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|align="right"|07 Jul. 2006
||San Diego Union-Tribune | [http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/education/20060707-9999-7m7laptops.html U.S. and international educators show great interest in prototype]

|align="right"|21 Jun. 2006
|align="right"|21 Jun. 2006
|BusinessWeek online | [http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/jun2006/nf20060621_8327.htm For Brazil's Poor, a Digital Deliverance?]
||BusinessWeek online | [http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/jun2006/nf20060621_8327.htm For Brazil's Poor, a Digital Deliverance?]

|align="right"|24 May 2006
|align="right"|24 May 2006
|CNET News.com | [http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1040_22-6076351.html $100 laptop gets working prototype]
||CNET News.com | [http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1040_22-6076351.html $100 laptop gets working prototype]

|align="right"|07 Apr. 2006
|align="right"|07 Apr. 2006
|rediff.com | [http://inhome.rediff.com/money/2006/apr/07laptop.htm Our $100 laptops will run on human power]
||rediff.com | [http://inhome.rediff.com/money/2006/apr/07laptop.htm Our $100 laptops will run on human power]

|align="right"|02 Apr. 2006
|align="right"|02 Apr. 2006
|O Estado de S.Paulo | [http://txt.estado.com.br/editorias/2006/04/02/opi79898.xml Fazer a diferença]
||O Estado de S.Paulo | [http://txt.estado.com.br/editorias/2006/04/02/opi79898.xml Fazer a diferença]

|align="right"|28 Mar. 2006
|align="right"|28 Mar. 2006
|FT.com | [http://news.ft.com/cms/s/cda9ff16-bd97-11da-a998-0000779e2340,dwp_uuid=863bb51c-1f76-11da-853a-00000e2511c8,s01=1.html Waking up to a laptop revolution]
||FT.com | [http://news.ft.com/cms/s/cda9ff16-bd97-11da-a998-0000779e2340,dwp_uuid=863bb51c-1f76-11da-853a-00000e2511c8,s01=1.html Waking up to a laptop revolution]

|align="right"|24 Mar. 2006
|align="right"|24 Mar. 2006
|Diário do Comércio | [http://net.dcomercio.com.br/WebSearch/v.asp?TxtId=137775&SessionID=777715923&id=4&q=(Bender) Um Laptop por Crianca]
||Diário do Comércio | [http://net.dcomercio.com.br/WebSearch/v.asp?TxtId=137775&SessionID=777715923&id=4&q=(Bender) Um Laptop por Crianca]

|align="right"|22 Mar. 2006
|align="right"|22 Mar. 2006
|Times Online | [http://business.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13132-2097123,00.html Getting the world's poor logged on]
||Times Online | [http://business.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13132-2097123,00.html Getting the world's poor logged on]

|align="right"|09 Mar. 2006
|align="right"|09 Mar. 2006
|Correio Popular | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=551&m=576482&l=52455&who=21535 País disputa fabricação de laptop de US$ 100]
||Correio Popular | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=551&m=576482&l=52455&who=21535 País disputa fabricação de laptop de US$ 100]

|Folha de S. Paulo | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=551&m=574713&l=52431&who=21535 Governo quer comprar 1 milhão de laptops ]
||Folha de S. Paulo | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=551&m=574713&l=52431&who=21535 Governo quer comprar 1 milhão de laptops ]

|Info Exame On Line | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10893&l=6490&who=21535 Governo quer um milhão de laptops de US$ 100 ]
||Info Exame On Line | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10893&l=6490&who=21535 Governo quer um milhão de laptops de US$ 100 ]

|align="right"|08 Mar. 2006
|align="right"|08 Mar. 2006
|IDG Now | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10891&l=6489&who=21535 Faculdade abre programa de inclusão digital para alunos ]
||IDG Now | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10891&l=6489&who=21535 Faculdade abre programa de inclusão digital para alunos ]

|Folha de S. Paulo | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10885&l=6486&who=21535 Governo negocia fabricação do laptop de US$ 100 no Brasil]
||Folha de S. Paulo | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10885&l=6486&who=21535 Governo negocia fabricação do laptop de US$ 100 no Brasil]

