OLPC talk:News

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Archives: 2006-2008

Erratas & Mistakes

In the Haiti News a Republique do Chile is mentioned, it`s not Chile but HAITI.

First field test to evaluate network completed this Saturday

This Saturday, professor Luiz Claudio Schara Magalhães and students from UFF's Telecommunications Engineering and Computer Science departments went to Itapuaçu, an oceanic beach in Niterói, Brazil, to run the phase one tests, which include range, throughput and latency between two XO's and one XO and one access point, using the AP standard antenna and an 18dbi omnidirectional antenna which may be installed at schools to extend range. Further tests are planned for this Friday, and results will be posted as they become available.

Universidade Federal Fluminense is evaluating XO's mesh network implementation

The mesh network evaluation is being done under the auspices of Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP - [1]), the Brazilian organization funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education. RNP is responsible for providing Internet access to academic and research institutions and it is funding Midiacom Labs ([2]) to develop a low cost mesh network solution. Information about the pilot, which provides free Internet access to students in the vicinity of the Engineering Campus at UFF, can be found at [3]. This technology may be used to create the infrastructure to bring Internet access to the Brazilian schools. Current information on the XO's mesh network tests will be found at [4].

Please add: OLPC-Youth initiative: http://it4yi-wiki.skn.wsinf.edu.pl/YouthandtheOLPCinitiative

$4 million order from Nigeria, Brazil, Argentina, and Thailand: http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7131519895.html

The OLPC spokesperson was misquoted: no agreement had been signed. We continue to cooperate with Thailand, Brasil, Argentina, and Nigeria, but no one has committed to purchase laptops nor has OLPC asked anyone to sign a purchase agreement yet. We apologize for any confusion.Walter 21:50, 1 August 2006 (EDT)

Costa Rica Press Article

Please add the following press article on Costa Rica's press regarding the OLPC initiative. Includes an interview with Prof. Cavallo.


-Adrian Garcia


Colombia Press Article


Translation to Brazilian Portuguese 2 weekends ago

Hi, 2 weekends ago (18 and 19 January) I revised the current and finished missing Brazilian Portuguese translations for Core and Bundle activities in Pootle. Left off was Etoys, which is currently 50% translated. This was following a call for help on irc, so that students in Brazil could take advantage of Update.1 in their native language. I discovered 2 interesting things with the exercise: 1 - That Sugar and the core activities have less text in comparison with other desktops. This is because of the highly iconic and visual nature of Sugar itself, as well as of the activities. This bodes well for the multilingual future of the XO, as a new language, in my own estimates, could be added in a couple of days. 2 - To translate the TamTam series of music and sound activities, I had to follow a crash-course on the theory of sound, thankfully aided by Wikipedia, Wiktionary and a other resources. I immediately learned how deep they could be, following the philosophy of "a low floor" and "a high ceiling" that all the activities should target for, since it frees students to delve as deep and wider as they which into the subject matter, in this case in the appreciation of sound and music. HoboPrimate 22:54, 2 February 2008 (EST)

G1G1 passes German customs / Awesome battery

Just wanted to let folks know that I got my G1G1 XO through German customs. They had me open the box because they were curious. They put "green laptop" on the form for "item entering the EU". The letters sent by OLPC and signed by Negroponte explaining the price policy were worth gold, as they only assessed my value-added tax on $199, not on $399, and there were no import duties imposed (yeah!). And now for the good news about the battery: my brother charged it in the States fully, it was 10 days in transit, and still had 75% battery showing when I first booted it up! That quickly went to 50% as I began fussing with Flash videos (that wouldn't load). Now I gotta find that US-to-European converter. Thank you for making the adapter handle 110-240V! WiseWoman 10:54, 15 February 2008 (EST)

Please link Trac tickets when you can

Try using the nifty Template:Trac by User:Katie eg rfe (Trac #5269) Thanks,Adricnet 08:22, 20 February 2008 (EST)


The news as of 2/22/08 is very interesting, but also very light on links to more information / details. More links would certainly be appreciated -- dave stanford 08:52, 22 February 2008 (EST)

Dave, Thanks for your input. If you have specific suggestions for links, please add them here, or if you need help finding things you could hop on IRC or mail help at laptop dot org. Lots more options at eg Support. Thanks,

Adricnet 05:23, 2 March 2008 (EST)

Please add this link to olpcnews.com --SvenAERTS 22:07, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

Added content from Community-news

I added a news update in what I hope was an acceptably wikified format from Kim's post to community-news ... hope this is OK

Hobart 15:02, 28 April 2008 (EDT)
Thanks, Hobart, that's great. See also the talk at OLPC:Newsroom. --Sj talk 15:05, 28 April 2008 (EDT)

Old sections archived

I archived some of the old sections.

Improving community-news generation and coverage

We're talking about better ways to track and cover community news; feel free to add your thoughts on the same below. sj

Here's one possibility, for adding comments/news items to this page: <inputbox> type=comment default=OLPC talk:News width=20 height=10 buttonlabel=Add new news blurb bgcolor=#fffcf9 preload=Template:New news item break=yes align=left editintro=Template:News item headertext </inputbox>

This is a news item test. Just a test! sj   10:00, 9 June 2008 (EDT)
'   '

Glastonbury 08: XOs power GreenCyberPod

{{Powered by Solar chargers and using 5 XOs loaned by the OLPC project we have set up an internet access point in the Glastonbury Festival Green Futures field. This is England and it is Glastonbury so it is intermittently raining and cloudy but the Green Radio team - thanks to Ricardo Radio - have a bank of 6 solar panels, which are generally providing enough power to recharge the batteries. The Glastonbury wifi is WPA, and very intermittent, so connectivity is courtesy of the truly wonderful Olly Lawrence from GreenPeace International who has rigged us up a subnet from the GP source.

Trade is steady - proceeds will go to OLPC (but the contribution won't register I suspect) - and there is a lot of interest in the XO from the slightly startled festival goers.

Pics to follow

|submitter= pete cranston |date= 28th June, 08 |topic= news |summary= }}


2009 anyone? The page is locked or I would drag it into the now myself :-). -- 17:22, 23 January 2009 (UTC)