
Revision as of 03:40, 8 November 2006 by (talk)
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This is Vserver 6257 Hello Walter or Mokurai. Yes I guess I can edit your page you also once you read what I am to say delete it.

I find you very rude and very unfeeling for the kind people that have envoked the thought of a computer for the poor!

I suggest you change your way of thinking. You are a develpoer. I am a CEO that has taken the time to get OLPC into shape.

'People like you take orders from people like me!'

There have been goals set for all those that post on this site. If you fail to produce you will suffer great program and computer status losses by a user greater then your self.

I have taken the time to edit some of your comments as we are having very important vistors this month to this site.

You have had yours fun now it is time to work.

Accept the changes I made and keep moving.

Change your tone! 11.7.06 Thank you V6257

AKA Edward Cherlin

גרשון בן יסעף

Эдуард Георгеевич Черлын




AIM or ICQ chat: mokurai

408 219 4178

When I wrote a guide for new Internet users at Newbie.Net, there were three questions I couldn't answer:

I'm contributing information on countries and languages here, including writing systems, fonts, keyboard layouts, sources of literature, and other items of interest. I will be adding material on education and on the other impacts of the Laptop besides in education. It will have major effects in social development, health, economic opportunity, politics, and other important areas.


Buddhist priest, software developer, market researcher, technical writer, Peace Corps volunteer, cook, goatherd, music teacher...

I edited the Geode processor manuals for National Semiconductor, before they sold the product line to AMD. (The Laptop contains an AMD Geode processor.)

Languages: Hebrew, German, Latin, Russian, French, Swahili, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Sanskrit, Pali, Classical Greek, Lojban, Klingon

Programming languages: APL, LISP/Scheme, FORTH, SNOBOL, FORTRAN, COBOL, Algol, Java, C, C++, Pascal, Smalltalk, Python, scripting languages. And I'm learning Squeak.


Free/Open Source Software: I-APL, Open Voting Consortium, others


Science Check out Astronomy Picture of the Day and the world's biggest telescopes, for neutrinos gravity waves.

Co-founder of global anti-spam organization, The Coalition Against UCE (Unsolicited Commercial E-mail)

Music: Yale Concert Band and Marching Band, clarinet; First Prize, Classical, in first-ever Foreigner's Korean Music contest of the Korea Herald on gayageum; Slavyanka Russian Chorus; Music Around the World pre-school multilingual music program; banjo, recorders, spoons, piano, harpsichord

Simputer: Simple, inexpensive, multilingual computer for poor people

Village telemedicine over wireless

Science Fiction: John Brunner would have loved this project if he had lived to see it. Check out Stand on Zanzibar (includes national development projects in fictional countries), The Shockwave Rider (integrated disaster recovery and sustainable communities), The Sheep Look Up (environmental catastrophe), and The Stone that Never Come Down (What if people couldn't ignore information they have?).

Geek code GAT d-- s+:+ a+++ C++ UL++ P+ L+++ E- W++ N+++@ o+ K++ M+ b+++ e+++ h---- r+++ w--- APL++++ House+++

en This user is a native speaker of English.