|Agência Globo | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10887&l=6487&who=21535 Governo estuda possibilidade de produção de computador de US$ 100 no país]
||Agência Globo | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10887&l=6487&who=21535 Governo estuda possibilidade de produção de computador de US$ 100 no país]

|Teletime News | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10889&l=6488&who=21535 DVB detalha contrapartidas oferecidas ao Brasil]
||Teletime News | [http://www.info4.com.br/gomateria.asp?c=683&a=683&m=10889&l=6488&who=21535 DVB detalha contrapartidas oferecidas ao Brasil]

|align="right"|05 Mar. 2006
|align="right"|05 Mar. 2006
|ACM/CIE | [http://www.acm.org/pubs/cie/jan2006/clips/nicholas_negroponte.mov Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the $100 laptop]
||ACM/CIE | [http://www.acm.org/pubs/cie/jan2006/clips/nicholas_negroponte.mov Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the $100 laptop]

|align="right"|16 Feb. 2006
|align="right"|16 Feb. 2006
|MITIR | [http://web.mit.edu/mitir/podcasts/2006-02-21_Bender_OLPC.mp3 Podcast of Walter Bender's MURJ lecture on One Laptop per Child]
||MITIR | [http://web.mit.edu/mitir/podcasts/2006-02-21_Bender_OLPC.mp3 Podcast of Walter Bender's MURJ lecture on One Laptop per Child]

|align="right"|15 Feb. 2006
|align="right"|15 Feb. 2006
|CNET | [http://news.com.com/PCs+for+the+poor+Which+design+will+win/2100-1003_3-6040019.html PCs for the poor: Which design will win?]
||CNET | [http://news.com.com/PCs+for+the+poor+Which+design+will+win/2100-1003_3-6040019.html PCs for the poor: Which design will win?]

|align="right"|10 Feb. 2006
|align="right"|10 Feb. 2006
|CNET | [http://news.com.com/A+vaporware+battle+royale/2010-1071_3-6037674.html Perspective: Will the $100 PC fly?]
||CNET | [http://news.com.com/A+vaporware+battle+royale/2010-1071_3-6037674.html Perspective: Will the $100 PC fly?]

|align="right"|09 Feb. 2006
|align="right"|09 Feb. 2006
|NYTimes | [http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F70E14F83F5A0C7A8CDDAB0894DE404482 A Plug for the Unplugged $100 Laptop Computer for Developing Nations]
||NYTimes | [http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F70E14F83F5A0C7A8CDDAB0894DE404482 A Plug for the Unplugged $100 Laptop Computer for Developing Nations]

|UPI | [http://www.upi.com/Hi-Tech/view.php?StoryID=20060209-124347-1619r One Laptop Project reaches critical stages]
||UPI | [http://www.upi.com/Hi-Tech/view.php?StoryID=20060209-124347-1619r One Laptop Project reaches critical stages]

|align="right"|31 Jan. 2006
|align="right"|31 Jan. 2006
|Slashdot | [http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/06/01/31/0357225.shtml Microsoft OS Smart Phone for Developing Nations]
||Slashdot | [http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/06/01/31/0357225.shtml Microsoft OS Smart Phone for Developing Nations]

|USA Today | [http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/kevinmaney/2006-01-31-gates_x.htm Gates sees cellphones as way to help Third World]
||USA Today | [http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/kevinmaney/2006-01-31-gates_x.htm Gates sees cellphones as way to help Third World]

|Macworld | [http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/01/31/redhat/index.php Red Hat officially commits to MIT's $100 laptop]
||Macworld | [http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/01/31/redhat/index.php Red Hat officially commits to MIT's $100 laptop]

|align="right"|28 Jan. 2006
|align="right"|28 Jan. 2006
|UNDP | [http://www.undp.org/dpa/pressrelease/releases/2006/20060128-laptop.shtml $100 Laptop Project Moves Closer to Narrowing Digital Divide]
||UNDP | [http://www.undp.org/dpa/pressrelease/releases/2006/20060128-laptop.shtml $100 Laptop Project Moves Closer to Narrowing Digital Divide]

|align="right"|20 Dec. 2005
|align="right"|20 Dec. 2005
|BusinessWeek online | [http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/dec2005/tc20051220_069981.htm Quanta faces challenges in making "millions and millions" of $100 laptops.]
||BusinessWeek online | [http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/dec2005/tc20051220_069981.htm Quanta faces challenges in making "millions and millions" of $100 laptops.]

