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Our approach would be as follows:-
Our approach would be as follows:-

1] Learn how to use eSpeak and create a widget/component to control eSpeak parameter.
#Learn how to use eSpeak and create a widget/component to control eSpeak parameter.
2] Incorporate the component into Read.
#Incorporate the component into Read.
3] Extending the GUI for synchronized highlighting of the textual word with the spoken word.
#Extending the GUI for synchronized highlighting of the textual word with the spoken word.

Revision as of 04:22, 7 October 2007


  • Interns - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested interns section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Mentors - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested mentors section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Others - If you are interested in this project in a role other than that of potential mentor or potential intern (example: you are an organization, a potential end-user/tester, may have helpful resources, or want to be notified if the project is chosen), add your name to the Other interested parties section below with contact information and details.
  • Everyone - Contribute to the project description on this page, or discuss this project on the associated talk page (click the "discussion" tab on top).

The deadline for editing this proposal or adding yourself to the list is 11:59pm EST (GMT-5) on August 6, 2007.

E-Book Reader TTS PLugin


Develop a simple and scalable EBook Reader TTS (Text to Speech) Plugin [for Xbook/Read] using eSpeak Speech_synthesis for XO using python.


The Ebook reader will provide the users with the following capabilities :

  • Ability to load text files [possible formats: pdf/txt/doc/DJVU/HTML. Better idea to develop the idea as a plugin for a popularly used Ebook Reader being shipped on XO]
  • A TTS Control Panel to control various parameters of ESpeak.
  • Synchronized highlighting of the textual word with the spoken word.
  • Voice recording and playback, to easily record your own voice reading the page in your own language, and create personalized spoken translations.

Target Audience

Students [taken from Book_reader_feature_set]–

  1. A text to speech option can help kids learn to read.
  2. A text to speech option might help kids that do not like to read a lesson but would not mind listening to it at a speed they could understand it.

Existing Tools Present


Our approach would be as follows:-

  1. Learn how to use eSpeak and create a widget/component to control eSpeak parameter.
  2. Incorporate the component into Read.
  3. Extending the GUI for synchronized highlighting of the textual word with the spoken word.