OLPC-Ph/Pilot/Projects/Discovery Sessions

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Welcome to OLPC-ph Program Activity for GK Sagip Kids

About Sagip

Program Goal

Activity Plan/Schedule

  • Week 1: Introduction of XO to teachers,volunteers and Sagip kids on XO software and hardware.
    • Activity overview: OLPC-ph team will do the XO presentation to kick-off the GK Sagip pilot. We'll introduce OLPC to teachers and Sagip kids before doing the XO demo and its activities. The team will run several activities to show to the teachers, volunteers and Sagip kids.

<Week 5...6...etc...>


  • We look forward to....

Class Meetings

  • May 30, 2009


  • <this can be a values integration ...eg. share your experience to your siblings or family...>

Future Plan