|align="right"|19 Dec. 2005
|align="right"|19 Dec. 2005
|Forbes.com | [http://www.forbes.com/home/feeds/afx/2005/12/19/afx2400542.html China to decide by March whether to join OneLaptopPerChild project.]
||Forbes.com | [http://www.forbes.com/home/feeds/afx/2005/12/19/afx2400542.html China to decide by March whether to join OneLaptopPerChild project.]

|align="right"|14 Dec. 2005
|align="right"|14 Dec. 2005
|UPI | [http://www.upi.com/Hi-Tech/view.php?StoryID=20051214-042829-9724r Nortel to take part in OneLaptopPerChild endeavor.]
||UPI | [http://www.upi.com/Hi-Tech/view.php?StoryID=20051214-042829-9724r Nortel to take part in OneLaptopPerChild endeavor.]

|align="right"|13 Dec. 2005
|align="right"|13 Dec. 2005
|Red Herring | [http://saiquist.notlong.com Quanta to manufacture laptops; expects deliveries in 2006 4th quarter.]
||Red Herring | [http://saiquist.notlong.com Quanta to manufacture laptops; expects deliveries in 2006 4th quarter.]

|OLPC | [http://laptop.org/2005-1213-olpc.html Quanta Computer Inc. to Manufacture $100 Laptop]
||OLPC | [http://laptop.org/2005-1213-olpc.html Quanta Computer Inc. to Manufacture $100 Laptop]

|align="right"|11 Dec. 2005
|align="right"|11 Dec. 2005
|NYTimes | [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/11/magazine/11ideas_section2-11.html NY Times: 5th Annual Year in Ideas $100 Laptop]
||NYTimes | [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/11/magazine/11ideas_section2-11.html NY Times: 5th Annual Year in Ideas $100 Laptop]

|align="right"|04 Dec. 2005
|align="right"|04 Dec. 2005
|Guardian Unlimited | The $100 laptop question
||Guardian Unlimited | The $100 laptop question

|align="right"|01 Dec. 2005
|align="right"|01 Dec. 2005
|RFDESIGN | [http://rfdesign.com/news/laptops-wireless-connectivity/ $100 Laptops Feature Novel Peer-to-Peer Wireless Connectivity]
||RFDESIGN | [http://rfdesign.com/news/laptops-wireless-connectivity/ $100 Laptops Feature Novel Peer-to-Peer Wireless Connectivity]

|align="right"|30 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|30 Nov. 2005
|FT.com | [http://news.ft.com/cms/s/06810fda-61bf-11da-8470-0000779e2340.html Five companies in Asia making bids to manufacture $100 laptop.]
||FT.com | [http://news.ft.com/cms/s/06810fda-61bf-11da-8470-0000779e2340.html Five companies in Asia making bids to manufacture $100 laptop.]

|align="right"|28 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|28 Nov. 2005
|Fortune Magazine | [http://www.fortune.com/fortune/articles/0,15114,1129896,00.html?promoid=cnnmoney THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: I'd Like to Teach the World to Type]
||Fortune Magazine | [http://www.fortune.com/fortune/articles/0,15114,1129896,00.html?promoid=cnnmoney THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: I'd Like to Teach the World to Type]

|align="right"|25 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|25 Nov. 2005
|People's Daily Online | [http://english.people.com.cn/200511/25/eng20051125_223849.html Nigerian president says government has budgeted for a million $100 laptops.]
||People's Daily Online | [http://english.people.com.cn/200511/25/eng20051125_223849.html Nigerian president says government has budgeted for a million $100 laptops.]

