Talk:Story Jam New York

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What we need

  • Space ( and a date and max # of people ) - DONE -
  • Equipment (film, video, sound, editing... screening)
  • People (and people to coordinate people)
  • Food. Plenty of it.
  • Swag, if we can get it - tshirts? silkscreen-your-own?


  • marantz (handheld) audio recorder - as many as possible
  • microphone (for spot interviews) - as many as possible
  • large display (or projector) for displaying rapidsms - this would be on the main wall when you walk into UNICEF as a NOC - so you could actually see what people are doing, completed, send out sms's to groups of people (all people working on project x) etc.
  • another display (or projector) for demoing additional products - so in total, at least 2 projectors; more would be nice (3-5 optimal)
  • seth was also thinking about projecting in reverse onto the back of some white paper on the window with something like : call this number to record your story... basically making it a fishbowl kind of thing
  • butcher paper, markers, and drywall tape for impromptu signs throughout the weekend
  • making sure there is guest wireless - even if there isn't much bandwidth for it - downstairs during the Jam

Tech development

Mizizi and roscoe sound like the primary targets here. How many new developers (temporary, 3-day) can you accommodate, what can they do, what knowledge/experience should they have (we can require a quick test in the application to screen for this but it shouldn't be a problem), and what kind of development/resources needs to be done so they can hack?

If you have trac instances or some other type of "developers' center" for people to go to, with some tutorials, this is probably the easiest way to get started. I can help you find programmers to beta test these resources in the weeks leading up to the Jam.

For hardware hacking, NYCresistor is an excellent group to talk to (also: the local Make group, Dorkbot, and folks at NYU's ITP, and other places). Checking to see if they're interested - but ditto on the "where are schematics? where is code" type questions, above. We need to make sure folks have something good and solid to hack on.

Point people

  • Space - cfabian
  • Registration/communication - mchua
  • Filming/showing - NEEDED (
  • Food/open-space - NEEDED (Julian?)
  • Tech development - ewheeler & mejymejy

should contact
