Story Jam New York/Results

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All photos in the gallery below were taken by Henry Edward Hardy.

Digital school in a box

  • Brainstormed use-case scenarios with Team Content Awesome
  • Hardware discussion/presentation with OLPC people on IRC on what kind of hardware could be used (type, price, space, power consumption, and eventually links to actual equipment you could buy - largely based on using XOs as the School In A Box's computers)

Mchua 02:34, 1 April 2008 (EDT)

Story recording

I had the privilege of interviewing a number of the developers who were writing code this weekend - hearing the stories of how they started out in programming, their thoughts on software and education, what they do outside of code - was endlessly fascinating. Chalk up more stories for the story library! Mchua 02:34, 1 April 2008 (EDT)