|align="right"|18 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|18 Nov. 2005
|The Electric New Paper | [http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/news/story/0,4136,97523,00.html Gramophone? No, Laptop]
||The Electric New Paper | [http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/news/story/0,4136,97523,00.html Gramophone? No, Laptop]

|align="right"|17 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|17 Nov. 2005
|BBC News | [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4445060.stm UN Debut for $100 Laptop for Poor]
||BBC News | [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4445060.stm UN Debut for $100 Laptop for Poor]

|Seattle Times | [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2002628425_laptop17.html $100 Laptops Aim to Bring Children the World]
||Seattle Times | [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2002628425_laptop17.html $100 Laptops Aim to Bring Children the World]

|TechWhack | [http://news.techwhack.com/2455/171131-mit-unveils-their-usd-100-laptop/ MIT Unveils their USD 100 Laptop]
||TechWhack | [http://news.techwhack.com/2455/171131-mit-unveils-their-usd-100-laptop/ MIT Unveils their USD 100 Laptop]

|TeitB | [http://www.eitb24.com/noticia_en.php?id=105759 100 US Dollar Laptop Computer Launched]
||TeitB | [http://www.eitb24.com/noticia_en.php?id=105759 100 US Dollar Laptop Computer Launched]

|ZDNet | [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/hardware/mobile/0,39020360,39237304,00.htm '$100 Laptops' Here by Next Year]
||ZDNet | [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/hardware/mobile/0,39020360,39237304,00.htm '$100 Laptops' Here by Next Year]

|ABC | [http://abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1508732.htm $100 Laptop Bridges Digital Divide]
||ABC | [http://abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1508732.htm $100 Laptop Bridges Digital Divide]

|Financial Express | [http://www.financialexpress.com/latest_full_story.php?content_id=108887 Laptop @$100!]
||Financial Express | [http://www.financialexpress.com/latest_full_story.php?content_id=108887 Laptop @$100!]

|align="right"|16 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|16 Nov. 2005
|MIT News Office | [http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2005/laptop-1116.html Annan to Present Prototype $100 Laptop at World Summit on Information Society]
||MIT News Office | [http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2005/laptop-1116.html Annan to Present Prototype $100 Laptop at World Summit on Information Society]

|Reuters | [http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyID=2005-11-16T211051Z_01_MCC676182_RtrUKOC_0_US-TUNIS-LAPtop.xml&archived=False Researchers Unveil $100 Laptop for Schoolkids]
||Reuters | [http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyID=2005-11-16T211051Z_01_MCC676182_RtrUKOC_0_US-TUNIS-LAPtop.xml&archived=False Researchers Unveil $100 Laptop for Schoolkids]

|CNET | [http://news.com.com/2300-1028_3-5956458-1.html?part=rss&tag=5956458&subj=news $100 Laptop Takes World Stage]
||CNET | [http://news.com.com/2300-1028_3-5956458-1.html?part=rss&tag=5956458&subj=news $100 Laptop Takes World Stage]

|CNET | [http://news.com.com/100+laptop+expected+in+late+2006/2100-1028_3-5956402.html $100 Laptop Expected in Late 2006]
||CNET | [http://news.com.com/100+laptop+expected+in+late+2006/2100-1028_3-5956402.html $100 Laptop Expected in Late 2006]

|Christian Science Monitor | [http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/1116/p04s01-ussc.html A Low-Cost Laptop for Every Child]
||Christian Science Monitor | [http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/1116/p04s01-ussc.html A Low-Cost Laptop for Every Child]

|ADNKronos International | [http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level.php?cat=Trends&loid=8.0.229499796&par=0 Internet: Wind-Up, Budget Laptop Unveiled]
||ADNKronos International | [http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level.php?cat=Trends&loid=8.0.229499796&par=0 Internet: Wind-Up, Budget Laptop Unveiled]

|align="right"|14 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|14 Nov. 2005
|WSJ | [http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB113193305149696140-442o71jo_IlBrLpyUeeOdsqDs7E_20061113.html The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality]
||WSJ | [http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB113193305149696140-442o71jo_IlBrLpyUeeOdsqDs7E_20061113.html The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality]

|align="right"|13 Nov. 2005
|align="right"|13 Nov. 2005
|The Inquirer | [http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=27646 Hubris over $100 Laptop idea]
||The Inquirer | [http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=27646 Hubris over $100 Laptop idea]

