
Revision as of 15:26, 11 January 2009 by Nrp (talk | contribs) (rsa)
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I am Nirav Patel, currently an Electrical and Computer Engineering student at Carnegie Mellon University. Most of my OLPC related activities are documented at my website: My ssh public key can be found at

Google Summer of Code

I participated in GSoC 2008 with OLPC. My project was developing a camera and computer vision library. My implementation was through adding a camera module and several computer vision functions to Pygame. While it is available in the Pygame repository, it will not be released until Pygame 1.9.0 in early to mid 2009.

You can track historical updates for the summer with my Weekly Updates.

Student Technology Outreach

I am a program coordinator at STOC, a club at Carnegie Mellon University. We are building up an Activity development team, and should have some wonderful things out soon.



Daniel Drake and I wrote this during the OLPC Physics Game Jam. It is currently being rewritten by STOC.


Donald Cober and I wrote this during the Yahoo! University Hack Day at CMU. It is going to be rewritten by either STOC early next year, or me during winter break 2008-2009.


I helped Wade Brainerd with the videopaint portion of the activity. This is something that will be improved upon when I have more free time.


Nifty little camera demo that makes live capture look like pointillism. It is basically just a demo for the pygame camera module.