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XO-1 and XO-1.5

On an XO-1 or XO-1.5 with OLPC OS 10.1.3:

  • switch to GNOME,
  • connectu should see a file called "skype" — double-click it.


Not yet available, check with Skype for latest news or devel list discussion.

Options - Sound Devices

Audio does not work immediately. Adjust the options to make the microphone work:

  • click the tiny Skype button in the bottom-left of the main Skype window, choose "Options", and in the list of categories on the left, click on "Sound Devices",
  • on the right, click the drop-down box next to "Microphone" and select "HDA VIA VT82xx, CONEXANT Analog (hw:0,0)" for XO-1.5, and "CS5535 Audio (hw:Audio,0)" for XO-1,
  • click "Apply" at the bottom,
  • test the setting with the "Make a test call" option.

Options - Video Devices

On an XO-1.5, video should work immediately. To test, go to "Video Devices" and click the "Test" button in the black box.

See Also