User:Mstone/Notes/Localization 1

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In order to qualify a release for a locale, we must consider whether we "have correct <noun>" or / "can correctly <verb>" each of:

  • power adapters
  • certifications
  • keyboard silkscreening
  • ???
  • keyboard maps for X + the Linux virtual terminals
  • locale/collation data
  • render text in the correct direction
  • layout complex orthography
  • free fonts
  • input methods
  • multi-language configuration
  • translations of the UI and important pieces of content
  • dictionaries + spellchecking
  • 'sensitivity' checks for offensive words/concepts
  • QA resources sufficient to maintain these items according to our software support policies for the release.
  • deployment guide
  • issue escalation path
  • country-provided rollout plan??
  • ???

A separate issue which must be agreed upon by all of us is which of these items are necessary to qualify a build and keyboard for deployment at scale XXX.