OLPC-NL news

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  • Feb 16th 2008 - 14:00h Our 3rd OLPC-NL meeting, this time taking place in Leiden - Read more. Bine 15:51, 25 January 2008 (EST)
  • Jan 26th 2008 - 20:30h IRC conference on sponsoring for our expenses / organisational issues on #olpc-nl Read more. Bine 15:51, 25 January 2008 (EST)
  • Jan 25th 2008 - 20:30h Hands-on Workshop sugerjhbuilding in Leiden. Read more.
  • Our 2nd OLPC NL meeting took place on Saturday, January 19th 2008, starting at 2 pm, at the Mensenvereniging Wolbodo (Sociëteit NOVUM), Verwersdijk 102, 2611 NK Delft. We were this time less people than in Amsterdam - around 20 in total - but had excellent presentations from Reinier on how to get involved into software development for OLPC (see his slides at the meetings page, a presentation from Harrie and Geertie, who are going on a 6 month trip through Asia, visiting OLPC projects and trying to contribute, a presentation by Frits, who gave insight into mobile learning and compared several products on the market as well as a stand-up presentation of Pascal on content production (on health issues) and one of Ewoud, on his ideas on dutch pilots and the possibilities for XOs in the Dutch education system. This afternoon was less stuffed with presentations and we had a great time sitting together and having relaxed conversations with each other on what we are working on and exchanging ideas. Everyone is invited to update the Wiki with subjects that have been discussed (and all other ideas of course as well). Harrie & Geertie as well as Reinier have already added their presentations / information on the projects and meeting pages. Also, Yomo and his friends got in contact with Arline about cooperating in her Give Many activity for Suriname. Bine 15:50, 25 January 2008 (EST)
  • Our 2nd OLPC NL meeting will take place on Saturday, January 19th 2008, starting at 2 pm, at the Mensenvereniging Wolbodo (Sociëteit NOVUM), Verwersdijk 102, 2611 NK Delft (directions; 10 minutes walk from Delft trainstation; parking: Paardenmarkt, along Phoenixstraat or in the parking garages Phoenixstraat or Zuidpoort). If you like to do a presentation on what you've been working on or introduce ideas, please add your topic to the meeting agenda. We will have a beamer and wireless network available. Foremost we want to have a 'gezellige knutselmiddag' in groups - again for newbies as well as for people that are already involved with OLPC. A number of XOs will be available for playing around. We hope to be a again a well mixed group of people with different backgrounds (technical, pedagogical, etc.). Bine 03:56, 10 January 2008 (EST)
  • The first OLPC NL meeting was a great success. Lots of people showed up, there were some presentation and a lot of discussion and networking. It was a very interesting mix of people, together we should have what it takes to make interesting things happen. There were people interested in content, coding, lobbying, organisation and several people will be trying to get more XOs available in the Netherlands soon. The 7 XOs in the room gave everyone there a chance to play with them.
  • Our first OLPC NL meeting will take place on Saturday, December 15th 2007, starting at 2 pm, at the 'Canvas op de 7e' (Horeca & Exhibitions), Wibautstraat 150 (oude Volkskrant gebouw), Amsterdam; 7th floor. Bine 18:52, 30 November 2007 (EST)
  • For more OLPC information join the dutch site olpc.be, we are just starting up, 4 January 2008

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