%c3%a9f%c3%a9rences/Langues/Formation/ fr],
[http://dmoz.org/World/Fran%c3%a7ais/R%c3%a9f%c3%a9rences/Langues/Formation/Portugais/ pt]
- Open Directory - Languages

Random extras

[http://portal.unesco.org/ar ar],
[http://portal.unesco.org/en en],
[http://portal.unesco.org/es es],
[http://portal.unesco.org/fr fr]

[http://www.free.ed.gov/ en]
- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence portal

[http://www.ed.gov/parents/academic/help/hyc.html en],
[http://www.ed.gov/espanol/bienvenidos/es/index.html?src=gu es]
- The "helping your child" series, from the US Dept.

[http://teams.lacoe.edu/documentation/classrooms/classrooms.html en]
- Electronic classrooms K-8 + teachers from Los Angeles Country Dept.

[http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/ en],
[http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/International/Espa%c3%b1ol/Actividades_escolares/ es],
[http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/International/Fran%c3%a7ais/Scolaire/ fr],
[http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/International/Portugu%c3%aas/Atividades_Escolares/ pt]
- Open Directory, Educational activities

[http://dmoz.org/World/Arabic/%d8%aa%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%85/%d9%85%d8%a4%d8%b3%d9%91%d8%b3%d8%a7%d8%aa_%d8%aa%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%91%d8%a9/ ar],
[http://dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/ en],
[http://dmoz.org/World/Espa%c3%b1ol/Educaci%c3%b3n/Universidades/ es],
[http://dmoz.org/World/Fran%c3%a7ais/Formation/Enseignement_sup%c3%a9rieur/Universit%c3%a9s/ fr],
[http://dmoz.org/World/Portugu%c3%aas/Refer%c3%aancia/Educa%c3%a7%c3%a3o/Universidades_e_Ensino_Superior/ pt]
- Open Directory - Educational Institutions

[http://www.mre.gov.br/ingles/index.htm en],
[http://www.mre.gov.br/espanhol/ es],
[http://www.mre.gov.br/ pt]
- Brazilian External Relations Ministry

[[Category:Content ideas]]

Revision as of 15:22, 25 September 2007

This is the latest version of the page; Content projects/websites/details is an older page with more metadata.

Links of interest to children and teachers, in various languages.

and the local translation here into English: Making SVG Icons for Sugar

Language & Literatura

أدب | literature | literatura | littérature | literatura

many - Translation Dictionary for children

en, es - Charlotte and Mecklenberg children's library

en->fr, en->es - BBC's Introduction to Languages

ar->en, en->ar - القاموس. Arabic to English (and English to Arabic dictionary)

es, en - Trabalenguas / Tongue-twisters

Manythings cyber-listening - English language learning


موسيقى | music | música | musique | música

en, en2 - World music (.mp3)

en, en2 - Classical Music (.ogg, .midi)

Bossanova, Samba, Tango

en - Nigeria-arts.net, a participatory site for Nigerian artists

en - Jose Gonzalez and Juana Molina in Concert from NPR

es, ar, en en+th - Candombe, Libyana, EThai

en, es - Zona Indie - Free and open music

Buenas imágenes

صور جيدة | images | buenas imágenes | bonnes images | imagens boas

en - Flickr - Free and open images

es - Pixalia images

en, es, fr - UNESCO Photobank, Fotobanco, Photobanque

en - National geographic images

en - Tech4Learning images

en, es, fr, pt, others - Corbis image bank

es - Educ.ar image collections

en, es - Central American and Mexican Video archive


الرياضيات | mathematics | matemáticas | mathématiques | matemática

en - A math dictionary

en - Math games

en math problems


العلم | science | ciencias | science | ciência

en - Fourmilab sky exploration

en, es - Interactive solar system exploration

en, es, fr - UNESCO Exploratorium - children's digital museum

en - National Science Digital Library collections by topic

en - Howard Hughes Medical Institute Cool Science (Biology)

en - Smithsonian for students (Science and Nature)

en, es - Mi primer jardin

en - Biological geology survey

en - Whyfiles - The science behind the news

en, fr, pt - Songbirds (Brazil)

en, es, pt - xeno-canto :: bird songs from tropical america


الصحة | health | salud | santé | saúde

en, es - Smallstep Nutrition (Sections for Kids, Teens, Adult & Teachers)

en - Kids' Health

Para alumnos

الطلاب | for students | para alumnos | pour des étudiants | para estudantes

en, es, fr, pt - Syvum - K-12+ Education portal

en - kidspace

en - Getty Foundation for kids K-12+ (including whyville and other games)

en - Eduplace.com international

en - PBS kids, teachers & parents

Para docentes

المعلمين | for teachers | para docentes | pour des professeurs | para professores

en - Scholastic's K-12 + teacher site

ar, en - Open Directory - Lesson plans

en - K-6 Teaching ideas and lesson plans and many activities


جغرافيا | geography | geografía | géographie | geografia

en, fr - UN Maps

en - ~15,000 maps from many time-periods

en - Geography, from the Smithsonian

en - National Geographic Map Machine

en - Perry-Castaneda maps (UTexas)

en - World Flags


فن | art | arte | l'art | arte

en, en2 - Children's and teacher's art

en - Metropolitan museum of art teaching resources

ar, en, en2, es, fr, pt - Art links (Open Directory)


التاريخ | history | historia | histoire | história

en, fr - World Heritage Sites list, images

Recursos varios

متفرقات الموارد | misc resources | recursos varios | ressources diverses | recursos variados

en, en2 - Digital Librarian, massive compendium of "librarian's choice" links

en - New Zealand Digital Library

pt - Brazilian Search: Dominio Publico

es - Arrayaneduca.cl texts

es, es2 cds - Educ.ar (colecciones)

ar, ar, en - bflib, arabo


english | المجلس | inglés | anglais | inglês
portuguese | البرتغالي | portugés | portugais | português
spanish | الاسبانيه | castellano/español | l'espagnol | espanhol
arabic | árabe | arabe | árabe | اللغة العربية

ar, en, es, fr, pt - Open Directory - Languages