Game development

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Some notes on game development for various portable platforms. Quotes below from Wikipedia unless otherwise noted.

Palm OS

  • Interface: touchscreen
  • Development tools include "CASL, AppForge Crossfire (which uses C#) and Handheld Basic or HB++ (which uses Visual Basic)... A Java Run time Environment is also available for the Palm OS platform, however it isn't shipped as standard on non-Treo[s]" and Plua, which requires an additional runtime to be installed.
    • Garnet, Cobalt
    "Palm OS Garnet applications are primarily coded in C/C++. There's an open source compiler tool chain prc-tools, based on an old gcc. PRC-Tools lacks several of CodeWarrior's features... a version is included in the Palm OS Developer Suite (PODS). OnBoardC is a C compiler that runs on the Palm itself." Wikipedia 1
    "Palm OS Cobalt applications are coded in a variation of gcc, but the compilers have fewer limitations."

PPC platforms


Interface: keyboard, touchscreen, arrow key/wheel



Released by Sony in America in march in 2005 and in september 2005 in Europe and Australasia. The PSP has a large screen and the is a directional pad, analog stick and the playstation face buttons. There are also two shoulder buttons and interface control buttons (start, select and volume control).

There are also peripherals to add different inputs to the PSP

  • microphone
  • camera
  • gps unit

See Also