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Assembly notes

See C. Scott's notes below.


With just the chip mounted, the following command should work as a smoke test:

avrdude -c usbtiny -patmega32u4 -U flash:r:test.hex

(Do this as root if you must, then see XO Stick for how to fix this.)

Once the crystal, 18pF capacitors, and USB components are mounted, install the arduino bootloader by:

  1. opening the arduino IDE
  2. selecting "USBtinyISP" under Tools > Programmer
  3. selecting "Arduino Leonardo" under Tools > Board
  4. selecting Tools > Burn Bootloader (this takes a while. watch the status line in the arduino IDE)

C. Scott's notes

Notes on XOrduino v4 boards:

- avoid tab on usb connector, move to body
- N/C jumpers turned out N/O (scratch sensor board)

.- merge 5V and +5V nets

- C5/C7 too close together (and too close to C9) & need polarity marks
- C11/C13 needs polarity mark (or to be unpolarized)
- flip RN3?
- audio jack footprints are wrong.  and drill holes overlap for top&bottom
- just use tip and sleeve(gnd) on audio jack (leave ring(s) disconnected)
  use 1/8" instead of 3/32"?
  digikey CP1-3523N-ND $0.39480 qty 100 (stereo, no switch)
- right angle pot is right but don't need strain relief holes, need knob (shorter handle?)

.- mini USB jack silkscreen on wrong side .- mini USB just a tiny bit too close to pcb plug

- mounting hole clearances too small:
- add front nose skid (near where audio jack currently sits?)
- potentiometer footprint 
- add light sensors and/or bumper switches somehow
  light sensors pointed at the wheels?
- add labels to new arduino 1.0 pins (SCL/SDA above AREF)
- add breakoff tabs to thicken USB plug (by reset pin, two deep)
- solder spot under AVR is unnecessary
- male header strip should be female for arduino headers
  1x S7004-ND (6 pin)
  2x S4008-ND (non-stock) or S7006-ND (8 pin)
  1x S7043-ND (10 pin) or S7008-ND (should be cheaper, but isn't)
- ISP header needs pin 1 indication, label.
- Yellow LEDs don't have a flat side!
- add LED polarity silkscreen
- remove solder mask on solder jumper center
- replace 2x7 shorting header w/ 1x7 signal header and array of
  shorting jumpers

NOTE THAT ATmega32u4 should be placed upside down. (rotate it?)

TESTED: xorduino can be programmed w/ nothing mounted but the chip and the ISP header.

See also

XO Stick