|New York Times | [http://select.nytimes.com/search/restricted/article?res=F20D13F63D5B0C718DDDA90994DD404482 Google Earmarks $265million for Charity and Social Causes]
||New York Times | [http://select.nytimes.com/search/restricted/article?res=F20D13F63D5B0C718DDDA90994DD404482 Google Earmarks $265million for Charity and Social Causes]

|align="right"|13 Oct. 2005
|align="right"|13 Oct. 2005
|Technology Review | [http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/05/10/wo/wo_101305negroponte.asp The Hundred Dollar Man: Technology Review's editor in chief, Jason Pontin, talk with Nicholas Negroponte about the Hundred Dollar Computer.]
||Technology Review | [http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/05/10/wo/wo_101305negroponte.asp The Hundred Dollar Man: Technology Review's editor in chief, Jason Pontin, talk with Nicholas Negroponte about the Hundred Dollar Computer.]

|align="right"|30 Sep. 2005
|align="right"|30 Sep. 2005
|Times Online | A $100 clockwork computer to help the poor to learn
||Times Online | A $100 clockwork computer to help the poor to learn

|align="right"|29 Sep. 2005
|align="right"|29 Sep. 2005
|I4U News | [http://www.i4u.com/article4295.html Sub-$100 Laptop design unveiled]
||I4U News | [http://www.i4u.com/article4295.html Sub-$100 Laptop design unveiled]

|align="right"|28 Sep. 2005
|align="right"|28 Sep. 2005
|Boston Globe | [http://www.boston.com/business/globe/articles/2005/09/28/for_each_poor_child_in_world_a_laptop/ Prototypes of $100 laptop with hand crank planned by early next year.]
||Boston Globe | [http://www.boston.com/business/globe/articles/2005/09/28/for_each_poor_child_in_world_a_laptop/ Prototypes of $100 laptop with hand crank planned by early next year.]

|MIT World | [http://mitworld.mit.edu/video/313/ NN at Technology Review]
||MIT World | [http://mitworld.mit.edu/video/313/ NN at Technology Review]

|align="right"|27 Sep. 2005
|align="right"|27 Sep. 2005
|Datamation | [http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/netsys/article.php/3551746 Low cost PCs for the Enterprise]
||Datamation | [http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/netsys/article.php/3551746 Low cost PCs for the Enterprise]

|align="right"|06 Jun. 2005
|align="right"|06 Jun. 2005
|estadao.com.br | [http://www.link.estadao.com.br/index.cfm?id_conteudo=3915 Cada criança na escola com um laptop a tiracolo]
||estadao.com.br | [http://www.link.estadao.com.br/index.cfm?id_conteudo=3915 Cada criança na escola com um laptop a tiracolo]


Revision as of 15:21, 8 July 2006

  This page is monitored by the OLPC team.


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Press requests: please send email to press at laptop dot org.


06 Jun. 2006 First video with working prototype [1]
28 Jan. 2006 World Economic Forum, Switzerland
UNDP and OLPC Sign Partnership Agreement
news release
13 Dec. 2005 Quanta Computer Inc. to Manufacture Laptop
16 Nov. 2005 WSIS, Tunisia
Prototype Unveiled by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan

Photos: (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)
Webcast: (Arabic) (English) (French) (original)
Webcast provided by the ITU and UN Webcast Services with the support of RealNetworks Ltd. RealPlayer is required to view the webcast (available at no cost).

Jan. 2005 Laptop Intiative Officially Announced at World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland


