Talk:Multi channel battery charger

Revision as of 21:29, 6 October 2008 by JoshSeal (talk | contribs)
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Hi all,

I'm working on a small independent deployment (80-100 laptops) in rural Nigeria where we're going to have little to no grid power available, and we're tentatively set to build a solar array and deep-cycle dry cell battery power storage solution. We are going to need either a laptop or laptop battery charging solution to make all of the generated/stored power useful in charging XO's.

This looks nifty and cost effective, any idea when these will be ready for market? One page said late 2008, does this still hold?

Any feedback would be much appreciated!

Thanks, Dan

Dan, I know the battery charger is still in development. I think work is going well, but I am unaware of a date when they will be available. Can you explain your setup some more - I develop peripheral hardware for OLPC (employed by another company) and I'm always interested to learn more about deployment environments. If you send me an email < josh (at) loptop (dot) org > I can send you a product concept pdf that would be interesting to get your feedback on. JoshSeal