Revision as of 18:16, 31 January 2008 by Rmyers (talk | contribs) (added question about wifi-radar)
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why bother with system-config-services, when one can simply use chkconfig?

Anyone else having trouble with Gtk*** cannot open display because of an MIT_MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authentication error? It happens when I add wifi-radar -d to the automatically starting applications and disable the network manager. I notice that I am no longer XX-XX-XX-XX but localhost and thereafter dhcppc3 (once wifi-radar connects)?

I am losing the mouse cursor in XFCE, after following the instructions exactly. Everything works - it's just that the mouse cursor disappears, making everything a bit pointless. Any ideas?

Wifi-Radar and Connectivity

Is anybody using Wifi-Radar successfully? If so, with what sort of network connection? Is anybody successfully using another method?

I am able to connect to my personal WAP using the method described on the Wireless Association page. I've created a script as follows (run as root):

/sbin/dhclient -r #turn off dhcp if on
/sbin/service NetworkManager stop
/sbin/service network stop
/sbin/iwconfig eth0 essid "mywapname" key 26hexdigitkey
sleep 5 #iwconfig comes right back, let connection settle
/sbin/dhclient -1 eth0

This proves I can connect, but is obviously not a great long term solution.

When I run wifi-radar it fails to establish a DHCP connection. It fails so poisonously that I have to turn the XO off before my script will connect again. I am running my WAP with WEP 26 digit passoword.

Thanks - Rmyers (Bob Myers)