07 Jul. 2006 San Diego Union-Tribune | U.S. and international educators show great interest in prototype
21 Jun. 2006 BusinessWeek online | For Brazil's Poor, a Digital Deliverance?
24 May 2006 CNET News.com | $100 laptop gets working prototype
07 Apr. 2006 rediff.com | Our $100 laptops will run on human power
02 Apr. 2006 O Estado de S.Paulo | Fazer a diferença
28 Mar. 2006 FT.com | Waking up to a laptop revolution
24 Mar. 2006 Diário do Comércio | Um Laptop por Crianca
22 Mar. 2006 Times Online | Getting the world's poor logged on
09 Mar. 2006 Correio Popular | País disputa fabricação de laptop de US$ 100
  Folha de S. Paulo | Governo quer comprar 1 milhão de laptops
  Info Exame On Line | Governo quer um milhão de laptops de US$ 100
08 Mar. 2006 IDG Now | Faculdade abre programa de inclusão digital para alunos
  Folha de S. Paulo | Governo negocia fabricação do laptop de US$ 100 no Brasil
  Agência Globo | Governo estuda possibilidade de produção de computador de US$ 100 no país
  Teletime News | DVB detalha contrapartidas oferecidas ao Brasil
05 Mar. 2006 ACM/CIE | Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the $100 laptop
16 Feb. 2006 MITIR | Podcast of Walter Bender's MURJ lecture on One Laptop per Child
15 Feb. 2006 CNET | PCs for the poor: Which design will win?
10 Feb. 2006 CNET | Perspective: Will the $100 PC fly?
09 Feb. 2006 NYTimes | A Plug for the Unplugged $100 Laptop Computer for Developing Nations
  UPI | One Laptop Project reaches critical stages
31 Jan. 2006 Slashdot | Microsoft OS Smart Phone for Developing Nations
  USA Today | Gates sees cellphones as way to help Third World
  Macworld | Red Hat officially commits to MIT's $100 laptop
28 Jan. 2006 UNDP | $100 Laptop Project Moves Closer to Narrowing Digital Divide
20 Dec. 2005 BusinessWeek online | Quanta faces challenges in making "millions and millions" of $100 laptops.
19 Dec. 2005 Forbes.com | China to decide by March whether to join OneLaptopPerChild project.
14 Dec. 2005 UPI | Nortel to take part in OneLaptopPerChild endeavor.
13 Dec. 2005 Red Herring | Quanta to manufacture laptops; expects deliveries in 2006 4th quarter.
  OLPC | Quanta Computer Inc. to Manufacture $100 Laptop
11 Dec. 2005 NYTimes | NY Times: 5th Annual Year in Ideas $100 Laptop
04 Dec. 2005 Guardian Unlimited | The $100 laptop question
01 Dec. 2005 RFDESIGN | $100 Laptops Feature Novel Peer-to-Peer Wireless Connectivity
30 Nov. 2005 FT.com | Five companies in Asia making bids to manufacture $100 laptop.
28 Nov. 2005 Fortune Magazine | THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: I'd Like to Teach the World to Type
25 Nov. 2005 People's Daily Online | Nigerian president says government has budgeted for a million $100 laptops.
18 Nov. 2005 The Electric New Paper | Gramophone? No, Laptop
17 Nov. 2005 BBC News | UN Debut for $100 Laptop for Poor
  Seattle Times | $100 Laptops Aim to Bring Children the World
  TechWhack | MIT Unveils their USD 100 Laptop
  TeitB | 100 US Dollar Laptop Computer Launched
  ZDNet | '$100 Laptops' Here by Next Year
  ABC | $100 Laptop Bridges Digital Divide
  Financial Express | Laptop @$100!
16 Nov. 2005 MIT News Office | Annan to Present Prototype $100 Laptop at World Summit on Information Society
  Reuters | Researchers Unveil $100 Laptop for Schoolkids
  CNET | $100 Laptop Takes World Stage
  CNET | $100 Laptop Expected in Late 2006
  Christian Science Monitor | A Low-Cost Laptop for Every Child
  ADNKronos International | Internet: Wind-Up, Budget Laptop Unveiled
14 Nov. 2005 WSJ | The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality
13 Nov. 2005 The Inquirer | Hubris over $100 Laptop idea
New York Times | Google Earmarks $265million for Charity and Social Causes
13 Oct. 2005 Technology Review | The Hundred Dollar Man: Technology Review's editor in chief, Jason Pontin, talk with Nicholas Negroponte about the Hundred Dollar Computer.
30 Sep. 2005 Times Online | A $100 clockwork computer to help the poor to learn
29 Sep. 2005 I4U News | Sub-$100 Laptop design unveiled
28 Sep. 2005 Boston Globe | Prototypes of $100 laptop with hand crank planned by early next year.
  MIT World | NN at Technology Review
27 Sep. 2005 Datamation | Low cost PCs for the Enterprise
06 Jun. 2005 estadao.com.br | Cada criança na escola com um laptop a tiracolo