OLPC India Student Chapter

Revision as of 20:05, 12 March 2008 by Gaurav (talk | contribs)
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OLPC India Student Chapter is an organization whose primary aim is to spread awareness about OLPC in India and unite the student manpower of various universities, colleges and schools. The organization was formed on 5th February 2008 at a seminar in Panjab University, Chandigarh. Also, the organization is running various projects of content development for XO users, currently targeting only the Hindi language.

The Formation

The OLPC Student Chapter was formed on 5th February 2008 at a seminar in engineering department of Panjab University, Chandigarh. The seminar was presided by Dr. Daljit Singh (Former Counselor (Science & Tech.), Embassy of India in USA) and Dr. US Shivhare (Editor, International Journal of Food Technology, USA). A presentation on OLPC was delivered by three students of engineering department. The OLPC project got overwhelming response of the audience (numbering about 100 people) and the organization came into effect.

The Presentation

The powerpoint presentation that was delivered on 5th February 2008 is available HERE for download.

A half an hour video of the presentation is uploaded on Google Video and can be viewed HERE (As the lights were turned off during the presentation, video is not clear but audio is clear enough).


The Student Chapter has initiated its first Project - Animal Kingdom. The aim is to develop a local website that can be made available on local servers of schools and teachers can share this content bundle with the XO users according to the daily course; so that internet connectivity is no hurdle.

For more details on OLPC India Student Chapter Animal Project, go to OISC Projects:Animals

Share Your Views & Be a Part of OLPC

Please share your comments & suggestions HERE.

A Great Google Tool

The Google Indic Tranliteration is a great tool to type in Hindi without knowing Hindi keyboard layout. Anybody working in Hindi can benefit from this.


The founder members are Gaurav Chachra, Rahul Vats & Bhola Nath.

The complete list of members is available HERE.