OLPC Uganda

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Kayiwafred is starting OLPC Uganda. In Uganda there are many tribes and languages but the most spoken local language is Luganda. However, each region has got its local language but the official language country wide is English and this makes it easy for the primary kid in school to learn the OLPC

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I agree but for initial roll out or deployment, laptops with English only would be fine. There is a strong desire in Uganda children from a very young age to learn and improve their English skills. LUganda and English are both taught in all secondary and primary schools, in Buganda Region which is the biggest in Uganda

Larger issues in Corruption and Ignorance are corruption and a fairly substantial commitment to and investment in "hand-me-down" obsolete hardware, technologies and proprietary software by the government and existing NGO's.

Educational or other institutions need to be educated on the value of adopting and supporting new and cutting edge technologies and projects like OLPC.

Reliable internet access is no longer an issue, a free internet initiative is spreading WiFi over many schools. The only issue is getting computers to the students.

Major Languages

Source: Ethnologue

  • Ganda [lug] 3,015,980
  • Nyankore [nyn] 1,643,193
  • Chiga [cgg] 1,391,442
  • Soga [xog] 1,370,845
  • Lango [laj] 977,680
  • Teso [teo] 999,537
  • Tooro [ttj] 488,024
