EKindling/Projects/Remote Pilot Deployment in Lubang

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Remote Pilot: Lubang, Philippines

eKindling is collaborating with OLPC-Australia and OLPC-NZ(New Zealand) in bringing the first remote school Pilot in the Philippines. This will also be made possible through the generous fund raising and contributions by former National Computer Center-Philippines graduates with the leadership of Meg Simpson. The goal is to deploy 100 laptops to 4 classrooms in the school.

School Profile

Lubang Integrated School

  • Information on Lubang: [1]
  • Location: Barangay Araw at Bituin Lubang, Philippines
  • Total Number of Students in the School: 603
  • Number of Students who will participate in the program: 93
  • Number of Teachers participating: 7
  • Number of computers in the classroom: 2
  • Internet Connection: Wired, Broadband
  • Accessibility of the School from Metro Manila: 30mins. by Plane, 7 hours by ship

Collaborating Members and Institutions (pls. add additional information)

  • Ryan Letada: eKindling, Philippines
  • Harvy Viray: University of the Philippines
  • Tessa Yuvienco: Headway School
  • Mitch Seaton: OLPC-Australia
  • OLPC-New Zealand
  • Cherry Withers: eKindling, USA
  • Meg Simpson: National Computer Center Alumni
  • Col. Sanchez: Lubang Mayor

Project Checklist

  • Initial Deployment Checklist: Done by Mitch Seaton, Meg Simpson & Col. Sanchez. Date: 8/26/2009
  • Lubang Consultation Visit: Ryan Letada, Tessa Yuvienco & Harvy Viray. Date: 11/24/2009-11/26/2009
  • Curriculum Integration Development and Moodle Set-up