Welcome to the OLPC Health Portal. We are an interdisciplinary group of projects working on medical-related software, hardware, and content for the XO.
Getting involved
We're always interested in hearing from, talking with, and collaborating with others with similar interests. No particular experience is required - just a passion for OLPC and the medical field and a willingness to learn. We're all constantly learning from and teaching each other.
If you are interested in what we are doing, most of our discussions take place on the Library mailing list, and the best way to join the conversation is to join the list and introduce yourself. Also check out the resources below and add yourself to the /People list.
- /People - volunteers involved in Health related projects.
Health subteams
Health Content
We are working to create a comprehensive set of health modules that are localized to each of the target countries. Over the next several months we will be working to find partners to donate content appropriate for the laptop. We will use that content as a starting point, localizing and extending it to meet the needs of the children in the target countries.
Health Software
Health Hardware
Health Translations
Health Training
Old stuff to move
- Health Reference Libary
- Port of the XTerm Medical Database
- Various relevant wikislices
- Hesperian Documents like "Where there is no Doctor"
- Relevant multimedia
- TeleHealth Parameterization Activity
- Pictograph based multiple-choice questions
- "click where it hurts..."
- Parameterize medical/health information into machine parseable xml
- TeleHealth Module
- USB Peripheral providing vital sign information to the XO
Help wanted
When you post a Help Wanted item, please post a contact person whom interested people can get in touch with, along with an expiration date so we can remove outdated postings.
Public health workers
We are looking for people who have public health experience in a target country (Libya, Rwanda, Nigeria, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, or Thailand) to please insert what help you are looking for here, along with contact information.
Linguists needed
We are looking for people who speak a language from a target country (Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Arabic, Kinyarwanda, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Thai). please insert what help you are looking for here, along with contact information.
Electrical engineering mentor
The IMSA chapter is looking for electrical engineers, preferably in the Chicago area or willing to mentor long-distance, to help review sensor-input peripheral designs by students. Contact Scott Swanson. Expires May 1, 2008.
Open tasks
- Create a health OBX for interested participants to mark themselves with (should add people to a "Health People" category, or similar
- Create an outline for the content we want on the laptop; link to it from this page